A Chance For Growth II

By Twisted_Truths

41.6K 1.8K 3.7K

We coming back at you in part two of this roller coaster ride. You're not safe yet, life ain't ever easy so... More

He's Not Family
Your Soulmate is Only Yours
I'll Always Protect You
Steps to a Better Life
Finally On Track
Where We Belong
No Need for Jealousy
You Can Handle It
Try and Make It Work
Keep It Pushing
Turn a Negative to Positive
Should've Been Done
What's Going On
And Then There Was 3
PSA: What's going on?
Strange Things are Happening
There's Beauty In The Struggle
This Can't Be
Get Out of Your Head
Please Don't Go, Not Again
These are Your Choices
No More Denial
This Isn't Our Ending
Can't Get Right
Two Can Play
This is Too Much
Too Soon
Time Has Passed
Like Magnets
Another Chance...Again
We Never Needed Him

My Secrets, Your Questions

3K 66 91
By Twisted_Truths

June, 2001

Terrence groaned checking his watch. Looking up at the building he needed to enter he frowned. Being in jail had opened his eyes, it made him think back to when things were simpler. To avoid hardcore prison time he agreed to 6 months of therapy. The BEST and WORST decision of his life. To have someone not only help you, but tell you about yourself was hard.

Things were being brought up that he hadn't even thought about in a while. Like how seeing his father go off to jail, his brother, then Taraji leave when they were young. All contributed to why he feels the need to control everyone. To make sure they can't leave, because leaving was his biggest fear. Separation was the farthest thing he wanted to go through.

His anger was something that he definitely needed to work on. Something to stop him from getting to the point of no return. He relied on Taraji to keep his beast at bay, without her during his marriage and through out those months he let it go free. Now that she was gone he had to find it in hiself to control it, he had no one to push the job off on. It was time he got back to him. The Terrence before the fame, before the money, before the kids. A man that had his head on straight and knew what he wanted.

There were some things brought up that he didn't like to talk about but had to. Particularly because he was given a title he didn't like, but had to realize it was true. After two weeks of therapy he was told he was a sex addict. Now under the simple term there were different types. Oddly enough it had to do with his anger. He was more prone to sexual activity when he was angry, he used it as crutch to deal with it. That wasn't always the case, but a majority of the time it was. Getting out of his car he headed in for his hour session.

Meanwhile in Chicago.....

Marcel put Heaven on his shoulders as he walked up stairs. She giggled holding on to his hands. They made it to Taraji's door busting in, Taraji jumped picking her head off the pillow.

"What the..." Her eyes widened as She watched Marcel toss Heaven on the bed. Taraji's heart dropped as Heaven giggled bouncing on the bed.

"Marcel! What I tell you about that!!!" She snapped sitting up, Heaven smiled hugging her mom.

"Mom get up. You promised we would go to the water park. Look at Hev she's ready, I'm ready...you're not." Marcel spoke showing off his swim trunks and his sunglasses. Heaven dressed in her red mini mouse one peice bathing suit. She groaned looking at the clock, she did promise him the first day of summer was gonna be spent at the water park.

"Get up, up, up Penda!" He spoke yanking the blanket off of her. She gave him a sad smile, the name and his smile bringing back those memories.

"Fine. I'm up, let me shower at least." She groaned, Heaven laid her head on her mom's shoulder just because.

"Have you eaten chunky monkey?" She asked Cel getting up, he nodded heading into her closet.

"We're doing a one peice." He blurted, Taraji rolled her eyes.

"No I'm not, move boy. I can where what I want. Now get out, be ready ready in an hour. Take your sister with you." She responded grabbing him by the ear and pulling him out of her closet. He huffed grabbing Heaven.

"Come on sissy, let's go waste more time cuz mom's slow." He spoke walking a way with a grin. He felt something hit him in the head and laughed.

"I'm just being honest!" He called out then took off before she could hit him with something else.

"Keep playing, you and that mouth boy!" She responded pulling out her chosen bikini.

Heading to the bathroom she got ready for this long day. After she showered and lotioned down she looked in the mirror. Lifting her hair she turned in the mirror looking at her new tattoo. It was a routine for her now. A beautiful Pheonix on her neck. She felt like she needed that fresh start and this desicion for a new tattoo went hand in hand.

