Project Broken (Ryden)

By Wintergreen1312

12.4K 545 370

"I don't need to be fixed." More

Chaper 1. News
Chapter 2: Ryan?
Chapter 3: The Nerve People Have
Chapter Four: Seven Eleven
Chapter 5: Research
Chapter 6: Monday's Gift To Me
Chapter 7. A Secret
Chapter 8: Apologies and Pizza
Chapter 9: Patrick has a breakdown
Chapter 10: Feelings? No way
Chapter 11. Group meeting
Chapter 12: running, my new favorite sport
Chapter 14: goodbyes and faris wheels
Chapter 15: Fireworks
Chapter 16; where do we go when we die
Chapter 17: Sorrys and Goodbyes

Chapter 13; Sarah

562 23 5
By Wintergreen1312

After the run, Ryan and I both decided going back to my house was a good idea. He didn't have to be home for another four hours and if you wanted my honest opinion I never wanted him to leave.

Ryan had made his way into my window, thankful that the boy had some climbing talent and I greeted my mom and Ashley with a warm hello.

"Hey honey, how was Dallons?" My mom asked as she handed Ashley a stack of plates.

"It was good, " I was still a little out of breath from running and I guess she picked it up.

"Did you run here?" Her eyes held a surprising light to them and Ashley just looked hungry.

"Yeah, I didn't want to miss dinner."

Her smile lines showed when she belted a laugh and side hugged me. "Leave it to you to run for food."

"Is it okay if I eat in my room tonight? I have to study for my Oral com speech tomorrow."

"Go right ahead, your dad will be working late tonight anyway."

She handed me a plate and set two leaves of fried chicken, a heaping of mashed potatoes and a small portion of green beans since she knew I disliked them. I managed to sneak two bottles of water from the fridge and make it up to my room.

I pushed the door open with my elbow and Ryans neck snapped in my direction looking scared. "It's just me, " I said softly.

He nodded in response and shifted himself so he was more comfortable.

I set the steaming plate next to Ryan and gave him water. "That's for you." I opened my water and as soon as the lid was off, I already had it half gone.

"Don't you need to eat?"

"I'm not really hungry, I think if I even touch food ill puke." I laughed a little, wow running really wasn't my thing.

He was hesitant but started eating rather quickly. "So, can I ask you something?"

I nodded, "Of course you can."

"That thing that happened back there, was it just a spur in the moment type deal?"

The kiss hasn't left my mind since it happened but it wasn't weird or awkward after it happened either. "Well if that's what you wanted it to be then yes."

He fell silent for a while. "And if I did want it to be?"

I felt my lips form a smile, "Then we'd be on the same page."

His eyes lit up like I never knew the could. My arm snaked around him and tugged him into a little side hug. "You're kinda cute you know."

His nose scrunched up and he snorted. "You're kinda delusional did you know that?"

A laugh flew from my lungs as I shook my head at the insult. I took the empty plate that sat next to him and the same sleepy look he had earlier was back but more amplified from running. "Lay down, you need some sleep."

He shook his head, "I can't." His hands began to shake again and his eyes were now full of fear.

"I promise no one's going to hurt you while you're here," I repeated to him slowly so he knew he was safe. He turned into a ball next to my lap and closed his eyes. His hand reached for mine and once he had it our fingers latched and I could hear the light breathing of his slumber.


When Ryan left I felt empty. I also felt weird. My last relationship was with Sarah and actually, that was my only relationship prior. Ryan made me feel happy, not that I was depressed. It's just they say you can usually tell when someone is meant to be yours. Not that I've become one of those people.

A vibrating noise was heard from the side of my table. When I reached over I felt the panic rise in my throat.

"Hey, " her voice was still as sweet as Tennessee honey. "I was in town and I wanted to know if we could grab a coffee or something." The smile in her voice wasnt hard to notice. "I missed you."

My thoughts ran around savagely; Sarah was calling me wanting to hang out after she broke up with me without any explanation except the fact that she was moving. I couldn't deny I still loved her,  love like that doesn't just go away but it wasn't the same anymore. I think being around her would only sadden me. "I'm pretty busy nowadays but ill call you if things change.'

The smile in her voice went away, " Oh, okay. I'm only gonna be here for a week so give me a call." The phone went dead.

Now that I think about it I forgot about our relationship a lot once it was over. The first few days were awful but once Ryan was in it he catered that empty spot.

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