RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) E...

By HyperKabuto264

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This is inspired by Nehpetssanders. He owns Wattpad and especially DeviantART. After seeing his inserts, I fe... More

Shadow Wrath's Abilities, Weapons and Accessories
Red Trailer
White Trailer
Black Trailer
Yellow Trailer
Volume 1 Opening
Volume 1: Ruby Rose
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon (Part 2)
Volume 1: The First Step
Volume 1: The First Step (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest (Part 2)
Volume 1: Players and Pieces
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden (Part 2)
Volume 1: Jaunedice
Volume 1: Jaunedice (Part 2)
Volume 1: Forever Fall
Volume 1: Forever Fall (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Nightmare Grimm Strikes
Volume 1: The Stray
Volume 1: Black and White
Volume 1: The Nightmare has Weiss?!?!
Volume 1: The Nightmare Hunters Arrive
Volume 1: Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark
Volume 1: A New Day Begins
Special Episode: Got away with it by a Pardon
Special Episode: One Down, Three to go
BONUS Volume 1 Episode: A Gift from an Unknown Ally
Volume 2 Opening
Volume 2: Best Day Ever
Volume 2: Welcome to Beacon
Volume 2: A Minor Hiccup
Volume 2: Painting the Town...
Volume 2: Extracurricular
Volume 2: Burning the Candle
Volume 2: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2: Field Trip
Volume 2: Search and Destroy
Volume 2: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2: No Brakes
Volume 2: Breach
Volume 2: Build Tenma Tribe -vs- Team CRDL (PART 1)
Beacon's Secret
Special Episode: "Lovely Ca"-Tastrophe
Special Episode: Visiting an Old Friend
Special Episode: Build Tenma Tribe and Team STRM meet up
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 1)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 2)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 3, FINAL)
Special Episode: Two Down, Two to go
Volume 3 Opening
Volume 3: Round One
Volume 3: New Challengers...
Volume 3: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3: Lessons Learned
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 1)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 2)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 3)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 4)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 5)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 6)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 7)
Volume 3: Never Miss a Beat
Volume 3: Fall (Part 2)
Volume 3: Fall (Part 3)
Volume 3: Destiny
Volume 3: PvP
Volume 3: Battle of Beacon
Volume 3: Heroes and Monsters
Volume 3: End of the Beginning
Plans for Vol. 4, 5 and Upcoming Seasons, Crossovers & Franchise
Special Episode: Lupinranger vs Patranger & Evol's surprise Deal
Special Episode: Gladiator Tyrant's leader (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Shadow's Request (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The History behind the Relic (New Gen. Beta Spark)
Special Episode: Three down, One to go
Volumes 4 and 5 Trailers
Volume 4: Character Short
Volume 4 Opening
Volume 4: The Next Step
Volume 4: Remembrance
Volume 4: Runaways and Stoaways
Volume 4: Family
Volume 4: Menagerie
Volume 4: Tipping Point
Volume 4: Punished
Volume 4: Returning what's from the Past (Special SHORT Episode)
Volume 4: A much Needed Talk
Volume 4: Two Steps Foward, Two Steps Back
Volume 4: Kuroyuri
Volume 4: Taking Control
Volume 4: No Safe Haven
Volume 4: Momma's Boy
Special Episode: The Letter (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Orochi's Identity and Meet up with Qrow
Special Episode: Orochi Tenma's latest creation (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Visitation of the Six Ancient
Special Episode: Drazen's Super Weapon (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Secret & The Novice He/She Seeks
Volume 5: Tenka Kaito Character Short
Volume 5: Rachel Claws Character Short
Volume 5: Mitchell Striker Character Short
Volume 5 Opening
Volume 5: Welcome to Haven
Volume 5: Dread in the Air
Volume 5: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5: Lighting the Fire
Volume 5: Necessary Sacrifice
Volume 5: Known by its Song
Volume 5: Rest and Resolutions
Volume 5: Alone Together
Volume 5: A Perfect Storm
OC sneak peaks PART 1
Volume 5: True Colours
OC Sneak peaks PART 2
OC Sneak peaks PART 3
Volume 5: The More The Merrier
Volume 5: A Silver-Eye Comfrontation
Volume 5: The Vault of the Spring Maiden
Volume 5: Wizard of Oz, Fire & Ice vs Brute Force
Volume 5: Downfall
Volume 5: The Battle rages on
Volume 5: Haven's Fate
Volume 5: A much Needed Talk, again...
Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 6 - Epilogue)
Volume 5: A Huntress or Grimm???
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 6)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 7 - Epilogue)
Special Episode: 'Hiro -vs- Adam' & 'A Gift Beyond Death'
Special Episode: The MUTEKI Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet (PART 2)
SPECIAL Episode: Genm's Ultimate Weapon to surpass Salem (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Special Training
Special Episode: The SECRET Behind STRM Combination
Special Episode: The Secret's Out
Special Episode: The Swan Song
Special Episode: The God of Remnant's UNKNOWN Golden Semblance
Special Episode: Four down, ALL are Gathered
Special Episode: The Remnant Beyond Duo & The "Mercury"-ium Servant
Epilogue: Saving Remnant... is my Desire Grand Prix

Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 1)

241 13 28
By HyperKabuto264

3rd Person's POV:

A few hours later,

It has been hours since Shadow, Apollonir and Ozpin spoke to Crystal Griffon in the living room. Their chat went really smooth until Ozpin had to ask her what made her in this form. When she told them where has she been, Shadow grew angry of what Salem has done to her as he slowly recapped with her childhood friend.

Shadow: So, lemme get this straight? So, you were kidnapped by Cinder and Tyrian, and theybrought you to Salem, tortured you, and turned you to this?

Griffon: Yes...

Apollonir: I see.... so, what of parents????

Griffon: Killed... by Salem's Grimm....

Shadow: I'm.... sorry... to hear that...

Griffon: It's okay, Shadow-san. Even i'm in this monstrosity kind of form, I will always and still be a friend from back then.

Ozpin: Hmmm... When was the time you turned into this form???

Griffon: I... I don't know.... My mind was erased of that memory.....

Ozpin: I.... see...

After she told them everything, Shadow, Apollonir and Ozpin were extremely shocked on what happened to her and where she was while they were out there, killing Grimm. They got every info but not at the time she got due to the fact that Salem removed that part of her memory of it. Shadow clenched his fist when she said that.

Shadow: I don't mind Salem bringing in powerful Grimm and her pawns to take us down... but what I mind is Salem changing one of my closest friends into one of them, Without TAKING REVENGE!!!!!!

I implied as I sank my hands through the seat that I am sitting on, to Qrow's and to his dad's shock.

Shadow: When we fight Salem, allow me to take care of her... as she just made this shit very, very, VERY PERSONAL.....

Griffon: ... Shadow-san....

Crystal Griffon watched in awe as her oldest childhood friend is going to help her regain her original-self soon once Salem is defeated, but however worried as if the battle goes sideways, it will mean the end of him.

Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the twentieth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose whereby the Infinity War for Shadow and his friends, BEGIIIIIIIIINNNSSSSS and also, it is about time, it is also, the final episode of the fifth volume!!!!!! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. And also,..... Stan Lee!!!!! Let your soul be remembered that you have created the Avengers and MARVEL HEROES BY YOUR OWN HEROIC AND DEADLY HANDS!!!!!!! So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES AND THE INFINITY WARS BEGIN!!!!!


It has been hours now since our conversation ended as I entered my room while slamming the door behind me shut. I sat on my bed, still angry about what Salem did to your childhood friend. As I sat there, Summer called out.

Summer (In my mind): What's wrong, Shadow?

Me: It's Salem.... she turned my.childhood friend, Griffon.... into a monster....

Summer (In my mind): Wait, are you saying Crystal Griffon?

Me: ??? Uuuuuhh, yeah???

Summer (In my mind): The "Griffons"?

Me: Yes,.... why???

Summer (In my mind): This is bad. Really bad news....

Me: Why what happened???

Summer (In my mind): ... Her parents died....

Me: I know that she said that to me a--

Summer (In my mind): The clan, aka, the Griffon Clan that she's been brought up by, are really cheesed off by what Salem has done to them and to their whole clan. Their current status is that the whole clan is being ruled by her elder brother, Le-

Me: Leonidos Griffon.

Summer (In my mind): You know him?

Me: Yeah. He and I are best friends, too. We played together with Crystal Griffon. And I bet you that he assumes that Crystal Griffon is dead and now he soughts to destroy Salem and her faction all by himself, correct???

Summer (In my mind): ... well, that sums up on what I was gonna say and what he is going to do. So, yeah.

Me: Which Kingdom is their clan at?