She went through the fire, and rose from ashes and started something new. A fresh start, the past was the past. She couldn't focus on that, this new life was about her and her family. She had to forgive and move on. She held no hate in her heart, no pain, no nothing. To be completely honest she really felt how young she was. She looked good to be 30 turning 31 in a few months. Skin glowing, thick natural hair, nice tone body.

"MA!" She heard yelled, she rolled her eyes pulling on her cover up. Grabbing her bag she headed down stairs to her impatient little family. She loved them to peices though.

Terrence sat parked on the side of the road in front of a place he hasn't been to in months. The last time he was here he was getting hauled away, that was the last time he saw his whole family. Shaking those thoughts from his head he heard the car door open. Aubrey was excitedly throwing her bags in the backseat.

"Hi daddy!" She cheered leaning on the middle console from the back seat to kiss his cheek.

"Hi princess, give this to Lori." He spoke handing her a thick manila folder. She looked down at it and frowned.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Stop being nosey, go get your brother." He spoke sternly, she huffed getting out of the car.

He watched her walk up to the house, he groaned noticing her opening it like the nosey ass she was. It held nothing but divorce files, along with agreements and deals. He hadn't spoken to Lori or reached out to her since he's been out. There was no need to. That night was it for them, it's been it for them since they got married.

As Aubrey walked out with Hunter, Lori appeared in the door way. She opened the folder looking in it then to the car. He leaned back in his seat putting on his seatbelt, their eyes connected briefly. She spun around practically running back into the house. Aubrey opened the door putting her 6 month old brother in his carseat, he babbled shaking the toy keys in his hand. Terrence grinned turning around.

"Hey little man." He smiled, Hunter flashed him smile showing his gums. Aubrey set his bag down then shut the door. Rounding the car she hopped into the front seat.

"So all summer with you?" She asked as he pulled off, he nodded turning on some music.

"Yes! Does that mean you're staying with us all summer too? No movies, just us." She squeaked, he nodded again.

"I got a little apartment over by Grandma's. You get your own room and so does Hunter." He announced heading to his moms, they wanted to have a family dinner.

"Good, Cause Hunter got a stanky booty. " Aubrey blurted, Terrence laughed looking in the rear view mirror as they passed Taraji's old house.

Aubrey sighed looking at the sold sign, she didn't dare bring it up. She learned a long time to stay out of their business. She just missed her mama Raji, and her siblings. She wondered if they were happy and just living life.

The car grew silent as they drove. Aubrey hopped that her dad could some how bring them back, but she knew he wouldn't. He had told her hiself in tears that Taraji wasn't ever gonna come back to stay in D.C. He said she was better where ever she was, and that one day he hoped to prove to her that he loved her and was ready to start over.

She was proud of him, the change in him was noticeable. He didn't get angry and yell and lash out, he just simply walked away til he was calm enough to come correct. He was back to laughing and smiling, doing what he needed to do. Doing damage control on his name, she knew he wasn't super happy. But what he had here was enough for him right now.

Later that night....

Alice shook her head at her family. This simple game of Charades was turning into a Howard brawl. They had even dragged Chris into the argurmemt. She bounced Hunter in her lap sipping her wine. Her eyes narrowed at the cute little dark skin beauty sitting in Juniors lap. I mean she liked the girl, she was just new. She kept to herself unless in moments like this. She was surprisingly funny, which is why Alice was staring at her.

She had that same stupid ass sense of humour Junior has. She groaned finally discovering what really tied them together.

"Aye! Brey you cheating!!" Chris yelled crossing her arms.

"I'm not, I just watch tv more then you." Aubrey responded giving Chris sas.

"Of course cause unlike you I work." Chris clapped back. Terry laughed knowing this was gonna go on all night.

"Oooooooo! You gone take that Brey?" Junior laughed instigating.

"Yeah well I'm in Elementary school!" She responded, Chris rolled her eyes.

"Keep doing that your eyes are gonna get stuck." Aubrey sassed, Alice couldn't help but to laugh. Chris rushed Aubrey tossing her over her shoulder. She spun around in a circle hearing Brey screaming.

"Say I'm sorry Chris for being a little shit." Chris teased.

"Okay! I'm gonna puke." Brey giggled, Chris paused then faked like she was gonna let her go. Brey screamed followed by a laugh.

"I'm sorry.....Christen that you're very old and boring." Brey blurted making everyone laugh.

