The Pianist - One Direction

By elinandersson

24.1K 579 444

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." ~Victor Hugo More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 37

256 6 35
By elinandersson

It was one thing to have Zayn wake you up. It was an entirely other thing to wake up next to a sleeping Zayn.

He was on his stomach, face turned to me. His arm was up above his head, hand placed on the pillow beside him.

Somehow, he managed to look peaceful even with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. I turned over in the soft covers and tried going back to sleep, without succeeding. I heard someone making breakfast downstairs, so I figured it was morning anyway.

I heard steps from outside the bedroom and the door creaked when it was opened slowly. I got up on my elbows to see who it was. Zayn's mum stuck her head in and smiled widely when she saw me.

''Oh, you're awake. Could you wake Zayn maybe? Or no, let him sleep. I'm leaving for work now but I'll be back at four. Everything's ready to make breakfast in the kitchen if you'd want that. Zayn has my number so call me if you need anything, okay?'' She said very quietly. I nodded, not entirely awake yet and tried to adjust my eyes to the light that came with the open door.

''Yeah, of course. Thank you.'' I mumbled, pulling a hand through my hair and smiling at her.

''My pleasure, love. Try to wake him before noon, would ya?'' She smiled back and closed the door after herself.

Zayn groaned a little suddenly and I sat incredibly still without breathing so he wouldn't wake up. Right then, my stomach growled loudly and I tried to make it shut up by putting my hands on it. I was really hungry, which was surprising thinking about how much Mrs. Malik (who asked me to call her Trisha but I wasn't sure yet) made us eat last night.

I was thinking about waking him up anyways. Maybe he was hungry too. But then I heard the front door close downstairs and remembered that we were all alone.

Totally, completely, alone.

That had never happened before. But I didn't want to wake him up. I rolled out from the covers as fast as possible so he wouldn't get cold before I went looking for a pair of pants. I didn't feel like putting on my skinny jeans so early in the morning and he would definitely wake up if I started looking in my bag.

I found a pair of his sweatpants folded neatly on a shelf, and put them on. His large shirt was reaching down half my thighs. Then I sneaked out of the room as silent as possible before walking down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

I was horrible in the kitchen, so I didn't try to make any eggs and bacon because I would end up burning down the house. I sliced a few pieces of bread and then put up everything I could find that I dared to take and looked breakfast-y on a tray.

I walked up the stairs again to find my boyfriend still deep asleep. He hadn't moved an inch since I left the room. It was eleven o' clock, so I decided it was time for him to wake up so he didn't sleep the day away.

I put the tray on his bedside table and walked around to where I had been sleeping. Lying down again, I admired him for as long you can before it gets creepy and kissed him. He moved slightly but wasn't fully awake yet. I pecked his lips four times more and then kissed him properly.

He wasn't actually moving, but his lips were smiling under mine before he kissed me back. His eyes opened slowly when I pulled back. He was still smiling and so was I.

''I can get used to waking up like that.'' He said in the most raspy and deep morning voice I had ever experienced.

''I sorta made breakfast.'' I replied, gesturing to the tray behind his back. He rolled over as he yawned and stretched his arms up in the air.

''Look at that. I might have to keep you forever.'' He chuckled before rolling over again and wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer. "How is my girlfriend feeling today, then?" He asked and smirked. He looked so incredibly proud by those words. He was too good to be true. I lifted my hand to pull his hair, which didn't contain any hair-products so it was incredibly soft, away from his face. My hand lingered with his hair between my fingers before I let it fall down again.

"Your girlfriend is..." I thought about it, which was a bad idea. It was the most perfect moment of all time and suddenly I remembered the day before. That Ryan was in my house and my parents kind of threw me out. "Both great and also just okay." I said, trying to keep my smile.

He frowned at that and kissed me before sitting up and grabbing the tray to put it in his lap. I sat up beside him not far after.

"Your mum is working, but she said she'll be back at four." I told him. He looked happily surprised.

"Oh, did you two talk?" He asked.

