Soulmate | l.h punk

By armcandycalum

297K 8.8K 3.8K

What would you do if you found out your soulmate was the exact opposite of you? This is not a werewolf book I... More

1 | Luke
2 | Sophie
3 | Luke
4 | Sophie
6 | Sophie
7 | Luke
8 | Sophie
9 | Luke
10 | Sophie
11 | Luke
12 | Sophie
13 | Luke
14 | Sophie
15 | Luke
16 | Sophie
17 | Luke
18 | Sophie
19 | Luke
20 | Sophie
21 | Luke
22 | Sophie
23 | Luke
24 | Sophie
25 | Luke
26 | Sophie
27 | Luke

5 | Luke

10.9K 327 35
By armcandycalum

I watched as slyly as I could, Michael talking to my little soulmate. It was a risky move but he insisted he would go and speak to her to see why she was alone and if she was okay. It's not that I was scared to go up to her myself... okay maybe I was, in fact I was a downright coward but Michael said he would be better at approaching her. Maybe right now but in the future I was for sure always going to be the one to have her back.

About five minutes later he came back and I felt the her gaze on our table so I looked directly ahead of me. I wonder what she was thinking. Out the corner of my I could see her looking at me and started to feel anxious, what if she could feel the bond between us? A couple seconds later her heated gaze left my body and I knew she had gone back to reading.

I let out a tiny sigh of relief before looking at Michael.

"So what did you find out? Why is she all alone?" I fired questions at him.

"Sorry I forgot to ask her why she was alone but I did find out some other stuff," he said genuinely. I knew he wasn't joking like usual because his lips where turned down into a frown.

"It's okay Michael but what did you find out?" I didn't know what I would get out of knowing more information about her, I felt like in some sort of twisted way that it would make me closer to her.

"She seems like a really sweet girl also that she's not judgemental, I asked her why she wasn't running away from me like any normal girl and she said something about looking on what's on the inside type of person. So you my friend have nothing to worry about," he said and it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"That's good," I said with a small smile. I was now feeling excited about meeting her for the first time. I wanted so badly to go up to her but her reaction words this whole thing was holding me back. Now though, her reaction could be positive, I just needed to hope for the best. Hope that she was accept me for being me.


The last two days of school flew past and then came the days I was most dreading. The weekend. At the weekend I couldn't see her, when I wanted to so badly.

Ashton was right too. I not only wanted her but I so badly needed her. It was like how a drug addict acted like if they couldn't get their high, they would crave it more and more until they cracked, making them do something illegal. I personally hadn't experienced hardcore drugs, maybe a smoke here and there but nothing too serious, I wasn't that irresponsible.

"Dude you seriously need to calm down." Michael said as he watched me pace back and forth in the living room. My body was shaking and the urge to have the touch of my soulmate was extreme. The skin of my neck where her initials where felt like it was burning. I didn't know what to do. The annoying thing was that it was Saturday morning, I literally had no self control.

"I can't Michael, I'm seriously clueless. What do I do?" I helplessly asked my best friend. He looked thoughtful for a moment before sighing.

"I don't man, we can try what we did last time." He suggested with a small smile, he was referring to last weekend when him and Ashton had spent the two whole days trying to distract me with random stuff. It took my mind of her for about five minutes before I started to think about her again.

"No that was useless," I said a look of hurt flashed over Michael's face. Dammit Luke you selfish idiot. He was trying so hard and I wasn't making anything easier for him being a jerk.

"I'm sorry Michael," I said quietly and he nodded silently. Damn, I hated it when he acted all silent and shit, being his best friend I knew that he only did that when he was hurt or sad, which wasn't very often so right now was a big deal.

"Seriously I'm really sorry man, it's just so hard and I know your trying your best to be there for me but... I don't know how to handle all this," I said after a moment, my hand makings it way up to my neck to see if there was any way I could ease the pain, there wasn't.

"It's fine," he said reassuringly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand but I knew it wasn't. I was such a bad best friend. The feeling of wanting to be near her had started again and I didn't want to complain so I kept my mouth shut.

"How about we give Ashton a call," he said with a small smile and I nodded at the idea. It seemed like a good enough idea.

"Yeah, I'll call him on my phone," I said binging out my black iPhone which was tucked in my jean pocket. Finding Ashton in my contacts under Ash, I quickly called him and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hello," he said sounding happy on the other end.

"Hi Ashton I need your help," I said trying not to sound like I was in life or death situation, it would have worried him.

"Luke what's the matter?" He asked his happy voice turning into a concerned one.

"It's just like what you where talking about Ash, I can't stop thinking about her. It's that weird feeling which I can't explain, I don't know what to do and also my neck is killing me," I said to him helplessly. I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Luke you need to go see her, like now! She needs to know that your her soulmate. Don't be scared, it'll all work out so don't worry, the only thing you can do is go to her, it'll ease the pain. I know what your feeling." He said to me and I nearly groaned. I guess it had to happen sooner or later but I didn't expect that soon.

"Okay," I sighed. I knew it would be useless to fight it any longer.

"Good luck man," he said before he ended the call and I sighed again before slipping my phone back into my pocket.

"So what you gonna do?" Michael asked.

"There's only one thing to do," I said to him, picking up my jumper. I had to go to her. It was as simple as that but for me it felt like the hardest thing to do. The pain eased slightly as I thought positively, well kind off.

"You want me to come with you?" he asked me getting up from the couch.

"Nah it's fine Michael, I think I can manage but if anything happens I'll call you," I said shaking my head. I walked over to the small mirror hanging on the wall and fixed my dishevelled hair, patting down the bits which where sticking up. I needed look the best for her. I checked my face to see if it was clean one last time before saying goodbye to Michael and leaving our flat.


Was it creepy that I knew where my soulmate lived? It's not like I followed her home or anything but before I knew we where soulmates, I had seen her going into and coming out of this fairly large house, a few busy roads away.

As I walked to her house, I tried to order my thoughts and think about how I was even approach this. I wasn't sure if I could knock on the door and see if she was home, if her parents opened it, it would lead to unwanted difficulties.

Getting closer to her house, I noticed that the big white coloured house had a wooden door, leading into the back garden. Maybe I could climb over it and no one could see me.

I wished it was night so my dark clothes could blend in but I wasn't that lucky. They had a big drive way which had a space for about three cars but only one was parked. I could feel the bond between us getting stronger and the pain in my neck had decreased.

I knew she was home.

Slowly making my way up to the garden gate, I was in luck with it being one with gaps in-between the bits of wood. Also I had gotten lucky with the street being desolate with hardly anyone walking on it, they would for sure have called the police if they saw me.

Giving in to what my mind was telling me, I climbed up the gate and hoisted my body over the other side, I quietly as possible climbed down and landed swiftly on the ground. I walked a bit further until I reached the back of the house, slowly looking around the corner I froze in my place when I saw my little mate walking in the distance. She seemed oblivious to my presence and she was also carrying a book in her hands, heading towards a big tree in the corner of the garden. The garden consisted of mainly grass, a few rose bushes and that big tree.

I watched as she in her all beautiful glory tucked the book under her arm and it seemed like she was about to attempt to climb the tree. What if she fell? It was a big tree so the chances where high, worry flooded through me.

My stomach was twisting in knots as this was probably the closest I had been to her. She hoisted herself up to the first brach which thankfully wasn't that high and I also was pretty impressed since she still had the book under her arm.

She didn't stop there as she stood, I knew she was gonna attempt the second branch. My stomach felt funny and I knew why as all it took was her a second for her hand to slip and her to come falling to the ground.

That's all it took for me to rush towards her, not even thinking about what I was doing.


Hoped you liked it! Some people might find this weird but please, you tell me if you wouldn't like Luke hemmings creepin on you. Because I sure would ;).

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