"That's it, I'ma fuck her little ass up." Chris laughed, Brey started yelling for Terry as the phone rung. Alice shook her head getting up to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Alice answered, she squealed as soon as the person responded.

"Monster!! How you been mama?"

"I've been good, I just got off the phone with Mama so I decided to call you. How are you?" Taraji responded.

"I'm better now that I'm hearing from you." Alice smiled honestly hearing from Taraji was just what she needed to really make her happy. Today had been such a calm family day, her call was the cherry on top.

"How is everyone?" Taraji asked, Alice could hear her moving around in the background.

"Good Good, Jr. brought his girlfriend over for the first time. Chris got a promotion, she a manager now so she gets less hours for better pay. Which means more time with me." Alice gushed, Terry's loud voice carried through the phone. Taraji felt a tight pain in her chest.

"Oh...he's out?" She questioned trying to shake the guilty feeling that just settled on her.

"Yeah, he's been out for a minute." Alice responded knowing Taraji wanted to know all about how he was doing. She didn't have the energy to play the question game with Raji.

"How is he?" She questioned truly curious.

"Ask him yourself.....Terrence! Come here! " Alice suddenly yelled, Taraji paled staring at her phone.

"NO! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" She screamed in panic. Did she hang up and get her ear chewed off for doing it? She wasn't ready for him to yell at her and demand her to come back. She heard his voice getting closer followed by Brey yelling for him. Her heart skipped a beat at the voice of the little girl.

"Taraji...he at least needs to talk to the kids." Alice sighed then set the phone down as Terrence entered the room. She pointed at the phone then walked off to go feed Hunter. He picked it up confused.

"Hello?" His smooth voice flowed through the phone.

"Hello Terrence." She prepared herself for the worst, the silence adding on to her fear. She was sure he was still there probably mustering up every thing to say to her at once.

"Hey Taraji, How are the kids?" He asked, shocking her. She stared at her phone with disbelief. She knew it was him, she could say that was 100% his voice.

"Uhhhh.....good?" She responded, he bit his lip fighting his smile. Just hearing her voice after so long making his heart stutter.

"That's good, Look let me just say Taraji.... I'm not mad or upset with you. Trust it took me a minute to calm down once I got out, but I understand. I just wanna say sorry... for everything. Even if my words don't mean nothing right now, just thank you. You did all you could for me and I let it all go to waste. I just wanted to say I'm getting back to me. If it's fine with you but I would like the kids to see each other. I have Brey and Hunter all summer and I thought it would be good to see them. But if not I understand, it's only been a month and..."

"Terrence, let the past be the past. I'm glad you're doing well, as for seeing the kids I'm fine with that." She responded, he smiled nodding as if she could see him silently respond to her.

"Okay.....Its nice hearing from you TJ. I miss you." He spoke blurting those last words. She was happy to hear from him, but sadly she didn't miss him as much.

"You too. Look...I gotta get Heaven to go to sleep. She's in a mood." Taraji groaned looking down at her little one pouting, she did not want to sleep.

"Let me talk to her." He spoke, Taraji sighed.

"I don't want her getting all hyper."

"I know, just let me talk to her." He responded, She huffed picking up Heaven and laying her down on the bed, the young one started fussing almost instantly.

Taraji put the phone next to her ear and had to absorb this precious moment. Heaven started to calm down as soon as she heard his voice. Mumbling a few words with Daddy as her eyes started drooping. Taraji laid down on her bed just listening, Marcel entered her room crawling onto the bed.

"Who's Hev talking too?" He whispered.

"Your dad." Taraji responded her own eyes falling from his smooth voice.

Marcel made a face as if he didn't like it, but deep down inside he missed his dad maybe alot more then he wanted to. That's how the three of them fell asleep listening to him tell a pointless little story. He chuckled hearing soft snores on the other line, his heart warming.

"Goodnight." He whispered then hung up. Putting the phone down he turned being met with his mother. She gave him a smile handing him Hunter, who also had fallen asleep listening to him talk.

"Leave that girl alone you hear me. She don't miss being here other wise she would call more. Keep focusing on you, finalize that divorce and move on so maybe...maybe you can catch up on that growth she's gone through." Alice spoke starting a heart to heart.

"I know mama. I gotta work on me before anything else. I'm not in a rush to get back with her, seeing my kids is a good enough step for me. For once I gotta take things slow, maybe it'll turn out different." He responded kissing Hunter's cheek.

