Barriss Offee

By Ewokhunter77

5.2K 451 8

HIGHEST RANKINGS- #1 in #PloKoon & #1 in #BarrissOffee (6th Feb 2019) 1# in: #Barriss, #Offee, #Luminara, #Ba... More

The Trial Of Barriss Offee
Master Luminara
The Dark Lord Of The Sith
The Great Escape
The Kyber Crystal
The Naboo Hideout
Luminara's Vision
Barriss's Second Escape
Palpatine's Plan
Barriss' Message

Duel Of The Masters

318 36 0
By Ewokhunter77

Barriss looked at her former peers as she quickly tried to think on how to approach them. She clutched her red bladed saber, before running at Luminara.
"B-Barriss! Stop! We can help you!" Luminara yelled, blocking Barriss' attacks, dodging her strikes.
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! YOU CAN'T HELP ME!" Barriss yelled in anger before lunging towards Master Kenobi.
However, he was more skilled and better trained than the conflicted 'padawan' and managed to knock her to the ground, picking up her saber before handing it to Luminara, who was standing by with Master Plo, both had their sabers out.
Barriss, not wanting to be defeated so easily, used the force to throw the tall, metal shelving units towards the masters, before using the force to collect her saber back off Kenobi.
"Barriss! STOP!" Luminara fought, desperate to get her Padawan back.
Obi Wan and Plo joined in on the fight, defending themselves and blocking Barriss' attacks, until Barriss lost control, and began trying to kill the masters.
"Offee. You can't do this." Plo spoke calmly whilst trying to hold back the Padawan.
Barriss let out a yell of anger, before stabbing at the masters. The trio dodged and deflected her attacks, until luminara was caught on the shoulder.
"Agh!" She grabbed her shoulder in pain. She looked up at the Padawan, who had, surprisingly, stopped her attacks, and stood in shock.
Plo and Obi wan knelt down by luminara.
"I-I'm fine." The tears dwelled in her eyes.
Barriss' saber dropped to the ground. The three looked at her, and she was sat, kneeling on the floor.
"Barriss? Are you..?"
"I-I'm so sorry. I- I didn't want to hurt you.. but I can't explain! I have to go.. well, you have to go- he'll kill me if he finds out.. please go! You don't have much time!" Barriss panicked.
"Barriss! Calm yourself!" Obi Wan yelled, standing up.
"Who will kill you? We need to know!" Plo piped in.
Barriss looked around hastily before answering.
"Barriss?!" Luminara yelled.. Barriss was being choked, her body was rising in the air.
"Barriss!" Obi Wan attempted to help the Padawan.
"Who's there?" Plo yelled out, hoping for someone to reply.
A man, in a black, dark robe, walked through the door. He had his fist clenching slowly, every time- Barriss found it harder to breathe.
"Who are you?"
"I am Sidious. And now, you will pay."
Luminara looked at her fellow masters.
"I'm sorry. I can't fight- not in this mental or physical state."
Obi Wan nodded at the Mirialan.
"Put. Her. Down." Kenobi demanded.
"As you wish, Master Jedi." 'Sidious' loosened his grip, causing Barriss to collapse onto the floor.
"Unduli, get her out of here."
Luminara carefully picked up her padawan, wincing with pain.

Sidious V Plo & Kenobi

"What do you want with Barriss?!" Obi wan demanded and answer.
'Sidious' cackled.
"Silly Jedi! Barriss... is my apprentice."
"She said you'd kill her." Plo replied.
"Well.. yes. If she didn't become my apprentice, I'd kill her. It's so very simple."
Obi Wan looked at Plo.
Sidious ignites his crimson red saber, and began to attempt to stab the masters. Blocking his attacks, Obi wan and Plo began to ascend backwards, towards the opening in the wall, which lead to their ship.
"Leaving so soon?!" Sidious lunged at them, using his force lightening, but it was no use for him. The two masters used their blue sabers to block the attacks, before quickly retreating to the ship.
"I'll be back Jedi..." he muttered, switching off his saber.

On the ship

Obi Wan and Plo walked towards Luminara, who was watching over Offee's condition.
"How is she?"
"Breathing." Luminara replied, still full with worry and distress.
"Unduli... your shoulder." Obi Wan knelt next to her, inspecting the wound, as Luminara winced with pain.
"It's fine. It's only a flesh wound."
"It doesn't seem fine to me." Obi Wan walked off to get some medical supplies.
"Are you sure.. you're ok, Master Unduli?" Plo sat down next to her.
"Not really, Master Plo. My mind has just been very conflicted lately. I'll be fine."
Plo sighed.
"If you say so."
Kenobi walked back to the three, and began to place bandages on Luminara's wound.
"Ouch! Careful, Kenobi!"
"Agh!!" Barriss shot up from the bed she was resting on.
"Woah! Barriss, what's wrong?" Luminara comforted her.
"What? Where am I- oh no.. oh no.. oh no, oh no, oh no..."
"What is it, child?" Plo asked.
"He's going to kill me!"
"Well- yes! But- but my vision!"
The trio looked at each other with confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"The Jedi- they're all killed..
"What?" Obi Wan gasps in shock.
"By who?"
"A number- 66... I think it was."
"Barriss! You must be delusional! That guy messed up your thinking!"
"I'm not- but you need to be careful."
The three masters walked to a small room to negotiate.
Barriss sat up, and rubbed her temples.
She had to get back to Sidious, but how?

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