Summer (In my mind): That is something I really don't know at the moment as his clan is in between Vacuo and Atlas. But for now since Atlas closed borders, I can only say is that they are close to Vacuo.

Me: Then we shall venture there after Atlas and calm him down a bit. Let him know that the future heir of the Queen of Griffon Clan has returned. And also stop him from doing someting reckless.

Summer (In my mind): mhm. Agreed.

And with that, we both nodded to agree with our points on what we will do in the mere future when we meet up with the Griffon Clan's king. After agreeing, I suddenly asked Summer this question.

Me: Wait, Leonidos is the current King of the Griffon Clan?!

Summer (In my mind): Yes, he is after his parents' death. He swore that he will take their place with his sister. But now that his sister is gone which is now false, he will take over as king until further notice.

Me: Gud, Daaaaaaaayyyyyyyyuuuuuuummmmm!!!!!!!!

Summer (In my mind): God Damn, indeed, Shadow. God Damn indeed.

While Summer and I were talking, Tenka opened the door in a rush as he called me.

Tenka: Doc! Something's wrong with Tailor!!!!

Me: ....

Summer (In my mind): You're a doctor.

Me: Right!

I replied as I stood back up from my bed as I rushed out of my room to tend to him.

Me: How bad is it? Any symptoms? Conditions? Illnesses?

Tenka: Ummmm.... you may not know about it....

Me: What do you mean, "may not know about it"???

A minute later,

Me: Okay, this is something I may not know about.

Tenka: Yup....

Here I am, with my Team, Team RWBY, remaining members of Team JNPR, Team RNHK, Team JEWL and Zero Dragfall as we all looked at Tailor who is in a whole different look.

(A/N: This is what the Arm will look like at the second pic but in a Kamen Rider Double colour scheme, and this is all of the side views on what the new Gaia Gauntlet will look like at the first picture. And take note, they are combined together to give it a cool armoured look for the robotic arm.)

Tailor: So, can somebody tell me why, I'M AN ARM!?!?!

Ruby: Tailor, don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this.

Yang: Yeah.

Me: Guys, don't worry, the doc. is here

When I said that, everyone stood aside as I lifted the arm up as I check on it. I checked it at all sides as I tried to find a way to reverse this, but to no avail. I put the arm down as I looked at everyone.

Me: I'm not sure how the heck this happened or how I can help him. This is waaaaay beyond my medical knowledge.

Tailor: So, I'm just gonna stay like this, an arm, FOREVER?!?!?!

Roland: Won't be so sure. If you are like this, the--

Just as Roland was about to finish, the arm suddenpy began to levitate, to our surprise. As if right on queue, I sensed something behind me. So, I swiftly turned back to see two of my guantlets breaking through my bedroom door as it rocketed towards me.

I then took a step back and jumped above them and caught them by my fists, causing me to wield my gauntlets at the same time. And to an unknown reason, Tailor in his arm and Newly Gaia Gauntlet form flew towards me as it connects onto my right shoulder from behind, to our shock.

(A/N: The connection is like Crimson Typhoon's right arms.)

Tailor: Eh? EEEEEEEEEHHHH!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Me: What the Gutton's pistons?! We've combined?!

Roland: Hmmm, interesting...

Me/Tailor: WHAT?!?!?!

We both watched as Roland raised his arm to sense an odd and yet, interesting presence within us.

Roland: Shadow, Tailor. I think you are like this for a reason.

Tailor: And that is?

Roland: Shadow! Did you see any visions of a war, before???

Me: Well, yeah sure... I've seen one..... a war happening at an unknown land.... and.... Thanos..... why????

Roland: It means that, our war still continues.

When everyone heard this, everyone stood in shock to no discover that their war against Salem is not over just yet when theyend her as, there is another foe out there now.

Ruby: So,... what now????

Yang: This "Thanos" might be very powerful than Salem. There's no telling what he can do.

Weiss: True!

Me: I know what we need to do. 

Everyone looked at me with puzzled looks on their faces.

Me: If he's powerful than Salem, well.... We'll take the battle, to THEM!

Nora: YEAH!!

Everyone looked at Nora awkwardly.

Nora: What???

Jaune: I think we should like think this through. Thanos is like.... most probably have an army like Salem but, we maynever know as his army maybe bigger!!

Mitchell: And that's why we will be fighting his army!!!!

Hiro: Because~

Neon: We are Huntsmen and Huntresses!

Roland: And we, never back down!

Me: Now!! Who's with me!?!?


Tenka: All of us!

