Drunk In Love (Glee & Mike Ch...

By ryderlynnfever

146K 2.4K 328

Ever believe that you can fall in love with a guy when you get drunk? No. I never believe that. I even never... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Jake Puckerman is HERE!!!
Tribute to Mark Salling
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Finn Hudson's Fanfiction
New Sam Evans Fanfiction
New Finn Hudson Fanfiction
Sebastian Stan x Lily Collins
Santana Lopez Fanfiction
Mike Chang! Finally!
Straight Blaine Anderson

Chapter 49

899 17 1
By ryderlynnfever

Valentine's Week is already passed. Mike and I are officially getting back together. I got a lot of beautiful surprise from him. Those are all beautiful and sweet. I'm so lucky.

I walk to the auditorium to have rehearsal with the others for regionals next week. I can't wait. I'm so excited for that.

"Hi guys." Dad walks in. "Finn is out for the week since he got cold so I'm in charge now since you guys one week away to Regionals." Dad says to us. "Have you guys decided your setlist yet?"

"Yes. Paris and I will handle a duet then we will do two groups number with boys and girls." Blaine nods.

"Well, if it's so. I hold in my hand, ladies and gentlemen, our competition for regionals.
Drumroll, please." Dad says to us as we start make drumroll from our lap. "From North Central High School in Indianapolis, the Hoosierdaddies."

"That's very clever." Tina simply said.

"And from Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness in Battle Creek, Michigan, the Nun-Touchables." Dad says to us.

"Wait, is that a convent?" Blaine frowns.

"Guys, I like our chances against both these squads, but we still got a lot of work to do." Dad says to us.

"Mr. Schue, please stop talking. I have an announcement. I regret to inform you a deadly asteroid is headed our way." Brittany cuts dad off.

"Wait, didn't we just go through this at Christmas?" Artie frowns.

"I'm naming this comet. Tubbington-Bopp, and it is headed straight for Lima." Brittany says to us.

"Wait, so is it an asteroid or a comet?" Artie asks.

"Because asteroid and comet are different." I nod.

"It's both." Brittany says.

"Wouldn't NASA know something about this?" Marley frowns.

"We can't trust NASA. I mean, last month a meteor exactly like Tubbington-Bopp hit Russia with no warning at all." Brittany says to us.

"Oh, so now it's a meteor." Artie nods.

"That's right, Artie, and when this meteorite hits, I will not be spending my time in this room preparing for regionals. I will be spending my last hours making amends with somebody who I need to get right with. Someone who I love very much. Lord Tubbington. So go back to your homes and hide your wife, hide your kids and hide your wife. McKinley High, I salute you." Brittany says to us and walks away.

"I have a telescope in my room and it's nothing." I roll my eyes.

"Alright, now everyone here just focus on regionals. We've been fighting so hard until we get to this day okay so from the top!" Dad claps his hands.


I'm sitting down in the middle row in choir room and put my phone into my bag. We are going to have our glee club assignment today.

"Hey, Will, you wanted to see me?" Coach Beiste walks in.

"We wanted you to join us for our first annual.
Thank God the World Isn't Ending glee practice." Dad says to her.

"It's where I can throw Junior Mints at Marley without feeling bad about it again." Kitty walks in and grins.

"Sit down." Dad says to her.

"Mm, I don't know, Will." Coach Beiste shakes her head.

"Come on, we're gonna sing some songs, maybe bust out a few dance moves. I may even rap." Dad smiles at her.

"No rap." I shake my head.

"Okay." Coach Beiste nods.

"All right! Let's get started." Dad smiles at us. I raise my hand and get up. "How many times I have to tell you to not drink your mom's diet tea? Yes you can go." Dad rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Thank you. You're the best, dad." I grin at him and run away from the choir room.

I walk into the girl's restroom and walk into a stall to pee. Suddenly a sound of gun banging into this school. Then some student start screaming. And another gun shot is banging again.

I flush the toilet and standing above the toilet bowl. I don't know what should I do but I'm really scared to go out there. What if the shooter caught me?

I keep standing above the toilet bowl as tears slowly fall down to my face. This is really scared and I don't know who else in this restroom with me. I'm just terrified.

I feel my cheerio jacket and I left my phone in my bag in choir room. Yeah everyone is having rehearsal for the regionals and I can't hold my bladder and now this happened.

Tears keep falling down from my eyes. I'm terrified. Like literally. I don't know about people in choir room. Are they hiding or went out of the school.

I usually heard about the news of school shooting at some states and those really terrified me. I start sniffles and just being quiet so the shooter won't find me. I'm still want to see my future, I even haven't say goodbye to anyone else not even my parents.

Suddenly someone opens the restroom door slowly. More tears fall down from my face and I just can biting my lip so I won't let a sound out. I'm terrified.

"Paris?" Dad's voice.

