A Wish Turned Into Love

By WeTheCrucified

753 22 3

Cheyenne and Chelsea Rose have had quite the life. Their parents divorced when they were ten, their mom just... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter Three

79 3 0
By WeTheCrucified

~~~~~~~~~~~Cheyenne's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

   He then started to sing one of my favorite songs...

   Fallen Angels.

   Scream, Shout

   Scream, Shout

   We are the fallen angels

   We are the inbetween, cast down as sons of war

   Struck to the earth like lightning,on this world we're torn

   We won't cause the pain, of living out their law

   Take joy in who you are, we know our wings are flawed

   We're bored to death in heaven

  And all alone in hell

  We only want to be ourselves

  We scream (we scream), we shout (we shout)

  We are the fallen angels

  We scream (we scream), we shout

  Whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh

  To thoses who sing alone, no need to feel the sorrow,

  We scream (we scream) we shout whoa,

  We are the fallen angels

  Follow the mourning star, a light when darkness fell

  The passion left unholy, now you find yourself,

  We have nowhere to go, no one to wish us well,

  A cry to find our home, our stories they will tell

 We're bored to death in heaven

 And all alone in hell

 We only want to be ourselves

We scream (we scream), we shout (we shout)

 We are the fallen angels

 We scream (we scream) we shout whoa,

 We are the fallen angels

 Scream, shout, we are the fallen angels

 Scream, shout, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh

 We scream (we scream), we shout (we shout)

 We are the fallen angels

 We scream (we scream), we shout, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh

 To thoses who sing alone, no need to feel the sorrow,

 We scream (we scream), we shout whoa,

 We are the fallen angels

 We scream, we shout, we are the fallen angels,

 We scream, we shout, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh,


 We shout whoa, we are the fallen angels   As Andy finshed he smiled at me then turned to the crowd, shouting into his microphone "Thank you and have a good night!"

  And with that he walked off stage, with his arm around my waist. I saw Chelsea still standing on stage. I looked at her confused and she smiled at me and with that she took off running. I watched as she ran and jumped on CC's back. CC laughed when she jumped on him.

 "To Narnia!" Chelsea shouted in his ear. He dropped her with a scream.

 "OW! Don't scream in my ear please." CC whined. He helped her up and we headed backstage. Of course me and Chelsea got stopped so we had to show the guards our backstage passes. For about twenty to thirty minutes, fans came back and talked to the guys or got something signed. It was a chill enviorment until the fans left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chelsea's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  After the fans went home we all just sat around and talked. That is until Andy asked for everyone but me, Cheyenne, and Ashley to leave. They left, leaving us four alone. Andy and Ashley sat me and Cheyenne down saying that they had something important to tell us.

  "Look, this is kinda hard to say but we're just gonna come right out and say it." Ashley said. Him and Andy shared a glance before continuing. "Chelsea, I know we only just met like a few hours ago but I like you. A lot."

 "And I feel the same about you Cheyenne." Andy added. Cheyenne looked down trying to hide her blush with her long brown hair. I, on the other hand, did the exact opposite. I looked right at Ashley with a big grin on my face. Ash immediately noticed and returned the gesture while grabbing my hand. He lead me outside but, to be honest, I wanted to stay with my sister. I was wondering how she was going to tell Andy plus I don't really know Ash, which scares me because I don't know what hes going to do.

 As he was leading me outside, my phone rang. How weird. I stopped to answer it. It was the hospital. I wonder what they want. "Hello?" I asked.

 "Hello. Is this Chelsea Rose?"

 "This is she."

 "I called to inform you that because we can do no more for your sister, she can no longer stay at the hospital. You may come back to get her personal items but that is it."

 I was shocked. They can't do anything else for her? I became angry. You can't exactly blame me. My sister lost her place a long time ago because she couldn't pay for it and right after that she was sent to the hospital for cancer.

 "What do you mean you can do no more for my sister?! Do you realise she doesn't have a place to stay?! She can't stay with me because I don't know if she can take care of herself while I'm gone. We have no other family! Our dad is dead, our mom walked out on us, only God knows here our brother is and the rest of our family doesn't care what happens to us! We have no one. No one, do you hear?!" I basically yelled into the phone at whoever I was talking to.

 "Miss I'm going to have ask you to calm down."

 "No I won't calm down. You know what fuck this shit." I ended the call without a second thought and sat on the ground, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I wouldn't let them though. I wouldn't cry, not now, not ever. Ash picked me up and held me, rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

 "You have us now. Theres no need to cry." He whispered in my ear. With that he lead me inside. I knocked on the door, not wanting to walk in on what ever was happening in there. After a few minutes Andy opened the door and let us in. I walked over to Cheyenne telling her what happened and that we had to go. She agreed and stood up.

  "Where are y'all going?" Andy asked.

  "We have to get her stuff from the hospital. We'll be back, don't worry." I explained.

  He nodded. I guess Cheyenne told him. Me and Cheyenne walked out to the parking lot and I couldn't find my truck. I walked back inside and found Ashley. "Hey Ash, I can't find my truck. Do you think you could give us a ride?" I asked queitly.