"You know what Terrence.....I'm really really proud of you. A couple of months ago I would have got a mind your business, but not now. You keep doing good you hear me. Actions speak louder then words, show us where you stand and we'll support you the whole way." Alice spoke kissing her son on the cheek then hugging him.

"Might be time you guys head out. Hunter's down, and Aubrey looks like she's gonna be sleep within the hour. Junior and that girl are about to leave too. Thank you for coming." She added as they walked into the living room.

"I'll see you later Ma. Love you, come on Brey let's head out with your Uncle." Terrence voiced, she nodded saying her goodbyes.

Heading over to his apartment, Brey was half sleep dragging her bags up stairs. He chuckled watching her collapse on the couch, not even making an effort to go to her destined room. As he got Hunter ready for bed he thought about the future. He had his doubts that he couldn't climb out of the hole he fell into. He was doing it on his own, there was no one to do the work for him. It always lifted his spirits to know that he had people waiting at the top supporting him every fall and jump he made.

He moved the portable bassinet into his room laying Hunter down. Climbing into his own bed, he stared up at the ceiling. One day at a time, he chanted in his head as he closed his eyes. That's all he could do, take it one day at a time.

A few days later....

Tyrese lounged on Taraji's bed watching her pack. He held a scowl as he tried to wrap his head around why she was going. To see the man she was basically running from...was that stupid or stupid?

"Soooooooo....you're leaving for a week to go see your baby daddy?" He asked, she looked up tilting her head to the side.


"Why are you going?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm letting the kids spend time with their father." She responded, he pursed his lips giving her a look.

"So you're going to see him..." He mumbled looking off.

"No, I'm going because there's a wedding in a few months that I'm in. We gotta do some dress shopping, and apparently they can't decide on a color. That's where I come in." She squealed excited to see her bestfriend. He twirled the ring on his finger, a sly grin on his lips. He caught her hand as she walked by, tugging her down on the bed. She giggled looking up at him, while he rested on his side.

"Always the bride's maid, never the bride." He teased lightly. The statement hit her hard, she knew it wasn't his intention. Though his words seemed to stab her in the heart with a heated blade. He searched her eyes then frowned.

"I'm sorry T, is was a joke. Don't get sad, I was just playing." He rushed out sitting up straight. He leaned over her and sighed.

"I didn't mean it like that." He whispered softly cupping her face.

"I know...I'm Okay. I'm not gonna cry or something, I'ma bad bitch." She responded with a empty chuckle, and a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Well Ms.Bad Bitch, how bout I go with you?" He questioned hopefully, she rise a brow at him then sat up.


"Cause ima be bored without you TJ, what am I gonna do?" He questioned tickling her sides, her loud laughs rung out making him smile.

"I would but my family is gonna get the wrong idea. They'll think you're my boyfriend, and then my dad's gonna try and fight you. My sister is gonna hate you......" She rambled.

"Wait why would your sister hate me?"

"Cause you're not.......someone she knows." Taraji respond, she had to put that as nicely as possible. It was better then you're not Terrence. Apryl isn't the only one that'll hate him.

"Maybe next time Ty." She chirped kissing him on the cheek. She bounced off the bed getting back to packing.

"One of these days you're gonna give into this Tyrese charm. And when that day happens I'm never letting you go." He blurted, she laughed rolling her eyes.

"And if that day ever happens. I'll show you that one thing I told you about." She teased sending him a wink.

He bit his lip giving her a look. She giggled walking out of the room. He shook his head getting those images out of his head. She played entirely too much. He hung around for a while just to be around. He chilled with his feet on the coffee table watching TV, while Taraji bathed Heaven. A bowl of popcorn in his lap.

"Man get yo big ass feet off my table!" Marcel snapped entering the house sweaty from playing in the heat. Tyrese chuckled pulling his feet off the table.

"My bad Boss." Tyrese responded his eyes glued to the screen, Marcel huffed stomping into the kitchen.

"Nigga eating up all my damn snacks." He mumbled to himself putting the open box of popcorn up.

"That's why he got a big head, shaped like a damn whopper." He continued pouring a cup of Kool-aid.

"Cel! Are you packed?" He heard his mother call.

"Yeah!" He responded hearing footsteps approaching. He scowled seeing Tyrese walk into the kitchen heading to the cabinet to grab a cup.

