Anxious || Harry Styles

By fadoraharry_

552K 17.8K 13.7K

Anx·ious: Full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried... More

Anxious || Harry Styles
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-One

16.6K 599 444
By fadoraharry_


My alarm blaring on full blast wakes me up with my heart beating increasingly fast. It probably wasn't the best idea to make my alarm so loud since I am already really anxious. And now the first second of my day, my heart is beating like no tomorrow. 

I take deep breaths after turning it off and drinking water that I always have on my bedside table. I grab my phone again and open it up, clicking on the messaging app. 

Good morning, Harry x. 

I get up from my bed and do my usual routine of showering, fixing my hair, putting on minimal makeup and changing into black skinny jeans and a navy blue t-shirt. I walk into the kitchen with my bag and phone, placing the bag down by the door before preparing tea in the kitchen. 

"Good morning, honey." My mum smiles at me. I give a smile back and sit across from her after plugging the kettle into the wall socket. "Are you alright?" She asks after a sigh escapes my lips. 

"Honestly, no." I say which makes my mum frown. "You went with Anne to the school yesterday, haven't you?" She nods which makes my heart beat faster. 

"Sweetie, it had to be done." I nod. 

"I know. Thank you for doing it actually. I'm just scared because I know the four of us are going to be called down during class. Wait, Harry doesn't know, does he?" I sit up straighter and look at my mum with wider eyes. I hope he doesn't because if he does then he would be freaking out a lot more than me right now. 

"No, no. Anne didn't tell him." I sigh with relief. But when we get called down during class, Harry would probably get a panic attack not knowing what is happening. I hope we get called down during English so I will be with him. But if we don't get called down during English, then I will rush to his classroom and hopefully find him somewhere around there.

"Okay." I nod. 

I hear the kettle whistling. I stand up and make my tea in my travelling mug that says IDGAF. It's pretty ironic because I do care what people say but it somehow makes me feel more confident in a way. It's something I can't really explain but it sort of helps me not care as much even though I still care care tremendously. 

I grab a banana and the sandwich my mum made for me, stuffing it into my bag. 

"Bye, mum." I give her a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. 

"Bye, sweetie. Good luck, call me after the meeting if you can." I nod while putting on my jacket and boots. 

"Bye. I love you." I put on my bag and grab my phone and travelling mug. 

"Love you too." I exit the door, grabbing the keys and entering my car. I check my phone after starting the engine. 

Good morning, love xx.

I smile at the text, sending one back. 

I'll pick you up today :) x. 

Okay :) xx. 

I take a sip from my mug before placing it on the cup holder besides me. I pull out of the driveway and drive down the street before turning at the stop sign. I stop besides Harry's house shortly after and cut the engine before climbing out and and ringing his doorbell. I wait two minutes before the door is yanked wide open.

"Joey!" He says surprised with his plaid shirt open widely. I smile and give him a hug. Pulling away, I plant a kiss on his lips. "I didn't know you were going to come this early." He panics while buttoning up with shirt. I laugh. 

"Hey, it's alright. Take your time." I say waving my hand at him. 

"Come in." I enter his house and take off my jacket and boots before following him to his room. 

Harry quickly changes into his clothes and grabs food from the kitchen before we drive off to school. I could sense he is really nervous because his leg won't stop bouncing up and down. I grab hold of his hand lightly squeezing it and rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand. I see in the corner of my eye Harry is playing with his lips anxiously. Parking into the lot, I shut the engine and turn to Harry giving him a reassuring smile. 

"It will be alright, okay. I don't think they will bother us anymore." I don't know this for sure but that's the message I got yesterday. I hope it's true.

Harry gives a nod and a deep breath before opening the door and climbing out. I follow him with my bag in hand before we walk into the school together. 

"You don't have any classes with them besides English, right?" I ask to make sure. 

"Thankfully I don't." He gives a bitter chuckle. 

After going to each others lockers, the bell rings and we split up going in different directions. I give Harry a tight hug because I know he needs it. We both do. He squeezes my hand after pulling away with a slight smile and turns around, walking down the hall with his head down. I sigh before walking the other direction.

In each class I cannot stop think about Harry and the announcement that will be made. Every time someone talks in the PA system, I think they are going to call us down. And every time my heart beats faster. 

I hope Harry is doing okay, I can't even imagine how freaked out he is in fear of being attacked again. It hurts me a lot knowing that Harry is extremely anxious at the moment. But it also makes me more anxious myself. 

Lunch rolls around and I meet Harry in the library. It is nice to have the spot besides me occupied unlike yesterday. We don't talk much since I know Harry isn't in the mood, but sometimes I make small conversations to try and lighten it even the slightest bit. 

