The Selection AU

By delbouab22

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I took a second to process the information, then it hit me I'm in the selection, I'm in Percy's selection. Oh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Not a chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

1.7K 36 62
By delbouab22

I opened my eyes and saw the grey canopy that covered my bed. I sat up and looked out the big window.

"Who opened my curtains!" I groaned and rolled over.

"Gah!" Hazels big bushy hair was right in front of me. She looked up and started screaming."TODAY IS THE SELECTION!" She yelled and ran out of the room, I laughed to my self. Then my door opened and Zoe climbed on to my bed.

"What are you doing sweetie?" I asked her as I cradled her in my arms. "Hazy asked me to come in here when I woke up." She rubbed her eyes and Hazel sprinted back in carrying a million things in her arms. She had the biggest smile I thought she would break her face.

"Good morning princess, I have made you matching dresses!" She squealed and got us dressed. I actually liked my dress it was more comfortable and the shoes were so cute. Zoe started spinning around in her dress, giggling like mad.

"Let's go show mommy!" She squealed and we ran out the door. In the corridor all the boys were coming out of their rooms in their PJ's, rubbing the sleep from their eyes. As we ran down the hallway they just stared at us probably wondering how early we got up. When we reached the Queen's chamber we slowed and knocked.

"Come in!" Sally called. Zoe pushed the door open and we walked in. Sally put a hand to her heart when she saw us, she wore a dark blue dress that flowed straight down her body."Oh, we must tell the boys it is a blue dress code!" She said. "Quick go tell them!" She shoved us out the door and we ran back down the corridor.

Zoe went to Tysons room and I went to the twins, I stuck my head in as they were putting on their shirts.

"Boys by order of the Queen you must wear blue!" I shouted. They groaned and yelled at me to get out so they can 'Change their whole outfit again'. I left and figured Zoe was still trying to wake up a heavily sleeping Tyson, so I went to Percy's room and opened the door. He was sitting at his desk in blue sweat pants and missing a shirt, I rolled my eyes.

"You're going to be late," I complained. He nodded not looking up.

"Where is your shirt?" I asked him. He looked up and the pencil fell out of his mouth. He regained himself and said- "Too hot." I rolled my eyes.

"What it's summer!" He said lamely.

"Is this dress distracting?" I asked remembering his face.

"No, it just makes your eyes more grey which is very distracting." I laughed.

"Sally said you need to wear blue today," I stated and turned around.

"Mkay." I thought he probably put the pencil back in his mouth, but when I looked back his face was slack and he was watching me go.

"Get ready." I pointed my finger at him and left, I think I heard him tripping over but it could have been anything. I went into Zoe's room after and she was sitting on her floor playing with her dolls.

"Hey sweetie, what do you think is going to happen today?" I asked her sitting down.

"Well, we're going to show up being fabulous then sit down, people are going to be boring and then I get my interview and that's going to be fun. Then blue will pull out your name, you get married and have babies!" She then clapped like that was the best idea ever. Zoe has an ego and could be very sarcastic and sassy - I blame Percy - so we had to bring her in a bit.

"As amazing as that sounds, I won't get picked," I said calmly, I had forgotten that I could get picked. I had reluctantly let Hazel hand in my letter yesterday night.

"Yes, you will. You entered and I know blue loves you." She said I stopped breathing, who had told her I put in a letter?

"Who told you?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Ty and Hazy." She said. Oh well, let's just hope Percy doesn't find out. Yeah, that is what I wanted to think. Instead, I started mentally screaming.

"Let's go now don't want to keep people waiting," I said trying to calm down.

"Yes your right, onward to my subjects!" I laughed and we walked out.

We all met out at the steps and it was quite a funny sight although I didn't dare laugh. The boys had all put on blue suits each different shades and the girls had their blue dresses. Dad had on his mandatory green general uniform that was similar to Paul's but Hellen was wearing a sparkly red dress. I didn't laugh but Zoe did, Sally and Paul had already left, Percy and Tyson were in a car waiting for Zoe and I and the twins were walking to Dads car so it was just us. Helen turned around to Zoe.