"Not really." I answered. "I had just woken up at the time." I explained.

He laughed at that, he knew how lost I was in the morning normally. "Don't worry, she's used to it. She really likes you, you know."

"Are you sure?"

He spread some peanut butter on a piece of bread. "Completely. She's told me four times already about how lovely you are and that I did a good job or something." He said and shrugged. I laughed at that. He put down the knife with peanut butter and took a bite.

"But that's great, by the way." That his mum was working. "Then we have the day for ourselves until four." He said with his mouth full and looked at me apologizing when he realised he didn't wait to talk.

"What have you got in plan?"

"I'm taking you on tour around the town of course. Zayn Malik's childhood. Going down memory lane." He winked.

''To your school and all that?'' I asked excited. He smiled and handed me a sandwich I hadn't even noticed he had made me.

''If you want to, yes.''

I nodded and continued eating. He told me about the places we would go to. Like where their old house was and his school and his favourite restaurant and the place where he first sang in front of people that weren't his family.

''Is that my pants?'' He suddenly asked, nodding to the ones I was wearing.

''Oh.'' I had forgot I was wearing them. ''Yeah, I didn't want to open my bag and...''

''It's okay. I was just wondering.'' He smiled at me.

When we were finished eating, Zayn picked up a pair of jeans, and underwear from a drawer, telling me he was going to take a shower. He left to the bathroom across the hall and I took the time to explore his bedroom after a few minutes. It was pretty clear it hadn't been used much since he left for x-factor. One of his walls were covered in different paintings. From the left, it was drawn childishly. ZM -april 98 was written in the corner of one of the first drawings. He clearly had a talent for art even as a five-year-old. The last painting was from 2012. A comic-book drawing of him and the rest of the band.

He had pieces from almost his entire life on that wall. I was standing and watching them so clearly, I didn't even hear how he came back into the room.

"Do you wanna take a shower?"

I let out a small squeal, okay maybe it was more like a shouting, and jumped around, only to be shocked once again by seeing him without a shirt.

I had seen it before, obviously. He was sleeping without a shirt and he had been changing shirts before concerts and it hadn't been weird, I hadn't embarrassed myself by letting out a 'woah!' when I saw him, like I did now.

He chuckled at my reaction and raised his hands in the air. "S'just me." He laughed. His hair was still dripping wet and when he was looking for a shirt to wear I could easily see the drops that were falling down his back.

"I didn't hear you." I admitted. "I like your paintings." I tried to change the subject so that he would forget about how I had loudly exclaimed my shock of how good he looked without a shirt.

He looked over his shoulder to them and wrinkled his nose before turning back again. "You don't really."

"No, I do!" I promised. "I can't do anything near to this."

"It's just doodling, really. I don't get why people say I'm good at it just 'cause I enjoy doin' it." He shrugged and got a towel to stop his hair from dripping. I walked towards him.

"Okay, it's nowhere close to your singing-talent. But it looks like more than just doodling. Like, you can actually draw. Not just swing around a pen on a paper and call it art."

He blinked a couple of times and smiled a little. I was standing beside him then so he kissed my forehead.

"Go shower, babe." He said, before putting the shirt he was holding over his head and then he walked to the bathroom again. So he didn't want to talk about his drawings.

I opened by suitcase and gathered some clothes I could wear. I was still wearing the oversized shirt so I pulled of his pants and put them on the bed again.

He was standing with his back turned to me when I walked into the bathroom. His hands were running through his hair over and over again to make it stay perfect.



"Could I take a shower?" I asked. The shower was just on the other side of the bathroom, to his left. He turned his head slightly but his eyes didn't leave the reflection of his hair. He had a wrinkle in his forehead. He was annoyed with a few strays of hair that wouldn't obey him.

"Sure." He said. I was still standing there with my clothes in my hands. He glanced over his shoulder in the mirror and looked at me. His face broke into a smile and he turned around after washing his hands.

