5 Guys, One Beautiful Prankst...

By MLAkin

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Andie just got kicked out of her high school. As a trouble making senior, her parents are making her move to... More

Chapter 1: Depatures and Lemons?
Chapter 2: Boxers and Smurfs
Chapter 3: Pretty Boy
Chapter 4: Coffee and Confessions
Chapter 5: "Next Caller Rich."
Chapter 6: Hints and Happiness
Chapter 7: Relocations and Shocked faces
Chapter 8: A Change of Moods and Attitudes
Chapter 9: Screwing and Wrong doing
Chapter 10: Teasing and Flats
Chapter 11: Leprechauns and Cake Mix
Chapter 12: Fajitas and Crying
Chapter 13: Payback, Drunken Fools, and Spatulas
Chapter 14: Hotel Rooms and Solos
Chapter 15: Flashbacks and The Flu
Chapter 16: Big News and Calling You
Chapter 17: Par 3 and Meeting Devine
Chapter 18: Uncovering Truth and Lies from You
Chapter 19: Gabby Day, Tommie, Cece, and Fittings
Chapter 21: Sad faces and Brain Teasers
Chapter 22: Promises, Sad Confessions, and Testings
Chapter 23: Truth or Dare, and Hungry Glares. O.O
Chapter 24 Part A: Funerals and Baby Calls.
Chapter 24 Part B: Mistakes and Registering
Chapter 25: Tacos and Blow Ups
Chapter 26 Part A: Mystery Man and Officers
Chapter 26 Part B: Toilets and Friendship
Chapter 27: No Prince Charming and Clues
Chapter 28: Things to do, and Parties... Woo Hoo
Chapter 29: Louis freaking Tomlinson.
Chapter 30: Niall freaking Horan.
Chapter 31: Harry freaking Styles.
Chapter 32: Liam freaking Payne.
Chapter 33: Zayn freaking Malik.

Chapter 20: Beeping Noises and Defibrillators

11.7K 85 22
By MLAkin

So. Much. Drama. So. Much. More.

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Niall's POV

Machines and monitors everywhere in her room. There lay my girlfriend. Bandages all around, tubes attached all over her body. Liam rubbed my back. Andie burst through the door of the hospital and sat beside us in the waiting room. I remember every detail her in the hospital bed.

"How are they holding up?" she wiped her tears as Eleanor, Danielle, Alex, and another pretty girl sat down next to us. The four of us boys were the only ones there before.

"They are all in critical condition. Any of them could live, but no definete answers." I tried staying strong for Chelsea.

"Ok, well there is still hope. How are you boys?" they all stood up and hugged her. Tears pushed to come through but I just looked at the ground. "Come here Ni." she pulled me up and hugged me. There would be no One Direction, and no Chelsea. Not only that but Andie would lose her best friend, her best friend's cousin, and her best friend's cousin's best friend. A tongue twister. Harry would lose his girlfriend. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I couldn't help it. I looked to the other boys. In the same position as me. Even the pretty girl I didn't know was crying. I could worry about her later.

"Andie Cordez, you may visit Miss Falcone right now if you would like." A nurse said.

"Thanks doctor." she stood up and walked down the hallway.

Kasey's POV

I heard faint beeping. I looked around, finding darkness. I searched in my mind for my last memory.

Flash back:

"Yes exactly she said it was really pretty." I replied looking out the window to a car down the road in the distance. Chelsea pulled up farther, getting ready to turn left. I looked to Julia in the back seat quickly and spun back around in seconds to see headlights of a blue mustang, but then everything went black.

-End of Flashback-

I was pulled out of my memory when a soothing voice was in the room. I heard silent little steps as someone approached me and started talking. Her voice was muffled from sobs.

"Hey Kase. I know you can hear me. It's Andie. I wanted to check in on you, find out how long it will be until you can have coffee. I know you are dying to have some." she attempted to giggle.

My best friend.

"I want some now." I groaned. But when I tried to talk, no sound came out. I heard more foot steps.

I had no idea where I was until a girly petite voice rang out. "The doctor said she would be able to hear us right?" I recognized that as Eleanor. I tried reaching out my hand, it wouldn't budge. But with no sense of direction, nothing would have happened. "Hey it's El, Dani, Gabster, and Ands all here in your room. Chelsea and Julia are in the hospital too." which I was guessing was Eleanor still.

"Z-Z-Zayn's in the hospital too." Andie choked out. I wanted to rub her back and tell her everything's alright.

But I couldn't.

"Hey Kasey its Dani. We all miss you. Harry's been worried sick about you. He really loves you."


"I love him too." I tried to whisper. Nothing came out once again but a sharp pain stung my throat.

