Confessions of A Wolf Girl {C...

By BeccaSavory

551 27 0

Time for Bella to tell her story More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

33 2 0
By BeccaSavory

Back to The Present

Over the Next Two Weeks

Billy had been beyond pissed when Bells and the pack had showed up at Sue's with Claire and Nessa. The instant Jake had told him about what had happened and what Claire had said, he was instantly on the phone to call Charlie. It took less than an hour for Charlie to come home.

While he and the Elders tried to figure out what to do, Leah and Bells cleared out a space in Bells room for Claire. Kim and Ang went with Sam to help him finish cleaning his house while Nessa stayed with Claire. She made sure that Quil stayed outside until he was sure his wolf was calm enough to be around the two little girls. Bells made sure that Kim took some of the clothes and toys they had picked for Nessa with them.

It was decide that Claire was going to stay with Sue and Charlie until they could finalize a way to keep Wren away from her. The knowledge that he was lusting after his own daughter and had hidden it so well from all of them had pissed off everyone. Bells had finally convinced Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rose to leave for Seattle. The four of them had gotten a house there. They were close enough to help but far enough away that they shouldn't cause anyone else to phase.

Jasper had gotten in contact with Jenks to start paperwork to remove Wren's paternal rights, just to be safe. Seth had shocked everyone when he imprinted on Nessa when he was helping me watch the girls. Sam would have killed him that day if she and the girls hadn't been there. Surprisingly, she had been able to calm him down until Seth could get away and Jake showed up. Jake had him run all the way to Canada and back to help calm him down and get rid of some of the anger.

Bells had been surprised when a letter from Heather appeared one day. She had called everyone to the house and once she was sure everyone was sitting she started to read.


Bet you are surprised to be hearing from me. I was shocked when I found out that you were alive. I actually found out weeks before the accident. Unknown to Emily I decided to find out what was going on in La Push. Hearing Leah's voice shocked me to the core. All of you were alive. I caused that accident hoping that you were looking for us. I saw your vampires show up after the accident when Claire and Nessa were still in the hospital. They didn't see me but I heard the boy on the phone with you and he was going to bring Claire and Nessa to you, Quil and Sam. I cursed my sister for doing this to you and the pack.

Emily had showed up on my doorstep even though Claire and I were going to be coming to her and told me that the cold one that was after you had destroyed you, your two cold one friends, Quil and the all of the pack. That she had gotten a hold of you before anyone could stop it. I wanted to call your dad and Billy to tell them how sorry I was about you and Jake but Emily said that we couldn't. Honestly that should have been my first clue. She had everything all planned.

I had told her about Wren acting strange around Claire and that she told me she would talk you and Quil about it. She told me that she thought that if it came from me no one would believe it. She was my sister and I trusted her. I had noticed more than once that when Wren would give Claire her bath that its was taking longer than it should. I found child porn on our computer and freaked out. He hit me and told me that no one would believe a word that I said because of how I had been around all of you and he was right. No even Emily, my own sister, had trusted me at first, not until I showed her the computer.

Emily had found someone to help us but she never told me who it was. She believed with the pack gone to protect us that we would be safer getting as far from Wren as we could. I only packed some things that I knew we would need. I did bring the picture Angela had taken of you,Quil and Claire. I hated the two of you the first time I saw that photo because the three of you looked like a family but since I though the two of you were dead that she would need it.

Every two weeks we would change our names and how we looked and no mater what bank we went to we had money in an account in our new names. We never stayed in one place longer than two weeks. Since you, Quil and Sam where gone I didn't think anyone would be looking for us but Emily said that we had to be careful. I hoped everyday that Wren would never find us. After three months of this she admitted that she was pregnant and she would never go back to La Push. She didn't want her child to every know about the pack or anything.

I know now that everything my sister told me was a lie. She took her child away from her farther without a second thought. I was trying to protect my child and stupidly thought my sister was trying to help when all she wanted was to get away from Sam. I never told Leah but the first time she introduced Sam to us, Emily told me that one day she would make Sam hers. She wanted him because he belonged to someone else. I admit I was very selfish. I don't know if she ever truly loved Sam or not but I am sorry for my part in hurting all of you. I know that my daughter is safer with you than she ever could be with me.


She had place the letter on the coffee table and walked out.

They received word from Jenks a few days later that Heather had been found. She had signed her rights away before committing suicide. Jenks rushed the paperwork to remove Wren's rights and put Claire in Sue and Charlie's permanent care. Nessa ended up with them for a few days when Sam's wolf took over for a little while. The knowledge that Emily had left him keeping a pup and imprint from the pack had been to much for the wolf to handle.