Since we are in our corner that no one visits except us, I snuggle into Harry's side and hug him. Harry wraps his arms around me and presses his face into my hair, squeezing me. We stay like this the remainder of the lunch period just enjoying each other's warmth and presence. It's so comforting to be in his arms. I just feel so safe in them. 

But when the bell rings and we unwrap ourselves from each other, the cold immediately hits me and I just want to ditch school and go home with Harry. But we can't, so we split ways again to go to class. 

While writing down notes in Chemistry, the PA speakers turn on and my heart skips a beat. 

"Joelle Collins, Harry Styles, Abby Scott and Sophie Avery please come down to the office please. That's Joelle Collins, Harry Styles, Abby Scott and Sophie Avery." 

My breathing stops and my eyes go wide. The pen in my hands drop from my hands and lands on my notebook with a little thud. I inhale a large amount of air and gulp. People in my class are looking at me. I slowly stand up and walk to the front of the class room feeling everyone's eyes on the back of my head. I hate it. The teacher gives a nod giving me permission to leave, so I exit the door with my breathing rapid. 

I have to find Harry. 

I think of Harry's schedule and remember he is having Maths. I rush to that corridor and see Harry standing besides a water fountain. 

"Harry!" The closer I get to him, the clearer I see him shaking. "Shh, it's alright." I rub his back and try to calm him down. "I'll be there with you, they won't hurt you." He is still shaking and he is breathing too fast. "Just breathe." I tell him. He seems to listen and focuses on his breathing while I take a step back to give him space. 

When his breathing has slowed, he drinks some water and looks at me teary eyed. I give him a hug feeling horrible that me and Anne kept it from him. 

"You are not going to be in trouble. You won't be in any harm." I say looking into his eyes, making it settle in his brain. He nods. I grab his hand and we take our time walking to the office. My heart is so beating hard against my ribs. 

"I don't want to go in there." Harry says and stops walking when we reach the office. I squeeze his hand. 

"I don't either. But you will be alright. You have me." He takes a minute to slow his breathing once more before he squeezes my hand back. 

We enter the office and our hands unlink. We walk side by side, Harry's arm rubbing against mine.

I see Abby and Sophie sitting besides each other. Their heads immediately snap towards us and they give us the dirties look. I send them a glare back before guiding Harry to the seats furthest away from them. 

"It's alright." I say to Harry. "They can't harm us." I repeat. I put my hand over top his as we wait. Harry's leg is bouncing like crazy making me even more nervous than I already am. I keep reminding myself to stop fidgeting and take deep breaths. I don't want my nerves being showed to Harry since it won't help him with his. 

"Girls," Our four of our heads snap up to the voice. I see Mr. Davis, the principal of the school, standing tall in front of the secretary's desk. "Follow me." He starts walking to his office so I stand up with Harry and squeeze his hand as we walk behind the two evil girls. 

Entering his office, I see four chairs spread out in front of his desk. Abby and Sophie sit together furthest on the right. I take a seat besides Abby, Harry on my left. Mr. Davis sits down and this is when my leg starts to bounce. 

I am so scared. I feel like I am going to pass out with the thumping of my heart and quick breathing. I feel like crying. 

I look towards Harry and see his eyes tearing up. My heart shatters seeing the sight. I grab hold of his hand not caring that Abby and Sophie might see. 

"I have been informed that bullying has been happening in my school." His voice is deep and he sounds slightly angry. This just makes me gulp with fear. 

He takes turns staring into each of our eyes for five long seconds. When his eyes meet mine, I chew the inside of my cheek staring back with fear. I gulp when he looks away. Then he stares at Harry. I turn my head and see Harry looking down, a tear drop falling onto his lap. I squeeze Harry's hand, my thumb rubbing his skin in attempt to calm him down. But I don't think it's working. 

"You know that I do not tolerate any kind of bullying in my school." He speaks up once more looking into all of our eyes. "So why is it happening?" He questions while looking mostly at Abby and Sophie. This reassures me the slightest. 

I look at the two girls and see them with their chins high and lips pursed. Sophie's head turns and her eyes pierce into mine, hate and anger evident in them. I glare back needing to show her that she can't mess with me. 

When none of them talk, Mr. Davis starts talking again. "Let's know each other's names first." I have never been to the office and I have never talked to him so I know that he doesn't know who I am. "I'm Mr. Davis." He points to Sophie. 

"I'm Sophie Avery." She says with attitude, her chin still high in the air. Mr. Davis points to Abby. 

"I'm Abby Scott." Abby says with slightly less attitude but still shows confidence. Mr. Davis looks at me. 