Ruby: We all do.

I looked at everyone in the room as everyone raised their hands. I soon shed a tear at this moment. I looked at my father, Qrow, Eiji, Ankh, Haruto and Ozpin looking at me as Ozpin, Qrow and my father gave me a nod, and I soon nod at them to oblige their agreement.

Me: Okay. (Wipes tears away) Then, welcome aboard then.

As I said that, a portal opened to see my sister and her right and left hand men exiting out from the portal, along with someone else.

Orochi/Aether: (Unmasks myself) If you wanna join the party, can we crash it?

Banjou: Yeah! You all could use a hand!

Sento: It's time we about to begin our experiment.

???: Yeah!

Me: Okay, so.... who's this lil' guy?

Orochi/Aether: This, is Jacob, Jacob the Hedgehog. And what I've got from him so far, he has a Gauntlet like you, brother, and Tailor.

Jacob: Yeah. (Shows my Gauntlet with the Chaos Emeralds on it.) I have been wielding it ever since to protect everyone, until I landed here.

Me: I see... Well, welcome aboard.

Jacob: Heheh. Let's do this!

He said as he mysteriously turned into an arm like Tailor with the gauntlet showing as well. Then, it soon attached itself behind my left joint part of my arm like how it was to my right joint of my arm, my shock.

Me: Well, that's a thing.

Tailor: Oooooooookay.... now you have another pair of arms. Like Four amrs.

Jacob: Heh. Suits me well. Suits you well, too.

Me: Heh. Thanks.

Orochi/Aether: Brother, if that's okay, allow my army of smashes to aid you.

Me: Do what you must. Sister, open a portal to............. (Searching through where the battle is being taking place)....................... Wakanda.

Orochi/Aether smiled as she slashed a portal open. While the portal is being opened, I wield Parablagun as I turn it into its Axe Form. Just as I was about to address on what we are gonna do, my childhood friend came to ask.

Griffon: Ummm... is it okay... if I tag along???

Me: Heheh. Of course.

Griffon: Really??? Thanks, Shadow-san.

Me: Of course. Well now... everyone, let's beat his army.... and HIS CHILDREN!!!!!!

I yelled as every single one of us entered through the portal. With the last one passing through the portal, it closed behind us, leaving the adults behind to watch them leave.

(A/N: This is the portal that Orochi opened. It's entirely blue, not black in the center.)

Qrow: So, any thoughts?

Ankh: Just a greed for survival... and the safety of humanity.

Apollonir: His actions may be reckless, but it is wise of him to do so at this very moment.

Ozpin: Point taken there. Shadow's leadership shows no bounds. He is like a god, and he leads like one.... like the first one.

Everyone looked at Apollonir as he looked away for a moment.

Apollonir: Yeah.... like "him".....


3rd Person's POV:

At Wakanda,

(A/N: Wakanda.)

(A/N: Music Starts here.)

Black Panther: WAKANDA FOREVER!!!!!!!

The Black Panther soon don his mask as he charged forward first, along with the Dora Milaje, the wakandan army and the Avengers by their side as they charged their way towards the Army of Outriders led by Proxima Midnight, Cull Obsidian and somewhat but somehow, Corvus Glaive was part of this also due to the fact that his objective is to retrieve the mind stone while Proxima and Cull are keeping everyone busy by distracting them with an army of Bloodthirsty Outriders.

(A/N: Cull Obsidion, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive and the Army of Outriders.)

As both opposing parties charged towards each other, The Black Panther and Captain America ran ahead as they made their move first as they began bashing, slicing and thrusting their claws (Black Panther) and their shields (Captain America) into the bodies and hearts of the Outriders, killing them as the rest of their army began to launch their onslaught of attacks on the army of Outriders.

(A/N: The Black Panther & Captain America.)


In the Portal,

At Orochi's Pandora Tower, Shadow and his group are setting up a plan on what they are going to do at Wakanda when they reach there. It has been a few minutes as theycame upwith a solution as Orochi opened up another portal so as everyone to make their way to Wakanda asap before Thanos does.


As the outriders attacked, Dr Banner who is inside the Hulk Buster flew his way down towards the ground-infested outriders, squashing some of them by its robotic feet as he began to bash and punch the incoming outriders which were crawling and pouncing towards him. Meanwhile, Bucky barnes, an old friend and an ally to Captain America shot down some Outriders with his M249 Paratrooper. However, he was a little bit overrunned by one Outrider when it swiped its claws at him, causing him to be disarmed and the outrider pounced on him, about to bit the living daylights out of him, but to no avail when Bucky pierced a knife into it, killing it instantly.

