Bullets {Klance Gang AU}

By soki_kun

358K 12.4K 27K

It was a life Keith had hated, one that he'd tried to escape with all his might. With a gang war ensuing, and... More

Sneaking Around
Going Back?
The Apartment
Sob Stories
The Sit Down
Treasure Hunting
He Told Him So
Two Bros Chillin' in the Hot Tub
The L Word
Splitting Up Never Works
Making Up
The Compromise
The Cellar
Two's Better Than One
Switching Off
Crossing Paths
Keith's Wrath
The Buddy System
No Exceptions
Forgetting Doesn't Work
The Balcony
Plan B
Hang On
The Explanation
Looking Up
The Surprise
Hospital Bed Wishes
The Honeymoon


5.2K 178 601
By soki_kun

(( Tea, you ask? Keep reading... poor Romelle.))

Mostly everyone had gotten a rather rude awakening when the jet touched down. It skidded along the runway, and it was a little bit of a bumpy landing. However, everything was smooth other than that.

Keith jolted awake, as did Lance when the wheels made contact with the pavement. Almost instinctively, Lance pulled Keith close, and Keith jumped closer to him. Even fresh out of slumber, the boys were eager to make sure that the other was alright.

After a couple deep breaths, and the sunrise shining in their eyes, Keith and Lance were calming down. Lance drowsily smiled, watching the very orange colored sunlight glint in Keith's violet eyes, contrasting them beautifully. He ran his hands through Keith's hair and pressed a light kiss on the top of his head.

" Is everyone okay?" Shiro asked, and there were sleepy mumbles heard all around. Hunk yawned and woke up with Shay tucked against his side. Pidge awoke with a book on her face, sending it flying from how startled she was.

" We're fine." Lance said.

" Same here." Adam grumbled, adjusting his glasses that were half fallen off after he slept in them.

Kosmo ran around the aisle and barked, jumping up on Keith's lap and nearly squishing him.

" Oof!" Keith grunted, almost wondering if the very large husky would suffocate him. Kosmo licked all over his face and barked, and Lance chuckled while watching.

It was a while later when they'd unloaded all the luggage and made their way to the resort. The sunrise splattered the sky with a rainbow of colors, and shined down on the ocean, which wasn't far in the distance. They were near the coast.

Lance had an arm around Keith as they walked.

" Man, this place is gorgeous." Lance marveled, looking around as his face lit up. " Just like my boyfriend~" He added, planting a chaste kiss on Keith's cheek.

" Shut up." Keith chuckled, shaking his head. He was happy that he'd gotten sleep on the plane, because the last thing he wanted to do was sleep their whole day there away.

" Never." Lance grinned.

Right in front of them, Pidge was losing her shit in a fit of laughter. Shiro had Matt on his back, carrying him still. Matt's legs were all but useless after what had happened after their date. She couldn't contain the snickers and all out cackling that erupted from her.

" Pidge! Knock it off!" Matt exclaimed.

Keith grimaced, knowing what Matt was feeling all too well.

" Rip." Lance remarked.

The whole resort was stunning. The building was illuminated by lights that aimed up at its exterior. There was a rich bed of flowers near the front entrance, one filled with many species and color varieties. Keith could smell them from where the group walked, and the sweet blossoms were positively dreamy. There were also palm trees that swayed in the gentle breeze, and seemed shadowy against the colorful backdrop of the sunrise.

The resort was called Alfor Resort, and it was supposedly the best one around. Shiro hadn't told everyone what it was costing, mainly because the price of the whole excursion was very high.

After check in, Shiro got to explaining everyone's rooming arrangements. He had two of the very best rooms available. The Allura Suite, as well as the Hibiscus Suite.

" Alright, so I have Matt, Adam, I, and then Hunk and Shay in the Allura Suite." Shiro explained, and Pidge smirked to herself. Did that mean she got to room with Klance? Being the only single person on the trip was working to her advantage already. " Then, Lance and Keith, you get the main room in the Hibiscus Suite. Pidge, there's a single bed in there for you as well, but it's separate from Lance and Keith's bedroom."

