A Chance For Growth II

By Twisted_Truths

41.6K 1.8K 3.7K

We coming back at you in part two of this roller coaster ride. You're not safe yet, life ain't ever easy so... More

My Secrets, Your Questions
He's Not Family
Your Soulmate is Only Yours
I'll Always Protect You
Finally On Track
Where We Belong
No Need for Jealousy
You Can Handle It
Try and Make It Work
Keep It Pushing
Turn a Negative to Positive
Should've Been Done
What's Going On
And Then There Was 3
PSA: What's going on?
Strange Things are Happening
There's Beauty In The Struggle
This Can't Be
Get Out of Your Head
Please Don't Go, Not Again
These are Your Choices
No More Denial
This Isn't Our Ending
Can't Get Right
Two Can Play
This is Too Much
Too Soon
Time Has Passed
Like Magnets
Another Chance...Again
We Never Needed Him

Steps to a Better Life

1.6K 58 95
By Twisted_Truths

2 weeks later.....

"Stahhhp!" Taraji giggled pushing Terry's hands away from her body. He chuckled scooting closer to her. His meat pressed against her butt. He started kissing along her neck trying to get he riled up. She fought his advances truly tired. Trust he had been wearing her out at every corner and she could take it, but even she was dead tired.

"Roll over." He whined in her ear trailing his hand down to her breast. She popped his hand rolling over and tucking herself under his chin.

"I'm weally tiyad daddy." She spoke like a little girl, he groaned his member deflating just like that.

"Stop that shit! Makes my skin crawl, like I'm a perv or something." He spat slapping her ass, she hummed snuggling into him.

"Let me sleep then, you can get some.....next week." She joked, he rolled his eyes just holding her.

"DADDYYYYYYYYY!" They heard screamed from down the hall. He hopped up hearing his princess's screams. Taraji groaned stuffing her head in a pillow, slowly dozing off. Within minutes Terrence re-entered the room with Heaven in his arms. Her sniffles not even waking Taraji.

"You gotta go potty?" He asked softly, the little one nodded pointing to the bathroom.

He took her to the bathroom letting her do her business and making sure she cleaned up well. Heaven stepped out the bathroom with him behind her. She paused staring at the bed as if it were a demon. He groaned getting down on the floor.  Looking under the bed, he faked like he was shooing monsters away.

Heaven slowly walked over to the bed then tried to pull her short body up. He helped her onto the bed which resulted in her kicking Taraji. Who opened her eyes seeing eyes staring back at her way too close for her liking. Taraji jumped, her heart flying across the room.

"What are you doing?" Taraji asked her voice deep and thick with sleep. Terry groaned, that voice was such a turn on.  He sighed knowing he wasn't getting any.

"Daddy scare the bad monsters away." Heaven spoke pulling at the blanket her mother was cocooned in. Taraji opened up her arms letting Heaven in.

"Daddy the monster slayer." Taraji teased as Terry got back into bed. He chuckled getting under the covers as well. Laying on his side he listened to Heaven tell her about how he came to save her from the monster in her room till she fell asleep. Taraji following next, he hummed softly playing in Heaven's hair as he thought about the future. Things between him and Taraji have been quite slow, he wondered if it was for the best, hell he was scared trouble was around the corner waiting to fuck him up.

Shaking those thoughts out of his head, he sighed trying to fall asleep. Even though Taraji expressed to him just how much he needed to do to ever be her fiance let alone her husband, he felt he needed to do more. With that in mind he let her choose the house they were moving to.

A huge new 6 bedroom, 4 bathroom home. According to Taraji she had guest rooms now so they were boujee. Not only were the number of rooms enough. It had to have a basement, one that they could remodel into a game room. Also a home that had a big yard, for the kids to get a pool. Yet, still have enough room for some playing and things. Finding that perfect home was hard, let alone it HAD to be in Chicago.

When they found her dream home that she could remodel and expand on, it was a done deal. The ink on the paper was barely drying and they were already starting to move in. These were the steps they were taking, small yet strong. Soon Terrence had found hiself wide awake in the early morning of the next day. No sleep acquired yet he wasn't tired at all.

Looking to his right his love and his princess, looking so cute snuggled up. As he slowly leaned up to get up someone tugged on the blanket. He slowly turned catching Taraji's half open eyes.

