Danger Zone

By BellaLoveLola

247K 10.8K 5.2K

Imagine being so involved and invested in a relationship that nothing you your significant other did was wron... More

1 ' Time
2 ' Meet & Greet
3 ' Drama
4 ' Cute
5 ' Psychological
6 ' Strong
7 ' Friends
8 ' Feelings
9 'Fun
10 'Gaia
11 ' Pleased
12 ' Loved
13 ' Time
14 ' Goodbye
15 ' Honesty
16' Just friends
17' Lovers
18 'Wanted
19 ' Done
20 ' One
21 ' Trip
22 ' Love
23 ' Pray
24 ' Newest
25 ' Almost
26 ' Trusted
27 ' Babe
28 ' Real
29 ' Next
30 ' Growing
31 ' Rider
32 ' Three
33 ' Nazareth
34 ' Healing
35 ' Gender
36 ' Next
38 ° 32
39 ° Houston
40 °Good
41 ° Dance
42 ° Friends
43 ° Baby
44. Sick

37 ' 7:27 am

3.2K 186 74
By BellaLoveLola

Nazareth Pov

One Month Later

Lyric House Friday 7:27 am

I havent seen or heard from my pregnant wife in a month in a half.  She is now twenty seven weeks pregnant, in her last trimester. Me? What have I been doing? Let's see, I get drunk, go to work drunk, sleep in the locker room, give stitches and stickers to kids, get thrown up on. Come back to Ly house get drunk, go to sleep.

Watch her social media account because I dont have to guts to fucking call her. So I sit here and get drunk and work.

I rolled over in the guest room with my side hurting like a mother fucker. I picked up my phone with Miya cussing me out again, this time about Mercury baby shower next week, but I dont want to bother her with being there.

Mercury'Gaia27 weeks

Miyazaki aww babes @nazzaddy
Lyric lord come get her ass bro
Queenrissa ass got pregnant and alone 🤣🤣
BeautyByJanell I'm beating your ass bitch. Your tried me @badmia
AsiaBarlas cute cousin
Mercurygaiafanpage big belly 😍😍
           view all 11475738 comments

"Still stalking your wife page? Get out my house" Lryic said

"No leave me alone" I said putting my phone down

"Ooooouch nigga" I shouted he slapped my side

"You the one went and got it" he laughed

"Nigga got what?" I sat up looking down

"Went and got drunk with Mika and Mike and went and got that tattoo"

It was Mercury face, with well the kids name I picked out, Sophia, Silas, and Sian. She damn sure not naming them that.

"Damn what, I dont remeber none of that shit"

"Yeah well chef of the airforce is here to see you, wake up" he said

"The fuck" I stood up and went a put a shirt on and some shorts

I walked out into the livingroom and Mika and Lyric and Mike just looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"You look a hot ass mess" Mika said

"Shut the fuck up" i replied

"So damn angry, but you look a fucking mess. You need a damn haircut before the baby shower" Mike said

"I'm not going that's her day just leave me alone yall damn" I walked to the door

"Yeah?" I opened the door

"Well hello" Cheif said

"Look I returned the uniform I told yall I wasnt going to get it dry cleaned..."

"I been calling you for over a month. Is there a reason why you have not answered?" He asked

"Yall said I was dishonorably discharged"

"No you said that I said you had a chance. No one said for sure that you where. I'm not sure why you have been so got damn angry. I understand people go through things, but your ass needs to be dressed, and well groomed Monday moring at my office at nine am. I'm not promoting you while you look like a damn squirrel looking for a nut. If you ever throw your badges and medals again I will knock you out. Take a damn shower" he pushed a box of my things into my chest and walked away

I turned around and they all ran back to the couch.

"I hate all you mother fuckers" i pointed

"Yeah go shower" Lyric said

"Shut up" I said walking back to the guest room

Ring ring

"Yes Miya?" I sat on the bed with the box

"I just wanted to say hi"

"Hi" I replied looking at my side in the mirror

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Sitting down. What are you up too?" I asked

"Nothing look can you come by my house. I dont feel like seeing Mika and I want to talk to you about something important"

"Miya I dont feel like playing games?"

"I'm not, no Mercury isnt going to be here when you get here okay"

"I love her too much too mess with her feelings"

"I have feelings"

"Yeah but you fucked up she didnt, but anyways you coming or no?"

"Fine, let me shower and stuff"

"Bye" she hung up so fast

I got cleaned up, and went to go see Miya.

Miya House 10:48 am

I walked in and it was kind of too damn quite.

