Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINY...

By lovesickyuno

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"I hope one day we'll be succesful and happy and we'll still be like this.", he said. "Like what?", Jisoo ask... More

Chapter 1 : Remisnicing
Chapter 2 : Hopeful
Chapter 3 : See You Again
Chapter 4 : Unexpected
Chapter 5 : Hell
Chapter 6 : Mr Park
Chapter 7 : You're My Secretary
Chapter 8 : Will The Universe Ever Fight For Us Again?
Chapter 9 : Back To You
Chapter 10 : Homesick
Chapter 11 : Romeo And Juliet
Chapter 12 : Slowly But Surely
Chapter 13 : Needy
Chapter 14 : Never Happened
Chapter 15 : The One For You
Chapter 16 : All Over Again
Chapter 17 : Questions
Chapter 18 : We Have Each Other Again
Chapter 19 : Chances
Chapter 20 : Fight For Us
Chapter 21 : I'll Fix Us
Chapter 22 : You Make Me Love You
Chapter 23 : Yellow
Chapter 25 : Be My Mess
Chapter 26 : Sick
Chapter 27 : Park Jinyoung's Universe
Chapter 28 : You Taste Like Forever
Chapter 29 : We'll Be Okay
Chapter 30 : I Won't Let You Go
Chapter 31 : Sacrifices
Chapter 32 : Change
Chapter 33 : Take Me To You
Chapter 34 : Happy Birthday
Chapter 35 : I Want To Hate You
Chapter 36 : Hope
Chapter 37 ( Last Chapter ) : Always Yours
Special Chapter : Endless Happily Ever After
A's announcement!
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK.
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK 2
maybe, just maybe

Chapter 24 : I'm Glad You Did

1.4K 66 19
By lovesickyuno

Jennie looked at the plane taking off with Jisoo by her side. It was the night of Jackson's flight, and she sighed. Jisoo heard her and comforted Jennie by rubbing her upper arm in assurance.

"Eight months will go by fast.", Jisoo said and Jennie looked up at her with a tight smile.

"Can we go for dinner?", Jennie asked and Jisoo nodded.

They ended up at one of the restaurants in the airport. After having their orders taken, Jisoo and Jennie started talking.

Jennie then took Jisoo's hand to look at the ring she has on.

"It's beautiful, congratulations.", Jennie smiled, and Jisoo shook her head.

"No, I want out of this more than anything.", Jisoo sighed, "I think you know exactly who I want to be with.", Jisoo said as she looked up at Jennie.

"Jisoo..", Jennie said with a sad smile, "Just so you know I'm rooting for you both.", Jennie said encouragingly, and Jisoo nodded.

"I just wished it was easier you know. I think I belong with him but then something happens and I think it's not meant to be.", Jisoo said.

"Things like this take time.", Jennie advised, "If it's meant to be then you'll end up with each other regardless.", Jennie said and Jennie felt sorry for Jisoo, with her bestfriend gone, and her relationship with Jinyoung in ruins, Jisoo seemed lonely, "Jisoo, since Jackson's miles away from us..and he'll be probably busy, I hope you know that you can come to me whenever you feel sad or when you feel like the world is too much. I can fill in Jackson's shoes for you for the timebeing, I know how hard it is without your bestfriend physically there for you.", Jennie said with a sad smile and Jisoo was moved at that, no wonder Jackson fell for you. She thought.

"Thank you so much Jennie, that was the first nice thing I've heard today.", Jisoo said with a smile.

"No biggie Jisoo, besides I actually want to get to know you better.", Jennie smiled and Jisoo replied with a me too and they spent their dinner talking about everything and anything. It was nice for the both of them, considering their bestfriends were both guys.


When Jinyoung and Jisoo first talked at the bookstore, Jinyoung already knew who she was, and he had already fallen for her eversince he first saw Jisoo by those lockers, reading.

And when they first started being friends, Jisoo and Jinyoung never thought of getting serious, the thought never did cross their mind. It just sort of happened, one day Jinyoung and her were fooling around at some bookstore and he just randomly started calling her his girlfriend, and Jisoo never questioned him, she played along.

