Demigods go to Hogwarts: Perc...

נכתב על ידי ChloeCGS

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The seven demigods, Thalia, and Nico go to Hogwarts when they find out that Kronos, Gaea, and The Dark Lord (... עוד

1 | The Meeting
3 | The Train Ride
4 | Hogwarts
5 | Classes
6 | The First Attack
7 | Revealed
8 | Unbelievable
9 | Camp Half-Blood
10 | Camp Jupiter
11 | The Plan
12 | The Final Battle: Part 1
13 | The Final Battle Part 2
14 | The War is Over
15 | Back to Normal?

2 | The Leaky Cauldron

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נכתב על ידי ChloeCGS

Annabeth POV

We landed on an old street, in what I sort of recognized as what SHOULD be England.

"Ok. On the back of this list that Chiron gave us we need to find some pub/INN called The Leaky Cauldron to get to Diagon Ally." I explain.

"Well, come on. We need to look for this place. And FAST. Percy made us late. It's already 8:00." Hazel pointed at Percy accusingly.

"Sorry! I am not a morning person! And Annabeth I still haven't gotten that kiss for getting up." Percy said.

I felt my cheeks heat up from a light blush. "What?" Jason asked trying to hide a laugh.

"In order to get him up I told him I would kiss him... So yeah...." I said awkwardly.

"And I still haven't gotten it." Percy repeated.

"Later Seaweed Brain. And hurry guys! Look!" I quickly changed the subject.

As we walked down the street I saw two brick buildings. Out of the corner of my eye as I passed it I saw something that wasn't there a second before. In that split second I saw that the name of it was The Leaky Cauldron.

"I saw it!" I yelled and pointed at the empty space between the two bricks buildings. "Well I thought it was. Maybe only people with magical abilities can see it. Hmmm... Concentrate on it." I stared at the empty space between the buildings. The Leaky Cauldron appeared right in front of me.

"I see it! Come on!" Piper said. The nine of us walked across the street and through the front door.

"I assume you kids are here to go to Diagon Ally considering your ages. Do you know how to go through the wall?" A man behind the desk said.

"Umm, no?" I said.

"Follow me." I reluctantly followed him and shrugged at my friends.

We went into the back room and faced a brick wall. The man took out a wand and tapped a few brick. The bricks moved themselves into an archway kind of thing.

"Woah..." I heard Leo mumble. I just rolled my eyes for the second time today which is unusual.

I lead my friends through the archway and took out the list.

"We need to go to Gringotts to trade our money for Wizarding money. Leo do you have any small pouches we can use?" I say.

"Yeah sure." Leo reaches into his belt and pulls out 9 small bags and hands them out.

"Ok I got the money lets go." We walk up to a building that looked a bit like a bank plus it said something like gtotsGnri. I figured out that it probably said Gringotts..

"Hey guys? How are we going to be able to cast the spells like wizards?" Frank asked. Realization dawned on everyones face.

"Oh yeah ummm Hecate gave us her blessing, so now we can cast spells like them." I explain remembering Hecate visiting me when I should've been asleep.

We keep walking up to a Goblin thing at the head of a long room. He looked up at us and asked for our vault number or money to trade in. I handed him the 2000 dollars in mortal (or muggle) money that Chiron had given me. He told us how there are 29 Knuts in a Sickle and 17 Sickles in a Galleon. Galleons are gold, Sickles are silver, and Knuts are bronze. He gave us 198 Galleons, 10 Sickles, and 10 Knuts. I thanked him and we left.

First, we need to go to get our robes. Then we can each go get a pet. Then books and last we get out wands.

The others for some reason made me leader, so they just made me lead them everywhere. I didn't really care because I would've made them do that anyway, but I stilled would have liked them to ask me to be leader not just force it upon me without notice.

I walked up to a place called Madam Malkom's Robes for all Occasions. Long name if you ask me. I went in and we all had to get our robes fitted and bought.

A plumpish lady dragged Percy up onto a pedestal just as a pale scrawny boy with super light blonde hair walked in. He looked about my age. Maybe a little older. He had like a permanent smirk. He met my eyes and I quickly looked away. Out of the the corner of my eye I could see him eyeballing me Piper, and Thalia. Even a little on Hazel. The girls didn't notice but their boyfriends definitely did. Percy, Jason, Frank, and even Nico glared at him. I guessed Nico was doing it because of Thalia being a hunter.

Once we had our robes, we gave the lady 10 galleons.

"This is two much! You shuldn't pay more than needed! I only need six." She complained.

"Keep it. I insist. We have enough." I assured her pushing away the 4 galleons she was trying to give back to me.

"If you insist." She said with a thankful smile. "Come back anytime. Even to visit!"