"Hey" she came out the kitchen

"What you want Miya?" I sat down

"Well, I wanted to see it for myself" she pulled at my shirt

"See what? Ain't nothing to see bro chill out" I said

"Nope Mika and Ly told me, they said it's nice just let me see. I wont tell Mercmi promise"

"I dont have nothi....ouch" she pulled my ear and lifted my shirt up

"Awwwwwsssss, it looks so much like her. Who picked the names?" She said as I fixed my shirt

"I did, and it dont matter we didnt even talk about names. When I told her about the names is the same day she told me to leave. So just let it go okay?" I asked

"No, I cant. I love you guys Nazareth shes having a baby shower your a mom too it's also for you" she said

"Miya it's fine I dont need one. I dont want to be in her way"

"She misses you"

"Why she havent called? Texted,  nothing"

"Shes stressed out with work and she thinks you dont want to talk to her"

"That's not true at all. I want her back, you didnt see the way she looked at me. She looked at me like I was Saqui or something"

"Naz you was wrong, she was terrified  of fucking cour...."

"Bye Miya" I walked out the door

Damn I get it I was wrong. Why do these niggas keep bringing the shit up. It's useless and I dont need to speak about it every two minutes.

I just drove around to clear my head, I'm tired of this shit why cant shit just be regular?

University General  Sunday 9:27 am

Been here since two am because Zach called off for being sick with his lyin ass. Little gay ass was at the gay bar on his snapchat. He lucky I dont kick is ass when he comes back. I am still his boss.

I look up and I see Doctor Who? None other than Doctor Matt. Wow. He still here!

"Good morning,  Chief of  nursing " he said

"Mhmm" I said

"I need someone to come with me to look at a patient, it's a child. I know your good with kids, I've been trying to speak with the kid but she wont talk"

"Must not like asses" I said

"Here is her chart" he handed it to me

"I'm glad you got the job, and not that old la..."

"I'll assist you, but stop making small talk makes you look weak" I said walking past him

Yes, I got a little promotion at the hospital. Which is a big fucking deal, this is great money and I get to do more.

"Hi Lauren is it?" I smiled opening the curtain and she nodded

"I am.."

"You her...doctor?" She pointed at the hospital news paper that had my picture on it all professionally and shit.

"I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty close, If I try harder. I'm Chief nursing officer Vassos. But Nurse Vassos is fine" I said

"Want a sticker?" I asked, and she shook her  head no

"Can I wear your doctor coat?" She smiled

"No honey" her mom smiled

"You cant unfortunately, but I can give you a sucker, and a sticker. Also we have free kids nurse shoes. If you tell me what's wrong I sneak them to you?"

"It hurts"

"Where?" Matt asked she just looked at him

"Where?" I asked

"Here, it hurts alot" she pointed to her arm

"Has she fallen or anything?" I asked

"She wont let me touch it or take it out of the jacket, she screamed and cried all night" her mom said

"Can I see it?" I looked at her

"Yes" I touched her armed and she flenched

"Give me the sicssors?" I asked Matt

"Here" he said

"I'll personally buy you another princess Tiana jacket okay?" She smiled as I cut the jacket arm open

"Oh my god, Lauren baby what happened?" Her mom asked

"Yeah, her arm is clearly broken" Matt said

"We going to get xrays, and I'll have Matt her bring you ske icecream" I smiled at him as he walked out

"You lay here while I'll talk to your mommy outside okay?" I smiled and gav her my gold stethoscopes to play with

"I didnt do that" she said as I closed the curtain

"Okay then who did?" I asked

"Maybe she fell..."

"Did you fall too?" I asked as she had  healing black eye


"Malissa dont lie, please you have a hurt child in their, her arm is broken"

"Her father hits us sometimes, but he says...."

"Either you press charges now, or no offense but I will personally make sure she does not leave and go gome with you" I said and walked back to the child

Nah, this damn sure isnt about to happen to this baby. Kids get killed every week by someone abusing them, I'm not letting this slide.

Airforce Ceremony Monday 11:19 am

Ah, finally I got my job back. I got promoted, I wonder why because I off on their ass. I had good reason to do so also, it was my right.

"How do it feel to now be a Captain? Captian Vassos?" Mika asked

"You talked to Mercury?" I asked

"I havent in a few days. Miya talks to her all day. Why?"

"You thin...Nevermind"

"Nah wassup? Talk to me?"

"You think she will talk to me now?" I asked

"I mean I dont know what they talk about all day, the most Miya tells me is she cry alot. I dont see why even if she dont want to talk you need to speak to her Naz"

"You dont ....."

"Congratulations Captain America " Keit said with his can

"Thank you Crippleoppulous" I smiled

"Get out my face before I brake your other knee"

"Yeah okay" he smiled

"Man, I dont see how that nigga still had a job" Mika said

"But anyways, go see her shes either at the university or she home"

"Mika you didnt see the way she looked at me when she said she wanted me to leave. Like I fixed all three rooms in eleven hours, while she was sleep the entire time. Like I was on drugs. I just wanted her to forgive me and I know she dont"

"You don't know that unless you talk to her. You havent reached out or nothing. Being your friend it's your fault, you should reach out to your wife the literary mother of yall kids" she added

"I want to but I dont want her to tell me not to call or contact her so I just let her be" I stated sitting down

"Naz, just go see her please" she said

"You think they'll notice if I leave?" I asked

"Yes, but I got your back" she said

I been wanting to see her but I just didnt know what to say to her besides I'm sorry another million times. I dont want her to think that I'm turning into this person or something. I would never want to harm her in any kind of way at all.

