Confessions of A Wolf Girl {C...

By BeccaSavory

599 27 0

Time for Bella to tell her story More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

30 2 0
By BeccaSavory

Still at the Reception (Couple hours after Bells video)

Everyone was having a good time.

The video had hopefully eased some of the fears that her dad and Sue had been having. Sue and dad would make the rounds every so often to check on everyone. You could see the love and happiness in both of them.

She had danced with nearly all the pack except for Sam, Paul or Quil. She doubted that Sam would take the time to dance with her but he had been dancing with Nessa when Seth would give her up. She was currently on the dance floor with Seth, Claire, Nessa and Nala dancing to some Disney song that just came out.

She looked around when the song started to come to the end, hoping to find a empty table that she and the girls could sit down at and saw that Leah as well as Rachel were talking with Paul and Quil. As the song changed to a slower one, they slowly went to go sit down down at a table that Seth noticed and get something to drink, she was surprised when she felt a hand grab her wrist and pull her back onto the dance floor.

She was actually shocked when Sam pulled her onto the into his embrace. They danced slowly with neither of them saying a word or looking at each other for a time until she was fed up with the silence.

"Why are we dancing?' she asked finally looking at him. Trying to keep calm because she knew that Nessa could see them.

"Nessa. She wanted me to dance at least one slow song with you. I think my little girl is trying to play matchmaker." he laughed looking over at Nessa who was sitting on Seth's lap.

"Holy crow. I will talk to her."

"I already did. She was upset when I made her realize that we will never feel that way about each other but she knows that you are still pack and will always be a part of her life."

"I know that we tolerate each other but I love her like she was my own. Umm, I can't believe I am going to say this but I have this friend that is moving up here. She is studying to be a nurse and midwife. Sue met her and is going to mentor her. Her name is Talia and if you want I could introduce you. She is trying to get back into the dating scene just like you have been trying to do. It might stop Nessa from trying to get you to match you with me."

"I have been dating again and if you are trying to set me up, I must be bad." she just gave him a small smile. " I know that I put up with you because my daughter and a.. my pack brothers love you. I am sorry for thinking you were poison."

"Wait, you were going to to say a pack brother not brothers." she stated.

He slowly played with the charms on her bracelet with a small smile on his face. "Maybe."

The song ended and he just walked away. It took every ounce of her pride not to chase after him and demand that he tell her what he knew. She stood there playing with the charms when Quil came up next to her. He placed a hand on her back to keep her from being surprised.

"Can I have this dance?" he asked when Lonestar's Amazed began to play.

She nodded and turned into his arms. They didn't talk but she could hear him softly signing the words in her ear. She rested her head on his chest and enjoyed the feeling of his arms around her. He kept rubbing her back and she had to bite her lips to keep the small moan from escaping. Could Quil be the one that sent me the bracelet and charms?

The song ended quicker than she thought. She looked up at him and gave him a smile. He was about to say something when Paul pulled her from his arms.

"My turn." he said softly as he pulled her into his arms. She was surprised to hear Bryan Adams Everything I do(I do it for you) playing. She looked over and saw most of the couples were now on the floor.

"How you doing, silver bullet?' she asked using the past nick name.

"Doing really good. Rachel and her family are moving back. Claire is home so Quil has finally lost that stick up his ass and Sam is a bloody dad. Everything is finally going right for the pack. The best thing is that you are finally home." he said kissing the top of her head. He slowly rubbed her back causing a small shiver to run through her body. "You got a new charm." he seemed slightly confused as he held her wrist in his hand. Could it be Paul? Holy Crow this was confusing.

"It just showed up, you wouldn't know anything about this do you?" she asked.

"Even if I did, coffin bait. I wouldn't tell you. It is much more fun watching you try to figure things out on your own." he said with a laugh walking away from her as the song and their dance ended.

No one would tell her a thing and it was driving her a little crazy. Everyone seemed to know something about her bracelet but was keeping silent about it.