Lance wrapped an arm around Keith as he stood there, smirking down at him.

" So we pretty much get our own room?" Lance asked.

" It's only because the rest of us don't want to listen to-" Matt began saying something, but Shiro cut him off with a stare that stopped his words dead in their tracks.

Everyone knew what he meant, however. Pidge chuckled to herself, her glasses glinting as she stared down mischievously. She didn't have an issue with Keith and Lance fucking, as creepy as that might have seemed. It wasn't like she was going to go out of her way to listen, but unlike everyone else, any sounds wouldn't bother her. Hunk and Shay's innocent ears probably would bleed if they were subjected to such filthy things. And Shiro would've been weirded out for obvious reasons.

" The rooms are right across the hall from one another, so it's not that big of a difference." Shiro informed them. He eyed Lance, basically telling him that he would still be able to hear if he did anything to his brother.

Since when had that ever stopped them?


It had begun to rain outside, and that was the only reason why Romelle was up at such a late hour. She'd never been a fan of thunder and lightning, despite the fact that Allura could've slept right through it like a baby.

She'd emerged from her rather small room in the mansion, hoping to go get a glass of water. As she crept down the steps, only wearing her pajamas and her fuzzy bunny slippers, Romelle saw something. She stood stiff for a moment.

Down by the main entrance of the mansion, someone had opened the door. Lightning flashed in the background, making the person's shadow seem even darker in contrast to it. She took another step, feeling her heart beating in her throat.

" Hello?" Romelle asked in a quiet voice. She was quite cowardly at first, partially due to the rain, but then she saw who it was.

Lotor closed the door, and thunder broke out as it clicked shut.

" Lotor?" She asked, reaching the bottom of the grand staircase and standing before him. He was covered in mud, dirt, and it almost looked as though he'd been headbutted in the face.

" What do you want?" Lotor clenched a shovel in his fist, looking over her with disgust. " Just get back to bed."

" What are you doing?" Romelle asked him, eyes narrowed. This was beyond shady, beyond sketchy. Lotor looked like he'd committed a murder, or had just got done burying someone, or both!

" That's none of your concern." Lotor told her sternly.

Romelle gulped, wondering if she was next. Allura was literally engaged to him, and there was nothing that she could do to help her. Even if she tried to tell her best friend about Lotor's behavior, Romelle doubted that her words would be taken into consideration.

Allura was in love with him.

" Where were you? Why are you getting back in the middle of the night like this?" Romelle continued with her questioning, and Lotor bared his teeth at her. He growled threateningly, taking a step closer. She felt her breath hitch.

" This isn't an interrogation, bitch."

" But-"

He shoved her back, and Romelle was on her ass soon enough. She looked up at him and cringed, almost wondering if he was going to use the shovel on her.

" Say a word about this to Allura, and you'll end up six feet under, too. Don't test me." Lotor spat before walking off, and Romelle was respiring rapidly from how scared she was. She didn't doubt it for a moment that Lotor would've made good on his word. She-

" Romelle, hey." Allura nudged her friend's shoulder, letting the blonde girl snap back into reality. She gulped, having zoned out for a moment. " Are you okay?" Allura asked her.

They were both by the pool, sunbathing in the humid Hawaii air. There were so many perks to Allura's family owning the resort, and that happened to be their favorites.

" Oh, um- I'm fine, Ally." Romelle giggled, feeling her heart pang once the sunlight reflected off of Allura's engagement ring. She had to do something.


The rooms were indisputably giant. Lance and Keith were really making excellent use of it by sitting in bed and watching Netflix, which was complementary on the TV. There was also a whole case of movies at the front of the room, along with snacks in the cabinets and many soft blankets.

Keith was utilizing the bed, and Lance had been for a while, but that was before he noticed that the bathroom had a number of amenities as well.