"I'm Joelle Collins." My voice isn't shaky since I don't want Abby and Sophie to see I am scared. But I look at Mr. Davis knowing he could see that I am petrified in the inside. He looks at Harry and I squeeze his hand feeling terrible that he has to speak. 

"And you?" Mr. Davis says. Harry is silent for a while so I squeeze his hand again. I hear Abby and Sophie snicker. I shoot them the dirtiest glare I could muster. 

"H-Har-ry St-Styles-s." Harry is visibly shaking and I am glad that most of my body is covering him from those two bitches who are not so subtly trying to cover up their laughs. Harry is shaking more and I rub my thumb across the back of his hand. 

"It's alright." I whisper to him. "Ignore them." I squeeze his hand again and look at Mr. Davis who nods his head knowing who are the bullies and who are the victims. 

"Alright." Mr. Davis leans back on his chair and crosses his arms with a glare on his face. "So why were you two snickering?" He raises his eyebrows up knowingly while the girls cross their arms pretending like the snickering didn't happen. 

"We weren't." Sophie says. I shake my head and roll my eyes feeling my anger rising. 

"No, you two were and everyone knows it." From the tone of his voice I could hear he is getting angrier too. He takes a sip of his coffee filled mug. He places it back down making the thud ring throughout the room. I hear him gulp the liquid down. He crosses his arms again. 

I have no clue what he is going to say and my heart is thudding so vigorously. The blood pumping throughout my veins at this speed makes me feel like my body is on fire. I look at Harry and more tears are rolling down his cheeks. I just want to take him away right now. I hate how anxious he is. 

"So what happened to your cheek?" My breathing stops as he asks that question. I was not expecting it. I bite on my lip in fear, feeling my eyes tearing up. I take deep breaths and look at Sophie. Her chin is down and he holds her cheek softly. She looks upset and it makes me confused. 

"It was Joelle. She punched me for no reason." She looks at me and her eyes are tearing up. My jaw drops while I glare at her. 

"What? That's a lie." I say looking between Mr. Davis and Sophie. The principal is looking at me and when I look back at Sophie I see the smug expression on her face. 

That lying, two timing brat. 

I feel like strangling her at the moment. I close my mouth and I shake my head still staring at Sophie who has her act up again. I look at Mr. Davis still shaking my head. I have nothing to say. I am shocked. I was not expecting that. I pray that Mr. Davis notices the quick change of emotion Sophie did. No one can go from being confident with attitude to upset and sad in a millisecond. 

"Is this true?" He asks me. I clench my jaws hating how I am set up. I think about what to say while he just looks at me with raised eyebrows. I could feel them smirking right now. 

"It was for self defense." My face is hard as stone but my eyes are tearing up. I feel so angry and so scared all at the same time. 

They could easily turn this against me. They could get me in trouble for something I didn't do. And it scares me. 

"Self defense." He nods his head. My heart beats faster at his expression. He thinks what I said was comical. He doesn't believe me. I take a deep breath and gulp. 

"Yes it was, I can explain." I try to say but he looks at Sophie. 

"I want to hear your part of the story." He looks at Sophie. 

This cannot be happening. 

"Oh my god." I whisper under my breath while running my free hand over my face. 

"Two days ago," Sophie starts. I look at her with a glare. "When school finished, I was walking to Abby's car alongside her and three of our friends. We were smiling and laughing and then all of a sudden a black Range Rover stops besides us and Joelle comes out of the passenger seat." I feel my tears welling up in my eyes not believing that this is actually happening. 

"What happened next?" I didn't even notice Sophie stopped talking. I look at Sophie and see a tear roll down her cheek. I shake my head, my mouth wavering. 

"She came yelling at us, saying horrible things. I tried to defend us but she kept yelling. I tried asking her to leave as calmly as I could but she just freaked out and punched me. She threatened us not to tell anyone of what just happened before going back in the car and driving off." She sniffs. And to make her act more real, she takes a tissue from the tissue box on the desk and wipes her false tears. 

"Who was driving the vehicle?" Mr. Davis asks her in a soft tone. 

"I couldn't see, but the only person I know who drives that sort of car is Harry." She wipes another tear, looking down at her lap. 

"Don't cry." Abby steps in. "It's alright, they can't hurt you now." Abby hugs Sophie and Sophie lets out a sob. 

Tears are starting to roll down my cheeks. This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening. Each second, more tears are starting to run down my face. I let go of Harry's hand trying to wipe my tears not wanting Abby and Sophie to see. But I know they have and they are satisfied. They have officially crushed us. I didn't think this would happen but this shows how sick and manipulative some people really are. They won

"T-That's not w-what h-happened." Harry speaks up. His voice is so broken and so unconfident but I appreciate it so much for him to try to defend us. 

