Save Me (Adam Lambert)

By AddysGirl29

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How do you recover? How do you recover when life has stripped away your sanity and taken every ounce of innoc... More

Chapter 1 - Win Today Lose Tonight
Chapter 2 - A Strangers Home
Chapter 3 - I Love Her Momma
Chapter 4 - Hold Me Until The Screams Stop
Chapter 5 - Management
Chapter 6 - Who I Am
Chapter 7 - Death Threats and Rumours Broken
Chapter 8 - Meeting Leila and Unanswered Questions
Chapter 9 - A Stranger At The Door
Chapter 10 - Meeting The Band and Being Backstage
Chapter 11 - In Nirvana Stay
Chapter 12 - The Interview
Chapter 13 - Darling Give Me Those Sharp Edges
Authors Note: Most Important Part!
Chapter 14 - You'll Always Be My Blue Eyes
Chapter 15 - Sweet Sixteen
Chapter 16 - Sing For Your Soul
Chapter 17 - A Thousand Years
Chapter 18 - Scars Before Your Eyes
Chapter 19 - I Won't Let You Go
Chapter 20 - Trying To Save You
Chapter 21 - Don't Say Her Name
Chapter 22 - Everybody Has A Dark Side
Chapter 23 - Hope
Chapter 24 - Who Sent You?
Chapter 25 - Am I Dreaming To See Those Blue Eyes?
Chapter 26 - Courage
Chapter 27 - We're Together and You Can't Kiss Him
Chapter 28 - The Next Step
Chapter 29 - He's Just A Boy...Who Slows Down Time
Chapter 30 - I'm Done Hurting People
Chapter 31 - Teaching Happiness
Chapter 32 - He Was Here
Chapter 33 - Smile For The Camera
Chapter 34 - Do Nightmares Come True?
Chapter 35 - Signs Symptoms Causes and Effects
Chapter 36 - Sign Here
Chapter 37 - Bang
Chapter 38 - Unexpected Results
Chapter 39 - My Life In A Paragraph
Chapter 40 - It's Over
Chapter 41 - Welcome To High School
Chapter 42 - Hospital Visits and Lonely Nights
Chapter 43 - He's Back
Chapter 44 - Punches Thrown and Regretted Words
Chapter 45 - Change Your Life
Chapter 46 - They Know...They All Know
Chapter 47 - L'chaim
Chapter 48 - Scream It To The World
Chapter 49 - False Hope
Chapter 50 - Coming Out
Chapter 51 - Deck The Halls With Glitz and Glamour
Chapter 52 - Our First Christmas
Chapter 53 - Pointe Those Feet
Chapter 54 - Broken Girl
Chapter 55 - Exit Wounds
Chapter 56 - Forever Can Mean A Day
Chapter 58 - Memories Can Kill You
Chapter 59 - Table For Two
Chapter 60 - Two Words Of The Beginning
Authors Note: Important
Chapter 61 - The Pain of a Year
Chapter 62 - Always
Chapter 63 - Boundaries
Chapter 64 - Relationship Status
Chapter 65 - First Dates and Public Speeches
Chapter 66 - Demons Never Cease
Chapter 67 - Wedding Bells
Chapter 68 - Sixth Times The Charm
Chapter 69 - Our Song
Chapter 70 - Tickets and Ink
Chapter 71 - Regrets and Mistakes
Chapter 72 - Can I Forgive?
Chapter 73 - Somebody To You
Chapter 74 - Anniversary
Chapter 75 - Secrets and Queens
Chapter 76 - Spain
Authors note
Chapter 77 - Every Part of Me
Authors Note
Chapter 78 - That's Our Girl
Chapter 79 - Two Years Later...
Chapter 80 - Positive Sign
Chapter 81 - Surprise
Chapter 82 - Family Gathering
Chapter 83 - It's A...
Chapter 84 - Photoshoot
Chapter 85 - Proposition
Chapter 86 - Gone
Chapter 87 - Can I Come Home?
Chapter 88 - Monsters
Chapter 89 - Is It Time?
Chapter 90 - Motherhood
Chapter 91 - My Darlings
Authors Note

