By xoxooprincesss

74.4K 699 516

You moved out to LA from your small hometown to pursue your career in dance. You're currently a freshmen at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Finale)
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Another Update!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Season Finale)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Mid-Season Finale)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Comment Time!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Reader Review!
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 17

1.5K 18 25
By xoxooprincesss

Zion's POV

I watched her walk out the door and felt my eyes start to sting. I blinked away the tears and heard someone behind me.

"Was that Nessa?"-Nick


"You good?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"I said I'm fine."

I went upstairs and slammed the door. Why the hell would she just show up, after two fucking months. No phone call or texts. She just showed up, and everything came flooding back. I was so pissed. I was so angry at her. I loved her with everything in me and I hated the fact I did. I clenched my first and turned around and threw it into the wall. I guess Austin and Nick heard the noise and came busting into my room.

"Yo, what happened?"-Austin

I just stood there.


"Just leave me alone."

"Bro, are you okay?"-Austin

"I'm fine."

"Obviously not, what did ya'll talk about?"-Nick

"I don't wanna talk about it. I need to get some ice."

I walked passed them and went downstairs. I grabbed some ice and sat on the back patio steps. I felt my throat close up and tears fall down off my face.

Vanessa's POV

"Myles, you there?"

"Yea-yea, I'm here. Your question just caught me by surprise, that's all."

"So is that a no?"

"No, I just didn't expect you to change your mind since you told me earlier you weren't completely sure because of everything with Zion.."

"Yea.. well I guess you could say I realized I was just wasting my time thinking that was going to be anything again.."

"Look, Nessa. I'm down to go out with you, but I'm really not trying to get wrapped up with someone who still is sorting stuff out with their ex."

"Trust me, Myles. Zion and I are done. So how about Lucio's tomorrow night?"

"Uh sure. I'll pick you up at 8."

"See you then."

I hung up the phone and drove back to apartment. Going out with Myles wasn't just a distraction. He was a nice guy and I knew I would enjoy myself, but I would still think about Z. But he made his feelings very clear, and that's exactly what I going to do also. It wasn't right to go back and forth hurting each other but I was angry at him and he was angry at me. I knew that I hurt him the day I let him walk out of my room, but I was trying to stop him from getting hurt. He obviously didn't see it like that, and he never was going to. I didn't blame him for being angry and trying to make me feel the same pain he did. I just didn't think I hurt him that much, and now he was doing the same to me and it hurt more than I ever imagined. I pulled up to my apartment and wiped the tears that I didn't know had rolled down my face. I put my phone and keys down and made myself some dinner. I finished eating and picked up my phone to scroll through my feed on Instagram.

"You've got to be joking."

I saw Zion posted a photo on his Instagram story of him and another pair of legs on a couch with the red heart. I stared at the picture for awhile and then tossed it on the counter and went to bed.


I woke up and got in the shower. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt and put my hair in a bun. I grabbed some breakfast and then headed to physical therapy. I pulled into the parking lot and then my phone rang.

"Hey, Nick."


"What's up?"

"I was wondering if we could talk?"

"Uh, I'm about to go to PT, but I can talk for a little bit. Is something wrong?"

"Nah, not really. It's just the guys and I are kind of worried about Z-"


"Look, Nessa I know-"

"Nick, I'm sorry if Z and I's issues are affecting everyone else, but he's not my responsibility anymore. He made it very clear that I wasn't needed anymore in his life. He's moved on and so have I-"

"If you moved on why did you come by the house last night?"

"I-I wanted to believe that there was possibly a slim chance that we could work it out, but I wasn't sure. But I got my answer and so now I'm moving on. I'm not his babysitter so whatever issues Zion is causing for other people is his problem not mine."

"You can't take what Zion said to heart. He's just angry and hurt."

"And trust me, I get that, but I'm not going to put effort into trying to work something out when all he is going to do is bring up the past. I know I hurt him. Trust me, I know. But I would have hurt him worse if I would have stayed with him. He found somebody else and is happy, and he deserves to be happy."

"She's not serious, Nessa."

"Tell that to her, Nick. Look, I gotta go. I'm sorry."



I hung up the phone and slipped down into my seat. I know that Zion as hurt, but he told me to leave him alone, and now it's all of a sudden my responsibility to not leave him alone. I put my head on my steering wheel and closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I grabbed my keys and checked in. I walked into the room and saw Myles setting up some weights on a rack. We talked for a while and then I started working. This session wasn't as hard as last week so it went by pretty fast. I finished up and looked down at my phone, and saw a text from Edwin.


We just want to make sure Z is okay. We know that it's not your responsibility, but the only person who he'll talk about it with is you.

I looked at the text and then heard someone walk towards me.

"Good work today, Nessa. It looks like the session are getting easier for you."

"Yea...they are."

"Are you okay?"

"Yea, it's..nothing. I'm just tired."


"Just..Zion stuff."