She kept laughing and Helen was getting madder I knew what was coming but Hellen was mad at me, not Zoe. I jumped in the way just as she let loose. There was an incredibly loud SMACK, luckily she was aiming for Zoe so she hit my back instead of my head. But it still hurt like Hades.

I crumpled in front of Zoe on my knees, I closed my mouth tight so no sound would escape just a whimper and I tried to keep the tears back but they threatened to escape. Hellen realised what had happened and walked quickly away. I looked up at Zoe she only seemed to be understanding then what could have happened to her. She opened her mouth but I shook my head.

"No, this is our little secret, okay no big deal see I'm fine." I smiled but I was crying so hard on the inside.

"Bethy..." She whispered.

"No, I'm fine just a tap okay." I smiled again.

"Okay." she nodded and seemed to believe me. God, it felt my back was on fire but I didn't regret it. If I didn't jump in between Zoe would have been hurt. Hellen would have sent her head off her tiny shoulders. We went down to the car and climbed in.

"What took you so long?" Percy asked.

"Girls secret," I said and sat down.

Zoe and I sat across from Percy and Tyson so it felt weird driving backwards but I was more focused on keeping my back off the seat which was Incredibly hard. Every time we stopped or slowed I would be pulled back, every time my back hit the seat I would flinch but I only think Zoe noticed. I would tell Tyson when we got home.

Eventually, we pulled up and cameras were going crazy taking our photo's Tyson got out first and grabbed Zoe's hand to help her out I got out next and Zoe gave me her hand and a sad look but she didn't let go. Percy got out straight after and put his hand on my back, he was trying to be nice but I flinched anyway. I couldn't tell him not to touch me. So I walked in pain until Zoe noticed and slapped his hand away.

"Hands off she's mine." She growled and he put his hands up in defeat. She pushed her arms into air meaning; carry me. So I picked her up and carried her on my hip. The weight hurt my back but not as much as Percy's hand did. We went inside and sat down. The Jacksons had to go sit in their special seats and I couldn't sit with them so I sat over on the side with the twins but Zoe stayed on my hip she wouldn't let go.

"Zo you need to go sit with your mum, for your interview this is your moment!" I said even though I wanted to be with her.

"No, I won't leave you!" She pushed her head into my neck and clung to me tightly. Sally came over and watch us with curiosity.

"What's wrong Zoe?" She asked.

"I want Bethy." She stated not moving. Sally thought for a moment.

"I have an idea. You can sit in your chair while the cameras are on us and she will stand right there once the cameras are off you can sit in Annabeth's lap the rest of the time and they can only video our reactions." She explained and Zoe nodded. We walked over to her seat and sat down. I talked with Tyson while we waited about his new book but then he had to go.

With Zoe on me, my back was pressed against the chair which wasn't fun so I leaned forward."Is this okay?" I whispered in Zoe's ear. She nodded understandingly, it would take a while to convince her I was not hurt even though I was. Eventually, I had to get off so they could do a wide shot of the family. I stood to the side and watched I couldn't see my family anywhere but I didn't care.

Zoe went over to a special chair to do her interview and I felt someone move behind me. I turned around and there was Hellen staring at me.

"Brave move Annie but if you tell anyone I will personally have you thrown in a mental institute in Switzerland." She spat.

"I wasn't going to tell anybody I-I never tell anyone," I whispered, Hellen was awful when she first came here but now she was barbaric. I whimpered under her stare.

"BETHY!" Zoe yelled and ran over to me. She pulled me by the arm back over to her special chair.

"See were matching!" She squealed.

"Thank you Hazy!" She yelled at the camera. I smiled at the camera not really sure what to do.

"Yes you are matching and who is Hazy?" She asked me. I picked up Zoe.

"Hazel is one of my good friends, she makes all my dresses," I explained.

"Right then that's all the time we..." I began walking away with Zoe. She pushed her head back into my neck.