Bells helped Sue take care of the girls and finish with the small things for her and Charlie's wedding.

Charlie and Sue's Wedding

"Claire-bear, I know you are excited but you need to sit down next to Lee-lee while I finish getting Nessa ready." Bells told her as she put shoes on Nessa. The four of them were in her room getting ready for Sue and dad's wedding. Charlie and Seth were over at Billy's house with the boys. Kim and Ang were helping Joy, Quil's mom, get Sue ready.

"Bells, she is fine. Let her get rid of some of that energy. I know I could use some today." Leah said smiling as Claire bounced on the bed.

"Oh fine. All done Nessa." she said helping the little girl stand up. She loved both of the girls and was happy that her, Quil and Sam had finally come to a small understanding.

She still had a slight problem being around the both of them, even though they had apologized for how they acted.

When the girls were around she was able to forget about everything. Sam might not like her having her around but since his daughter loved her, they were nice to each other but if Nessa wasn't around they would not say a word to each other. She forgave him for some things because of Emily doing what she did but thinking she was poison and blaming her for everything made her unable to every fully trust or forgive him completely.

She wanted to forgive Quil completely but knowing that part of him still seemed to blame her for Heather leaving with Claire hurt her. The fact that he was able to go from making out with her to hating her in such a short amount of time killed her. They were trying to be nice for Claire but things were strained between them.

Rachel knocked on the open door as she and her little girl Nala came into the room. Rachel and her husband were in the process of moving back to the rez. She wanted to be closer to her brother and father now that she was expecting her second baby. Also being closer to Paul would help the pull of the imprint. Paul was her best friend and protector, she had even made him Nala's godfather. She kept him sane and he gave her ther knowledge that no matter what she and her babies would always be safe.

"How's it going in here?" she asked.

"Almost done." Bells told her as she put her bracelet on.

"Is that the bracelet?" Rachel asked. She held out her wrist so that Rachel could take a better look.

"What is that a new charm? Where did it come from?" Leah asked getting off the bed and grabbed her wrist to get a better look at the newest charm. A small tiara that had a small C and V on it.

"It showed up in the mail yesterday. There was no return address or anything just a small box with this in it." she said as knelt down so the younger girls could see as well.

"What do all the charms and band mean? Claire asked touching each one.

"Well the band looks woven with all the colors of the pack. The wolf is for the pack, the bottle of sand I think is from First Beach, the book is because I love to read, I think the tiara is to represent you and Nessa and I'm not sure on the last three are suppose to be. I guess when the person who got this for me lets me know who they are, I can ask them." she told them. Since she was looking at the younger girls, she missed the look of understanding between Leah and Rachel.

"It's time to head out." Joy said as she came to collect them.

"Yeah, its time to get our parents hitched." Leah said with a laugh as the went downstairs to join Ang, Kim and soon to be their mom.

The Reception

"I am so happy for you dad." Bells said as she hugged him.

The wedding had gone perfectly. Everyone was now at the reception, which was really First Beach and the surrounding area all decked out. The pack had built a dance floor and set up a booth for the DJ to play. There was even a flat screen set up for her surprise for Sue and her dad.

Everyone was sitting down when she walked up to the booth and took one of the mics so that everyone without wolf ears could hear her.

"Okay, I am no good a speeches. I will leave that to Billy and Joy. Sue, you make my dad so happy and I am glad that you, Leah and Seth are now part of my family. I made a promise to someone a long time ago and finally figured out a way to keep my promise and to give something to the three of you and my dad that was really special." she took a deep breath and grabbed the remote to start the movie she had created.

The video opens with a view of first beach at night. Sounds of a group of people behind who every is holding the camera. A group of friends sit around a bonfire.

"Charlie I have no idea if I can do this." A very young Harry says to the camera.

"Trust us, Harry. This is something that you are going to laugh about years later." A young Charlie says coming into frame. "Billy and I are here if you need us." he said as he pushed Harry toward the group at the fire.

He stopped right in front of a young Sue and got down on his knees.

"About time he did this. She makes him so happy." Billy whispered to Charlie.

"Yeah, think I'll ever find my Sue." Charlie whispered back.

"You'll find your Sue one of these days." he laughed as the picture faded.

Once again they were at first beach but during the day.

Finally a younger version of Harry, Billy, Charlie and five small children, four girls and one boy come into view. The young Harry grabs one of the girls and runs her to the water.

"Harry, be careful with her! She doesn't know how to swim." a young Sue says from behind the camera.

"I wont drop her. We are going to help her learn!" he called back to her.

"Thanks for this Sue." Charlie says looking right at the camera and smiling softly at her.