"I know I know, you don't want a girl who's messing with her ex, but I'm not. Trust me, we are done. It's just Nick just called me talking about Zion."

"Is he okay?"

"Yea, they're just worried about him and now apparently it's my responsibility to see if he's okay."

"Well, are you going to?"

"No. Zion made it very clear to leave him alone last night-"

"Wait, you talked to him last night."

"Oh.. yea. I did."

"Oh.. okay."

"It's not what you think. I just had to clear up some stuff and he made his answer very clear so we're good."

"What stuff did you have to clear up?"

"Just like stuff we never talked about."

"Nessa, did you go over there to see if you guys could work stuff out?"


"Look, I get it. You meant a lot to each other, and you loved him. But if you still have feelings for him I think it's best if we just hold off on this."

"Myles, we're done. I told you that."

"You're right. You did, but you also went over to his house to possibly get back together again and now all of a sudden you're over him. I'm not trying to make this a big deal because we're not serious, but I've been down this road before with someone in the past and it never ends well."

"I went over there to get some answers and that's what I got. I broke up with him, remember? You were there when I wasn't over him and you're here now. You can obviously tell the difference. I turned down the date before when I wasn't ready and now I want to go because I am ready."

Myles just stood there and didn't really say anything then he took a deep breath.

"If you're sure about this, then we'll do it."

"I'm so sure."

"Okay, I'll pick you up later."


I gave him a hug and then left. I drove to apartment and took a nap before I had to get ready.

Kayla's POV

I got up and took a shower. I got out of the shower and picked up my phone to call Nessa.



"Were you sleep?"


"Oh, sorry."

"No, you're good. What's up?"

"I was just calling to talk."


We were on the phone for a little while just catching up.

"You doing anything today?"

"Well, I was taking my nap.. but later I'm going out with Myles."

"Oh.. When did that happen?"

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't know you guys were a thing."

"We're not. It's just a date."

"Hm... Is there going to be another one?"

"I don't know. I haven't gone on the first one yet."

"Do you like him?"

"Kayla, what is with all the questions?"

"I'm just wondering. You are known for leaving out VITAL information about your life. So... do you like him?"

"I don't know. He's been a really good friend with everything that has happened and I can honestly talk to him about anything. He's a really nice guy, Kayla."


"I know this isn't what you wanted, but I gotta move on with my life. I was kidding myself thinking Z and I could work things out. There is too much hurt there for it to work again."

"Yea, I know. Just as long as you're happy. I'm happy."

"Thank you."

"I'm gonna get ready. I'll text you later."

"Okay, bye."


I hung up the phone and let out a sigh. If Zion and Nessa weren't so stubborn they would be together by now.. I finished getting ready and then headed to the boy's house.


I got in my car and headed over there. I pulled up and went to open the door. I walked in and saw the boys in the kitchen talking.

"Hey, Kayla."

"Hey, guys."

Austin came downstairs and we both smiled at each other. He pulled me in and kissed me.



"What are ya'll doing today?"

"Just chilling, hanging out."-Edwin

I looked around the kitchen.

"Where's Z?"

"Up in his room. He hasn't come out for awhile."-Austin

"How's he doing?"

"What do you think?"-Brandon

"It could be worse."

"What do you mean?"-Brandon

"At least he doesn't know that Nessa is going on a date tonight."

I saw all the boy's eyes start to grow big, but I thought they were just surprised.

"Yea, she's going out with her physical therapy instructor, Myles."

They kept just staring at me, and then I felt someone brush passed me. It was Zion. My face grew red, and I didn't know what to say.

"Uhh.. Hey, Zion."


"Uhm.. how are you-"

"Kayla, I heard you let's not act like I didn't."

"Look, Zion-"

"She can do whatever the hell she wants to. She always has so I don't expect her to stop now that we're not together."

"Zion, that's not fair."

"Oh, it's not fair? For who exactly?"

"You weren't the only person who was hurting."

"Oh my bad, I didn't realize that she was going through a tough time because she found someone new two and half weeks after we broke up."

"Zion, chill."-Nick

"You're already with someone else, Zion!"

"And? It's been two months, Kayla!"

"And? Doesn't make it hurt any less."

"Yo, are you serious? You're really talking to me about being hurt and getting fucked over? Fuck outta here."

"What'd you just say?"

"I said fuck outta here."

"I don't know who the hell you're talking to, but I'm not Nessa. You need to check yourself."

"Both of ya'll chill."-Austin

"No, he needs to stop acting like a little bitch about this. She broke your heart. Okay! You can't still be fussing about it when you are fucking around with another bitch, Zion! You are not the only one who had a shitty time after ya'll broke up. Nessa had to go through some tough shit by herself! You both went through some shit so both of you need to stop invalidating each other's feeling because you had a shittier summer or she had the shittier summer. Who cares! Do you even realize why she came to see you in the first place? She wanted to see if there was even a remote chance of getting back with you. Even after two months she hadn't moved on. She wanted to work it out, but your nasty ass attitude stopped you from ever knowing that! You have been acting like a jackass to not only Nessa, but the people who care about you when all they're trying to do is help. If you wanna do something about Nessa then do it or stop bitching about someone's else shit. Cause everyone is tired of dealing with yours."