"I saw." She whispered. That's all I needed, I knew then that; I will forever protect Zoe from Hellen and I will get rid of her.

We got to the name picking after that, I sat with Zoe as Percy spoke. He would choose from our city first so he would either pull out my name or not. Straight away. I was very nervous but then he walked over to the barrel and I was about to faint I couldn't breathe my airways were closing I was panicking. He put his hand in and reached for a name he hesitated and started for another but then came back to the first one. He pulled out a name and read it.

"Michelle Neil" He sighed 'what was he expecting?' I felt crushed but what was I expecting I didn't live in Zoe's imaginary land. I zoned out the rest not wanting to hear who would take my best friend from me.

I only paid attention again when Zoe gasped and started wriggling in my lap I looked up and everyone was watching me. 'What had happened did I fall asleep or something?' Is all I could think I went into a panic 'What happened?'

"Well, I think that concludes the selecting of the selected" Sally said and the cameras turned off. I looked around Percy was still standing there staring at me. Tyson had a smug smile on and Zoe had one to match. I looked at her in bewilderment.

"I was not paying attention I have no clue what happened please fill me in." I said bluntly. Her smile grew.

"Well...he called Michelle then all the other girls by the time he got to Richelle we had gotten a call from Michelle saying she couldn't attend because her brother just died so she would like to stay with her family so we did a redraw and guess who's name came out! Yours! You're in the selection!" She practically screamed.

I took a second to process the information, then it hit me I'm in the selection, I'm in Percy's selection. Oh no.

I look up and Percy is still looking at me but he seems to have regained his facial muscles. Then he walked out and I understood he needed a minute.

"Annie got a boyfriend! Annie got a boyfriend!" Mathew and Bobbie start singing running around me but I didn't stop them. What's going to happen now?

I wondered this the whole way home. Percy refused to look at me and I didn't know what to do. Thinking I was so tense from my thoughts I let out a breath and sat back. Big mistake. As soon as my back touched the fabric I cried out in pain and lent forward. Percy didn't see what happened he just heard me so I didn't look at him. Zoe grabbed my hand and rubbed my arm. I looked to Tyson and he looked worried I mouthed "My room" and he nodded looking out the window again.

I sat up straight and looked at Zoe. She gave me sad eyes and I smiled at her. The car pulled up and Tyson got out then Zoe then me then Percy. I could feel his eyes on my back trying to put the pieces together but I wouldn't let him. I quickly walked into my room and shut the door hazel wasn't there so I sat down to read. A few minutes later Tyson knocked on the door I went over and opened it.

"What happened?" He asked. I tried my hardest not to cry and pulled my hair over my shoulder.

"Look for yourself and I'll explain." He looked really confused at first but then he understood what I meant and turned red. He hesitated.

"I'm not going to bite you, it's the easiest way to explain." I said and he rolled his eyes and grabbed the zip. He pulled it down and when it just reached past my bra strap my door opened and someone walked in I turned around and that 'someone' was Percy. Great. Just what I needed. I rolled my eyes at his shocked expression.

"WHAT THE FU-!" He started yelling.

"Shhhh, Zoes taking her nap and language." I gave him a pointed look.

"Sorry I was loud about you two making love even after you said you weren't!" He whisper-yelled. I rolled my eyes again. I turned around and unzipped my dress the full way.

"Not making love seaweed brain," They both gasped.

"Who did this to you!" Percy moved forward and placed his finger on my back, I flinched away and whimpered.

I took a deep breath and walked over to my mirror I turned around I looked in horror at my back just below my bra strap is a big purple bruise in the shape of a palm and five slightly less painful looking bruises branched off of it. Even though it makes me want to stab myself from the pain and constant throbbing, I smiled. I smiled so bright that I started to laugh I turned around and the boys were just watching me like I grew an extra head.

"I'm happy because it's on my back." I stated. They looked at me weirdly again.

"And not on Zoe's face." Their eyes got huge and I smiled again I was very glad she didn't have it on her face. Yes, it would have gotten rid of Hellen but Zoe would be in pain and I would not be able to live with myself. I unbuckled my shoes and climbed onto my bed laying on my stomach.

