31-Day MCSM One Shot Challeng...

By FanfictionalWarrior

15.8K 553 568

This is a challenge I will be doing, starting the 1st of February. I have to write a MCSM Oneshot every day... More

This Month's Challenge!
By Your Side
Actions Have Consequences
A Long Journey
Dark Dreams
Starry Skies
A Birthday Wish
Making Choices
Building Fear
Barely Holding On
Unfamiliar Sights
Rainy Days
Ice Cold
A Second Too Late
Falling Behind
Withering Away
Seeking Revenge
Off Track
Glowing Eyes
Golden Sunset
Best Friends
Slivers of Hope
A Step Too Far
Feeling Adventurous
Eerie Silence
As Time Ticks By
Taken By Surprise
Mistakes Were Made
Smiling Broadly

Feeling Betrayed

545 16 50
By FanfictionalWarrior

Lukas smiled to himself, feeling his ocelot's tail curl around his leg as the small animal rubbed against him. He bent down, stroking the ocelot's sleek coat and making him purr.

After giving the ocelot a few more pats, Lukas stood up straight again, returning his attention to the list he held in his hands. He almost had everything.

The ocelot jumped on Lukas's bed beside the open suitcase that was lying on it, swishing his spotted tail as he watched his master work around the tiny cabin.

Lukas scratched him behind his ears again as he came walking back to the suitcase with a wrapped package in his hands. The ocelot watched curiously as Lukas placed the package in his suitcase as well, fitting it in neatly like he was merely adding a piece to a puzzle.

Lukas put the list down again, walking back across the cabin to pick up the copy of his latest book. His mouth curved into a fresh smile, feeling excited to eventually share what he had created, with the others.

"No, no." Lukas said, gently shooing his ocelot away from the wrapped package he was pawing at. "That for Jesse's birthday, don't damage it."

The ocelot tilted his heat to the side, twitching his whiskers. The he just yawned, walking over to Lukas's bed's pillow, curling on on it.

Placing the book in as well, Lukas closed to the suitcase. He couldn't wait to leave the next morning.

Walking over to the window, Lukas rested his elbows on the sill and dreamily stared out at the forest. Orange leaves floated down from trees as the wind steadily tore them off. A beautiful autumn afternoon, going on evening.

The next day Lukas would be riding out to Beacontown to meet up with his four friends for the first time in months. Most of the Order members have all gone their separate ways, the exception being Jesse and Petra who were travelling together.

Lukas missed them all dearly, even though he could never imagine giving up the peaceful life in the woods.

A strange, unsettled mewl from his ocelot made Lukas turn around. The ocelot had stood up on the pillow and was now flicking his tail from side to side in annoyance. His fur stood on end.

"What's wrong?" Lukas asked him as the ocelot let out another hiss, staring directly at the door.

Pulling away from the window, Lukas was about to walk over to his ocelot when he heard something. The crunching of leaves beneath what sounded like boots, soon followed by the creaking of his porch's wooden steps.

And then the person knocked.

Lukas frowned, it being the first time he's ever had a visitor all the way out there. In the autumn season as well, who would have gone so far out just to see him? He was going to see all his friends the next day after all, so it wouldn't be them.

The person knocked again, almost hesitantly this time. No doubt they could see that Lukas was home by the smoke rising from his cottage's chimney.

Shaking his head to pull himself back to reality, Lukas walked over to the door. He hesitated slightly, but then unlocked it and pulled it open.

Immediately he took a step back, caught off guard by the person who was standing on his porch.

Their clothes were ragged and filthy like they haven't worn anything else for days, complimenting the dirt on their skin. Skin covered in scars, old wounds that long since been healed. Hair tussled and dirty.

Had it not been for the two familiar green eyes, Lukas might not have recognised the face staring back at them.

"That surprised to see me?" Aiden asked gruffly, shoving his hands back into his pockets. "I don't blame you. How many years has it even been?"

"What are you doing here?" Lukas immediately asked him. "We left you and you and the other two back with the people of sky city."

"Yes, and we rotted away in their dungeons for years to come." Aiden responded. "Separated from the others, I don't know if they're still locked up or free as well. But they let me go."

A strong gust of wind tugged on Aiden's battered clothing, causing him to grit his teeth slightly. Lukas could immediately tell he was cold by the way he huddled into the rags that once was his leather jacket. Not about to let the man on his doorstep continue shivering, Lukas stepped back and held the door open for Aiden to come in.

Aiden hesitated, but then accepted the invite. He mumbled a thanks, stepping into the cosy cottage.

"Didn't take me long to find you." Aiden said as Lukas closed the door behind him. "Just had to ask around a bit. Was surprised to hear the Order are all scattered about."