But later on, that bloomed into something else, it turned into love, and everyone around them could see that they were in love.

They had the kind of love that makes you want to fall in love.

"In all honesty, I never planned on falling for you Jinyoung, I thought you'd just be a crush.", Jisoo said one night, they were at the rooftop, lying down beside each other, admiring the stars, "But when you first talked to me at that bookstore, I couldn't help it.", Jisoo trailed as she turned her body to face Jinyoung and he did the same.

"Are you kidding? When I saw you there, I was contemplating hard whether or not I should approach you, I was so nervous Jisoo. And I've never been that nervous around someone.", Jinyoung said with a chuckled and Jisoo smiled.

"I'm glad you did though.", Jisoo said and he smiled back.

"Me too.", he whispered.

Jisoo was then snapped out of her thoughts when Jinyoung called her name. They were on their way to a meeting with a client.

"Can you please stay with me Jisoo?", Jinyoung said, as he drove a little annoyed of her constantly zoning out.

"Right, sorry.", Jisoo breathed, "You were saying?", Jisoo asked, completely there by now.

"I need you to set up a meeting with Mr Hong soon, regarding to that project in Busan, it's been moving too slow.", he said.

"Okay.", Jisoo said quietly, and if Jinyoung was being honest, he actually was worried about Jisoo. She's been looking sad and it seemed like she had been crying a lot. Jinyoung inhaled as he gripped on his steering wheel tightly. And he glanced at Jisoo who was looking down at her fingers.

"You okay?", Jinyoung asked, trying to sound as cold as he can.

"Huh?", Jisoo said, perplexed, "Y-yeah, I am.", Jisoo said, blinking, "Why?", Jisoo asked.

"Why what?", Jinyoung said.

"Why the sudden question?", Jisoo asked.

"No reason.", Jinyoung said nonchalantly, looking away from Jisoo. And Jisoo stopped asking when she realised that sudden question was enough for her.


Jisoo was out with Joonki one day during her lunch break, looking around for their wedding, Jisoo dreaded being there.

She always dreamed of going out shopping for her wedding, tasting cakes, trying on dresses but only with the person she loved, never with the jerk standing right in front of her.

"How about this?", Joonki asked as he held up a cream coloured ribbon.

"Anything is fine by me.", Jisoo answered, trying to not sound dead inside. And Joonki scoffed.

"Excuse us.", Joonki said to the worker there as he dragged Jisoo's wrist out of the store.

"What are you doing? Stop it Joonki!!!", Jisoo said, yanking her wrist away.

"What's the matter with you?", Joonki spat.

"Me? What did I do Joonki?", Jisoo said in disbelief.

"Can you stop acting as if you don't care, you made me look like a whole idiot in there like I'm so desperate to get married to you.", Joonki spat, and Jisoo scoffed.

"But you are desperate.", Jisoo shot and Joonki scoffed.

"What did you just say?", Joonki said in disbelief.

"You heard me. You are the most desperate guy I've met, and for the record I really don't give a fuck about this wedding, I don't care what kind of flowers we have, what colour ribbons we'll have. I really don't care Joonki.", Jisoo spat, she couldn't take being with him anymore.

"Bold of you Jisoo. Are you forgetting something?", Joonki scoffed, referring to the secret Jisoo has.

"What? The secret?", Jisoo chuckled humorlessly, "Do what you want. I don't care Joonki, I don't.", Jisoo said roundly, arms folded, "Also, I'm not getting married to you, so heres your stupid ring.", Jisoo said as she took off the ring, shoving it back to him, and she turned around to walk away. Joonki was livid.

"Don't challenge me Jisoo.", he said through gritted teeth, and Jisoo scoffed,

"I just did Joonki.", Jisoo spat, walking away. Jisoo got into her car, and she knew for a fact that her life might just be over in a few hours. But she didn't care anymore, she was already too tired. Whatever happens, happens.