(A/N: Banner's HulkBuster.)

(A/N: Bucky Barnes.)

Then in the sky, Jim Rhodes aka,The War Machine, is levitating in the air launching a barrage of minigun rounds, rockets, explosives and many more projectiles that are in store in his suit at the entrance of the barrier that is opened, killing off the outriders from the outside and from the inside of the barrier for those that have entered inside the barrier. While he was launching his barrage of projectiles at the outriders, he was then shot down by Cull Obsidian's Multi-Purpose Hammer, causing him to stop his barrage and more outriders to emerge from outside the barrier. Cull's hammer soon draws back to Cull, only for him to catch it in time, for him and Proxima to watch their army rip their opposing army to bits and pieces of flesh.

(A/N: The War Machine.)

As their air advantage was taken down, the outriders began to overrun the Avengers, the Dora Milaje and the Wakandan army as they pounced on them, with the attempt of ripping their flesh apart. The Hulk Buster soon was getting ripped apart as well with a number of Outriders on it, as they are about to rip it to flush out its pilot. As the outriders are attempting to kill their opposing forces and invade Wakanda, a huge beam of light shot down to the center of the battlefield, causing some of the outriders to be fried and killed at the same time. As if right on queue, a hammer-like axe aka, Storm Breaker came out of the beam of light as it sliced or shock majority of the Outriders, killing them instantly while getting them off the Avengers, preventing them from killing them.

As the hammer flew back to the beam of light, the beam of light disappears to show Thor cathcing his weapon as he looked at the outriders, Cull Obsidion and Proxima Midnight along with his allies by his side, Groot and Rocket, to the wakandan army and rhe avengers' amazement to see that their advantage has arrived. Dr Banner unmask his Hulk Buster mask as he began to laugh at the remaining children of Thanos and their army of Outriders as he spoke.

(A/N: Thor, Rocket and Groot.)

Dr Banner: (Laughing) You guys are screwed now!!!

Cull and Proxima looked with their emotionless looks on their faces as the outriders soon charged once again at their new enemies that just arrived. Then, Thor, Groot and Rocket soon charged forwards along with the army behind them as he yelled;


Everyone charged towards the army of outriders once again as Thor charged up his electric pulse in him as he jumped in the air, causing electric projectiles to hit some areas of the ground and the skies. Thor then raised his weapon and when he made contact to the ground, he slammed his weapon onto the ground, causing an electric pulse to occur around his surroundings, killing the majority of outriders that were surrounding and pouncing on him, instantly, to everyone's shock as they still kept charging towards the opposing army led by Cull and Proxima.



We all are armed up with our weapons and donned our Rider forms as we made our way to Wakanda by via Orochi's portal. While we were walking inside the portal, a ghost-like figure that looked so real appeared out of nowhere appeared before all of us that caused me to get the shock of our lives.

(A/N: Music pause here at 2:23.)

Dr. Strange: Be very careful when you all fight Thanos's army.

(A/N: Dr. Strange - Astral Projection form (The one on the left).)

Me: GAH!!!! STRANGE!?!?!

Dr. Strange: Please be careful in here. You are in a portal.


Ruby: Uuuuhh, Shadow, who's this?

Me: Ohh.... uuuhh, guys... this is Doctor Steven Strange,.... the world's most powerful Avenger....

Dr. Strange: Hi.

Tenka: Hello.

Mitchell: Hello.

Rachel: Hey.

All: Hi/Greetings/Hello there.

Orochi: We meet again, in your Astro Projection form.

Dr. Strange: Yes, we meet again, Orochi.

Me: Okay.... so, Strange. What are you doing here?

Dr. Strange: I'm here to warn you.

Me: Warn me?

Dr. Strange: I won't stop you on what you are doing. But, I want to warn you about what is about to happen.

When everyone heard this, they had their worried looks on their faces. I too, had a worry look on my face. So, I asked more questions to Dr. Strange.

Me: What's about to happen, then?

Dr. Strange: Well, during the battle, Thanos will arrive to retrieve the stones. Thor will kill Thanos, but that doesn't end there. Thanos will snap his finger... and half the universe population will decease... with you all in it.

Everyone gasped at what they have heard when Thanos claims all of the stones. Ruby hugged me tightly as she looked at me, in tears, worried that every single one of us may experience the same thing when it happens soon. I looked up to Strange as I told him what we will be doing at Wakanda and the whole plan.