  "Yeah. Just let me get Jinxx's keys. I sadly don't have a car. Hey Jinxx! Can I borrow you car?" He said.

 "What are you using it for? Cause if your going to drive around in mud then no." Jinxx said walking in. Jake laughed at his remark. He flipped him off.

 "No I'm going to give Chelsea and her sister a ride to the hospital and back." He shot. Jinxx nodded and threw him his keys. "Ready to go?" I nodded. We walked out, found Cheyenne, and went to Jinxx's car. It didn't take long to get to there with Ash's driving. Me and Cheyenne walked in and walked past the front desk. We went straight to her room and got her stuff, made up the bed, and folded her gown, leaving it on the bed. It was silent the whole time as we went back to Ash. The drive back was completely silent except for the radio softly playing.

   We stopped at my house to get some clothes for me and Cheyenne. I went next door to ask if they could watch my animals and boy were they rude. I mean a simple 'No, sorry I can't watch your animals' would have been fine. So, naturally, I went to my other neighbors. They were very polite and said that they would watch them but said they would have to stay at my house because one of their kids was allergic. I said that was ok and thanked them. I went back home to find that Ash and Cheynne were done packing mine and her stuff. I said goodbye to my pets and we left. I know what your thinking and yes I am that weird. But I also love animals so I've always treated my pets that way.

  Once we got back, I took the time to find my truck and finally found it. Luckily the guys had a trailer that I could put truck in with Jinxx's car. We got on the bus and just kind of relaxed for about fifteen minutes before we had to put our things away. Cheyenne chose to sleep with Andy in the back while I had to choose between sleeping in Ash's bunk or having a bunk for my self. I thought it over and just decided to sleep in Ash's bunk, which I guess made Ash very happy. After I put my stuff away me and Ash hung out in his bunk and talked.

  "What did you mean when you said you and your sister had no one?" Ashley asked. His question caught me off guard but I answered him anyways.

 "Exactly what I said. Our parents got divorced when we were ten and we only saw our mom about two or three times afterwards. We haven't seen her since. Our dad died when were sixteen or seventeen. Our brother left not too long after our parents divorced and we haven't seen him since. After that the rest of our family just slowly stopped caring. The only person that continued to care was our grandma but she died a little over a year ago. So now we literally only have each other. We looked over each other and made sure we were happy and healthy until Cheyenne was diagnosed cancer, a cancer that was very rare. Its so rare they don't have a name for it yet, they said that people with it never survived. Just yesterday the doctors told me that she only has a little over a month to live." I couldn't hold it in anymore and the tears ran down my cheeks. It hurt to talk about our past or the fact that Cheyenne doesn't have long to live. "Her last wish was to meet Andy so when I got assigned to take pictures of y'all, her wish came true. And I guess more than her wish happened and I'm so happy for her. I'm happy that she got her wish and more but at the same time it scares me."

 Ash kissed my head and held me tighter. "Why does it scare you hun?" He asked queitly. I slightly flinched at him calling me 'hun'. The only person that called me that was my dad.

 "It scares me cause I don't want to loose her. She's the only person I have left and she's the only person I trust. I don't want to loose that. I don't want to loose the feeling of knowing that I'm important to someone. I don't want to feel like shit for the rest of my life." Ash shushed me telling me that was enough.

  We sat there for another hour, him calming me down and changing the subject a lot. After a while we decided to go watch a movie with the guys. They were watching Andy's favorite, Batman, luckily it was my favorite too. After watching a couple movies we sat and talked. Mostly them playing twenty questions with me and Cheyenne. Then Jake and CC came up with randomest idea.

  "Sing!" They shouted. Everyone else nodded in agreement. I knew Cheyenne was uncomfortable with this because she couldn't sing. Her words, not mine. We gave in and they suggested we sing Saviour. So that's exactly what we did. When it came to the screaming part Cheyenne looked at me and, of course, I screamed it. The guys were taken aback by this.

  We finished and the guys cheered. They commented on my screaming saying that it was really cool. After that we all went to bed. I changed into blue Smurfette pajama pants with a black tank top and the guys stripped down to boxers. How do I know? They were walking around the bus that way, grabbing random things and going back to their bunks while I was sitting on the couch checking FaceBook. Cheyenne walked up to me in her purple sweat pants and shirt. She hugged me saying good night then kissed my cheek. Don't judge, that's how we say good night. She went to bed and I just sat there. Ash walked in not too long afterwards.

 "Hey are coming to bed?" He asked. I glanced at him then looked back at my phone. I didn't feel like answering so I just nodded. He walked over and snatched my phone. I looked up at him with a shocked expression. "Your phone will be right here when you wake up so come on."

 "Fine." I groaned and followed him to the bunk. He layed down whilst I plopped down into the bunk. Ash sighed and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. "I hope you know that I'm going to that every night just to annoy you." I informed him.

 "Oh please don't." He groaned causing me to giggle. I eventually fell into a deep sleep.


Hi my lovelies! So I gave up with the pictures, I couldn't figure it out.

Tell me if you like the story or not. I might do a dedication next chapter but I don't know.

Anyways comment, vote, and/or vote!

Thank chu <3


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