"Cel man you need a shower." Tyrese blurted.

"You need some business." Cel responded shooting him a glare.

"Why you always gotta be so rude?" Tyrese asked amused by the young ones attitude.

"Same reason you always over here." Cel responded drinking from his cup.

"Try being nice."

"Try going home."

"Take a shower."

"You look like a strong crackhead." Marcel spat, Tyrese glared at him.

"Kid..." Tyrese warned crossing his arms.

"Stay off the Roids!"


"Steroids stupid." The two glared heatedly at each other. Taraji rounded the corner taking in the tense atmosphere. Heaven trailing behind her.

"Tyrese leave him alone." Taraji snapped, Tyrese groaned shaking his head.

"Cel, go do something like....Ooo go take a damn shower." She spat looking at the grass stains she would be cleaning out of his clothes. He nodded kissing her on the cheek, as he walked off he spun around flipping Tyrese off then turned before his mom caught him.

"Your little idjit started it." Tyrese huffed.

"Don't call him that, he's a child. Move Ty." She spat trying to get to the stove. He pursed his hips trapping her against the counter.

"Alright, I take it back. I didn't mean it." He quickly apologized knowing how she got about her kids.

"Move Ty." She repeated looking behind him. He groaned flashing her puppy dog eyes. Heaven tugged on her mom's pants making grabby hands at her, Taraji pushed Tyrese to the side picking up Heaven, she yawned looking at Tyrese with her big eyes. She gave him a toothy smile, making him smile back.

"I should probably go home, but I'll call you later. Safe trips tommorow." He spoke pressing a deep kiss to her cheek.

She nodded pulling stuff out for dinner. He knew her silence meant she was mad at him. He would make it up to her somehow. Heading out the door, Marcel did a dance of victory upstairs hearing his car start up. He eventually finished showering heading back down stairs, he watched his mother cook with Heaven on her hip. The little one was just in the mood to be held, she didn't want no one but Taraji to hold her.

Marcel looked at his sister lazily play with Taraji's hair, reminding him of Terrence. He frowned at that thought siting down, hating how he was thinking of his dad now. If he could even call Terry that, not that he wanted to. Dad's were always there for you, to Marcel Terrence was in and out. And in that time he was there, it was like he cared more about being up under his mother then being a dad. Only to hurt her in the long run leaving him to be there for his mother alone.

He was the one that consoled her when she would cry that first month they moved here permanently. She was so worried about Terrence being in Jail, and leaving Aubrey and Hunter like that it weighed heavy on her. He was the one that got his mom taking care of her first, before anyone else. Granted pushing her to be more free equaled her gaining a bestfriend like Tyrese. He blamed Terry for Tyrese whole heartedly, had Terry never been a rolling stone he would have a father, and Taraji would have never met Tyrese's annoying ass.

Yet with all that resentment for Terry...he still missed that contact with his dad. He hated that, he hated that no matter how much he regarded Terry as a sperm doner, he would always crave the relationships he had with his siblings. So again in his life he found hiself actually....kinda happy to see him.

"Marcel..." He heard breaking through his thoughts. He looked up seeing Taraji standing in front of him, she cupped his face with one hand looking into his eyes.

"Huh?" He asked, she frowned as she stared at him. Sighing she rubbed his head in a motherly manner.

"What's wrong baby? I been calling you." She responded, he cleared his throat then shook his head.

"Nothing, I just spaced out." He spoke, her frown deepened. Leaving it alone she pecked his forehead.

"I love you chocolate drop." She blurted feeling like he needed to hear that. He smiled genuinely at her.

"I know mama, I love you too.......as long as you keep milk dud on a leash." He teased, Taraji popped him on the head laughing.

"Shut up, you dark chocolate too." She responded mushing his face away from her. Heaven giggled clapping her hands.

"Yeah dark chocolate goodness, that is burnt chocolate tar!" Marcel laughed, Taraji couldn't help but to laugh. She gave him a shove almost knocking him out his chair. He was such a smart ass, but she loved him to death.

Taraji took a deep breath looking up, her eyes connecting with hazel green orbs of sin. He smiled down at her, so big and bright. She had watched her youngest run on her little chunky legs to him. Then her oldest child even give his dad a hug. Now he was staring down at her. His arms crushing her into his chest, she felt his cologne wrap around her.