She was finally on her way home. She had to walk back to her dad's house by herself since nearly the entire pack and their loves had disappeared while her back was turned. She had danced with Sam, Quil and Paul plus the rest of the pack a few more times but no matter what she tried no one would give her a hint about the charms. She had to remove her shoes so that she would trip on the uneven road. Who was she kidding she could tip on air.

"Why am I not surprised that you would try to walk alone by yourself instead of waiting for someone to walk with you." a voice she knew well called out to her. A part of her wasn't surprised that he was watching out for her.

"You know me." she said with a soft smile standing still waiting for him to come to her.

"Have you figured them out yet?" he asked as he came up behind her. He wrapped one arm around her stomach and pulled her tightly against him while a hand started to play with the charms on her bracelet.

"I think all but three of them." she said leaning her head back trying to see him in the dark.

"Tell me and I will tell you if you are correct." he whispered nipping at her exposed throat.

"Well the band looks woven with all the colors of the pack."

"Yes. It is actually made for pieces of everyone's fur."

"The wolf represents the pack."


"The book is because I love to read."

"Yes and because you have read out loud to all of us more than once when we were in our wolf forms under your window."

"The tiara is for Nessa and Claire."

"Two little girls that means the world to you."

"The sand filled bottle is for First Beach."

"Where you spent some much time with me and everyone else."

"I haven't figured out the crystal heart, tree or the crescent moon. Can you tell me?" she whispered just before he kissed her until both of them were out of breath.

"The crystal heart represents the love you feel for the Cullens. Edward was your first love but you cared for the family more. I understand that no matter what, they are a part of your life. The tree is means the forest because that is where the pack belongs and you are pack." he whispered as he picked her up. He ran her to his house and walked them inside he didn't put her down until they were in a bedroom. He slowly laid her down on the bed and leaned over her, kissing her again as he laid down between her legs.

"What about the moon?" she asked breathlessly.

"It was a crescent moon out when we were together. I never forgot the feel of you. Every time there was a crescent moon I would stay in wolf form and remember everything that we did. Luckily, Leah made sure no one would phase during those nights. I have good control on my thoughts but those nights I would remember everything. It was a curse because all I wanted to do was run to you and I didn't have the right too." he said as he slowly ran a hand up and down her body. "Stay with me."

"For as long as possible." she said pulling him back to her. She pulled at his shirt and he reluctantly stopped kissing her long enough to rip it off. She scratched her nails down his chest until they stopped at his belt.

"I need you." he whimpered.

She kissed him while undoing his belt and pants. He stood for a moment and was naked before her. He crawled over her body, removing her dress and underwear, all but ripping them off her body. He kissed down her body and lowered his head between her legs, at the very heart of her. He licked and nipped at her. She didn't stop the moans or screams that escaped her as her brought her to her first orgasm of the night. He rose to his knees, wiping off his mouth as he kissed up her body before once again resting between her legs. He kissed her deeply and she nodded her head yes to the unasked question.

"Mine." he growled as he entered her slowly.

She couldn't even talk if she had wanted to he was consuming her entirely.

The stray ray of light caught one of her charms and slowly forced her to open her eyes. Not raising her head she slowly began to trace her fingers over every inch that she could touch. They had made love multiple times during the night each time seemed to be more intense than the last. She knew in her heart that this was the beginning of something that could last a lifetime. She loved him and if the night before and the charms were a clue than he loved her as well. She kissed his chest and looked up to see him watching her.

"I love you, Bells." he whispered.

"I love you, too..."

It's been a year since Charlie and Sue's wedding.

"PAUL LAHOTE! GET BACK HERE YOU OVERGROWN DOG!" Charlie screamed as Paul ran out of the house when dad had disappeared into his and Sue's bedroom. Everyone in the pack knew that dad kept most of his guns in a lock box in his bedroom. He can destroy vampires without a care in the world but my dad scares him to death.