"I was planning on leaving but now I see you're only wearing my shirt and underwear so now I'm not sure." He said and leaned his back on the sink with his arms folded across his chest. I felt awkward as he was staring at me and felt naked compared to him. He was still standing there for a minute before grabbing his toothbrush and started walking out.

"Sorry. You look good, babe." He said and poked my side where it tickles, leaving me alone as a blushing mess.


"Ey, what's this? Malik finally found his way back?"

I turned around as I could hear the voice being directed towards us. A female squealed next to the guy that had just shouted for Zayn and she ran past the blonde guy straight towards us.

Zayn looked as confused as I was feeling for a second before his eyebrows lifted and his eyes shone up just in time to catch this girl who jumped up and threw both arms and legs around his body.

I blinked and felt like I was disturbing some intimate moment. Like when you see extreme PDA in front of you on the bus and you need to look away but you can't.

The guy had walked extremely slowly like some James Bond copy and reached us when the girl jumped down from my boyfriend. Zayn was smiling. He seemed to be shocked, but not any kind of disgusted or awkward.

"Man, we shouldn't have let you go. You said it was one audition and then you leave me alone here with her for years!" The guy joked. The overly-excited girl rolled her eyes and punched his arm with a 'hey!' Zayn laughed and embraced this guy that obviously was an old friend.

"Tammy's being a real pain, I tell you man. Take her with ya when you leave, eh?" He said and Zayn laughed again as the girl, Tammy, said "Fuck off, B" under her breath. 

"I would, but I'm kind of taken and we all know Tammy can't stay away from me." Zayn said and winked towards them. I had a smile on my face as I listened to them talk, but there was something that made me feel bad about it all. About how happy Zayn suddenly became and how he was talking and openly flirting and winking with such self-confidence I hadn't seen from him before. Sure, the three seemed to be old childhood-friends, but while I listened to them I got the feeling he was more secure with them than he was with me mostly.

His friend looked at me and did a quick look up-and-down, trying not to be obvious but he was. "Yeah, I see why you can't bring Tammy with ya." He grinned before taking a step closer and put his arms around me. I was ready for him to take his hand out, so it came as a shock. I didn't know whether to like his personality or not. 

"It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry your man sucks at being formal and missed the part when he's supposed to introduce us, but I hope he's better than that normally." He said and I laughed and nodded as Zayn groaned and rolled his eyes. 

"I happen to be a great boyfriend actually." He mumbled.

"Yeah, but you suck at being a man." His friend laughed together with Tammy.

Zayn took my hand that I had placed in my pocket as he did a quick introducing.

"Iss, this is Tammy and B. Both complete morons and they are doing their very best to stay below average and fail at life." He explained. 'B' shrugged and explained that he 'had to be best at something'. "Guys, this is Belle. She's on tour with us."

"So you do sleep with crew-members? Didn't we talk 'bout that?" B winked and smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, shut up." Zayn said and blushed.

We stayed and talked for a while before Zayn told them politely that he wanted to show me some more parts of the town, with the promise he would go out with them a night before he left again. 

"So that was... Well old friends as you figured already." He explained as we walked in a different direction than them. 

"Yeah, I realised that. What does 'B' stand for?" I asked. 

"Actually, his name starts with a S, but there's a story behind it. I'll tell you another time." 

"You guys were pretty close before, right?" 

He nodded. "Yeah. We were inseparable. Together all the time." He said and did a loud sigh.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine. S'just been a while, yeah? It was different talking to them."

"You seemed to be very comfortable with them. You don't show that confidence very often." I said, not thinking about it. 

He didn't answer for a while, then from out of nowhere, he grabbed around my waist and pulled me into his body. I didn't get the time to think about what happened until he had attached his lips to mine. It was quite the surprise, since he normally wouldn't kiss me like that in public. It was the way he said the next sentence that made me wonder. As if he was about to cry or something. It didn't make me feel the way his words did, though.

"I love you."


A/N: My friends told me I haven't updated since August. I'm really sorry. I've got a lot on my mind and as I wrote on my other fanfic; wattpad isn't a top priority atm. 

Hope you like the chapter.  xxx

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