I walk out from the stall and hug him while crying. "I'm terrified, dad."

"It's okay, honey. Nobody's gonna hurt you. Daddy's here." Dad hugs me back and sniffles. "Come on." Dad holds my hand and walks lead me sneaking out from the girls restroom.

Dad open the restroom door slowly and look around. I'm still sniffles and walk sneaking in behind him until we walk to the hallways and get to the choir room and the others are there.

"Listen, I already called the police and the SWAT team so you guys just stay down until there are all clear announcement." Dad says to us.

I'm just sitting down on the ground next to Blaine and lean on him. "Is everyone here? Where is Tina?" I look around and sniffles.

Suddenly my phone can't stop ringing. I look around and none is calling me. It must be someone from outside or my mom.

"It's your phone right?" Dad asks me.

"Yes, it's in my bag." I nod. Dad stayed down and start walking to the chairs until another bang sound come out. "Daddy!" I accidentally yelled and run to him.

"It's okay, it's okay." Dad grabs me and hugs me.

I hug him back and crying. We cover up our body with some chairs as we are sitting down on the ground. Dad grabs my bag and take my phone to hang up the call and put the silent mode.

I'm just holding him and wipe my tears away. I don't know when this is all will be over. I don't even know what will happen if dad didn't come to the restroom and safe me.

"All clear! All clear! All clear!"

Coach Beiste turn on the lamp in choir room and unlock the door. Dad and I get up and hugging each other.

We are making a show circle and looking at each other. "I love you all. I love you guys. Everyone of you." Dad says to us.

I sniffle and wipe my tears away. "Hey you alright?" Sam asks me. I nod and sniffle. Sam hugs me and I hug him back. This is still one of the scariest moment in my life.


I'm sitting down on the couch in living room holding a cup of hot chocolate and having blanket wrapped half my body with my parents are sitting down on my left and right side.

"I'm still have no idea what if dad didn't come to the restroom that time." I said to them.

"I won't let you alone. I know I was kind of late to come but I came to you and brought you to safer place." Dad says to me.

"The news is already spreading in the whole country." Mom says to us. "Maybe it's better for you to not to go to school tomorrow." Mom says to me.

"I already called the police and every team to protect us. They will put CCTV in every corner and investigate and interrogate everyone at school. I have no idea who bring a gun to school. I'm just disappointed. Whoever did that will get expelled." Dad says to us.

"Today is literally the scariest day of my life." I shake my head.

"As long as mommy and daddy here, you will be fine. None gonna hurt you." Dad kisses my head. "I mean, I was terrified too. And looking at those kids. Something was taken from them, their innocence, idealism, feeling of safety."

I put my cup on the table and lean my head on mom's shoulder. "Yeah I called you guys right after I heard the news." Mom rubs my hair.

"I have a confession to make." I said to them. "Since mom went back home from hospital someone has been blackmailing me. Saying that this person is biological mother. I tend to ignored all those email and all. But then this person started to putting paper notes into my locker."

"This person know you're a student in McKinley?" Dad frowns at me.

"Yes. This person even know my locker, dad." I sigh.

"Why you didn't tell anyone of us?" Mom asks me.

"I don't want to make you two worried. Last time, I got a paper note to come to the hospital and find a room there. I went there with Mike and I got nothing. We asked the nurse and the nurse said that the woman who stayed in that room has been passed away a day before we came." I said to them.

"Do you regret it?" Dad asks me.

"Nope." I shake my head. "I mean even if she is the queen of England and offer me the whole kingdom if I would go back to her, I would say no."

"Why is that?" Dad asks me.

"She is not mom. If she was my mom why did she threw me away. My mom is here with me. Besides, what you both spent to raise me is cost more than a kingdom. You both spent your time, your energy, and everything to raise me. We may not as rich as the president but we are a happy family. I'm the luckiest girl in the world." I smiled at them.

"She can't take you just like that anyway. She has no legal documents but we do. We have your birth certificate." Mom says to me.

"I know." I nod.

Suddenly dad's phone is ringing. I take my cup and sip my hot chocolate. I let out a sigh and put the blanket around me.

"Alright, I have to go back to McKinley for the investigation. You stay home okay. Don't go outside the house without your mom." Dad gets up and kisses my head and pecks on mom's lips.

"What if the shooter is still out there?" I ask him.

"I will be fine. It's okay." Dad says to me and walks away.

"It's okay." Mom kisses my head and rubs my hair.

I lean my head on her shoulder and sigh. It's still shocking for me actually. I'm still scared but as long as I have my parents on my side, I know I will be fine.


I walk enter McKinley main entrance and take my bag off as the police is checking out my bag. I walk passed the metal detector and grab my bag again.

I walk in the hallways and look around. The police is checking out our locker one by one. I let out a sigh and walk to the auditorium where we have secret glee club meeting.