"It's Gabby now. I bet you are annoyed you can't talk. You were always one to talk.... we have only known each other for a couple months but you are the best neighbor I ever had." she paused. "And the funniest." she tried giggling.

I felt a warm hand touch mine, as I tried to hold back. "Stay strong babe. We need you here." I heard Andie sob. I heard the girls leave the room. Then Andie spoke to me. "Every single thing we have been together has just been incredible. We all want to take you out for coffee, but I dont think you can. I remember countless sleepovers, and even the first time we met." she paused as if remembering it. I remembered it. "I walked into the high school and walked over to my new locker. Someone had ran over to me and I was really shocked. You were wearing skinny jeans. I remember because I was jealous. You started talking to me about TV shows and I literally thought you were crazy. A week later we were over at each other's houses every night. Then a show called X-Factor came on. We saw an audition from a boy named Harry Styles. Then countless others and cried when our favorite got voted off. Then we screamed out heads off when they were paired together as a boyband. We had followed One Direction every step of the way. If you dont make it through this... I want you to know you are a sister to me. I love you with all of my heart and will never forget anything about you. From your addictions to coffee, to your love of kangaroos and your dream of visiting Australia. I wish I took you. I am sorry for all of the fights we had but I will never be hating on everytime we made up because it only made us closer."

I tried to fight it and say something. I attempted to say, "I love you too Andie." but nothing came out. I heard one more pair of footsteps come into the room.

A husky voice roughly spoke out. Quiet, but understandable. "Can I speak to her alone?" Andie must have left because all sounds were mute except for the constant beeping. I heard a chair being moved. I listened intently for sounds but came up with nothing.

"Hello love." My hazza bear broke the silence. "You have heard from everyone. Now it's my turn." he grabbed my hand in his. "I dont know if you are going to make it. I want you to choose what you want. Everyone would love for you to come back. I am not sure if you get a choice, like a 'y' in the road or what ever, but if you want to go... you can." he started to cry once more. "I remember these past few months and will forever remember them. I have never felt this way about anyone. I love you so much." I felt warm wet lips touch my forehead. I wanted to grab his hair in my hands and pull him closer. I wanted to kiss him one last time. I finally felt some nerve get accpeted as my hand twitched. He gasped... but it was the last sound I heard before the beeping rang out and all I heard was a faint yell. My hazza bear, I love you.

Harry's POV

I gasped as her finger twitched. "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...." I was pushed out of the room with only one memory left of her.

"Kasey!!" I yelled as doctors pulled me out of the room. I knew she was gone. The defibrillator wouldn't work. I slid down the wall outside her hospital room. A doctor came out a few minutes later and shook his head. More tears spilled out. Everyone came down the hall as they probably head my scream. The ran over and pulled me off the ground. We huddled around as another doctor walked down the hallway. "I should have held onto her hand, and never let her go." I cried.

"I am terribly sorry about Miss Falcone. I wanted to inform you about Zayn and Chelsea. It seems they are improving. I am afraid Julia will not make it...." she drifted. I sighed with a hint of relief. Two out of four would make it. I only wish they all could. We walked down the hallway to Julia's room. She was hooked up to even more monitors than Kasey, which definetly told us she would not make it. Apparently Zayn's new mustang hit Kasey and Julia's side. We huddled around her bed, knowing she too would hear us.

"Hey Julia, it's Dani and the rest of the gang. We wanted to let you know that Kasey did not make it in the car accident. Chelsea and Zayn are improving, but there is not way of knowing when they will come out of their own coma. Listen, we want yo to fight as much as you can. But if you cant try any harder it is ok if you go. We told Kasey the same thing. She just couldn't fight any longer. You are in the worst condition out of all four of ya, so you have the worst battle to be in. We have all gotten so close, it is hard to let go. So in case you dont want to fight any longer we are going to say good bye. We all love you." We all walked over. I was the first one to kiss her cheek and I squeezed her fingers. Liam followed and putan arm around my shoulder as we walked out with the rest of the guys. All of the girls except Andie did and she stayed in the room by herself.

Andie's POV

I stood by her bed alone. The beeping was steady. "First Julia, I wanted to tell you that I am sorry." I actually didn't know what I was apologizing for. I found a reason. "I am sorry for being so mean to you. If Andrew obviously liked you more than me, I guess I could not change that. Oh, and I remember the time you were a senior and I was a sophmore. Even though I was supposed to be a junior but I failed the eighth grade. Anyways I always looked up to you and Chelsea and felt priveledged to be you and her's friend. I really felt like that. I mean it's true what Drake said. You do only live once. You need to get unglued from the past and stick to the future. That was a really good quote..." I whispered to myself. I kept going right on track. "I dont know how long until you give up. I get that you have a tough battle. I think it is best if you go to heaven with Kasey. That way you dont have to keep fighting. I will grant you one last wish so give me five minutes and do NOT go anywhere on me." I walked down the hallway a bit until I walked into Chelsea's room. I had not seen or talked to her yet but I was determined to get her into Julia's room before Julia gave up. Luckily, she was only attached to one machine. She looked in way better condition than Kasey or Julia did.

