Little Mix One-Shots

بواسطة Jerriespetals

56.5K 1.5K 985

Just a bunch of one-shots, if you have any requests feel free to leave a comment! المزيد

Why? (Jerrie)
See You Soon (Jerrie)
Good Enough
Good Enough 2.0
Sickly (Jerrie)
By the Cedar Tree - Project 17 (Jerrie)
It Should Be Me (Jerrie)
Day By Day (Lesy)
Out to Sea (Jerrie)
Pranked (Jerrie)
This Town (Lesy)
Weeping Willows (Jerrie)
Notice (Jerrie)
Hero (Jade + Lauren)
Last Christmas (Jerrie)
Soft (Jerrie)
Ideas? Requests?
Exposed (Leighade)
Ouch (Jadesy)
New Year's Day (Jerrie)
Deep Down (Jerrie)
Aunt Flow
Dark (Jerrie)
Over (Jerrie)
Cologne (Jerrie)
Here for You (Jerrie)
Quarantined (Jerrie)
Unspoken (Jerrie)
Mundane (Jerrie)
Goodbye From Lonely (Jerrie)
Ghost Girl (Jerrie)
Out to Sea 2.0

Lonesome (Jerrie)

1.7K 50 35
بواسطة Jerriespetals

Prompt: Can you please do a oneshot where Jerrie has broken up and either Jade or Perrie is miserable? 

Sure I will it just might not be very good

Also warning this one talks about drugs and alcohol and such so it might be triggering so watch out

The sun had started to set, bathing the world in a dark red hue. Up and down the street, lights started to flicker on, creating warm yellow pools of light on the sidewalk. 

However, one house stayed dark. Its dark blue shutters stayed shut tight, the only light on was the front hall light, peeking through the small window on the door. Even that light was dimming, flickering every few minutes. It was doubtful it had even been looked at in a while.

The white paint was chipping, the walkway had grass growing in it, and one of the steps was missing a wooden beam. The owner of the house wouldn't know any of this. She hadn't been herself in months.

The house was once beautiful no doubt, with the dark shutters contrasting the lightness of the paint, the intricately carved railings leading up to the front door, the door itself owning a dull brass knocker that once shone in the sun. 

Inside the house, a woman sat, resembling the outside of her home: a mess. Her blonde hair had long since lost its beautiful shine, and her dull blue eyes were locked on the beer bottle clutched in her hand. Her skin shone a ghostly pale, yearning for the kiss of sunlight that would bring color back to her cheeks. 

The shades had sat shut, the shutters drawn, the house swamped in darkness. The blonde didn't mind. If the lights stayed off, there was no way she would accidentally catch a glimpse of her reflection. 

She hadn't looked at herself in a long time. She hadn't left the house as herself in months. She hadn't done anything except drink herself into a blackout and get so high she forgot who she was. 

Unfortunately, reality always came the morning after, and she found herself trapped in a downward spiral, and there was nobody there to pull her out. 

When she'd lost Jade, she'd lost everyone. 

When the news of their messy breakup had circulated, all of their friends had flocked to Jade's side, leaving her with nothing but the bottles upon bottles of alcohol left one night from a party Jade had thrown when the blonde was out late. 

At the beginning, people had come to visit her. Back before the only reason she'd leave the house was for alcohol. Back before she'd turned to drugs for company, when everyone vanished, leaving only painful memories behind.

But nobody came anymore. 

Nobody cared. 

It seemed as though the world had forgotten about Perrie Edwards, the once beloved pop star. She hadn't just fallen off the face of the earth, she'd plummeted, and landed hard. 

Perrie lifted her bloodshot eyes, staring at the dark tv screen a few yards away. It was too dark to see her reflection. She hadn't turned on the tv since she'd stumbled upon Little Mix getting interviewed on a news show. 

She hadn't watched for more than a minute, her eyes locked onto Jade, standing in between Jesy and Leigh Anne. She'd watched Jade laugh with the other two members, her caramel eyes sparkling, then the blonde had turned the tv off. 

It hurt. So much. 

It had gotten to the point where there was barely a waking moment where Perrie was sober. The pain was unbearable. 

Not even her parents had come to see her. They came once after the breakup, and Perrie had drunkeny thrown an empty bottle at her father's head. It missed and shattered on the wall behind them, and they left without another word and hadn't come back since. 