Me: Well, need not worry about that, and hell to that theory about us. 

Dr. Strange: And why is that?

Me: We will be heading back to our world once we rap this up fast. 

Weiss: So you mean to say--

Me: Yep. That's why I wanted my sister's entire tribe to come along with us.

Ren: Okay... but remember, we don't have enough time. One snap, and it's....

Jaune: Game over...

Me: I know. Clockwork. Think you can pause time for as long as you want in your Chronus form?

Clockwork: Well, yeah.

Me: Then do it. I will give you the signal. Dr. Strange, we'll be alright as long as we make it back to our world in time. Together.

I said as I wrapped my arm around Ruby, making her blush.

Ruby: Really?

Me: Yep. All of us.

Dr. Strange nods in agreement as he spoke his final words.

Dr. Strange: Then, I wish you, all the best in your battle, freedom fighters.

He said as he flew of and he is never to be found a moment after, to me nodding at the direction he disappeared. I soon looked back and yelled;

Me: LET'S DESTROY THANOS'S ARMY!!!!!!!!!!! in a quick way possible of course.

All: YEAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

(A/N: Music resumes at 2:23.)

3rd Person's POV:

At Wakanda, the two opposing armies still battled it out with Thor taking down all of Thanos's ships consisting of Outriders, with Falcon and the War machine shooting allof the Outriders down by sky, and with the Wakandan army, the elite guards,and the avengers including the Hulk Buster taking the Outriders down and the children of Thanos by land.

It has been a few hours since the battle started and ships and outriders seem to keep coming in a faster rate.

Captain America: There's too many of them!!

Black Panther: Have no fear, Mr Rogers! We, will prevail!!!

(A/N: Pause music here at 2:46.)

The Black Panther said as he jumped towards Cull and gave him a punch, causing him to fall and get knocked back to add its punch effect. As the battle was about to turn for the worse, numerous portals opened up as countless of shots flew out from five portals at the center, killing the outriders instantly to everyone's shock as everyone looked at the portals.

Proxima: I sense.... Thanos.... inside the portal.... no.... this one is different....... (Eyes widened) No.... no no, impossible!

Thor: What are those portals doing here??

War machine: Uuuuuuh, can someone tell me what's going on?, over.

Captain America: No clue. Banner?

Dr Banner: I've never seen portals open up at the same time like this before. And guys, whatever shot down these creeps for us, is definitely on our side.

Black Panther: One of yours??

Captain America: I... I don't know...

Falcon: Guys, hold your ground we got visuals. Multiple visuals!

(A/N: Music resume and skip to and at 3:35.)

Everyone including the Cull and Proxima looks on at the portals as they see an army of coloured beasts and black ones as well, followed by greyish robots which are armed and green ones which are weaponized. Then, they see a couple of teens emerging from the portal as they are armed with their weapons, to everyone's shock.

And what's more shocking to them is that they are now seeing four gauntlets on one person, to Proxima's shock.

(A/N: Smash.)

(A/N: Hazard Smash.)

(A/N: Guardian.)

(A/N: Hard Guardian.)


War Machine: Wait, there's more of them?!

Dr banner: HOW?!?!

My POV: 

I conjoured a loud hailer by using my Maiden powers as I spoke from it.


And with that, everyone including the smashes, hazard smashes, Guardians and Hard Guardians charged towards the army of monsters while Kieron and the Autobots transformed and rolled out to take the monsters out. Teams JEWL and RNHK Combined into their specific Combiner forms as they charged as well. Orochi turned her mask into a Phoenix mask (Orochi - PhoenixRobo form) and took to the skies. 

Ruby and I charged soon after my army charged forward as Ruby used her silver eyes to blind the army of monster while I flew to the skies with the aid of my five pair of wings, overtaking my army as Tailor (Right arm), Jacob (Left arm) and I used our combined strength and power and charged our gauntlets. As I landed onto the ground, I punched the four gauntlets onto the ground, causing a huge shockwave of ice shards, fire, twig-like spears and glass to erupt from the ground, killing almost all of the monsters instantly, to everyone's shock.

Dr Banner: Who's the guy with the four Infinity Gauntlets?

Captain America: I don't know, Banner.... But I'm having the feeling they won't be here for long.... although they are on our side....

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The very last episode, and yet the twentieth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 1. So, If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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