"I'm glad you came. Brey doesn't know you're here." He spoke pulling back after a millisecond hug, it was almost as if he scolded hiself for hugging her in the first place.

"Oh god, what's got your eyes brown today?" She asked, he looked down fighting the smile.

"Nothing, come on. I want it to be a surprise, plus mama wants you at the house for lunch in an hour." He rushed out grabbing her hand, he didn't want to talk about his meeting about the divorce.

Taraji bent down picking up Heaven as they headed to baggage claim. She watched Terrence pick up Marcel and start carrying him like a bag, her son's laughs making her heart smile. The boys rattled on and on about new games, and sports and whatnot. All while Heaven begged for her father's attention as he walked them out to the awaiting rental car for her.

They headed back to their side of town, conversation still live. Soon Taraji found Terrence's eyes on her. He flashed her a smile then started asking her how she's been. She told him the truth leaving out most parts that involved Tyrese. Growing Terrence or not she knew how Alpha he could get when any male was around her, his brother included. She changed gears to how he and Brey have been.

"Brey's been good...She's mad at me right now because I said I had to go handle some business." He chuckled, Taraji smiled at the mention of her curly headed beauty. In a way Aubrey was like her first daughter, biological or not. Soon she found herself walking into his apartment. Aubrey was laying on the couch watching TV.

" Brey I'm back." He called.

"Yay!" She cheered sarcastically, he grinned.

"Are you still mad?" He teased, her curly head nodded tuning him out.

"Fine then, I guess I'll take Taraji home." He voiced, Aubreys head popped up instantly. She lunged over the couch barreling into Taraji.

"I missed you!" She whined hugging her tight, Taraji smiled kissing her head.

"CELLY!" Aubrey cheered throwing herself at him.

He groaned trying to push her away, and juggle Hev with his other arm. She was giggling pulling at Brey's hair chanting "Brey". Terrence strolled into the living room to grab a whining Hunter. Taraji stared at the little chunky Howard with surprisingly brown hair.

The baby looked at her perplexed, since he hasn't seen her since he was just two months old. Though he was drawn to the natural motherly aura she projected, he reached out for her making her smile. Everyone knew babies were Taraji's kryptonite.

"Oh my god! Mama Raji I have to tell you so much, like at school this one boy...."

"Aubrey, what I say about that!" Terrence frowned not wanting to hear the story about this boy who is crushing on her. He specifically told her, her boyfriend was school.

"I would love to hear all about him baby, but first let's get over to Grandma Alice's before she sends out a search party." Taraji chuckled tickling Hunter.

Aubrey nodded deciding to tell her story as they left the house. She ignored Marcel and Terrence's twin glares shooting at her. She had her Mama Raji here, and was getting the most out of it. After learning about how they were only visiting for a week she felt that she needed to cram 4 months of life into 1 day, so she had time to make more memories for when they left.

While Taraji was out and about the next day visiting Boris, Apryl, and Shawn. Marcel and his siblings were shooting around town doing family activities to pass time. For once when they were all together, there was no drama. Not even a baby crying, it had Marcel on edge thinking about what was coming their way this time.

He felt like things were to going too well. Time flying by till they were down to just three days left on this Friday afternoon. He found hiself in the mirror looking over his body. He was a skinny kid, but he had a little muscle. Putting on his shades he nodded in the mirror. Tracie and JJ came down to discuss wedding details, which meant a whole day with Sapphire. Grabbing his towel he slipped on his flip flops. Heading down to the indoor hotel pool where the rest of the family was.

Terrence was jumping in the pool with Aubrey on his back, JJ holding Heaven as she splashed while Sapphire was going down the inflatable slide. Taraji and Tracie talking on pool side chairs, Hunter sleeping in the carrier between them. Heading over to them he set his towel down, kicked off his shoes, then set the pointless shades down. A hop, skip and a jump later he was cannon balling into the pool.

"Be careful Cel! If Hev swallow that water, it's me and you." Taraji warned, Terrence chuckled tossing Heaven into the air making her scream Daddy.

"Anyways, so back to us doing yellow. I think JJ has lost his mind. A bright yellow wedding, I think not." Tracie huffed looking over at Taraji who was sending a message from her blackberry.

"No Yellow, cute color for your skin tone....but not a winter weather color. Go darker but not too dark, or metallic like gold." Taraji responded looking up from her phone.