"DAD!" "CHARLIE!" Bells and Sue yelled when the noticed him chase after Paul with a shotgun.

She quickly dialed Jake, cursing herself for not making him stop at their house first to have them be there when Paul had told Charlie that she was pregnant.

"Jake, you need to get here fast." she all but yelled when he finally answered his phone.

"Bells, what's going on?" she could hear him moving around. Glancing at the time she figured he and Leah might have been getting ready for bed.

"Dad is after Paul with his shotgun. It is going to be really hard to explain to anyone how Paul survived." she said looking out at the yard. Charlie was standing right in front of the forest staring into it. She couldn't see Paul or his wolf so hopefully he was hiding until dad could be calmed down.

"Why is Charlie after Paul? What did he knock you up?" he laughed. The entire pack thought that it was funny how scared Paul was of her dad. It had taken him three months just to get the courage to ask him for permission to marry her.

"Yes." she sighed waiting for the yelling to start.

Morning After The Wedding Flashback

The stray ray of light caught one of her charms and slowly forced her to open her eyes. Not raising her head she slowly began to trace her fingers over every inch that she could touch. They had made love multiple times during the night each time seemed to be more intense than the last. She knew in her heart that this was the beginning of something that could last a lifetime. She loved him and if the night before and the charms were a clue than he loved her as well. She kissed his chest and looked up to see him watching her.

"I love you, Bells." he whispered.

"I love you, too..Paul." she whispered back to him. He lifted her face to his and rolled her underneath him as he kissed started to make love to her again.

They sat in the tub unable to keep their hands off each other as they tried to clean up. He kept playing with the charms on her bracelet.

"When..?" she whispered.

"When did it become more?" he asked.

"Yeah, I thought...I don't know what I thought anymore." she leaned her back and stared up at him.

"I think part of me has always been a little in love with you but I thought we were better as friends. You shocked the hell of me the night of my imprint on Rachel. You made me believe that I could be better and that I was worth it. I know that I should have stood up for you the night Emily took off on Sam but with him and Quil so out of their heads I was afraid anything I said would make them hurt you. I missed you like crazy. Rachel was the one that talked sense into me. She helped me see that I was completely in love you. She used the imprint to her advantage." he told her.

"How?" she said turning to straddle his body to face him.

"She was the one that suggested I send you something when Jake took over the pack and we were sending you all the gifts that we had gotten you. It was Quil though that told me not to tell you that it was from me."


"He thought it would make it a little more interesting to you."

"Dammit, he was right. I wanted to know who it was from and what it meant so bad." she leaned forward and kissed him lightly before standing to get out of the tub. She slowly dried off enjoying the sight of him rinsing the soap off his body before standing. Wrapping the towel around herself, she turned to go into the bedroom. With a towel around his waist, he pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back so that his chest was flush with her back. He nuzzled her neck and surprised her by biting her.

"Sorry, I needed to show everyone that you are mine." he said as he licked the mark that he had left. "You are my wolf girl."

"Yes I am but you get to tell my dad, Sue, Jake and Leah." she told him with a smile. She enjoyed seeing him pale at the thought of telling her dad.

"You are a evil little thing."

"Never forget it, my silver bullet."

End Flashback

"I TOLD YOU TO PUT A RING ON HER FINGER BEFORE ANY PUPS!" Charlie screamed into the forest as he loaded the shotgun. She prayed they were blanks.

She and Sue were siting on the steps waiting for Jake and Leah to show up. Jake had hung up after she told him that Paul had knocked her up. Leah had called her right away and said that they would be there in a few minutes.

"Dad, he did put a ring on my finger." she yelled as Jake and Leah pulled into the yard.

"I meant more than a engagement ring, Bells. COME OUT HERE!" Charlie yelled.

"Charlie, let me.' Jake said as he passed her dad and went right into the forest. Leah sat down next to her.