I want the best for her that's all, I miss her voice her belly, her crying because she hungry. I miss well I still do go off on Janell and her ugly ass friend, but I want her here always.

This month in a half has been hard man.

Mercury'Gaia Pov

Miya Store Wednesday 1:27 pm

Another Three Weeks 😍

I'm so tired of going to the police, thirty plus weeks pregnant and every weeks for damn near three months now I go to the police station about either Saqui. Hes not leaving me alone, he calls he texts, he shows up at the house now that, Naz isnt there.

I just want her to come back. I been calling her since the pool guy told me she came by but that was three weeks ago. Her and Mika been deployed since that next day.

I been trying to talk to her, I been calling her none stop, since then. She hasn't called back not once all I want to do is talk to her.

"Merc, why you crying in the middle of my store?" Miya asked

"Tissue?" Raven asked

"I dont know, I'm like so stressed out. She wont answer, nothing. You think I waited to long?" I asked

"No, shes working that's all" Miya said

"She hates my fat ass" I said

"Your not fat, your pregnant, so stop that okay" Raven stated

"Right, it's going to be okay, I havent talked to Mika either...."

"What if she is dead and I was mad at her and I'll never speak to her again" I was balling my eyes out at the worst possible thing right now. And I couldn't help it at all

"Merc, that's not true they are a good team plus Keith isnt with them, so shes not going to die..."

"They could have her kidnap and tied u...."

"Trust me, she wont let that happen" Miya added

"Look Merc shes fine okay, just let her work and shell call when she can I promise" miya hugged me

"Thanks" I said

"Want some?" Raven held up some chicken

"Yes, thank you" I said and she smiled wiping my face


Other updates were Tyrone and Marie have been working with Rihanna with her Las Vegas residency the past couple of month. I'm glad because Tyrone is able to by himself clothes and food, and extra things that he needed. He is really an amazing dancer.

Blue, blue blue everywhere I go she ends up there every where I am at she is there. Shes been wearing her hair, clothes, like me. It's really starting to creep me out.

No matter what I fucking do she is there.

Doctors Office, Friday 9:28 am

I sat here in so much pain, lord I just want them out right now I can not take this pain. I can feel my vagina just opening all up.

"How are you?" He asked as he laid me back

"Sore and heavy, out of breath so bad" I said

"Well you are definitely ready to pop" he joked

"Just take em out I wont report you" I laughed

"I hope, but they are definitely doing good, they are or seems to be four pounds he stated. So, I know you didnt want a c section but I schedule you one when you turn thirty six weeks be aware that you can give birth between now and then" he said

"Do I just come in?" I asked

"Of course you do, call 911 if you have to, dont wait okay, if you cant take the contractions before your water brakes come in"

"Okay I got it come in" I smiled

"That's all I'm asking, your officially thirty one weeks" he laughed

He finished up the appointment and gave me more information about giving birth and he wanted me to come back in on Monday just to check.

Dance Practice 7:22 pm

I sat here watching them dance and do a good job, since the new season is bout to start we have been practicing a little more. Of course I cant but I'll still make sure they stay on their game.

"Ugh" I calling Naz and she did not answer

"You okay?" Sara asked as they cut the music off

"Yes, just tired and over being pregnant " I joked

"Well it should be soon right?" She asked

"Yes any day now apparently" I stood up

"Can I stay at your house tonight?" Blue asked

"Um why?" I said

"Hey Merc I found it" Parker came running it

"Thank god. Where was it?" Naz necklace with her mothers ashes in it was missing from out bedroom

"I will tell you later" she looked back and forth to Blue

"Can i?" Bkue asked

"I'm sorry why?" I asked

"Me and my mom got into a fight and she told me to leave for the night"

"You dont have any on campus friends?"

"She died last year"

"Wow" Sara said

"I dont know I'm not going to be there" I lied

"Oh" she just smiled walked away

"It was in her locker in the dance locker room" parker stated

"Are you serious?" I asked

"Very, she is weird Mercury" she said

"Yes I know that. I'll talk to her about it okay" she just nodded

This weird ass bitch is starting to piss me the fuck off. How the fuck is she getting into my house?

I walked out to my truck, and who is standing there?