"Where you going? You didn't sleep much last night." She knowingly mumbled, she knew his routine he gets up to pee at 7, goes back to bed and doesn't wake up till 10. It was just barely 6 in the morning.

"Going down stairs baby." He responded as he got up. Leaning over the bed he pecked Taraji on the lips softly.

"Get some rest." He whispered, she frowned closing her eyes. Heading to the bathroom he jumped in the shower. They had a long day of packing ahead of them.

Later that Morning.....

Dressed in some comfortable clothes Taraji dropped some boxes down on Marcel's floor. Leave it to her to pack this room, while they "worked on the living room". Which meant they'd be down there playing video games till they heard her come down the stairs. Building a box she started with his video games and systems on his dresser. The quicker she got them away and boxed the quicker she had their full attention.

"Mommy!" Hev called, Taraji sighed.

"In here baby." Heaven rushing into the room to find her.

"Apple juice please?" Her youngest questioned batting her innocent eyes.

"Go ask daddy." Taraji responded, she nodded running off.

"Rae, be careful around them stairs!" Taraji yelled out shaking her head. Heaven was so rambunctious, always doing or getting into something. Time seemed to breeze by as she worked. It was times like these she thanked Terry for being around, she got so much done when she wasn't babysitting her own children.

By lunch she was packing up Marcel's closet. Coming across a big toy box she hadn't seen in years. It was the first toy box he ever got. Her heart warmed from the nostalgia she was experiencing as she opened it. Looking at his favorite toys out of the years, her little rough 2 year old was now 11 going on 12. As she was about to close it something caught her eye.

Digging to the bottom of the box, she pulled out a book she didn't know was missing. The baby book Terrence had given her years ago on Christmas. She opened it feeling emotional, knowing that even at his lowest he was still so genuine with her. She closed it smiling to herself, but then it hit her.

Why was it in Cel's room hidden anyways?

Setting the book aside she thought on it continuing to pack up. She couldn't remember the last place she had it. Just the person she wanted to see came rushing into the room.

"You seen my basketball, dad wants to hoop...I mean pack it up." Marcel quickly corrected. Taraji pursed her lips, giving her son a look.

"Come here boy." She spoke, he shook his head.

"I swear we're packing!" He rushed out, she cut her eyes at him and snapped her fingers.

"Here. Now." She popped him upside the head when he was close enough, she shouldn't have to tell him twice.

"Why is my book in here?" She asked giving him a serious look. He looked at her confused until it registered, he made an Oh face.

"Mhmm, cause I remember telling you never to touch the book. So it raises my curiosity to see it stuffed in a damn toy box.

"Here me out!" He rushed out, he could see the ass whupping forming in her eyes. The simple look sending chills down his spine. He tried to slyly step back only for her to catch him right under his forearm. He hissed nearly falling to his knees from the pressure.

"It was after Heaven was born, and you were so sad all the time. I hated dad for the way he did you. So I took the book and hid it, along with all the pictures you had of him. You didnt notice how it affected you when I did it. You still cried but it was less when his face wasn't there reminding you. I'm sorry..." He explained as she let him go. Her face softened as she looked at him. Her anger melting away as she pulled him into her chest.

"Awww chocolate drop, you're so sweet. I love you baby." She spoke softly squeezing him to death.

"I'm not mad anymore, but I will be if y'all dont start packing." She warned sending a hand pop with him back downstairs to pass the word on. She sighed thinking about things.....was she putting her heart in harm's way again?

Aubrey sighed grabbing Hunter out the backseat of Alice's car. Then grabbing his baby bag, and her backpack. She walked up to the door seeing a note from Lori that told her to do her chores, and order something to eat with the card. Alice waited for her to enter the house before leaving.

Aubrey sat down her little brother, then ordered some pizza. Getting to work, she gave him a bottle and laid him down with a movie playing. While he was momentarily distracted she started her chores, the kitchen, and the living room.

She stomped over to the sink cleaning the thousands of dishes she didn't use. She huffed knowing that again her mother wasn't gonna be home till later. Which means she was stuck with Hunter all by herself and still needed to eat, do homework, and shower.

It was nothing normal, the 11 year old managed to always complete everything in time for bed. She just hated the fact that she was alone all the time, and had to eat take out. She missed her dad, she was never left by herself for so long, or even eating food that wasn't home cooked 24/7.  She wished now that she had stayed with him.