She got back to the office, and she was a little late. And she huffed when she saw Jinyoung already in his office, she was called into his office.

"Where were you?", Jinyoung asked, and Jisoo sighed.

"I'm sorry I got a little caught up with something.", Jisoo said, and Jinyoung was about to respond until he saw her that there was no ring on her finger, Jinyoung could've sworn that he saw it this morning, shining.

Seeing that gave Jinyoung a glimmer of hope.

"Okay.", Jinyoung gulped, looking serious, "Just make sure it doesn't happen again.", he said and Jisoo nodded, leaving the room.

The day wasn't going so well. And when the clock striked five, Jisoo was more nervous than anything to be heading home.

Jisoo made her way to the parking lot, and she got into her car, taking a deep breath. Preparing herself for what's to come, but in that moment, she felt herself losing it and she broke down into tears, definitely not prepared for anything.

Jinyoung was making his way to his car too, that were a few cars away from Jisoo's. As he was walking, he saw her in the car, crying, and he swallowed at the sight. He stopped in his tracks, thinking of what to do whether to go comfort her or leave, but before he could decide, he heard Jisoo's engine starting, and she drove off moments later. Leaving him with no choice but to leave.

Jisoo got home and her heart skipped when she saw Joonki's car, she knew that this was the end. Jisoo walked in her house slowly, and she saw her dad's angry face, accompanied by her disappointed mother and a satisfied Joonki.

"D-dad.", Jisoo said, afraid.

"How dare you Jisoo. How dare you go work with him.", her dad said, voice raising and Jisoo flinched.

"I-i can explain.", Jisoo said as she swallowed.

"There's no need to explain, you know you were forbidden to see him, you knew what went down between our families Jisoo, you knew, yet you still went behind my back.", her dad spat angrily, "How dare you.", he said, raged.

"I'm sorry. I-",

"Why did you do that Jisoo?", her mother said in disappointment.

"Mum, I just thought maybe-that maybe we could all start over, it's been years.", Jisoo said.

"Was it that or was it simply just because of Jinyoung?", her mother said, looking up at her.

"No..", Jisoo said defensively, almost crying, "I-i..", Jisoo couldn't seem to answer and maybe it really was because of Jinyoung.

"Get out of my house. Leave.", her father said angrily.

"What?", Jisoo said in disbelief, welling up with tears.

"Leave, I don't need a traitor for a daughter, get out.", her dad spat.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I really am.", Jisoo said pleadingly and then Jisoo heard her bags getting thrown out, and she swallowed at that.

"Get out!!!", he yelled and Jisoo flinched, she was then dragged out of the house by her own father, "Don't come back until you realise how much damage happened because of that company.", her father said, slamming the front door shut, and Jisoo was left outside of the house with her bags, she slowly got up, trying her best to not cry.  

Jisoo's carkeys got confiscated, so she couldn't really head anywhere by car, Jisoo dragged her bags out and called for a cab.

Jisoo ended up at a hotel that night, she had contemplated if she should call Jennie but eventually she figured that she didn't want to burden anyone.

"Your card miss?", the receptionist asked and Jisoo handed it to her, after awhile of trying to get access, the receptionist gave it back to Jisoo with an apologetic smile, "Sorry miss, it got declined.", she said and Jisoo frowned.

"Declined?", Jisoo asked, shit, it got frozen. Jisoo thought, "Then nevermind, I'll use cash.", Jisoo said as she looked through her purse, she had slightly over two thousand in it, she was grateful she had cashed out some money the day before, it was enough for her to survive until the end of the month, until she gets her monthly pay.

Jisoo walked into her hotelroom and sighed, she plopped down on the bed.

"I can't keep staying in this hotel, my money will run out in two days.", Jisoo sighed, but then she fell asleep, not wanting to think about it until the next day.

Jisoo got to the office early in the morning the next day, she had brought her bags along with her, it was six in the morning.