Lukas just nodded, uncertain what to say. He could tell his former friend was beating around the bush with his short, blunt sentences.

"Mind if I ask why you came looking for me specifically?" Lukas asked, frowning. "Because the last time I saw you, the expression on your face was pure hatred."

"I was angry." Aiden said with a shrug. "Try being kicked from that floating island, not knowing that there's actually a pool of water to catch you."

"That's exactly what you did to Jesse." Lukas responded, crossing his arms. "And the founder for that matter."

Aiden chuckled awkwardly, showing off his missing tooth from that exact encounter. "I guess you have a point."

He rubbed the back of his head, turning slightly away from Lukas. Making eye-contact, Lukas's ocelot hissed at Aiden. He raised his eyebrows slightly at the feline, earning another hiss from him.

"So, since you're here, I'm guessing you're not angry any more?" Lukas asked, wishing Aiden would stop being so cryptic. All he received in reply was a shrug.

"Look, I know we didn't end things of the best way." Lukas said with a sigh. "But look at it from our perspective. You and the other oce- blaze rods, ditched me like I was nothing. You've treated Jesse like shit her entire life, and then stole treasure she and the others had rightfully earned. Should I mention what you did to Sky City?"

No reply.

"Just, take that in consideration." Lukas said. "And you might understand why we left you behind without a second glance.

It's in the past now, and if you want – we could all start fresh."

"You'd really accept me back?" Aiden asked, turning around to face Lukas again. "I struggle to believe that." His voice was bitter.

"After the years we used to be friends, without hesitation." Lukas said, smiling. "I was angry as well, you know. You're not the only one who acted on impulse."

He took a step towards Aiden. "Come with me to Beacontown tomorrow, and we can make things right with the others. If you want, you could even find a place there to settle back down and start anew."

It was quiet between the two of them for a few seconds. Aiden folded his hands behind his back awkwardly, looking down at the wooden floor.

"Don't miss the opportunity for a second chance, Aiden." Lukas said, causing Aiden to look up at him again. "It's not too late for you, for us to fix our mistakes."

He held a hand out to Aiden, nodding for him to take it. Aiden raised his one hand, stopping it in mid air as he hesitated. He looked back up at Lukas, their eyes meeting.

He slowly took Lukas's hand.

Then, within a split second he grasped Lukas by the arm, pulling him forward. Ripping his other hand out from behind his back and stabbing a knife into Lukas's stomach.

It happened so fast, the sudden blade impaled into his stomach, pain searing through Lukas's body. He barely had time to scream as Aiden ripped the weapon out, throwing him to the ground.

Immediately blood gushed out of the wound, seeping through his fingers and clothes. Staining the wooden floor a gruesome red.

Heaving laboured breaths, Lukas weakly looked up. Everything was already beginning to blur out of focus, but the hate in Aiden's eyes were clear as he glared down at him. Smirking proudly.

"A-Aiden... why?" Lukas's voice was barely a whisper, weak and strained.

Not even bothering to say anything, Aiden turned away from his dying old friend, stepping back out of the cottage. Left with no answer to his question, Lukas let his head drop back onto the bloodstained, wooden floor.

Already feeling his consciousness slipping away, he barely acknowledged the ocelot who was at his side, nuzzling its head against his shoulder. Feeling nothing but pain and betrayal.

Aiden stopped in front of the cottage, grinning maniacally. He slipped the blood coated knife back in beneath his jacket, folding his crimson stained fingers together.

"I hope you're ready, Jesse. Because you're next."


Why was this so much fun- 

I love how I'm always saying I need to write less dark stuff and more light-hearted, goofy, fluffy stuff. But then I write the dark stuff, and have the time of my life doing it.

Redemption is all well and good, but I seriously love to keep Aiden as an evil character. Like I think in my fanfictions, he'll carry his evil nature with him to his grave.

Also, completely unintentionally, but I feel like this could be a sequel to "Actions Have Consequences"?

Speaking of sequels, as I wrote this, I actually thought whether or not I should make a sequel for this. A part of me wants to, but on the other hand I almost want to keep it a one shot, with that mystery of whether Aiden actually succeeds in killing Jesse. I dunno, we'll see what inspiration decides XD

Sequel or no sequel though, I can't help but think about Jesse. One of her friends isn't going to show up for her birthday any more, and knowing Jesse, that would be heartbreaking. Only for this maniac to come out of nowhere and try to kill her.

*evil chuckle*

Ehm, I swear I'm totally sane okay? This is natural behaviour for an author, I promise-

Why am I even still writing this, it's time I shut up XD
I hope you all enjoyed this one shot, and I'll see you tomorrow with whichever prompt I draw next!  

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