Within a few hours she had everything done, was fed, showered, and now trying to get Hunter to go to bed. As she sat on the couch in her pajamas the front door swung open. Lori attacking some man's lips as they stumbled in. Aubreys eyes widened as she tucked herself back against the couch.

"Shit!" Lori cursed feeling the man pull her head back by her hair. He paused seeing Aubrey on the couch.

"Why'd you stop?" Lori breathlessly asked, she turned her head to see what he was looking at.

"What the hell are you still doing up?" She barked,  Aubrey's eyes watered from her being yelled at. She was exhausted physically and mentally, and the yelling was the cherry on top. Loris intoxicated body slightly swayed, the tall buff Mexican man catching her body.

"Hunter won't go to sleep...." She cried out clutching her little brother to her chest and running up the stairs. Lori groaned muttering a quick she'll be right back. She stood in Aubreys doorway watching her pack up.

"Where are you going?" Lori asked, narrowing her eyes at the girl.

"With daddy!" Aubrey cried out.

"No you're not. So you might as well stop throwing a damn fit. Get in bed and go to sleep." Lori demanded as heavy footsteps made their way down the hall.

"So we doing this or what? You need some help getting her to bed, I'm good with kids." The mystery man chuckled, the sound made Aubrey's skin crawl.

"She's going to bed. Don't worry, I'll meet you in my room." Lori responded flashing him a smile, he nodded sending Aubrey a wink then heading away.

"Go. To. Bed!" Lori hissed then slammed her door. The loud noise making Hunter start crying. Aubrey rushed and locked her door feeling unsafe in her own home. She grabbed Hunter crawling into bed. She cried softly as he fell asleep in her arms. She tried falling asleep, but the loud moaning coming from two rooms over was not only keeping her awake, but the things she was hearing were traumatizing.

By the time morning rolled around Aubrey had gotten no sleep. Getting up she turned off her alarm clock. Grabbing her things for school she changed. Heading into Hunter's room she packed him a day bag, apparently whatever Lori did during the day kept her from taking care of Hunter. So he stayed with Junior till he went to work then, stayed with Grandma Alice till Aubrey got out school.

As she got everything ready she heard the honk of Junior's car. She grabbed sleeping Hunter and his bag, then her backpack. No time for breakfast this morning. She drug herself over to his car getting Hunter buckled in. Getting in the front she slumped.

"Who's that?" Junior asked, his jaw set as he pointed up to the master bedroom window. The man from last night stood half naked, looking out the window.

"I don't know." Aubrey yawned truthfully.

"Well look, I'm dropping him off at mama's today. Nova is sick and I don't want Hunter to get sick." He explained pulling off. Aubrey nodded as he turned up his music and headed down the road. Her eyes fell closed drifting off to sleep. One minute it was 7 in the morning, the next it was 12 in the afternoon and she was not at school. She blinked staring at the wall clock, her body deep under blankets. As she sat up the bedroom door opened.

"Hey sleepy head. How you feeling?" Alice questioned sitting down on the bed. Aubrey stretched then yawned still feeling tired.

"Hungry." She answered, Alice nodded rubbing the young ones back.

"Your bags are still a little dark. You need more sleep, but for now get up and come eat." Alice encouraged, she nodded getting up and following Alice out. Hunter sat in the living room in his bouncer having a good ol time.

"So what's got you not sleeping?" Alice asked, Aubrey sighed slumping in her seat but straightening up as soon as Alice gave her a look.

"Lori brought home some weird dude, they kept me up....with stuff." She mumbled, a heavy sigh left Alice.

"When your dad's lawyer comes by later, I need you to tell him about what goes on at the house. No you are not getting into grown folks business. This is serious little girl, if your dad loses this case. You're stuck with your mom till you're 18." Alice explained fixing her a plate. Aubrey nodded, she wanted to go with Terry desperately. 

"Here eat, ima call your dad." Alice spoke sliding the plate over then walking off.


Taraji wrapped her arms under his, latching on to his shoulders. Her head thrown back in pure ecstasy. Terrence grunted in her ear, up on his knees with one hand planted on the bed, and the other around her waist holding her into his chest as he thrusted all up inside her. She bit down on the spot that always threw him off. He groaned moving his neck away, only for her to bite down harder. His pace slowed, as he was losing the strength to keep her up off the bed.

"Taraji...." He moaned tightening his hold on her. Using her weight as an advantage while he was thrown off, she flipped them over. Grabbing his hands, she pinned them down to the bed. He could easily break out of her hold, but her mouth had yet to leave his weak spot.