Chapter 57 - Party The Secrets Out

1.5K 60 16
By AddysGirl29

A/N: Hello my beautiful Saviours <3 this is probably my favourite chapter so far because it really moves things along for a certain girl ;)

Thank you all for the amazing comments and messages and tweets and ugh you people are just such beautiful humans!!! I love you all more than life, never doubt that or think I'm just saying that for the sake of it. I literally love every single one of you! But damn some of your twitter names are confusing! Haha I'm sorry if I've ever called you a chick and you're a guy (not that Save Me has guy fans...does it? I don't even know haha) ok so anyway, I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU

Some of you have asked about me having Kik and I FINALLY joined :) like literally a minute ago. Kik name is same as Wattpad cause I was too lazy to think of anything else (AddysGirl29) and you know ma name is Emilee Wells cause I have the stupidest name in history ;) So please either comment or message me your Kiks and let's all talk about how shit Save Me is! Woo!! Even make a group convo about it :) wait is that even possible? Can you do that? I literally know NOTHING about the damn app so yeah bare with me I'm still learning :)


I love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

-Em xo

Chapter 57:

"I'm not going." I stand my ground, arms crossed as I look at my best friend and my dad, sitting in the lounge room.

"Come on, it's one night." Kat persuades.

"Do you seriously think I'm the type of person who would go to something like that?" I scoff.

"Aw, come on Darc. Just for a few hours." Sauli pleads.

"You're my dad. Aren't you supposed to be forbidding me from going to some wild high school party?" I say in slight shock.

"If I do, will you go?" he says hopefully with a brighter grin.

"No." I say plainly and they both sigh in unison.

"You are such a downer!" Kat groans.

"Ok fine. You have to be home by 11, and must stay next to Kat the whole time." Sauli nods.

"See? Now that's what a strict dad would say." I grin happily.

"So does that mean you'll go?" he hopes.

"Uh, no." I keep standing my ground.

Kat had this insane idea to go to this crazy house party some rich kid in our year is throwing. Everyone is invited, but that doesn't mean everyone has to go. And by 'everyone' I mean me. I have no doubt that there is going to be alcohol and horny teens groping each other on the dance floor and occupying every room in the house.

"There's going to be drinking and groping. I just don't feel right about it. You both know how I feel about people." I sigh. Ok, yeah, I kind of want to go. I want to be a normal teenager.

"Baby girl." Sauli says with a pout of his lips.

He stands up and holds my hands in his.

"Kat is going to be with you all night, and she won't let anyone hurt you. Plus if anyone touches you, you can just go all black belt on their ass. The best thing you can do to fully get better is to live your life and show the world that you're not afraid. Even though I know you are, you won't always be. And this is a great step to make sure that that happens." He grins, pulling one arm towards him and switch to the other, repeating the action so my body twists gently and a smile makes its way onto my face.

"Ok, ok. Fine. But I am not wearing some slutty dress or anything that you can clearly see what I had for breakfast." I point an accusing finger between them and they roll their eyes.

"Whatever, weirdo. Come on, we have less than two hours to get you ready." Kat squeals as she grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs.


"I cannot believe you got me to leave home like this! And that my dad agreed!" I groan as I pull the bottom of the tight dress down so it covers more skin.

"Oh come on, Darc. It goes to your knees and your chest area is completely covered. You have less skin showing than an Eskimo in winter." We get out of her car, since the little brat turned 17 in January and got her license, and walk up to the huge house. And by house, I mean mansion.

There are people everywhere! Crowding the front lawn, the backyard, every inch inside. The house is pumping with lights and loud music vibrating the ground.

"And why did I have to wear heels?" I complain again.

"Because you're almost 17 and you're shorter than Sauli." She gives me a 'that's why' look and I sigh loudly.

"He's 5 foot 7." I defend.

"And you're 5 foot 6. You need all of the help you can get." I scoff dramatically, putting my hand over my heart and feigning hurt.

"You're only 5 foot 4 and a half." I retort.

"Yeah but on me it's cute. On you it's just sad. You have black hair and blue eyes, and used to look exactly like Adam before he lightened up his hairstyle. The least you can do is try and be somewhere near his height." I hit her over the back of the head and walk inside the house.

"Just be thankful you got me here. And remember we have to be back by 9." I say loudly, trying to make sure she hears me over the blasting music.

"Sauli said 11." She pokes her tongue out.

"I have hooker heels on and so much hairspray in my hair that it's melting into my skin. I'm leaving at 9 whether you're with me or not." I say seriously.

She playfully rolls her eyes and drags me through the giant living room and into the kitchen where about 20 people are playing spin the bottle.

"Come on, open bar, let's get a drink." An uneasy feeling washes over me.

"Look, if I was back in Australia, I probably wouldn't be too against the whole underage drinking thing. But the legal age is 21 here, and I'm not 17 for another few months. I'm not drinking, and you shouldn't be either. If the cops come, and with this environment I know they will, one whiff of your breath and you're screwed." I try to convince her to be smart.

"Darcy, I'm not planning on getting wasted. But maybe a drink or 2 will loosen you up. You're so tense." She holds up a red cup, another one against her lips as she drinks the alcohol.

"I'll stick with a water." She groans, but complies as she pulls a bottle of water out of the fridge and fills another plastic red cup.

"At least make it seem like you're a freer spirit." She laughs, and I flick her on the shoulder.

"So how long has Adam been on tour?" She asks after a few minutes, and I pull the cup away from my lips as I swallow the liquid.

"2 months." I sigh as I lean against the kitchen bench.

"It feels like 2 weeks." She hums.

"To me it feels like 2 years." I laugh, but it's small and forced.

"Let's go dance." She grabs my hand and gently pulls me out of the kitchen. I chug the rest of my water and place it on the counter before walking into the lounge room with her and moving to the music, laughing and smiling with my best friend. And for the first time in a while, actually have fun.


Alex's POV:

"Come on man, all you need is to find some hot chick to have fun with." Liam says as he throws an arm over my shoulders.

"I'm not here to find some random drunk girl to take advantage of while she's waisted. I'm here because you dragged me here." I look at him seriously. I really don't want to be here.

"You need to get over her. She's never going to be your girl. Unless you try raping her, then maybe she'll be into it." Zak and Jake start laughing at Liam's words.

"Way too fucking far, man." I shove him hard in the chest and he stumbles back a little.

"Aw, come on, we were only messing with you." I scoff before quickly walking away.

I walk into the midst of the party. A DJ set up against the wall, all furniture out of the way. Girls and guys dancing to the latest songs, the scent of alcohol and sweat filling the air. It's disgusting, yet exhilarating.

"Alex! How you doing." I turn around to see Kat lunging at me.

"At least someone is in love with me." I laugh at my old friend. She pushes me playfully in the chest and laughs.

"I am so not in love with you, Alexander. I see you like a brother and you know it. But guess who's here tonight?" she elbows me in the side suggestively.

"Should I pretend to care and ask who, or just walk away and protect myself from your insanity." She rolls her eyes and slaps me upside the head.

"I'm talking about Darcy. I kind of lost her somewhere in the crowd, but at least I got her here. Just go and try to talk some sense into her. Get her to give you a chance. She'll come around." She moves to stand behind me and pushes me towards the back wall near the DJ where I spot a bored Darcy with a drink in her hand.

"Ok, fine. But when she kills me I'm going to haunt your ass." I can almost feel the sassy roll of her eyes as she finally leaves me to walk into the boundaries of hell alone.

Well here goes nothing.

"Hey Darcy." I put my hands in my pockets and half smile.

"Alex. Hi." She sighs, standing up properly from leaning against the white washed wall.

"Can we talk." I nod to an empty and quieter hall and she agrees, following me down until we can speak at a normal volume and be heard by one another.

"You look really beautiful tonight." I grin.

"Don't. I'm still trying to work out why the hell you would want someone like me. My life is ruined, Alex. Just let me live through this punishment of a life in peace." She starts to walk away, but I grab her hand and swiftly turn her to look at me.

"I want you because you're real. Because you're beautiful. I want to be next to you and help you be loved. I'm not going to let you give up a life I know you want. I know what type of girl you are. Inside you're broken and scared, begging for someone to either kill you or make all of the bad memories go away. But on the outside you're trying to be strong, trying not to crack and let the world see just how messed up he made you. Let me fix you." And for the first time, my hand stays in hers without her freaking out. She looks me straight in the eyes before carefully slipping out of my touch and looking away.

"I can't." she says with a guilty expression as she quickly turns and walks away.


"Alex! Alex!" Kat runs up to me again as I lean against the kitchen bench.

"I've already tried talking to her Katrina, it's not going to happen." I sigh.

"That's not what this is about. I need your help. There's something wrong with Darcy. She's been drinking water all night, but it's like she's wasted. I don't know what to do, she won't let me take her home." She grabs my arm and leads me to the dance floor part of the house where I see a guy pinning Darcy between the jam packed amount of people.

"Get the hell away from her you pervert." I shove him away and pull Darcy by the hands to a quieter area.

"Hey Alex!" she laughs hysterically.

"Have you been drinking?" I grab the cup out of her and bring it to my nose.

"Of course not! I'm not even 17 yet. I'm not stupid enough to touch alcohol yet." Exactly what I thought. Someone's spiked her drink.

Her words are slurred and slightly jumbled together.

"Someone's spiked your drink. Come on, we need to get you home." I grab her hand and try to pull her to the front door, but she yanks me back and runs out to the backyard. And of course, like the caring person I am, I follow her.

"Darcy, wait!" I finally find her looking up at the stars and laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world.

"I don't drink. I can't." she says with a nod of her head.

"I know. It's not your fault." I stand next to her, watching the way her midnight black hair shines under the moonlight.

"I don't think taking medication mixes well with alcohol." She giggles.

"Wait, medication? What medication?" she seems to be so truthful and a little less fearful when she's drunk.

"I still haven't told Kat. She gets kind of pissed off when I don't tell her where I disappear to in 3rd period." She laughs before turning to look at me.

"What does it do?" I ask slowly.

"Keeps me from forgetting the people I know, even if I'd only forget their name for a second. Keeps the bad memories from coming back so severe as they used to. Keeps the schizophrenia at bay." She nods, beginning to hum randomly.

My stomach climbs to my throat and my eyes widen. She's...she's schizophrenic? That explains so much, I guess.

"Come on, Darcy. We need to get you home." She puts her cup on the ground and grabs my hands.

"Dance with me." she laughs, biting her lip cutely. And I would be lying if I said that I didn't think she was the most beautiful girl in the entire world. The way her blue eyes shine in the moonlight. The way her hair glows against her beautiful and pure skin.

"Darcy I need to get you home. You're not going to feel very good in the morning." She puts her arms around my neck and flutters her eyelashes a little.

"Can I tell you a secret?" she whispers, and I nod my head, motioning for her to continue.

"I think my water got turned into alcohol." she giggles again.

"I know, Darcy. Now come on, we gotta go." She nods her head and I lead her through the house, telling Kat I'm going to take her home as I pass her and she tells me the address.

"Can I tell you another secret?" she asks as she battles to keep her eyes open and I put the seatbelt on her.

"Sure." I laugh as I get in and start the car.

"I like you. I like you a lot. More than I'm happy about." She laughs again.

"Well now I know that drunk Darcy tells the truth and lies." I grin.

"No, that wasn't a lie. I just would never be brave enough or happy enough to tell you that when I'm sober. Actually, I don't know why I'm telling you anything. I don't even know what time it is." She goes into another laughing fit and finally calms down and doses off by the time I reach her house.

I lift her out of the car, holding her bridal style, and manage to knock on her front door.

"Um, hi?" a shorter blonde guy answers with a curious look.

"Please tell me this is Darcy's house." I say with an exhausted sigh. I'm so drained right now.

"What exactly have you done to my daughter?" Despite his curious question, he moves to the side to let me in.

"She hasn't been drinking at all, so please don't blame her. Someone spiked her drink." He looks at her sadly, worry in his eyes.

"Her bedrooms upstairs, 1st door on the left." I nod my head and walk upstairs, into her room, and place her on her bed.

She mumbles something incoherent as I place a blanket over her body. I run the back of my hand down her left cheek and sigh.

"I love you Darcy." And my lips connect to her forehead, lingering there as I relish in the warmth of her skin.

I don't care if it takes 50 years before you can even kiss me again. I'll wait for you. Always.


Darcy's POV:

"How you feeling?" Sauli asks as I sit up in bed, his body dipping the spot next to me as he sits down.

"Don't ask." I groan.

"Here, take 2 of these." He hands me a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water. I look at the label and start to hesitate, shaking slightly as my breathing picks up pace a little.

"I can't." I stutter.

"You're not going to relapse Darc. I'm right here." He says soothingly.

"I know, it's just...I...I can't take it with my medication." I say, half as a lie. It's true I can't take Panadol or any other aspirins because of my schizo pills, but honestly just the look of pills gives me urges.

I've had to cut back on cooking and even being in the kitchen lately. The sharp steak knives, glistening in the sun, taunt me with cackles from hell. Laughing at my pathetic soul that cowers in the shadows, whispering for the demons to take me home.

"It's going to be fine. The doctor wants you off your medication for a week to see how you do without it. He wants to hopefully be able to lower your dosage at least." He rubs my arm, looking into my eyes with full emotion and hope for me. Even though I lost hope of anything, a long time ago.

"I don't want to remember." I stress.

"One day you're going to remember absolutely everything you've ever gone through. But you also cover those memories, and even replace them, with happy ones. And you're going to learn how to do that. Remembering is what's going to make you all better." He says quietly.

I nod my head, pop the tablets out of the bottle, and swallow them with the help of the water. Ugh, water, my new enemy.

"Good girl." I laugh at his comment as I place the empty cup on my bedside table.

"I am so blaming you for this." I joke.

"At least you had fun." He replies.

"I don't drink. Why have I got a hangover?" I question suspiciously.

"Apparently someone spiked your drink. Happens to the best of us." He sighs.

"I don't even remember how I got home. I remember dancing with Kat, then everything started to spin a little, and colours looked brighter and better. And then snippets of a random conversation I think I had with a cup, and that's when everything goes blank." I laugh but quickly stop as my head starts to pound.

"Some guy called Alex brought you home. Is he the same Alex who's basically in love with you, and deep down you like him, but you'd never admit it?" he rattles on.

"Ok first of all, I don't like him. And if he was tall, brown hair and green eyes, then yes he's the same one I've mentioned one or two times." I nod.

"Yeah, one or two, hundred." He rolls his eyes.

"Shut it Blondie. It's Kat's fault and your fault I can still taste vomit. I should have never gone." I say seriously.

"Ugh, you need a social life. You have like 1 friend." What is this, an intervention about my social events?

"Yes, because friends are so easy to find these days. Especially when absolutely everyone with a TV or access to the outside world knows of my past." I say sarcastically.

"Things are going to get easier. Like Adam says, 'Things can get better, but only if you make them'." He quotes, a little dramatically might I add.

"Whatever, Shakespeare. Now get out so I can shower and rinse out my mouth with 10 bottles of mouthwash." I shudder at the taste.

"Now who's the drama queen?" he smirks.

"In this house, that title has always, and will always, remain with Mr Adam Lambert." We both laugh and nod in agreement.

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