"The police took my all my chapstick collection." Sam sighs.

"At least he didn't take your family pictures." I simply said and sits down next to him.

"I thought I will never face a scary moment like that. Like what I usually see on the news but I did." Alex says to us.

"I couldn't sleep, neither could my mom and dad, so we just stayed up all night, talking and crying and hugging each other." Blaine says to us.

"Me either. I just stayed up all night with my mom and dad and comforting each other." I said to him.

"My parents wanted me to stay home this week, but I told them, no way." Tina says to us and start crying. "It sounds crazy, but I I wanted to be in that choir room with you guys."

"Believe me, you didn't. It was the most scared I think I've ever been in my life." Blaine shakes his head.

"Me, too, but not because of what was happening, but because I couldn't get to you, or do anything to help you, or Or even say good-bye." Tina sniffles.

"I-I think the important thing is that no one got hurt." Blaine says to Tina.

"Yeah." I nod.

"And that you know that you're my family. All of you are my family. And I didn't want the last thing you guys heard from me is some snarky comment about how I never get solos." Tina cries.

"Tina..." I half smiled and rub her hand. "Believe me, being outside is better. You probably don't want to be trapped in the restroom alone."

"But at least, we are all safe now. None of us get hurt." Marley says to us.

"Yeah and my dad is doing an investigation along with the police and school board about this accident. Don't worry." I nod.

Sam plays the guitar that he hold and start playing it. I smile at the others and look at each other one by one.

Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so called problems
Better put 'em in quotations

Blaine with Paris:
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Ryder with Blaine:
Walkin' like a one man army
Fightin' with the shadows in your head
Livin' up the same old moment

Knowin' you'd be better off instead
If you could only

Blaine with Paris and New Directions:
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Kitty and Marley:
Have no fear for givin' in
Have no fear for giving over

Brittany and Sam:
You better know that in the end
It's better to say too much
Than never to say what you need to say again

Blaine (with Ryder):
Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
(Even as the eyes are closin')
(Do it with a heart wide open)

Paris (with Blaine):
Wide heart! (Wide)

Paris with Blaine and New Directions:
Say what you need to say

Say what you need to say

Blaine with Paris (New Directions):
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say (Ryder: Say what you need to say)
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to
Say what you need to

Say what you need to say (Oh say what)
Say what you need to say (Oh say what)
Say what you need to say (Oh say what)
Say what you need to say (Oh say)
Say what you need to say (Oh say what)
Say what you need to say (Oh say what)
Say what you need to say (Oh say what)
Say what you need to say (Oh say)
Say what you need to say (Oh say what)
Say what you need to say (Oh say what)
Say what you need to say (Oh say what)

Blaine with New Directions:
Say what you need to say


I'm sitting down on a seat in choir room in the front row. Finn standing in the front and write down 'Last Chance' on the white board.

"Hearing the news about what happened lately made my cold suddenly gone away and couldn't make me stop thinking about you guys. How I couldn't be here to do anything to help you or anything. Regionals is next week and this week for your assignment I want you to express yourself to sing one last song to someone that you mean the most." Finn says to us. "And Sam said that he has something to show to us."

Sam walks to the front and takes a chair then put it right in front of me. I raise my eyebrows at him. Sam just smiling at me and take the guitar.

"This one is for you." Sam smiles at me.

He start playing the guitar and I'm just looking at him. The others are smiling and looking at us. I'm curious about the song that Sam is going to sing to me.

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?

Just like me
They long to be
Close to you

Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?

Just like me
They long to be
Close to you

On the day that you were born
And the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moon dust
In your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the boys in town
Follow you all around

Just like me
They long to be
Close to you

On the day that you were born
And the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moon dust
In your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the boys in town
Follow you all around

Just like me
They long to be
Close to you

Just like me
They long to be
Close to you

Aah, aah, aah, ooh yeah
Close to you
Aah, aah, aah
Aah aah aah
Oh, close to you

I smile and applauding as he ended up his song. "Thank you, Sam." I smile at him.

The bells rings.

I grab my binder and walk out from the choir room. I walk in the hallways and turn my way to my locker and open my locker.

"You don't like that song?" Sam suddenly standing next to my locker.

"I like that and thank you." I smile at him.

"You know, I couldn't stop thinking about you that day. Knowing that you're alone in that restroom. I mean, you're even scared with thunderstorms then this is gun shot. I tried to safe you but your dad stopped me." Sam says to me.

"It was the scariest moment in my life." I shake my head and shut my locker.

"I'm so sorry that I've been jerk to you lately." Sam sighs.

"It's okay, people tend to do something stupid." I smile at him.

"So are you and Mike are really an item?" Sam asks me.

"Yeah. We are officially getting back together." I nod.

"You know when I said that I'm happy as long as you're happy, yes I'm happy that you're happy but I'm jealous. I don't think I could ever move on from you." Sam says to me.