"Mmmmm.....Fuck girl." He loudly confessed as she rocked her hips against him.

Lost in his own world of Taraji, he let her dominate this round. She tossed her hair to one side looking back at how she was clapping down on his member. Leaning up she planted her hands flat against his chest and bounced. Singing his name out in pleasure. His grip tightened on her hips as he felt himself nearing completion. Her hips speed up as she chased her own climax.

"Slow down Raji." He moaned out, she shook her head too lost in herself.

His head tilted back as his lips parted in a deep throaty moan, his seed shooting inside her coating her walls. She dropped down till they were chest to chest. Gripping the sheets to add to her leverage, her eyes rolled as her climax snapped. Terrence's arms locked around her waist keeping her still as she cried out. His semi hard member feeling her pulse around him. She sucked in large gulps of air pulling at the sheets.

He kissed the side of her neck taking deep breaths, easing out of her core she let out a soft moan. Rolling off of him onto her back. She took in the cool air as his hand traced shapes on her stomach.

"Damn baby, warn a brother before you go all wrestler on me." He teased,  she peeked an eye open slapping his hand away.

"You can't handle all this body no more?" She asked, he growled softly nuzzling her neck.

"I can handle plenty, trust if we didn't have things to do.....I'd relive some of those factories you have." He whispered then pulled away. Giving her ass a smack he climbed out of bed leaving that lingering in the air. She giggled shaking her head.

"Am I getting Cel, or you?" She asked as the house phone rung.

"You gotta finish packing up Heaven's room, so that leaves me to grab him." Terrence responded pulling on some shorts. She groaned reaching on to her night stand.

"Hello?" She answered tiredly.

"Hey Monster, is Terrence there?" Alice questioned, Taraji rolled over looking at him.

"Terry, it's mama. Here boy." Taraji called getting up, he walked over grabbing the phone from her as she pulled herself together and headed for a quick shower.

"What's going on?" He asked grabbing some clothes to change into after his shower.

"I could ask you the same question." His mother teased, he blushed looking down.

"Nothing mama, but no really. What's up?" He asked hearing her sigh on the other end of the phone. He listened as she started spilling all the tea. Feeling his irritation rise, he wondered if he offered Lori an alimony check would she grant him split custody. He needed to think of something.

At Marcel's school.....

"Pass it Bro!" Marcel called asking for the ball. His friend Ashton did a behind the back pass straight to Cel, who went up for the lay up. Making the score now 12 to 8.

"Man, I swear y'all be straight cheating." Marcel's friend Mike whined hunching over for air. Marcel laughed giving his partner a fist bump.

"You just suck homie, don't hate me cause I got the skills to pay the bills." Marcel teased doing a little dance to piss him off.

"Aye, check it out. There go Alexis and that new girl." Mike pointed out seeing the two watching them play ball. He waved obnoxiously making Cel chunk the ball at him, the girls giggled.

"Quit being all mushy nigga, it's gross. You gotta be smooth and cool." Marcel spoke showing off his skills hitting a three pointer. His bestfriend Jace nodded his head in agreement.

"Shut up, I bet you can't even get her to talk to you. She barley said two words in class today, her name and age that was it." Mike responded, Cel smirked checking the ball. He set his eyes on Brianna then licked his lips.

"Bet." He grinned, he purposely let the ball hit his shoes so it rolled in the girls direction. Jogging after it he picked it up then flashed Brianna a bright smile.

"I saw you guys watching. You wanna play?" He asked the two, though his eyes were focused on Brianna.

"You want us to play with you guys? You don't think that's weird?" Alexis asked, Marcel shook his head spinning the ball on his finger.

"Naw, girls can play ball too. You a Hooper I know it just by the J's on your feet." Marcel grinned, Brianna looked down at her shoes and blushed. Looking over to Alexis then back at Cel she nodded. He jogged back over to his friends relaying the news.

"They coming to play with us." He announced, his friends all gave him faces.

"Man girls can't play no ball!" Ashton whined, Marcel shook his head. He knew better, his mother could play! He watched her beat his dad in game after game all the time, even Brey could hold her own when they played.

"Fine then, both of them on my team. Y'all versus us." He announced, they shrugged as the two girls walked over.

Cel told them what the deal was and they joined. Jace checked the ball to Cel starting off the game. He grinned watching all his friends trying to gaurd him, passing the ball to Brianna she lazily shot the ball a smug smile on her face as the swish met the boys ears. Cel jogged over giving her a high five as his friends gasped.

"So are we playing foreal now? Or am I gonna keep hitting these shots?" Brianna sassed putting her hands on her hips. Marcel grinned hearing her voice, so she did speak.

"Y'all heard her, man up!" He chimed in, he was gonna have fun destroying his friends till the bell rung ending recess.

A few hours later.....

"Soooooooo, Brianna. How was your first day?" Marcel asked leaning against the tree next to the bench she was sitting on. She kicked her feet looking down.

"It was kind of sad cause I miss home, but then I met a really cool friend." She muttered lowly, he nodded looking out over the parking lot as he waited for someone to pick him up.

"Alexis is cool people." He agreed, Brianna giggled looking up at him.

"Not her, you silly." She responded, her words caught him off gaurd making him choke on the candy he just popped into his mouth. She gasped jumping up and patting him on the back.

"You okay?" She asked when he had calmed, he nodded sitting down.

"You sure?" She asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"Yeah I'm cool." He responded, she nodded  her head sitting back down. They sat in calm silence.

"Can I sit with you at lunch?" She shyly asked, he nodded turning to face her. Seeing something dangling from her hair, he pulled it out then let the piece of fuzz flutter to the ground. She blushed looking away from him making him smile.

"Are you always this shy?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"Only when I meet new people. I'm surprised I actually talked to you today." She admitted.

"Well I'm glad you did. Who knows you could end up like my bestfriend." He teased, she smiled kicking her feet. Terrence pulled up seeing his son sitting on a bench with some girl, he watched him make the girl laugh and smirked. Honking once Cel looked up.

"My dad's here, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He smiled grabbing his bag, she nodded her head seeing a fimilar car pulling up. He slowly stared walking backwards.

"Bye Brianna."

"Bye Marcel." She smiled rushing off to her car. He turned jogging to the car, climbing in he felt his dad's stare.

"Who's that Cel?" Terrence asked pulling off.

"Just some new girl." He responded, Terrence grinned.

"You like her?" Terrence pried glancing breifly at his son.

"She's cool or whatever." He spoke looking out the window making Terrence grin harder.

"You liiiiiiiikkkkkkeeeee her!!!" Terrence sung teasing Marcel, who just shook his head. He started poking his son's side with his free hand.

"Okay, Okay. She's pretty, plays ball, and does this like thing with her eyes. It's cute." He muttered shamelessly.

"So you over Phire?" Terrence blurted, Marcel sat up giving his father a look.

"What?! That's my babyyyyyyyy. Never." He responded, Terrence chuckled ruffling Marcel's hair.

"Your secrets safe with me." Terrence spoke giving Marcel a fist bump, he nodded turning the radio on bumping to the music with his pops.

"So.......What are we doing this weekend?" Marcel questioned.

"Moving, me and mama got the house completely packed now. So we eating out tonight, then tommorow moving shit over. Then Friday unpacking, If you want I can throw a little bug in her ear so you can stay home." Terrence offered.

"No, I wanna go to school." Marcel responded.

".....You? Wanna go to school? Hmmmm..." Terrence muttered, his lips twisted up into a smirk. Marcel smacked his lips looking out the window.

"I'm just messing. Anyways, be prepared for your Grandpa to be here come Saturday." Terrence spoke, Marcel nodded excited to see Boris.

"How come?" He pried.

"Your aunt Apryl moving out here to go to college, so he helping her set up. I think Shawn coming too." Terrence responded pulling into the driveway. Marcel nodded again grabbing his bag and rushing inside, he could practically taste the snacks he hid away.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Terrence heard yelled as he stepped into the house.

"Boy why are you screaming?" Taraji snapped coming down the stairs. Terrence chuckled seeing Marcel truly distraught, watching his baby sister eating his honey bun.

"Daddy!" Heaven chirped offering him some. He shook his head trying hard not to bust out laughing.

"She ate my cosmic brownie, my honey bun, and my skittles......" Marcel whined, Taraji rolled her eyes picking Heaven up.

"Stinky butt..." She teased. Marcel growled stomping upstairs.

"It's not that serious Cel." Taraji called out getting a door slam as a response.

"He get that from you. Y'all greedy asses." Terrence teased, Taraji smacked her lips.