"I will if I can! Thank you." I smiled and left.

The next shop was right across the small street. This store was called Magical Mengerie. From looking through the windows of the shop, I could tell it was where we could buy our pets. The second I stepped in the shop Percy and I were completely covered in Owls. I shooed them away which worked for all of them except for one. The owl had white feathers which almost like a tint of blue. It had amazing bright green eyes. I was in love with it. I bought it for one Galleon.

I watched the others look for pets. Practically every animal Nico walked within ten feet of, flew away. I said practically because one pitch black owl with obsidian color eyes stayed with Nico. It actually landed on his shoulder and nuzzled into Nico's neck.

I heard him say something like, "Your name is gonna be... OH! Midnight."

Percy got a light grey owl with blue eyes.

Thalia got one like mine but with light blue eyes.

Jason got an owl with multicolored feathers and golden eyes.

Piper somehow found one with a super light pink (almost white) feather owl with light purple eyes. I think she named it Stella actually.

Leo got one with redish brown feathers like a turkey with reddish orange eyes.

Frank got one with dark gray feathers and brown eyes.

Finally Hazel chose one of the smallest ones in the store. It had a reddish beak. The feathers were a mix of brown gray and baize. The eyes were so beautiful. Around the center you could see green and blue then as it went out it turned purple, then orange, yellow, and red. They all payed for their owls and we left for the books.

Next, we walked into a store that looked much like a library except for the cash register thingy. It doesn't really look much like a normal register...

The nine of us split up and found all of our books. On my way to my last book I was looking down at the list. I accidentally bumped into a boy with startling red hair. I accidentally dropped my books when I hit him. I quickly bent down and picked them all up.

"I am so sorry." I said. Then I noticed that he was standing in front of the last book I needed. He was gawking at me and I snapped my fingers in his face. He snapped out of it quickly. "Can you please move? Your in front of the book I need." He moved slowly. I ripped the book off the shelf just as two more people walked up. One had black messy hair like Percy's but with emerald green eyes. The girl had brownish red hair that was curly.

"Harry! Move! Your in this poor girls way!" The new boy was now gawking too. Ugh. "Sorry. I'm Hermione Granger. This is Harry Potter and Ron Weasly. Boys! Close your mouths! It's rude to stare." She pushed him out of my way.

"It's fine. I'm Annabeth Chase. I hope to see you on the train! I gotta run. Nice meeting you." I rushed off smiling. I made my first three possible friends!

When I got to the front of the shop my friends were there waiting for me having already paid. I paid and we went to the last shop.

The wand shop was called Ollivanders. It was filled with shelves behind a desk. He shelf was packed tightly with small long boxes. Wand boxes.

Jason went first. The old man, probably Ollivander, behind the desk looked at Jason for a second then hurried off into the labyrinth of shelves. He came back with along box. He took out a long white wand. Jason gave it a flick and the ti of the wand started crackling with electricity.

"Interesting. 12 inch with the core a hallow core of clouds. Very Rare." He handed the wand to Jason.

I'll just tell you what each person got so I don't need to explain EVERYTHING I saw.

Percy - 8 inch; Core of horse hair; Rare

Thalia - 6 inch; Core of bird feather; Uncommon

Nico - 9 inch; Core of Thestral Bone; Rare

Piper - 7 inch; Core of dove tail feather; Rare

Leo - 11 inch; Core of metal; Very Rare

Hazel - 10 inch; Core of obsidian; Uncommon

Frank - 9 inch; Core of a bear hair; Rare

Now I was a bit interesting. The first wand he gave me made the books fall off the shelves. Then he gave me another wand that made all the books go back but some came to me and flipped to certain pages that related to my past and present. Then they flew back.

"Weird... I have never seen this before. Last person I gave this type of wand to was someone named Hermione Granger. She was very smart and this wand is made for the smartest of people. 8 inch with the core of an owl hair feather. Two of a kind. Very VERY Rare." Ollivander said. He handed me the wand and wish my friends and I good luck.

"Ok guys. You ready for the train ride?" I reminded them of the train. We had thirty minutes to get their. I think we have time. "Ok then let's travel. Um let's go behind a building before we do okay?" They nod in agreement and we went behind the wand shop.

Nico and Hazel each grabbed someones hand. Then everything melted to blackness.


Hey! Sorry for the wait! Yeah you see I was on vacation for a week where there wasn't any wifi connection. But since I have the Wattpad app I was able to type a chapter or two on the app, but I can't publish. At least I don't think I can... So yeah! Thanks for reading! I made this chapter a bit extra long to make up for the wait. :D So yeah... BYE! VOTE COMMENT! If you have like any fabulous ideas for my book, plz feel free to write the idea in the comments!

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