A knock sounded on the door, Perrie's head snapping around to face the noise. It sounded so alien, she hadn't had somebody over at her house in ages. 

Perrie rose unsteadily to her feet, setting the beer bottle down in a way that it wobbled before tipping over, spilling what little liquid it had left onto her carpet. 

Perrie stared at the new puddle on her rug apathetically for a moment before turning and stumbling to the door, tripping over then kicking aside a broken bong. 

Perrie opened the door to reveal a teenager clad in all denim, his hand raised to knock again. Upon seeing Perrie's figure in the doorway, his eyes widened and he gulped, the blonde not even raising an eyebrow at his reaction. 

"I-Is this the home of Samantha Burrell?" He asked, his voice wobbling. 

"Wrong house," Perrie deadpanned, starting to close the door then stopped once she heard him speak. 

"D-do you know where she lives?" He asked. 

"Few doors down," Perrie replied bluntly, moving to close the door again. What the boy said next made her freeze.

"You look familiar," he said thoughtfully.

Perrie's mouth opened and closed, panic bubbling up inside her. The feeling was foreign, the blonde was so used to either having muffled emotions or feeling nothing at all. She was used to the comforting numbness of alcohol flooding her body, she couldn't remember the last time anything like this had happened. 

"I've never seen you before," Perrie managed to say before shutting the door in his face and moving uneasily into the kitchen and grabbing another bottle of alcohol. She popped the lid and tipped the bottle back, savoring the burn as the liquid slid down her throat. 

Once she'd downed half the bottle, Perrie sank to the floor, the bottle still clutched in her hand. 

"Shit," she mumbled, dragging a hand through her tangled hair. She raised the bottle to her lips and drank the remaining liquid, letting it drop from her hand and onto the ground, shattering on impact. 

Another knock sounded on the door, Perrie blinking away a moment of dizziness as she managed to get to her feet and stumble over to the door again. She inhaled deeply, ran her fingers through her hair, and opened the door. 

Perrie's eyes widened, seeing who was on her doorstep. 

"Hi," Jade said softly. "I know it sounds cliché, but I was in the area."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Perrie practically snarled at the brunette. "The last time I saw you, you were pinning the breakup all on me and playing the victim."

Jade wrung her hands. "I know I acted badly, and I'm sorry for that," she muttered, staring at Perrie's dirty socks, then up Perrie's body, taking in her disheveled appearance. No matter how much Perrie denied it, her skin still crawled under the brunette's gaze. 

"Yeah well your sorry came about a year too late," Perrie said, trying to close the door, but Jade stuck her foot in between the crack, preventing the door from shutting all the way. 

"Please Perrie," Jade begged. "Can we just talk?"

"I'm done talking," Perrie growled, kicking Jade's foot them slamming the door once the brunette's foot was out of the way. 

Perrie looked out the window, peeking around the curtains to see Jade get in her car and drive away, pausing only once to wipe a stray tear off her cheek. 

Serves her right, Perrie thought, doubling over as her body started to shake and tears sprang to her eyes. 

"Fuck you Jade," Perrie whispered, staggering into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of straight vodka. She slid to the floor, taking drink after drink from the bottle until she could barely see straight. 

Perrie tipped over sideways, sprawled out onto the floor with the empty bottle in her grasp. The bottle was released and it rolled away from the blonde, clanking against another bottle lying in a similar fashion. 

Perrie thought she heard Jade's voice before her eyelids dropped shut and she felt nothing at all.

The first thing Perrie saw when she opened her eyes was Jesy, standing over her with a disgusted look on her face. 

"God what happened to you?" She said, peering around the kitchen, noting the dirty dishes in the sink and all of the empty and full bottle laying around. 

"Like you care," Perrie mumbled, pushing herself to her feet and swaying as the pain from her hangover hit her. 

"Watch it," Jesy said, reaching to catch Perrie. The blonde shoved her hands away and grabbed another bottle of alcohol, tottering over to the ratty couch and sinking down on it, downing a hefty swig. 

"Perrie, Jade called us. She's worried about you," Jesy started, sighing in frustration when she got no reaction from the blonde. 

"We're all worried about you," she said, Perrie finally turning around. 