"Hey lil momma." she said with a smirk. "I already know three little girls that are going to be very jealous that they are going to have to share their Bells even more. Your class is going to go nuts though."

"Shit, PAUL! You need to face my dad, he isn't going to shoot you, I hope." she whispered that last part.

Paul slowly came out with Jake right behind him to face my dad.

"Charlie, I.. we.. shit." he muttered.

"You will be married before that baby is born." he said sternly.

"We don't need a big wedding. As long as the pack, Rachel's family and the two of you are there, we would do it tomorrow." Paul said keeping his eye on the shotgun in Charlie's hands.

"Good. Make it happen." he said.

"Wait. What?" she and Paul said suddenly confused.

"I think dad just told Paul to make it so that the two of you will be getting married tomorrow." Leah told her. Paul just looked dumbfounded at Charlie's request.

"Jake?" Paul whispered.

"I'll talk to my dad and Rachel. You get in touch with the pack. I think we might be able to pull it off." he said with a laugh as he ran.

Nine Months Later

She leaned her head back as she fed Jasmine, one of her daughters. Twin girls. Paul was sitting next to her, holding their other little girl, Jade who had already finished eating.

"They will not be allowed to date until they are twenty." Paul told her as Charlie just laughed.

"Good luck." Alice said from her spot across the room.

She had showed up with Jasper in tow this morning. They didn't plan on staying long but both of them needed to see her and the babies in person. Rose and Emmett had called and Alice promised to take tons of photos.

"Darlin' they look so much like you." Jasper said, sitting down on the other side of her. He brushed his hand over her shoulder as he watched the little girl feed.

"Which is why they are not allowed to date." Paul said. "Only human boys allowed. No cold ones or wolves if I have anything to say about it."

"I repeat good luck." Alice said with a knowing smile.

"Have any of the pack seen them yet?" Charlie asked.

"Not yet but Sam is finally dating Talia, Jake is with Leah, Jared has Kim, Embry has Ang, Quil is dating while waiting for Claire to get older and Seth is doing the same with Nessa, Colin and Brady both found their mates. There isn't a free wolf to worry about." she told them.

"You haven't told her yet?" Alice asked.

"Didn't have a chance. She went into labor before I could tell her."

"Told me what?" she asked as Jasmine finished eating.

"We got a new wolf." Paul reluctantly told her.

"Who and how old?"

"His name is Chance and he is twelve. We don't know why he phased. There haven't been any nomads or anything and these two never stay in the area that long. Old Quil is looking into it."

"I want to meet him."

"Bells, he could imprint on one of the girls." Charlie said.

"That is okay. If he does than I know that one of my babies will one day have someone just like their dad. A wolf that will love her no matter what and will be whatever she wants him to be." she told them.

"I'll talk to Jake and see if he is ready to be around any none wolf yet." he told her standing to kiss her.


"You still made at me?" Paul asked.

"No, I just wish you had waited to read the journal until I was done with it." I told him. I had finished my story and Old Quil had come to get it hours ago. They were laying down. They were enjoying the quiet, only two more months and their fourth child, another little boy, would be born.

"I got curious. I was just surprised that you would get involved with him and don't get me started on the other one." he said as he rubbed my back. It was just them in the house. Ang and Embry had taken the girls and Charlie for the night. They wanted practice on handling a lot of kids since Ang wanted to start having babies.

"Even Leah has said that the man is sexy and you know how she feels about vampires. I dated Jasper for a year, I know that you were seeing people while I was at school. Besides you promised not to.."

"I know. I will get a handle on the jealousy."

"Hey, you were my first and last. How many guys get to say that? Everything in between no longer matters." I said as he slid his hand to rub my belly.

"I know." he said kissing me. "I love you. You are my wolf girl." I covered his hand with mine, the many charms on my bracelet catching the dying light.

"I love you too and I think I have always been your wolf girl." I said as I slowly started to fall asleep.

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