"Daddy that's a bad word!" Heaven blurted.

"I'm sorry baby." He grinned kissing her cheek. Leaning down his kissed Taraji warning a sticky slap from Heaven.

"No daddy! Bad word means no treats!" Heaven pouted, he groaned while Taraji laughed. She praised her daughter for making a correct sentence.

"That's right, let's get you cleaned up. Then daddy gets to play with you all day, till he tells Cel he ate his snacks and gave you the honey bun." Taraji knowingly chirped as she headed upstairs. Terrence scratched the back of his head, he was about to have a wired 2 year old on his hands.

By the time they left for dinner he was ready for bed. Chasing after Hev was a damn workout. Though spending quality time with his family seemed to add energy to his depleting supply. Laughter spread around the table as they ate dessert. A sudden squeal catching Terrence's attention.

"OH MY GOD! It is him!! Bitchhhhhhh!" A woman spat rushing over to the table, her friends following. Taraji scowled looking at the girls eyeing him like a damn peice of candy.

"Can I get your autograph please?" She rushed out, he smiled and nodded being friendly.

"You are just sooooo fine. A walking wet dream!" One squealed, Taraji crossed her arms raising a brow at the women ignoring the fact that there were kids at the table.

"Babe, do you have a pen?" Terrence suddenly questioned putting so much emphasis on the pet name. He completely ignored the lady's comment, 3 sets of eyes zeroed in on Taraji.

"Uhh, yeah." Taraji responded giving him a confused look, he always kept a pen on him. She passed it over, only for him to grab her hand and kiss it.

"Thank you Amor." He smiled flashing her a dazzling smile, before it returned to a friendly smile for the girls. They're bubbliness at a bare minimum. He gave them all his autograph then sent them on their way picking back up with dessert as if nothing happened. Unknowingly a smile slipped on her face as she took a bite of her cake, looking up she caught Terrence's eyes. She seemed to blush looking back down. He grinned at how cute she was when she got his affection.

"Look at my Hevie, poor baby so full." Taraji spoke Heaven was fighting sleep her head dropping every few seconds only to wake her up.

"Come on let's go." Terrence spoke putting a tip down since he had already paid for the meal. Taraji grabbed Heaven heading torwards the exit, Marcel zipping past her. She felt hands on her sides, and his facial hair tickling the side of her face.

"I'll finish my dessert at the house." He whispered into her ear, then nibbled on her earlobe. Heat swirled up her neck, her lip tucking onto her mouth. She couldn't wait.

The following Friday.....

"Baby.....do they have to stay here?" Terrence whined laying his head on her chest. She grinned running her hands through his thick hair. He was growing it out for whatever reason.

"We have the space. It's just gonna be my dad and Shawn. Apryl is heading to the dorm fresh off the plane with them. Then they're gonna come here. Plus, they leave on Monday morning. No harm in sharing the house." Taraji explained, he shook his head snuggling into her chest more. The two laid wrapped in her blanket on the couch. For no reason at all, just to be close.

"But baby..." He whined.

"You'll be fine. Stop worrying about my dad. Just be you...my smart, Fine, Sexy, Big Daddy." She purred, he grinned pulling the covers over their heads. He started his slow trail kissing up her neck, until he felt a small body climbing onto the couch.

"It's naptime little one." Terrence groaned laying his head back on Taraji's chest.

"I not tired!" She pouted pulling at the blanket so she could see them. He peeked an eye open then groaned.

"Come snuggle with mommy and daddy." Taraji offered opening the blanket so Heaven could climb in.

"Baby....do something with all this hair!" Terrence whined getting a face full of puffy hair.

"You try getting her to sit through it. She's good with her toys for an hour, then she gets fidgety." Taraji groaned putting Heaven's hair in a quick little poofball ponytail.

"Tell daddy to stop being whiny today. Put on his big boy pants." Taraji teased feeling Heaven pushing her way in between them.

"You're big boy daddy, no cry baby!" She spat sternly giving him a look. He pouted taking as if he would cry.

"No, I sorry. Don't be a sad daddy!" She rushed out giving him a hug. He smiled puckering his lips, she pecked them then snuggled up close to him and yawned.

"Not tired my.....butt." He quickly inserted to not get scolded by his child.

"Hey! We snuggling!?" Marcel questioned feeling left out.

"Cel, don't you dare!" Taraji yelled but it was too late, he pounced on them squishing Taraji.

