We are afterall, only human

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Chapter 15 - we are after all, only human

Three months later

Elizabeth stood naked and looked at her changing body in the mirror. She rubbed then rested her hand upon her slightly swollen stomach. How things had changed.

She and Blake had married as soon as the bruises on her face had healed, and it had been the best day of her life. A day spent surrounded by her family and friends, the day her life was intertwined with his forever.

She could never have predicted when they first met she would be able to call him her own. Her husband! And now, she was quietly confident that she had his babe growing in her belly.

The wedding took place on a sunny Sunday afternoon, in the local chapel by her home. She wore a gown of white and ivory lace, with a train that was beautifully long and not nearly practical. Her brother, sister, mother and aunt where present, the Captain who she owed her life too, and Blake's sister Elise had made it to the ceremony. Josie, Freya and her Mother had made it too. Robbie had walked her down the aisle in place of her their beloved father. She could only hope and believe that he was watching, and would approve of the man she loved.

It was not as big a wedding as perhaps the Earl of Arrington should have had, he assured her everyone he wanted to be present was, and that the rest of society would forgive his decision once they met the new Countess, Lady Arrington.

That she had to get used to. Lady Arrington.

She had resigned herself to a life lived alone and unmarried, and how glad she was that that idiotic thought was behind her. She smiled to herself. Her life was perfect. She had a husband who loved her and showed her just how much every day and every night, several times, for long tedious hours. And a beautiful new home and a growing family of her own.

She strolled back to the bed, their bed where the spent every night together, their bed where they got little sleep. Ofcourse they had separate chambers, connected by a dressing room but not once had they slept separately and they never would. She smiled a knowing smile and reached for the single red rose that lay on his pillow and the note accompanying it.


This morning I thought I would let you sleep. You looked so peaceful I didn't dare wake you. I had to attend to some business and meet with the tenants. I will be back before supper to show you how missed you were today.

Your Husband

She held the rose and inhaled deeply. How lucky she was. She pinched herself several times in weeks since the wedding In case it was all dream. They had spent 3 weeks on their honeymoon, Everyday abed exploring and learning everything about each other's bodies. She knew he had a sensitive spot on his jaw that made him moan and that it sent her wild when he stroked the length of her legs, particularly behind her knee.

Oh how she wished he was here now, just thinking of him did things to her, now she would be unsettled until she could wrap herself around his glorious body once more.

Once dressed, with the help of Mary who had come with her to her new home, Lizzie made her way downstairs. Her new home was huge, bigger than Whittlefield park, but luckily not too far, a day's ride. She sat down to write to her sister.

Dearest Victoria,

I am sorry I have not written sooner, I have finally settled in at Arrington Hall. I cannot wait for you to visit. It's so beautiful, perhaps twice the size of home but I am slowly becoming adept to running a house hold so large. It was all pretty terrifying to begin with, but I've never been so happy. I have more news that I can't keep to myself a moment more. I am with child! I am certain. I have yet to see the doctor or tell anyone so I beg you keep it to yourself. You are the only one to know. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me. A family of my own. I hope you are as happy as I in your new home and married life, I know you will be. Please won't you and your husband visit soon.

An Earls lie or a scoundrels promiseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang