Barriss Offee

By Ewokhunter77

5.2K 451 8

HIGHEST RANKINGS- #1 in #PloKoon & #1 in #BarrissOffee (6th Feb 2019) 1# in: #Barriss, #Offee, #Luminara, #Ba... More

The Trial Of Barriss Offee
Master Luminara
The Dark Lord Of The Sith
The Great Escape
The Kyber Crystal
The Naboo Hideout
Luminara's Vision
Duel Of The Masters
Palpatine's Plan
Barriss' Message

Barriss's Second Escape

287 31 0
By Ewokhunter77

"How could I get back to him? The masters are in the other room.. I could take the escape pod and land back onto naboo...?"
Barriss got up from the bed that she was sitting on and tip-toed past the room, hoping the masters wouldn't sense her presence.
Before walking to the pod, she put her ear against the wall.
"What do we do with her now?" Kenobi's muffled voice came from inside.
"We must keep an eye on her. I don't think she's in the right mindset. I don't know what that.. Sith Lord did to her, but it doesn't seem good."
"And what about your arm, Unduli?" Plo said.
"I-I don't know. I'll go to the healers when we get back to the temple. But not until we alert the council about Sidious."
Barriss' eyes widened. She couldn't let Sidious be found out as Chancellor Palpatine, or he might kill her. She didn't want to lose the people that were close to her, so she had to leave.
She ran back to the quarters and snatched her crimson saber off the shelf above the bed, and ran towards the escape pod, down the corridor and past the room with the masters in. She pressed the main button on the control panel which opened the door to the pod. She quickly clambered in, but as she began to strap in, the three masters walked out.
Luninara turned around, but halted as she saw Barriss close the door.
"Barriss, WAIT!" She yelled, running towards the pod, but it to late. Barriss has already dispatched the pod and was on her way back to Naboo.
Plo and Kenobi both followed behind Luminara, who was stood still with shock.
"ARGH! I FAILED AGAIN!" Luminara stomped off, back to the quarters.
Obi Wan stood in shock, he'd never seen such a calm Jedi so distressed.

The Escape Pod

Barriss stayed sat in the pod before she reached the atmosphere of Naboo, where she then got up to pilot it to land safely. She immediately jumped out, still clutching her bag, filled with her possessions, and most importantly, her new saber. There were, surprisingly, guards, waiting for her arrival.
"Mistress Offee, I need you to come with us." A clone guard walked up to her, grabbing her arm and taking her aboard the speeder that they were waiting for her on, and took her back to the hideout.

At the hideout

"Ah, Barriss. I awaited your arrival. Welcome back." Palpatine, well, Sidious, greeted her at the entrance.
"Master, you're in trouble. The Jedi have suspicions-
"Silence. I know what I'm doing, child."
Barriss nodded.
"Sorry, my Master. I was just trying to help."
"Go to your quarters and meditate. Tomorrow, we shall train." Palpatine said, before walking back to the speeder to take him to the shuttle, which was going to take him back to the senate on Coruscant.

Barriss walked down the dark hallways of the hideout, using her saber as a light. She finally reached what seemed like her chambers, so she walked in, but she had to force herself onto the door as it was jammed shut, it seemed like it was meant to keep her out.
In the room, there was a small bench-like bed, covered in dust.
"This doesn't seem like a bedroom to me..." she muttered.
She then proceeded to find a communications table, and it seemed like the messages were sent very recently.
There was a button on the table, that wasn't covered in dust, but it seemed worn out. The Mirialan placed her fingers on the button and pressed it. Immediately, a hologram of a male zabrak appeared.
"You called, Master?"
Barriss trembled with fear. What happened to the 'Rule Of Two?'
But, Barriss was relieved as she realised that the message was old.
She scoured through the old recorded holograms, and there were multiple ones from Dooku, Maul, Grievous and even a few from Ventress.
"What? I thought I was his only apprentice? How-
Barriss walked closer towards the table, but tripped, and her hand landed on one of the buttons.
A message appeared.
"I'll get rid of the girl once my plan has fallen into place. She is no use to me." Sidious seemed to be speaking to Maul.
"Yes master. Once again, we shall rule."
Sidious paused.
"No. I'm thinking of taking that young, powerful, Anakin Skywalker as my next apprentice.
This message has ended.

Barriss backed away. She'd made a terrible mistake. She was about to run and get her things and escape, for the third time in a matter of a week.
But, a shuttle approached the hideout. She was too late. She attempted to hide, but she was stuck in the room.
Seconds later, the door flew off the wall, slamming into the table.
Barriss stayed still.
"Nothing Master."
"Nothing, Master."
Sidious cackled.
"Don't you try and hide things from me!"
He shot the blue, powerful, electric, lightning out of his bare fingers and aimed at Barriss, but without thinking, she drew her saber and deflected the lightning.
"What are you doing? You were going to betray me! Just like everyone else! I thought I was a somebody to you, but I'm nothing!" She yelled, using all her power to hold her saber.
"Yes! That's right! You were just a placeholder. I never needed you! I just needed you so my plan could fall into place. You're nothing, mistress Offee!" He cackled back.
Barriss used up all her strength, but the lighting and the Sith Lord was too powerful for her, and she lost control of her saber, and it fell to the ground, leaving Barriss in the direct path of the lightning.
Shocking her, Sidious let out a huge, maniacal laugh, before Barriss collapsed.

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