"You'll never know if you never try." I said to him.

"How? Watching you hanging around me like everyday. It's something hard to do. I finally can move on from Mercedes when she is graduated and I started to have feelings for you."

I hold his hand and smile at him. "Look, you are the cutest guy in this school. You are cool, funny, and handsome. You can get any girl you want, Sam."

"All I want is you." Sam shakes his head and pulls his face closer to me to kiss me.

I push my face away from him and shake my head. "No, Sam."

"Make me as your secret boyfriend please." Sam pouts.

I laugh and shake my head. "I'm not a cheater but look, even though we are not dating, there is nothing change between us except we can't kiss anymore but you can always come to me whenever you need me." I smile at him.

"I will always love you." Sam hugs me.

"I love you too." I hug him back. "Now we have too much work to do in student council."

"Jeez, you're like my mom now." Sam rolls his eyes.

I laugh and take his hand. "Come on."


I walk enter dad's office in principal office. I open the door and standing by the door. I'm going to present my performance in the choir room today for him.

"What are you doing? I'm kinda busy." Dad turns his face at me.

"Can you come to the choir room for like ten minutes? I prepared a special number." I smile at him.

"What number?" Dad raises his eyebrows.

"Just please come for ten minutes. I promise it won't be long." I said to him.

"Alright." Dad closes his journal and gets up. I walk lead him to out from his office. "What happened?"

"Secret." I giggle. We both keep walking in the hallways until we enter the choir room. "Have a seat." I said to him and point to the chair.

"What is this?" Dad chuckles.

"Do you remember that when I was little you usually sing me 'Isnt She Lovely' to sleep with your guitar? Or read me a book about moon and stars? And everytime you came home late, I would waited for you in living room until I fell asleep." I said to him.

"Yeah. You did that because you can't sleep without me sang you a lullaby." Dad nods and smiles at me.

"And I know you never do that anymore but you taught me a lot of things, not just sent me to dance lessons or music lessons but you actually taught me about life. You gave up on your dream but you never want me to give up on my dream. You let me choose what I want to be in the future. This week assignment is about singing a song to someone that most important in our life. For me, you and mom are the most important thing in my life. And I know mom is probably yelling at all her employees at store right now so she can't be here but you are here and I don't want to miss this chance." I chuckle and nod to the band.

Ooh, yeah
I didn't wanna listen to what you were sayin'
I thought that I knew all I need to know
I didn't realize that somewhere inside me
I knew you were right but I couldn't say so

I can take care of myself, yeah, you taught me well

I learned from you that I do not crumble
I learned that strength is something you choose
All of the reasons to keep on believin'
There's no question, that's a lesson, that I learned from you

We always don't agree on
What is the best way
To get to the place that we're going from here
But you can really trust me, and give me the distance
To make my decisions without any fear

I'm grateful for all of the times
You opened my eyes

I learned from you that I do not crumble
I learned that strength is something you choose
All of the reasons to keep on believin'
There's no question, that's a lesson
I learned from you

You taught me to stand on my own
And I thank you for that

You saved me, you made me,
And now that I'm looking back

I can say
Hmm, hmm, yeah!

I learned from you that
I do not crumble
I learned that strength is something you choose

All of the reasons to keep on believin',
There's no question, that's a lesson that I learned from you

I learned that strength is something you choose
All of the reasons to keep on believin',
There's no question, that's a lesson that I learned from you


I learned from you

"I..I don't know what to say." Dad wipes his tears away and smiles at me. "Thank you. And even your mom isn't here, I know that she is agree with me that you are a miracle that happened to us." Dad smiles and hugs me.

I hug him back and wipe his tears away. "Don't cry." I smile at him. "I love you, daddy." I hug him.

"I love you more." Dad hugs me back and kisses my head.


I'm sitting down on the couch in living room with Brownie is on my lap and dad is sitting down next to me. We are watching some family shows together.

"Does anyone of you get the mail?" Mom asks us.

"You said to never touch the mail so..." I shake my head.

"Yep." Dad nods.

"There must be the bills for this month." Mom simply said and walk away.

"That woman is still alive?" Dad frowns to the TV.

"The one who died was the suspect of that murderer." Mom simply said and walks out from the house.

"She watched it." Dad chuckles.

I nod and eat my cookies. Mom walks back to the house and read some mails. Mom suddenly sits down next to me and give me a letter. I raise my eyebrows and take it. I read the sender and it's from UCLA.

"This is from UCLA." I grin at them and open the letter. Mom and dad are reading the letter along with me. I smile and gasped. "I got in! I got into my major!" I yell happily.

"We are so proud of you!" Dad hugs me as mom joins us.

I smile and hug them back. I can't believe that this is happening. The letter from UCLA already come and I got in. This is like a dream come true for me.


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