"So that's what it's gonna take huh?" She slurred, her eyes unfocused but Jesy recognized the bright anger shining behind the haze. "I almost give myself alcohol poisoning and nearly take out Jade and then you act like we're besties again?"

Jesy winced, Perrie turning back to face the blank tv, squinting as she realized Jesy had opened some curtains. 

"Your skin needs the sun," Jesy protested as Perrie jerked the curtains closed, the force making her stumble and fall to the ground. 

"You're a mess," Jesy said, helping Perrie to her feet. Perrie pushed the faux ginger away and lurched over to the couch and collapsed onto it again. 

Jesy sighed, her eyes widening when she caught sight of the broken bong in the corner. 

"What the hell is this?" Jesy asked angrily, striding over to the bong and picking it up, waving it through the air. 

"How's LM5?" Perrie asked tonelessly. "Heard you forgot to cut my part out of Monster in Me."

"LM5 is-wait you never answered my question!" Jesy exclaimed. 

"It's a broken bong," Perrie replied, Jesy scoffing and rolling her eyes. 

"Did you use this?" Jesy asked, her voice starting to wobble. 

"Till it broke," Perrie answered bluntly. 

"Perrie you need help," Jesy said. 

"I'll accept help if you answer me a simple question," Perrie slurred, swaying as she got to her feet and pointed an unsteady finger at Jesy. "Where were you, and why did it take you a year to finally come and see me for the first time since the breakup?"

Tears sprang to Jesy's eyes, her mouth opening and closing when no sound came out. Perrie turned away and drank the rest of the bottle, wiping her mouth with her ratty sleeve. 

"Get out," she finally said. 

"Huh?" Jesy said, looking up. 

"I said get out!" Perrie shouted. "Why should I care if you want to help me now? You weren't here when I blacked out for the first, second, or even third time! You weren't here when I was torn apart, literally broken, and the only thing to help was alcohol! You weren't here when I started to hate you!"

"Perrie," Jesy whispered, taking a step toward the blonde. 

"I said GET OUT!" Perrie screamed, throwing the bottle at Jesy. In her intoxicated state, it missed Jesy's head by quite a few inches and shatter on the wall behind her. 

Jesy couldn't leave fast enough.

Weeks had passed and the blonde hadn't heard from her ex bandmates at all. It would have scared her, if she had been able to feel anything. Perrie was currently passed out of her couch, dry bile stuck to the side of her face. She'd been like this for a few days. 

Another knock sounded on Perrie's door, making the blonde jerk awake. She blinked rapidly, groaning in disgust as she wiped the bile off her cheek and stood, holding a hand to her head as the pounding headache came on. 

When the knock came again, Perrie staggered over to the door and threw it open, surprising the young mailman outside her door. 

"Mail for a Perrie Edwards," he squeaked. 

"Thanks," Perrie said gruffly, snatching the letters from his hand and shutting the door in his face. 

Perrie stumbled back over to the couch and collapsed onto it as she opened one of the letters, her eyes widening when she read the paper. 

It was fanmail, from the past year from her departure from the band. 


Perrie I still love you and I hope that you will still keep making music. You're my idol and I can't think of anyone better to look up to.

Love, Elise

"Sorry Elise," Perrie said bitterly, grabbing another bottle and popping it open. "I'm not the person you think I am."

She drank. 

And drank. 

And drank. 

The world was spinning. Perrie coulnd't see through all the fog. She tripped over something and fell, not bothering to get up. A sharp pain spread from her stomach. 

It's finally happening, Perrie thought. I always thought I'd die surrounded by the ones I love. And here I am, about to die alone and in pain. 

Perrie gasped out a breath just as her eyes fluttered shut and her whole world turned black. 

"Do you really think Perrie will snap out of it?" Jesy asked anxiously. "I mean, none of you saw her like I did."

"The thing she loved most was our fans," Jade said firmly. "They can help her."

None of them really knew how far gone Perrie was until they opened her door and took a look around the house. 

It was as if Jesy was seeing it for the first time, Leigh Anne put a hand over her mouth as her eyes scanned over the mess. 

Jade, however, spotted what looked like a human figure on the floor. She took one step forward and let out an inhuman shriek of pain, drawing Jesy and Leigh Anne's attention.

"No!" Jade tore across the room and dropped to her knees beside Perrie, shaking her and desperately calling out the blonde's name. 

"Call 999!" Jade screamed. "Don't just stand there!"

Jesy dialed 999 with shaking fingers, her eyes not leaving Perrie's lifeless body. 

"Come on Perrie," Leigh Anne whispered. 

The ambience arrived, the flashing lights dampened by the closed curtains, but drawing their attention anyways. 

Jade pried a piece of paper from in between Perrie's fingers, letting out a cry when she saw what it was. 

"What's wrong?" Jesy asked. 

"It's a fan letter," Jade said, her voice breaking. "It was my idea to send them, what if I inadvertently caused this? What if - "

"Stop doing this to yourself," Leigh Anne interrupted firmly. "Nobody knew how bad she was."

"That's our fault though," Jade whispered. "We didn't even come to check up on Perrie. Seeing this, I'm guessing nobody else did either."

Jesy shook her head, her storming eyes unreadable. 

The door burst open, paramedics entering wheeling a stretcher. "Where is the patient?" Once of them asked. 

Jade covered her mouth with a shaking hand to hold back a sob as Perrie was lifted onto the stretcher, the only movement a slight flutter of her eyelids. 

"Is anyone here in direct relation to the patient?" the same paramedic asked. The three girls shook their heads. 

"Then you may follow along behind the ambulance," he said, and they wheeled Perrie out and into the ambulance. 

"We have to go now!" Jade cried, flying out the door and into her car. 

"Somebody needs to call Perrie's parents," Jesy pointed out once they all got back into the car. 

"One of you can," Jade said, her eyes on the ambulance. 

They drove to the hospital in silence, the only noise being Jesy's short phone call with the Edwards household. Each of the girls was lost in their own thoughts, drowning in guilt and wondering if their blonde ex bandmate was going to live. 

When they got there, Jade cut the engine and practically teleported out of the car and burst through the hospital doors. 

"I need to see Perrie Edwards," Jade said to the receptionist, urgently. 

"Perrie Edwards isn't permitted visitors at this time," the receptionist replied calmly. "I'm sure you will be notified when this changes."

Jade sighed out in defeat, trudging over to one of the chairs in the waiting room and sat down heavily. 

"Can't see her huh," Jesy said softly, sitting down next to Jade, Leigh Anne on the other side of the petite Geordie. Outside the glass doors cameras flashed, trying to get pictures of the worried pop stars. 

"No respect," the receptionist grumbled, walking over to the doors and pulling the large shutters shut. 

"Thank you," Leigh Anne said. 

"It's no problem," the receptionist replied. "You guys are normal people like everyone else. You deserve the privacy too."

Jade's lips lifted in a small smile, the smiled vanishing a second later as the reality of the situation came crashing down on her. 

"This is all our faults," she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. "Because of us, she could die. We ruined her life."

"I know Jadey," Leigh Anne whispered. "I know."

A few hours later Perrie's parents came in the door, shutting it but not before Mr. Edwards flicked the paps off . 

"No respect," Debbie sighed, mimicking receptionist. 

"How is she?" Alexander asked, coming over. 

"No news," Jesy said, Jade staying unresponsive with her head in her hands. Leigh Anne frowned, rubbing Jade's back. 

"I knew I should have tried harder," Debbie suddenly cried out. 

"I didn't want you back in that house," Alexander replied soothingly. "Even if it was our daughter, she did throw a bottle at our heads."

"Perrie did that to me too," Jesy murmured. 

They all fell silent, wallowing in their guilt and misery over the situation. 

"Miss Edwards is awake," a nurse said, coming over to stand in front of their group.

Jade shot up. "I want to see her," she said.

"Miss Edwards has asked only for a Leigh Anne Pinnock," the nurse replied, Jade's mouth falling open. Leigh Anne stood uneasily, looking back and forth between everyone.

"Are you sure?" Leigh Anne asked, flashing Jade a nervous glance.

"She specifically asked for you," the nurse said. "Are you comfortable with seeing her?"

Leigh Anne hesitated for a moment. "Yes," she finally said. "If it helps Perrie, then I will go."

The nurse nodded, leading Leigh Anne down the hallway and stopped at a half open door. "You may go in," the nurse said. Leigh Anne flashed the nurse a smile before pushing the door the rest of the way open and stepping into the room.

"Hi Perrie," Leigh Anne said gently, trying to contain her shock at the blonde's appearance. Her skin was so pale, like she hadn't gone outside in a long time. There were dark bags under her eyes, despite having just been asleep for hours. She looked so skinny, and Leigh Anne could see the blonde's ribs through her hospital gown. She could count every one of them.

"Do you know why I asked for you?" Perrie asked, her voice rough and scratchy. Leigh Anne shook her head.

"I thought you'd ask for Jade."

Perrie barked out a raspy laugh at Leigh Anne's response, stopping abruptly and holding a hand to her throat. "Jade's the last person I'd ask for, second only to my parents," Perrie replied, her voice dying to a whisper halfway through. "Sorry. The doctors stuck a tube down my throat too pump all the alcohol out of my body."

"Was there a lot?" Leigh Anne asked softly. "Of alcohol, I mean."

"Y'know how your body is like 70% water?" Perrie asked. Leigh Anne nodded. 

"Like 75% of that water I'm pretty sure was alcohol," Perrie finished. 

"Oh Pez," Leigh Anne whispered helplessly, reaching for Perrie's hand. To her surprise, Perrie didn't move her hand away. 

"Why didn't you come see me?" Perrie asked finally. 

"I didn't know where you'd gone," Leigh Anne admitted. "I wanted to. I really did. Management seemed to know, but they didn't tell me. I don't know how Jade and Jesy found out."

Perrie nodded slowly. 

"Are we still friends?" Leigh Anne asked desperately. 

Perrie pondered Leigh Anne's question for a moment. "I don't know," she finally said. "I guess you're the person who's hurt me the least, so I guess you're closest right now."

Leigh Anne seemed satisfied with Perrie's answer. "As long as you don't hate any of us," she said. 

Perrie sighed. "Can you please leave?" She asked. "And tell them I don't want to see anyone else right now."

"Okay," Leigh Anne said softly, squeezing Perie's hand once before letting go. "Stay safe Perrie."

With that, she left the room, shutting the door gently behind her. 

Perrie sagged back onto her matteress. Less than a moment later, the door opened again and Jade was standing in the doorway.

"I had to see you," Jade whispered, making Perrie's heart twist in a funny way. 

"What do you want?" Perrie spat, feeling hardly any guilt when hurt flashed across the brunette's face. 

"To talk," Jade replied, taking a step into the room. 

"I have nothing to say," Perrie replied gruffly, crossing her arms. 

"Please Perrie," Jade begged. 

Perrie sighed. "Fine. One minute then you leave," she said. 

"We all want you back in the group," Jade blurted. 

"What?" Perrie asked, her eyes widening. "After everything?"

"We miss you," Jade said. "I miss you. We had such a good friendship, and Little Mix isn't the same without you."

"You seem to be doing just fine," Perrie pointed out. 

"We're really not," Jade admitted. 

"Your minute's up," Perrie said. 

Jade frowned. "Fine. I'll leave but please think about it," she said softly, touching Perrie's hand once and leaving the room, Perrie trying to ignore the shivers that raced up her arm. 

A few days later Perrie was released from the hospital, with a list of AA meetings nearby secured in her pocket. 

After her first meeting, Perrie already felt a little better. A week after she'd been released from the hospital, any trace of drugs had vanished from her home. A month later, the broken bottles had been cleaned up and the empty ones were thrown away. 

The girls checked in on Perrie regularly, and quickly learned that the only person Perrie was willing to talk to for more than a minute would be Leigh Anne, and even talking with her for an extended period of time was a stretch. 

Perrie's parents even came regularly, and Perrie would never admit this but just having them sit on her doorstep for an hour or two made her feel better. 

The first time Perrie had even given rejoining Little Mix a thought was when she stumbled upon the fanmail she'd gotten when she was cleaning. 

So she sat, surrounded by dust and trash and clutter, and read each of the letters. By the time Perrie was done, she had tears in her eyes. 

Did she really want to go back to Little Mix?

The telltale knock sounded on Perrie's door, signaling the arrival of her ex bandmates. 

"You've cleaned," were Jesy's first words. Perrie rolled her eyes and went back to sweeping. 

"Have you given any thought to what I said?" Jade asked softly. 

Perrie ignored her, shuffling into the other room with a trash bag. 

"What was that about?" Leigh Anne asked, coming into the room after a minute. Perrie looked over the Afro haired girl's shoulder and say Jesy and Jade peeking around the doorframe. 

"She asked me to consider rejoining Little Mix," Perrie answered, tossing the bag out the door and on top of the rest. 

"Are you?" Leigh Anne asked hopefully. 

"Leigh," Perrie sighed. 

Leigh Anne's face fell. "You're not going to," she said sadly. 

Deciding time was up, Perrie simply left the house, pulling her hood up and grabbing a couple garbage bags. 

"We've got a long way to go if you ever want it to be like it was," Jesy remarked, watching Perrie heave the bags into the blonde's car. 

Jade just looked down at the floor. 

"I think you guys should leave," Perrie said, reentering the house and looking at them. 

"What?" Leigh Anne said, Jade's eyes not leaving the floor. 

"Please go," Perrie said, Jesy nodding and leaving, Jade and Leigh Anne walking out behind her. 

Perrie collapsed onto her beat up couch, groaning as another knock sounded on the door.

"I told you ... " Perrie's voice died when she saw there was only an envelope on her doorstep. 

She read it once she had closed the door against the cameras. Apparently the paps had finally figured out where she lived. 

Miss Edwards,

Due to your inability to pay last month's rent, you have been issued an official eviction notice. You have ten days to pack up your belongings and leave this property. 

Thank you,

Miranda Keens

"Fucking hell," Perrie mumbled, throwing the paper away from her. She strode into the kitchen, her emotions on overdrive. She spotted a lone bottle whiskey sitting on the counter, half full. 

She'd meant to throw it away. 

Perrie picked up the bottle, looking at it thoutfully. Popping the cap off, she sniffed the contents and struggled to calm her raging emotions. After a minute, she made her decision. 

She drank. 

Ten days later Jade barged into Perrie's house, looking around wildly. 

The house was empty of Perrie's belongings, all of her pictures and decorations were off the walls and tables. Even her custom made curtains had been taken down. 

"No," Jade whispered, sinking to her knees. She knew Perrie had made her decision. 

She spied a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. Curious, Jade picked herself up and walked over to it, wiping her eyes. 


I know that you're going to find this first, seeing as how you seem to live here half the time. 

Jade let out a weak laugh, sniffling as she resumed reading. 

You asked me to rejoin Little Mix as few weeks ago. Since you're here reading this, you probably know what my answer is. I'm sorry. I can't go back to Little Mix. We had great memories, but in light of certain events I don't think I can ever go back. Still, I wish you and Jesy and Leigh Anne the best and hope your career blossoms. 

I'm sorry for acting the way I did. I was mad, and I was hurt. To be honest, I'm still hurting. I made a lot of mistakes in this past year, and I thank you and the rest of the girls for even caring. I didn't think you would, and that speaks to your personality and your good heart. Tell Jesy and Leigh Anne I'm sorry too. 

I wanted to say goodbye in person, but I realized that would be too hard. I know this is the coward's way out, but I'm not as brave as I once was. If I was, I bet I'd be in the band right now. Right now I'm taking a step back. My brother lives in the U.S.A so I'm going to go stay with him for a while. If things get better in a few years, I might come back. 

I love you Jade. It took me a while to realize that I think I always will. I hope you find someone who loves you as much as I do. You all deserve happiness. I hope you all find it someday.

- Perrie

Miles away, Perrie lifted her head and looked across the sea, back toward the UK. Back toward Jade. 

The plane was flying steadily, and after a minute of staring Perrie closed the window and leaned her head back against the headrest. 

Her eyes closed for a second, the they opened again. After a minute of searching, she found her phone. It had been turned off for months, sitting on top of her bookshelf in her room. Ironically, her room had been the cleanest. 

Perrie opened the phone, and stared at Jade's contact, filled with warring emotions. She finally closed the phone with a sigh, tossing it onto the empty seat next to her. 

After a minute, Perrie's phone buzzed with a text. 

(1) New messages

Jade: Hi, I know you probably won't get this but I hope you have a safe flight. 

Perrie stared at the phone screen, a slow smile spreading onto her face. If she was going to make a fresh start, she might as well. 

Perrie: Thank you.

Hope you enjoyed this oneshot I'm sorry the ending is so shitty

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