"What happened!" Percy asked again. But Tyson stayed silent knowing what happened.

"Can I tell you later it has been an eventful day." I yawned.

"I'll go find something to numb the pain." Tyson said and walked out.

"But-argh- can you please zip up your dress it is very distracting." He said frustrated.

"No, I'm in pain so I will do as I please." I snapped.

"Agh it is only lunchtime you can't go to sleep now, please answer my question." He begged. I didn't know if I could tell him otherwise I might have to tell him about last time.

"Fine." I sat up. The front of my dress was falling down but I didn't care.

"Just before we got in the cars Zoe made Hellen angry she was about to slap her when I stepped in the way." I stated. He looked at me.

"Thank you, but we need to tell someone." He said and got up, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"No, if we tell someone she promised to ship me off to Switzerland." He could see I was desperate and finally sat down. Tyson walked back in a second later with some gel.

"Will said to try this." Will is our doctor, he put the pot down and kissed me on the forehead. He left to go to his bedroom and I guess he loved me but not enough to touch my back.

"I got it." Percy said and grabbed the pot. I lied back down and waited for the pain but, he didn't touch me.

"Ahh, half of it is u-under-" He stuttered. I rolled my eyes.

"Bra-strap." I said slowly.

"I know what it is but I need to take it off." He said trying to sound brave.

"Go ahead, I don't care." I said. He huffed in annoyance but unclasped it none the less. He started putting the gel on carefully and it didn't hurt that much. After he was done he laid down next to me.

"So why did you come in here before?" I asked remembering him walk in, for no apparent reason.

"It was about the selection...I just want to know..." I froze."Do you like me like that?" He asked and I sighed. I didn't know what to say, I liked him but I didn't like him- to make sense of that I neede more time.

"Seaweed brain if I didn't like you like that I wouldn't have filled out the form. Any more stupid questions?" He smiled pleased with my answer.

"You may now go to sleep!" He said dramatically and flopped down next to me. I smiled and fell asleep.

I woke up because I could hear someone moving next to me. I peeled my eyes open and looked at Percy he was sitting up and I followed suit. Once I stood up I realised my dress was still undone so I reach around to try to find my bra straps. I finally found them and clasped them. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my back. The gel had done its job my back looked so much better.

"Can you do me up?" I asked Percy. He nodded and grabbed the zipper. I thought my back was better but when his hand brushed it I flinched away and it began to throb.

"Sorry." He said.

"No, it's fine lets head to dinner." I said and walked out. He hesitated but followed.

We walked into the dining room and all eyes were on me. Zoe, and Tysons because of my back and Paul and Sally because of the selection.

"Why didn't you tell us you entered?" Sally said happily. I knew she really cared but I was in pain and pretty fed up with living.

"Can we not talk about the selection?" I asked trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"Whatever you say." She said and turned to Paul.

I took a seat in-between Tyson and Zoe and started a normal conversation with them. I sat as straight as a board the whole dinner. I knew my back was going to kill me later. Finally, dinner concluded and I went back to my room. Hazel was there but I dismissed her not wanting to talk about that day or her seeing the bruise. I took my makeup off and got dressed in my PJ's, they had little owls on them.

Just when I climbed into bed someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I called not wanting to move.

"It's just me."Percy said and walked over. He was in his PJ's too.

"Figured you couldn't reach your back." He said and sat down grabbing the gel. I nodded my head and he pulled up my shirt. I could hear his breathing stop.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"N-nothing but w-where is your b-bra?" He stuttered. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"You don't wear a shirt, I don't wear a bra." I stated and laid back down.

I grunted into my pillow as the pain followed but it was soon over.

"Don't pull my shirt back down." I warned him and he chuckled.

"Goodnight." He said and left.

{That was a long chapter. Please keep in mind my brain stops working at 8:30 and I was writing the ending at 10:30 so... it will have a lot of mistakes}

Angel xx 

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