"It is." Sophie cries. "Look at my cheek." 

My hands are shaking, I still can't believe this is happening. I look at Mr. Davis, silently praying for him to believe me. But he is leaning back with his arms crosses, glaring at me. I hold in a sob totally broken. 

"It's the truth." Abby says. I shake my head using my hand to cover my face. 

It is silent except Sophie's fake cries and mine and Harry's real ones. I hear the two whispering to each other between fake sobs. I know they are gloating and enjoying all of this. I wipe my tears, forcing myself to stop crying. I take deep breaths and squeezing my eyes shut. I hold Harry's hand again, squeezing it tightly while he does the same. 

After five minutes Mr. Davis still hasn't said anything. My crying has stopped, Harry is not shaking as hard anymore and the two girls are sitting in their seats with their heads down still playing the act. I look at my feet feeling absolutely devastated. I feel numb. 

This is actually going to happen, I am going to get suspended while they get off the hook. 

"You are great actresses." My head snaps up at his angry voice. It surprises to see him looking at Sophie and Abby. My heart beat quickens again while I am really confused. 

"We aren't acting, Mr. Davis." Sophie looks at him with sad, hurtful eyes. 

"You know I believed Harry and Joelle from the start? Even before they stepped into the room?" He asks the two girls. I look at Harry and see his eyes also wide from confusion and shock. I look at Mr. Davis. "No victims of bullying would ever walk into a principals office looking confident. Because victims of bullying aren't confident at all. Only the bullies are."

I take a deep breath feeling so relieved. But I can't believe Mr. Davis made me and Harry get a panic attack right in this room because of his game. 

I look at Sophie and Abby and see their faces wide with shock. They weren't expecting that, neither were me and Harry. 

"Before they even stepped in here, Mr. Rogers has told me of the things he's witnessed in his class room. You two are always causing trouble. If it is not to Mr. Roger, then it is to your classmates. He has seen you pick on Joelle and Harry." Mr. Davis puts his elbows on the desk, looking at Abby and Sophie with an intimidating glare. "And you know there are camera's outside of the school, right? I have seen the tapes and I saw the both of you along with your three friends corner a poor lad in the parking lot. She punched you for self defense. I was just playing to see how manipulative you two are." 

There is silence as Mr. Davis continues to stare them down. I see Abby looking down in shame where as Sophie is looking at him with her chin up. It wasn't as high as before but it is higher than it should be. 

"Your behavior is not acceptable at all. I do not tolerate it one bit. The both of you will be suspended for your actions." He pauses and turns to look at me and Harry. "I am incredibly sorry for scaring you two, I did not mean to harm." I just give a slight nod of the head because I am actually pissed from what he did. "Are you okay?" He asks us. I just nod my head again. "You two are dismissed for the rest of the day." 

I stand up, helping Harry stand up too. We walk to the door, my hand linking in his. 

"I'm sorry!" I turn around and see Abby crying. It isn't an act, I could genuinely see she meant it. "I'm so sorry, Harry. I'm so sorry, Joelle. It was wrong of me to do the things I have done. I regret it terribly." I give her a nod appreciating the apology. I can't forgive her, though. As I turn back around, I could see Sophie shaking her head at Abby's actions. 

I walk out of the office and give Harry a big hug. 

I am so relieved. Abby and Sophie have finally been caught and are getting the punishment they deserve. I am also so relieved that Mr. Rogers and our parents went to talk to Mr. Davis. If our parents didn't do that, then Mr. Davis wouldn't have seen the tape in the parking lot. This bullying could stop. Finally. 

"Are you alright?" I look at Harry and see him smiling. His eyes are red and puffy but he is smiling and it makes my heart warm up. That's just what I wanted to see, that gorgeous, breathtaking smile. 

"Yeah." He breaths out and hugs me again. I hug back tightly. 

I think back to how I was feeling while Mr. Davis was playing his game. It was evil. So evil and I hate him for doing that. He should have went straight to the facts but I guess he wanted to see just how manipulative they are and he saw it. He also looked very terrible while apologizing to us. I bet he wasn't expecting mine and Harry's reaction and felt terrible. He should though, not going to try to sugar coat it. 

I hug Harry tighter finally feeling like we could come to school without so much anxiety. The anxiety will still be there but it wouldn't be holding us down as much as it did before and I am so happy for that. I am so happy that it worked out. The bullying could stop. 

"I love you." We both say at the exact same time. 


I think the next chapter will be the last one. But there will be an epilogue!

Please voteeee and commenttt! Also be sure to share and follow me (I'm almost at 400 :))

Thank you for reading, loveies. ilysm xx

~ May <3

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