Jisoo panted as she got onto the elevator pulling her bag, and carrying the other in hand. Once she reached Jinyoung's floor, she pulled her bags out and she struggled as she opened the office with her given keys, Jisoo had gotten keys to the office when she first started working as Jinyoung's secretary.

"Okay..", Jisoo breathed, looking around the office, "where do I hide these..?", she said. Jisoo chewed on her lip, thinking of where she could hide her bags, she pulled her bags to the pantry and she saw a space in the corner, big enough to hide her bags.

Bingo ! Jisoo thought happily. She then hid her bags there perfectly and she plopped down on the couch that was in the pantry, sighing in relief.

"Getting kicked out, having a complicated relationship, bestfriend being worlds away.", Jisoo said to no one in particular, "That's one hell of a life.", Jisoo sighed, "Will it ever get better?", Jisoo said, zoning out, but then she snapped out of her trance, Jisoo looked at her watch and saw that it was almost 7 in the morning, she got up and made herself  some coffee, and then she sat at her desk going through her emails.

Jisoo then leaned back in her seat, and her mind found it's way back to how her mother just watched her get kicked out, not even stopping her father. And Jisoo sighed, because seeing that broke her heart, she was hurt. But she snapped herself out of it before she burst into tears, she couldn't afford to cry anymore, that was all she did the night before.

At the moment, Jisoo isn't too sure about what she's going to do with her life, considering she just got kicked out and basically lost everything, with no car, and a frozen bank account, her bestfriend being away. She had nothing. Not even a place to stay. Jisoo then decided that she should print out her certificates, since she had a degree it was easy to go apply stable jobs that would give her back the lifestyle she had. And with the money she has, she figured it'd be enough to survive until the end of the month.

Work went on fine that day, Jinyoung was normal and so was Jisoo. Jisoo walked into the pantry that evening, and then her eyes landed on the couch that was in the pantry, and Jisoo thought of something for awhile, and Jisoo went to the bathroom to check it's condition. She chewed on her lip.

What if I stay here for the night? It's not like Jinyoung will find out. I have my own keys. Jisoo thought.

"Just for a week wouldn't hurt..", Jisoo said, and that was when she was relieved, at least she found a place to stay tonight.

Once it was already 5pm, Jisoo stayed at her desk, waiting for Jinyoung to get home. Jinyoung walked out of his office and saw Jisoo still at her desk, still doing work, at least pretending to.

"Why are you still here?", Jinyoung asked.

"Just finishing something. I'll be out in a few.", Jisoo lied and Jinyoung bought it.

Jisoo was relieved, once Jinyoung was completely out of sight, Jisoo locked the office doors, and turned off the lights and only left a few on, bright enough for her. After bathing in the available bathroom, Jisoo got into her pyjamas and set up her place to sleep on the couch in the pantry. She exhaled as she lied down, and with that she fell asleep.

This went on for almost a week, and it seemed to work, Jisoo didn't leave a single trace of herself in the office. But Jinyoung was  suspicious as to why she keeps on going home late and staying back , it made Jinyoung wonder.

One night, Jinyoung had forgotten some documents from the office, he looked at the clock and figured that it was only 8:43PM. He figured he'd stop by the office to go get it.

Jisoo on the other hand was at the office that night, already getting comfy, she was reading a book on the couch, suddenly she heard the front door opening, and Jisoo's heart skipped a thousand beats.

SHIT!!! Jisoo thought.

Jinyoung walked into the office and he saw the pantry light on, he rolled his eyes at that, thinking that Jisoo must have forgotten to switch it off.

Jisoo then heard footsteps making it's way to the pantry, she looked around, not knowing where to hide, but it was already too late, Jinyoung was already in the pantry and he had already seen her.

Jinyoung was surprised to see Jisoo there.

"Jisoo?", he said, perplexed.


HI GUYS!!! HERES AN UPDATE!! Sorry for being late. omg THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE COMMENTS AND VOTES I LOVE YOU GUYS A LOT. Also chap25 coming ASAP!!! i promise💖

QOTC : How old are you guys?

LOVE A & Q 🌙🌻

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