Zion stood there and didn't say anything, and the boys just stared at me. I mean they know I'm a hot head so I don't know what the expected to happen.

"I can't be around this anymore. Austin, I'll call you later."

I grabbed my keys and got in my car and drove home.

Vanessa's POV

4 Hours Later

I woke up from my nap and got in the shower. I put on some music and started getting ready for my date.

2 Hours Later


I was finishing up my makeup. I picked up my phone and texted Myles.


"When you get here just come inside. I'll probably still be getting ready."


I put on my highlight, and heard a knock at the door. I checked my phone again to look at the time.

"I told him to just come inside, and he's early."

I walked to the door and opened it and my heart sank. It was Zion. I stared at him a little bit and couldn't form my words. I felt my throat start to tighten and my eyes start to burn. I didn't understand why I was about to cry. All I felt was anger towards him.

"What do you want?"

"Can I come in?"

I stood there in the door way and didn't move.


I walked away form the door frame and stood in the middle of my living room.

"Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Are you actually gonna talk?"

He stood there for a second, and looked at me up and down.

"You still got the date with Myles?"

"Zion, don't start. You have a whole ass girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Oh, so random girls just stay at your house and you lounge around with them with your shirt off?"

"You're about to go on a date with someone. This isn't about me."

"Oh okay, so let me get this straight. I can't come to your house to ask a simple question because I would be bitching at you, but you're allowed to show up to my house and start demanding answers?"

"I should have gotten answers a long time ago, Nessa!"

"What answers do you want, Zion! Nothing I say is the right answer!"

"You don't say anything! That's the problem! You didn't even tell me the reason you ended things, you never even said how you felt for the past two months, and you never even told me the real reason you showed up to the house! Instead I had to figure it out from Kayla!"

"I was going to before I saw your girlfriend standing right in front of me!

"For the last time, she's not my girlfriend!"

"You hang around your friends with your shirt off? If that's the case then what the hell was I then?"

He paused and just stood there.

"Exactly. You can not just show up here and get angry with me when you're doing the same thing! I waited! I waited for two months thinking we could work things out and then I show up and see some bitch standing with you in the doorway!-"

"Let me guess, it hurt, Nessa?"

"And you do that shit! You act like you're the only one who got hurt! All you're ever going to do is blame me for what happened!-"

I started walking to the door to open it and grabbed the doorknob to tell him to get out, and Zion came behind me and slammed it behind me. He held the door closed with his hand and stood in front of me so I was pinned against the door.

"You broke up with me! You ended things! You're the one who needed time!-"

I heard his voice start to break.

"I would have hurt you more if I stayed with you!"

"That wasn't your call to make, Nessa!"

"We would have ended up in the same place! You would have been saying the same shit!"

"Then why did you do it!"

He banged his hand on the door.

"You put everything into our relationship and I couldn't do the same for you! I couldn't let myself be able to care for you how you cared for me or love you the way you loved me! I depended on you for everything and it wasn't fair to you!"

I pushed his arm down and walked near the door of my bedroom.

"We could have done something instead of you giving up. We could have worked something out together! You backed out because it was the easy way out! You just acted like you didn't even care!"

"I always cared! I never stopped caring! You told me to leave so I left!-"

"That's not an excuse! You told me to leave and I stayed! I stayed because I cared about us!

"Now you're the one who's pushing me away! Just because I didn't call you right afterward and beg for your forgiveness and immediately get back together with you doesn't mean I stopped caring for you!"

"Caring and loving are two different things, Nessa!"

"You're the one who told me that you didn't love me anymore! You made your feelings very clear where you stand that night. I wasn't going to sit around and wait for you to stop using me to get your anger out! I know I hurt you. But I'm not going to sit there and let you hurt me in the process! I do love you, but I can't say the same for you."

"Then why are you wearing that outfit for someone else instead of me."

He got closer to me.

"You don't realize that as much as you needed me, I needed you. I don't need you anymore. I want you."-Z

He held my waist and brought me closer until our faces were close enough to kiss. I took a deep breath.

"Prove it."

He pulled me by my waist and pulled me in for kiss. He picked me up and pushed me against the wall. This time it was different than any other time. We weren't scared or needing to hold one aha other for reassurance. We just wanted each other. He felt like home. I felt like I was suppose to be with him and near him. I didn't need him anymore I wanted him more than anything. I held the back of his neck and kissed him longer. I unwrapped my legs and he set me down. I kept kissing him and he squeezed my waist. I heard a noise near the door and then heard his voice.


I immediately let go of Zion and turned around.


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