"Like what bitch? I'm stumped." Tracie whined, she was almost ready to call it quits on the wedding. Every color they agree on they end up not liking making them restart the whole planning process.

"What about a Burgundy? It's dark but still has enough tone to add subtle colors onto it. Maybe just a little silver in your flower bouquet. It'll be cute, that way your cake can have that kind of seductive style you want." Taraji suggested, Tracie hummed thinking of a Burgundy color on tables and decorations.

"Well I'll bring that up to JJ, if we agree then Burgundy is a go. But you still haven't answered my real question, which was why you keep smiling at that phone." Tracie pried giving Taraji a look.

"Nothing I'm just texting Tyrese, I told you about him." Taraji replied setting her phone down.

"Yes dark chocolate boy wonder singer, stuck to you like glue yes." Tracie groaned rolling her eyes.

"So does that mean you've let Terry know there's been a man around his kids in his absence?" Tracie questioned knowing the answer already.

"Shhh! Stop that, you're so messy! What's there to tell? It's not like Tyrese is playing daddy. No, he's just a friend that just so happens to like taking the kids out to do stuff...with me." Taraji explained taking a drink from her water bottle.

"If that's the case then tell him that. I mean if it's just friendly, why did you tell Cel to not say anything about Tyrese? It's because you're chicken, afraid of how big bad TerryBear will respond, maybe even because you don't want to admit you have a man crushing on you hard and you just like the attention." Tracie smirked, raising a brow at her friend. She knew Taraji wasn't saying nothing cause she was scared. Taraji scowled at Tracie's smug face, taking her ice cold way her bottle she poured it onto Tracie, who gasped jumping up from the chill. Taraji giggled getting up and running away. Tracie chased after her, trying to push Taraji into the pool.

"I'm telling Terrence that you..." Before Tracie could finish her sentence Taraji had spun around and pushed her into the pool, jean shorts and all.

"Tell me what?" Terrence questioned watching as Tracie came up spitting water out.

"Tell you that....us girls are going out and you're on daddy duty, You and JJ." Taraji blurted quickly covering up. Tracie rolled her eyes walking to the shallow end to get out of the water.

"Well....Okay." Terrence responded narrowing his eyes, he could tell she was lying just by the way she was smiling. Months of being apart didn't deter his knowledge of the woman in front of him.

"Aye, Ma! Your stalker's calling." Marcel called out from over by the lounge chairs. He set her phone down after hitting end, he was supposed to be on a Tyrese Detox and so was she. Doing a backflip into the pool, Taraji face palmed. One, he hit his head last time he did that and, two, he just happened to have the biggest mouth.

"Mama Raji do you have to leave on Sunday?" Aubrey whined helping Heaven swim, by swim I mean flail around giggling and splashing water.

"Yes, baby. I'm sorry, maybe I'll let your brother and sister stay." Taraji responded heading to her phone as it rung again.

Terrence was highly interested in her phone now, she had answered it then walked out of the room. Not that it was any of his business, but he was curious. These last few days he was proud of how much self control he had, keeping things on a strictly friendly level. Though his eyes still did wonder her body like his thoughts, he was a man. Old habits came into effect, kinda like the habit for him to be nosey. Who was she talking too? Was the question that bounced around in his head, he just, wanted to know.

"Ty, I told you I'd call you later. What's up?" Taraji questioned.

"Yeah I know I'm on my way to the gym, but John just sent me our press scheduling. We have a interview on Wensday, a press junket on Thursday, then Friday there's the movie premier. I just wanted to let you know now, before I forgot." He responded, she smiled feeling giddy.

"Wow! Thank you actually." She voiced thinking about how she really did need to leave Sunday.

"You ready to break out?" He asked knowing she was practically vibrating with excitement.

"YES!" She squealed, she could feel it. This was her big break, after this she hoped movies were gonna be thrown her way. She worked hard, started from small guest jobs, to star movie roles. She was ready to really expand her craft. She remembered a talk her dad had with her a long time ago. Embrace Henson, before Howard......well now all she had was Henson to embrace. She wanted people to know....Taraji P. Henson.

Even if they had to know Yvette first.

Hope you enjoyed!✨

Be ready for part two of our story😩 We done come along way already and we just barely hitting the middle. So that being sad keep in mind that this is a story based on real life events, so it's gonna be real shit.

Our characters aren't perfect....and neither are you. 🙄❤

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