"Get your big ass off Dashon!" She cried out, only to hear a gasp from Heaven.

"Bad mama!" Heaven snapped popping Taraji on the mouth stunning her mother.

"Get your little grown princess for I pop her." Taraji spat.

"Nooooooo...." Heaven whimpered hiding against Terry, while Marcel somehow nudged hiself behind his mom.

"Y'all are hot." Taraji spoke trying get up.

Terrence still had a single arm around her locking her down. She pinched his arm making it draw back so she could get out. Leaving the three of them there, she went to go start dinner. She loved the new house, especially how spacious the kitchen was. She was in the zone when she heard the doorbell ring, followed by the door opening. She could hear Marcel getting excited and shook her head.

Soon her father's face popped up, he smiled pulling her into a hug. She hummed hugging him back, truth be told she missed him something fierce. He kissed her cheek giving her one final squeeze then pulled back. Looking over her father's shoulder she spotted her brother.

"Shawn quit smiling at me like that, and come give me a hug weirdo." She teased. He rushed her body picking her up and spinning her around.

"I missed you too." She giggled as he set her down.

"What's this I hear about you sneaking ya girls in?" She blurted, his smile dropped as he eased back but not far enough to miss her hand. It connected with the back of his head with meaning. The sound echoing in the house.

"Dang Tj! Gone knock the waves off my head, man owww. Apryl got a big ass mouth." He hissed his eyes glossy.

"You betta watch your mouth in here boy." She warned, he nodded giving his dad a face for help.

"Oh, leave the boy alone. And tell me how long till this food all cooked up. Cause it smells good babygirl." Boris smiled, shooing his son away behind her back. Shawn hightailed it out of the kitchen.

"Give me an hour, I was just about to send Terry to the store." She spoke tending to her food, Boris's face scrunched.

"Terrence is here? Why?" He blurted, she pursed her lips realizing he snuck away.

"He's here because A that's my man, and B that's my business. I love you dad, but like I told mama. Y'all don't need to be up in my business all the time. Go do something with yourself, explore play with your grandbabies." She quickly shut down any talk of her choices. He sighed kissing her forehead.

"Hev is sleep, Marcel with Shawn. Ima head out back." Boris spoke, TJ nodded. Sliding the door open he looked to his right, Terrence sitting out on a chair in a jacket looking up at the stars.

"You hiding from me boy?" Boris suddenly spoke interrupting Terry's serenity.

"No, this is my book down time. To think about how the day was, it's part of my therapy." Terrence responded.

"Oh.....How's that going?" Boris asked his tone softening remembering those times he used to talk at Terrence when he was young.

"Good so far." He answered looking back up at the stars, the cold January air biting at his ears. Boris sat down beside him silent.

"Look....I know you don't want Taraji with me. Shit half the time I don't. I'm a fuck up, and I constantly fuck up things when they're going good. I'm trying to be a better man for her and my family. I'm coming to you right now as a man and saying I'm probably never gonna be good enough for Raji, or up to your standards. Know that no one is ever gonna love her like I do though, no one knows her like I do. She is my beloved and will remain that for eternity." He voiced not taking his eyes of the twinkling stars. Boris sat speechless, not sure how to respond. Terrence's words sitting on his mind. He held respect for that boy. On levels he didn't understand. With a sigh he stood up.

"You think that of yourself son, but if you were to ask Taraji that........she'd tell you, you hung the moon at night and woke the sun in the morning. I see greatness in not only her but you too son. Don't be so down on yourself, we're human we make mistakes. Remember it's all about where you go from there. No matter how many times you fall, get your ass up. I'm telling you this son, in your future I do see you married to my daughter. When that happens is up to fate, but I'm telling you. This love y'all got, it's unique. All of us around you see it. That type of love is dangerous, because it means you gotta go through some things. I don't know if your trails are done but make the best out of tommorow. Always keep that head up boy, cause you're somebody. You're her somebody." Boris rambled on, his wise owl trait coming out.

Terrence dropped his head those words hitting home. With a pat to the shoulder Boris went inside leaving Terrence to his thoughts. An idea forming in his head, he wanted to do something special for Taraji. To help mend those astray heart strings. He wondered if Boris would help him out if he asked for a favor. Those words seemed to dance around on his mind, make the best out of tommorow.

Hope you enjoyed!😩😩😩❤❤❤

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