"You only have Bella a couple months out of the year and this way both of you can see her learning how to swim." she said turning the camera back to Harry and the young Bella.

The young Jake and Leah were now trying to help him show her how to swim.

"Charlie can you keep a secret?"


"I'm pregnant. I just found out I haven't even told him yet." she whisper.

Charlie disappeared from view and moved the camera to show Sue with a smile and tears in her eyes.

"Tell him now." he said pushing her toward him and the kids. Leah was holding Bells, helping her swim with Harry watching them. Sue walked up next to him and whispered in his ear. He grabbed her into a hug. The kids joined the hug and started laughing when Bella tripped trying to put her hand on Sue' still flat belly.

Picture fades and shows Charlie dancing with Sue at what looks like a holiday party from years ago.

"Harry?" a young Bella, maybe around 9, calls to him.

"Yes, Bella?" he asked watching Charlie and Sue dance.

"If you could pick one person to fall in love with Sue, who would it be?"

"What?" he asked looking at her strangely.

"I'm doing a project over the summer about couples. If one should pass away or something would you want Sue to live with only your memory or would you want her to fall in love again?" she told him.

"I have never thought about it. Have you asked anyone else this?"

"Yeah. Some have said that they would want their spouse to move one while some wouldn't. Those that would want them to move one already know who they would pick while others didn't care as long as the person made them happy. I asked Sue and she said that she would want you to be happy, she didn't care if it was with someone else or by yourself as long as you were happy that all that matters."

"I will answer on one condition."


"You promise never to show them unless it happens."

"I can do that." you could hear the smile in her voice.

"If something should happen to me, I would want her to move on. I know that it would be bad for a while because we are each others first loves but I would want her to be happy again."

"Do you have an idea on who you would want her with and why?"

"I have always know, kiddo. Your dad would be perfect for her. Look at them together, I can see the love in his eyes from here. Even though it is just a love of friends, I think it could easily become more. Out of all the men I know your dad is the only one I would trust with her heart." he took a deep breath.

The camera lowered to show Bella's shoes for a minute. There was some hushed whispers and slight crying. The camera was brought back up after what seemed like a long time.

"Okay, Sue. Charlie. If the two of you are seeing this than I have passed, hopefully a long time from now and the two of you have come to realize how much you care about each other. I am happy about this. I am sad that I am gone but am content with the knowledge that you found each other. Charlie, she is everything to me and you are the only one I would trust her heart too. Sue, please dry your eyes. I love you and always will love you. Thank you for all the years we have had and will have had together. I am glad that you were able to find love again. Leah, my sweet baby girl I am sorry for leaving you. I hope that you have found someone that makes your heart completely fill with love and skip a beat. Hopefully I was there to scare him a little. I know that you will become a beauty just like your mom and will be a heart breaker before you know it. Trust your heart, my girl, keep those you love close to you. Seth, my boy. I love you, take care of you mom and sister. They don't want to admit but they will always need you. Find a girl and don't let her go. Follow your heart. Billy, I will see Sarah and the two of us will laugh about all the shit you are doing. Catch a big one for me. Okay I think that is all. Turn it off Bella" he told her as the tears started running down his face. The camera was placed at on the table and Bella was hugging Harry.

"Sorry." she whispered.

"No, thank you." he said rubbing her back looking off screen. The screen fades to black.

First beach is seen again. Only this time its Bella, from a couple days ago when they had a picnic. Claire, Nala and Nessa were in the background building a sandcastle. Sue was sitting in Charlie's lap talking with Billy and Old Quil. The pack was running all over the place. Kim, Rachel and Ang were putting food on a table.

"Okay, I know that was hard but I made a promise to Harry years ago. Dad, I am so happy that you came to your senses. Sue is perfect for you. I can feel the love the two of you have just by stepping into the room. Every time you look at her, when you think she is not looking, you have this smile on your face that makes me wish I had a camera to catch it. I want someone to look at me like that. Sue, I love you and you are the mom that I always wanted. You make my dad so happy. I have seen the way your eyes light up when you are talking about him and when he enters the room. The two of you have proved to everyone that there is love after heartache. Dad you have finally found your Sue. I love both of you."

She turned off the tape. Leah was the first to rush and hug her. Tears going down her face.

"Why didn't you tell me about that?" she demanded wiping her checks as Seth pulled her out of Leah's arms and into his.

"I couldn't. You would have wanted to see it and I wanted all of you to see it at the same time." she said as her dad and Sue came up to the three of them.

"Bells." was all he said before the two of them pulled her into an embrace.

"Thank you." Sue whispered. "I am happy to have you as my daughter."

Everyone was wiping tears out of there eyes as the watched the new family hold on to each other.

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