"Aye come back?" Saqui said as I turned around trying to walk back into the building

"You fucking hear me?" He grabbed me

"Just leave me alone, I'm happy with my marriage" I really was despite not seeing her for almost three months

"Yeah you havent even seen that bitch you cant lie to me. Why you acting like I never meant shit to your dumb ass?"

"I'm not dumb, and if I were it was because I stayed with you. Now leave me the fuck alone" I walked around him

"Mercury you starting to piss me off now. I'm trying to be nice with your hoe ass. I knew you was fucking that bitch that night I had to pull your dark skinned ass off her on the dance floor" she pushed me making me trip

"Dark skinned? Leave me alone Saqui" I shouted holding my stomach

"Yeah, you fake ass African greek bitch, You got me fucked up. You got me out here steady getting locked up and shit. Took half my fucking money with you"

"Nothing was yours you didnt have nothing. But that club of yours you let someone take it that's not on me"

"Man, I should fucking kill you" she grabbed me by the neck

"Saqui please stop" i dropped my purse crying

"Fuck you" she said

"AYE MAN WHAT THE FUCK" Tyrone ran up pushing him off me

"Who you supposed to be little nigga?"

"Dont fucking worry about it bitch ass nigga. Keep your mother fucking hands off her. She clearly ain't got shit to say to you bitch" Tyrone stepped to him

"This ain't want you want light skin" Saqui said pulling out a gun

"This time you better make sure you fucking shoot me, ain't no fucking way you touching her. You better fucking kill me" Tyrone said

"Everyone okay over here?" Campus police asked

"Nah get this nigga the fuck out of here" Tyrone pointed to Saqi but he put his gun up already

"Sir do you belong here?" They asked him

"Nah, but she my wife, I need to speak to her" he lied

"Mrs. Vassos?" The cop said

"Please we arent married make him leave" I said tearing up

"Dont let me see you alone boy" saqui pointed to Tyrone

I dont know what the hell Tyrone did what his hands but I take it her threw up a gang sign.

"Man, teach i tell you ever time let me walk you outside" he said helping me in my truck

"I know it's just I was ready to go because of blue"

"Look I swear next time it's gone be and you if you dont wait. It dark and that nigga crazy, I got you okay teach?"

"Thanks Tryone" I said

"I'm gone follow you home, Asia let me use her car to come to practice" he said

"Thank you"

It's still amazing how the police will not help me. The cop that was helping me suddenly got fired, out of no where. It's like I'm all by myself now.

Home Saturday  11:33 am

I laid here in Naz t shirts that are now to small for me so they stop at the middle of my belly, more than half of them are all stretched out to hell. I really missed her alot. My baby shower is tomorrow and all I want to do us talk to Naz.

I shouldn't have let her leave like that, I know she didnt mean to but at the time I was terrified of the worse happening. She took her time and fixed up the baby rooms, she picked their names for me. Like I wanted her home.

I hung up the phone after she didnt answer for the millionth time of me calling. I decided I wanted to take a nice shower, I want to take a bath but my body is sore, but I cant get back up if I sit in the tub so I won't even try it. 

"They pool guy let me in" Parker smiled with some popeyes bags

"Thank you I am hungry" I stated

"Yeah I was out and wanted to make sure your okay I havent talk to you since yesterday"

"Yes, I'm okay just tired and sore, it's like I can feel them braking out" I joked pulling the food out

"You do alot of walking and moving, trust me they gone come out" she smiled

"Yeah I am scheduled to have a c section at thirty five weeks I think he said"

"A month"

"Yes, I am so ready...god this is so good" I laid back on the bed

"You are silly, thanks for the job" she said

"No are you quitting?" I asked

"Not at all, I just wanted to say thank you, everyone claims to be hiring but never hire people"

"Yeah I know, I try to give people a chance"

"I see like blue?"

"I dont know what's going on with her, shes really clinging. First she was Naz friend I thought then the wouldn't leave me alone. She is every where I go"

"Have you seen them scars on her wrist?"


"Well they look crazy, like she tried to cut her own hands off"

"Why the hell would she do that?" I asked

"I dont know, I'm telling you Mercury she is off, by alot. The way she looks at you, not even in a gay lesbian crush way, but so much hate and envy in her eyes" she said

"Yeah well she sent like you for sure" I joked

"Yes, remember she told the team, I tried to sleep with her"

"Like one I'm not a lesbian by far, two I love my men, chocolate men. My boyfriend is black ass African and I love it" she started laughing

"Girl I get it, I dont know what's wrong with her. She tried to tell me that you were stalking  Naz page on ig"

"Oh no, I dont follow her and I dont need too" she said

"I was just saying, I dont know what's her issues"

"From what I been seeing from the clothes and how she acts, she hates you but obbsess with you"

"Or just crazy" we both said

I mean she acts like she likes me. Hell she acts crazy I dont know. Because this chick is creepy as hell, I knew she was. Not matter where i am for whatever reason there Blue is.


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