(TSF 6 or The Sub-sequent Fat...

By NeoNaya

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Years have passed, but some things never change...or do they? ***Note: may have some grammatical errors*** More

10-Days Later
13-Months Later


4 0 0
By NeoNaya

    The area was a large ballroom with many tables, chairs, a podium, stage, and speakers. The church usually used the large space for special occasions like banquets, but today it would be occupied by the wedding party and their guests. All mingled in celebration of the happy couples. A Videographer took images when necessary. The lights began to dim and the emcee made an announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your brides and their grooms."

Everyone cheered and shouted as Danielle and Sebastian entered first and moved to the beat of the music. Next, it was Will and bailey's turn. They joined the couple at the stage and walked together to a large table together on the ground floor.

"I present to you all," The emcee continued. "The Talbots and the Kings."

The guests applauded with euphoria and the lights no longer dimmed. The men pushed in their lady's chairs and sat down themselves. Will's parents were seated with them, along with Danielle's, Abbie, and Mason. Minutes later, it was time for the brides' and grooms' first dance. They stood and made their way to the dance floor, everyone applauded and watched in marvel. Next, was the father-daughter dance. Due to certain circumstances, Bailey danced with her new father-in-law. Will danced with Danielle, and Sebastian danced with Abbie. After that, the food was ready to be served.


   Peter's hair had grown longer over the years. So much so that he had it slicked back and in a small low ponytail. He looked around at all of the population, hoping that some memory would spark. Nate was seated beside him and watched him closely. He had become distant, isolated, and unfriendly. His demeanor and personality had been completely altered. Having amnesia had changed him, but not for the better. He had become distant, isolated, and unfriendly.

"Anything?" He asked

Peter grunted. "No, still the same."

"It'll get better." Nate stated

"When?" He glared. "I feel like a stranger here--it's my sister's wedding day."

"I'm sure Bailey understands."

"I...can't help feeling like something's missing inside." He looked at the people in line at the buffet. CJ was there and she was chatting with Lyndie. The girls hugged tightly and laughed in enjoyment. Seeing her blue eyes and watching her smile made his heart twinge. Hearing her laugh, made it leap and he didn't understand why. He followed her with his eyes as she gathered her plate and finally sat down.

[Who...is she?]

He cleared his throat. "I...need some air." He told his brother and walked away

The aviator sighed with defeat.

[He's ignoring his feelings. Maybe he doesn't want to remember.]


    Liam stared hopelessly at his dish. He sighed as he poked it with a fork and watched all of the couples. Bryce was in line with Katrina waiting to be served. His wife was observing the British gentlemen, could sense that something was clearly wrong. Unfortunately, she knew exactly what it was. After waking up in the medical with Peter, she had taken him in her care and brought him back to the cabin. There he met his brother, sister, and friends. Sebastian and Danielle arrived much later and he took weekly therapy sessions with her free of charge.

She touched his arm. "Hey, you."

"O-Oh, I was just--"

"It's okay. It's Anne, isn't it?"

He sighed in surrender. She touched his hand in concern, she then looked at him and explained that Anne was still alive wherever she was. Heidi touched her heart and said that she could still feel her. Liam put his hand on her other one and smiled politely.

"Peter's still alive too, you know. He's in there somewhere." She expressed

"Y-You can feel him too?"

She smiled at him. "Always." She rubbed his hand for reassurance and walked over to her husband and child.


    CJ was eating with Hudson and Piper. It was frustrating and suspenseful not knowing what to say to them. [Should I give my condolences? I didn't even go to her freakin' funeral! I should've just canceled everything and came back! Maybe I am evil.]

The two noticed her anxiety and immediately sat closer to her.

"Hey," Piper began. "I miss her too. So much that--" She removed her bracelet revealing teal colored cheerleading pompoms on her wrist, it was a tattoo in honor of the deceased. CJ smiled to fight back tears.

Hudson chuckled. "I'll do you one better." He ran his hand through his hair and revealed some teal colored tresses.

CJ smirked and did the same, revealing her hidden vibrant teal highlights.

Piper giggled. "What did you guys do?"

"Romy would've liked it."

"No." CJ giggled. "She'd love it."

The scout and warrior hugged her tightly and she laughed with relief.

"So...since when did you lose the stutter?" CJ inquired

"Oh, that." He chuckled nervously. "It was my gift from Reuben, he called it The Gift of Orality. It took my stutter away, and now I can speak and understand any language in the world."

"Wow, that's great!"

"Y-Yeah." His demeanor changed and he pulled away. "I was gifted for my bravery--but I lost my greatest gift." He clenched his fist. "The only one who knows what really happened...is your boyfriend."


Piper nodded. "Sadly, Peter got amnesia that day."

"So he says." Hudson shot back, his eyes started to darken and he stood to his feet. "I, uh should go. Congratulate the brides and grooms for me." He expressed and exited quietly.

"He's still hurting, CJ."

She nodded with remorse. The neonate then asked if her beloved was really there on that tragic day, the young woman nodded apologetically.

"Heidi said he was the one who brought her to the medical."

"When? When did all this happen!?"

Piper touched her hand. "The scouts did some rough investigating. And...Romy actually died the day that you left."

"W-What?" She pulled her hand away. "No."

"I'm so sorry, CJ. A lot of people still blame you, being a neonate and all." She gripped her hand tightly. "But, I trust you one hundred percent! I know that you'd never..."

The mysto's voice faded and CJ suddenly felt torn. She trusted Piper as well, but she feared that she couldn't trust herself. She had already killed before, and Romy did hurt her feelings by calling her a liar. So, maybe it was possible that she doubled back from the airport and stopped by the cheerleader's home. The thought haunted her, the possibility of it vexed her. Was she really capable of hurting the ones that she loved and cared about?