"Hello I am a friend of Chelsea here. I wanted to give Chelsea's best friend Julia in room 422 one last wish of seeing her best friend in the whole world. Please nurse." I begged getting down on my knees.

The nurse just looked at me funny. "I am not the real nurse. I am only 18. I am an intern for her." she pointed to an older woman. Wow, how embarrassing. "But sure you can. She can not go long with out the fluid so the doctors can only give Chelsea so much time off of it. As she improves, she will need less fluid. Let me get Doctor Nightengale in here." she walked out of the room.

The wheels of her bed screeched as the doctor wheeled it down the hallway. I felt bad for him to go through all of this but I knew it would be what Julia and Chelsea want. "Thanks Doctor." I wheeled it through the doors and stopped the bed right next to Julia's. "Ok girls you are both side by side. If you dont know who is laying next to you it is your best friend. She is in a coma like yourself after a car accident with Zayn and Kasey. You four were in the hospital and everyone is down here. We all first got to see Kasey. But she has lost the battle with severe injuries. Now Chelsea and Julia, I knew that if one of you were not going to make it you wanted to see each other. So I brought you in the same room because Chelsea is eighty percent chance in the winning spot of the battle to stay alive rather than go to heaven. Julia is ninety-five percent losing. All of the gang has been able to visit Kasey and Julia for now but when the doctors wheel Chelsea back into her room we will visit. By now I know that Julia would say to you Chelsea, 'I wish I could be winning to stay here with you.' and you both would say how happy you have been as best friends forever. You two will never forget memories of each other. Now I want to tell you Chelsea even though I have already told Julia that I have always looked up to you both in high school as you were seniors and I was a sophmore but supposed to be a junior and we all know what happened. I love you both so much, but we all know we will meet each other very soon. Before you know it all of us will be in heaven. Yes, ALL of us. Julia would say to Chelsea, 'I love you like the sis I never hhad' and she would say the same. I am not really sure if other people in comas can talk to you guys because you are in comas too. But keep fighting until you can't any longer. The doctors should be in shor-"

"She is off of her fluids as long as she can. I am afraid we have to hook her back up."

"Ok doctor thank you for granting one last wish." the doctor peeled their hands away from each other like I had set up. They were both like dolls. You can even have them beating up each other they were so helpless. "Julia, this is not goodbye, but a see you later. I love you but I am leaving your hospital room to have a some-what good memory left instead of a totally bad. I love you." I shoved my hands in my pockets and pulled everyone into Chelsea's room.

Gabby had started off this one. "Hey girl you know this is your neighbor talking here. We are all in the same room. Everyone but Kasey, Zayn, and Julia. Unfortuanetly, Kasey has passed. Andie had also told us you got to be with Julia one last time. We all know you can hear us and we will definetly watch Breaking Dawn once you are out of the hospital. Keep fighting and we know you will make it through this." Wow. Gabby was staying pretty calm. I guess knowing one out of four was definetly going to make it helped the mood. Niall stayed in the room.

Chelsea's POV

I was crying, deep in my coma over Julia and Kasey. Kasey, my beloved cousin is gone. Ripped from this world with no future for herself. I loved her so much. Then Julia, my second best friend ever since grade school, ripped from the pages of life. Everything was already taken, I guess it was just a matter of time before she joined her little brother, and parents. I thought she could truly win the battle. But all I had remembered was the blue car coming way too quickly into the opposite side of the car. Julia was directly hit.

Gabster was right. I was going to make it through this. I thought it would be near impossible without two of my best friends. But I had the whole gang to stay for. And my boyfriend.

"Hello babe, it's Ni here."

Ni. My Nialler.

"I was so scared." he simply said and grabbed onto my hand. I felt his gentle lips kiss me on my forehead. Kiss me on the lips, please. He didn't.

"I love you so much, and got so lucky to have you here still. Not that I wanted Kasey or Julia to not be here. I loved them too. But you and I love each other. I dont know if you can feel this, but......" he paused then a spark went off when he lightly kissed me. I heard a rapid beeping really quickly and Niall jumped. I was freaked out, then heard multiple feet come in followed by tons of loud voices.

"Please move son, we need to slow down her heart rate. She is probably startled is all. Nothing too serious." a guy rushed around. Why were they pulling out a defibrillator?

My questions were answered when he monitior went to to a prolonged beep.


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