"H-How did she die?" She finally asked

"Car accident."

CJ felt something cool down inside of her, she looked down to avoid her gaze.

[D-Did I really kill her? Did she die the same way that lady did!?]

"W-Where's her car, Piper!?"

"Towed. A-Are you okay?"

She gripped her shoulders. "Was it...on fire!?"

Piper was dismayed. "F-Fire!? What--!?"

CJ stood quickly as a way of escape. Unfortunately, she collided with someone.

"CJ, I wanted to talk to you. I'd hope that now's a good time?" Abbie expressed

"A-Abbie. Sure, okay." She walked away and the pathis followed. Piper was confused and slightly concerned.

[What the hell!?] She pondered but smiled when she felt John's hand touch hers.

"Sorry, long line."

She sighed with content and chuckled. "Yeah, that happens at these things."


    Abbie had this look of resentment on her face. But for whom? Did she still despise CJ after all of these years? Or herself for what she had done? The two were standing outside, away from prying eyes. The woman sighed as the gazed at the stars. "What happened between us...was in the past. Hopefully, we can put it all behind us." She looked at her. "But, I'd understand your reluctance if you couldn't. What I did to you can't be forgotten, but I hope that it can be forgiven. By you, and everyone else that I've wronged."

CJ was surprised by this. She understood what she was trying to say, but what shocked her the most was the repetition of the word hope. She knew what it was like to wish and want something, and Abbie just wanted to be forgiven for her crimes.

She sighed. "You wanted me dead, but I can't really blame you. Charles Mathis ruined both of our lives. So, it makes sense that we're both a little messed up behind all that." She finally looked at her. "Abbie, I forgive you. Nobody's perfect, especially me. If Bailey can accept you, then so can I--besides, you already did your time."

Abbie held out her arms. "Friends then?"

CJ embraced her. "Screw me, or anybody else over again? And you'll be sorry."

The woman smirked maliciously. "Is that a challenge?"

She pulled away and shook her hand. She smirked. "It's a promise, Abbie."

Abbie chuckled. "Impressive--you're not the same teenage girl that I remember."

Her smile faded. "Can I ask you something personal?"

She nodded.

"What was it like...having people be afraid of you?"

"I enjoyed it mostly. But, it did get lonely at times. Plus, it made me trust people less. But, it helps to have someone in your corner at all times. For me, it was Mason."


"Mm-hm. No matter how hard I pushed, he never went away. I honestly don't know how I could have survived without him all these years. I guess the phrase goes: he does something for me."

She nodded in acknowledgment. She felt the same thing when it came to Peter.

"The important thing is to never let enemies see your weaknesses and trepidations. So, now you need to do what scares you most--go face your family. And then, talk to Peter."

She gulped. "I'm not ready to see him just yet."

"If you keep avoiding it, you never WILL be."

CJ was concerned. It was strange for them to even be talking, let alone about this. But, she welcomed the idea of having a new friend on her side. She inhaled and darted back inside.

Abbie chuckled but glared when she heard someone whimpering in the large parking lot.

"Who's there?" She inquired and moved to investigate.


    In due time, CJ was sitting with her parents and holding her little sister. She loved them all deeply, but how much could she really trust them? Would she able to tell them about the homicide? CJ sighed. Not knowing how either of them would react to such news, she remained silent. Thankfully, her father had to leave early. So it was just her, Brenda, and little Fe. She confided in her stepmother about Peter instead, and her pain about Romy's death. 

"What happened to Romy was terrible. Time heals all wounds, sweetie." Brenda then simply smiled and handed her a folded piece of paper. "I'm sorry your dad had to leave. But, he wanted you to have this. He understands your relationship problem, but he said to read it only when you felt lost--or out of any other options."

"But, what is it?"

"Couldn't tell ya. He said it's for your eyes only." She shrugged. "He's mysterious that way."

The neonate looked around at all of the guests. The girls were chatting with Danielle and Bailey, and the boys were laughing it up with Will and Sebastian.

[As terrible as I feel right now--today's not about me.] She thought and smiled confidently.

"Face your fears." She said to herself and scanned the room for Peter. It wasn't hard, because he was staring at her also. She inhaled and handed Fe to her mother. She then stood and finally walked over to him. He felt panicked and quickly turned around, his back facing her. 

    He jerked when she touched his shoulder and sat down next to him.


He nodded in acknowledgment. 

"Um, I heard about what happened. I'm so sorry, Pete."


She chuckled nervously. "It was...a nickname I used for you."

"Oh. Well, I'm adjusting to my situation pretty well."

She took a deep breath. "Look, the truth is that I've been avoidin' you. After I got the news, I was scared to face you." She looked down. "I, uh was worried that you wouldn't remember."

He cocked his head. "Remember what exactly?"

She looked up at him, there was a pain in her eyes. She sighed and looked back down. He didn't recall her or what they had shared together. Peter suddenly felt nervous, he wanted to look away; but he couldn't. He seemed to like gazing at her. To him, she was mesmerizing. But, he still couldn't fathom as to why. CJ exhaled and placed her hands in her lap. She looked at him and chuckled nervously. 

"I came on too strong, huh?" There were tears in her eyes and he was overwhelmed.

He didn't know this person, but he wanted to. He tried to lunge forward and hold one of her hands for comfort, but a sudden shriek startled everyone. 

    It was coming from Heidi. Bryce held her tightly as she cried in his arms. Bailey rushed to her side. She gasped when she saw dark blood flow from the empath's eyes. She seemed to be in a trance. 

"Heidi!?" She shouted

The woman lifted her hand and pointed toward the entrance. "A-Abbie and Mason."

Liam darted away first, next were some warriors along with Jasmine. Then Piper and a few scouts, and finally everyone else. 

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