" Keith!" He popped his head out of the grand ensuite, wearing one of the fluffy white robes that came with each suite. " Look! They have face masks!"

Keith snorted to himself, and Lance's eyes twinkled in excitement.

" Come on, let me put one on you, too!" The taller boy exclaimed. Keith rolled his eyes.

" Why?" He groaned. " They're sticky and gross and hurt when you peel them off."

Lance evilly smiled to himself, slinking out of the bathroom and crawling over Keith on the bed. He booped his nose with a kiss, brushing Keith's raven black bangs from his face.

" Please?" Lance begged him sweetly, and Keith blushed while a light laugh escaped him.

" I can't take you seriously while you're wearing that." Keith told him, placing his hands on the larger male's shoulders and letting them rest there lazily.

" And I can't believe that you won't do face masks with me." Lance pouted. " I love face masks, come on... I'll do anything if you agree to it."

Keith raised an eyebrow, and Lance smirked at him, licking his lips.

" Baby." Lance reasserted. " Pleaseeee?"

" If I do this... what's in it for me?" Keith teased. Truthfully, he would've put up with it to make Lance happy, and that would've been enough. However... once Lance said that he'd do anything, he wanted to milk it. Keith loved messing with Lance, though he didn't do it very often. Normally their roles were flip flopped.

" Maybe... I'd reward you..." Lance bit his lip, blushing.

" Yeah?" Keith asked under his breath, not wanting to let Pidge hear from the other room. He felt Lance's hot breath run down his neck as the taller boy stayed over top of him. Lance leaned to press a light kiss on Keith's jawline, then his cheek.

His hand slipped down to squeeze Keith's ass, making him jump.

" Yeah." Lance told him. " If you do face masks with me... I might be willing to spoil you~" He purred and kissed the corner of Keith's lips. So much for making Keith feel like he had any power to tease Lance. His boyfriend always won in that department. Lance was a bigger tease by a long shot, and Keith was all too aware of that as Lance kissed him.

And that's how Keith ended up with a turquoise colored mask all over his face a few minutes later. Lance had pulled back his hair with a ponytail holder and a headband for his bangs.

" You look ridiculous." Keith told Lance, seeing that his boyfriend's face was already covered as well. Lance pulled back from Keith, having finished slathering the currently wet mixture all over.

" Look in the mirror, Baby." Lance laughed. " We can be ridiculous together~" He hugged Keith from behind. " Forever..." He mumbled at the end of it.

The rosy pigment that overtook Keith's cheeks wasn't visible at that moment, but hearing Lance add that final word in toward the end was making his heart flutter. That was a really big word. Forever?

Keith could see it, hell, he felt like he was already living that reality. He and Lance were pretty much attached at the hip, and he didn't have any idea what he would do without him. There was no way Keith could ever get over it if something happened to him.

Lance felt his face heating up once he saw the expression on Keith's face, and there was a glimmer of hope for a moment that Keith would tell him the L word. It didn't happen right then, though. He tried not to get disappointed, tried to remind himself that love was a thing that required patience and acceptance.

" Have you checked out any of the snacks yet?" Keith changed the subject, leaning back against Lance.

" No... but now that you mention it..." Lance smirked, taking Keith's hand as they walked out of the room, their faces slowly drying in the very air conditioned room. No wonder Shiro wouldn't tell them how much everything cost. It must've been a fortune, an arm and a leg, or even something more extreme. Whatever.

That was Shiro's multimillion dollar having business.

Keith and Lance grinned at each other while opening the front cabinet, seeing that it was stockpiled with junk food. The fridge had plenty of alcohol as well as fresh fruit for them, but who needed that when there were chips and brownies? Fuck being healthy.

Lance was a slut for cookies, and he quickly found the stockpile of Oreos that had been placed in there. Keith didn't really have a sweet tooth right then, so he was more focused on the other snacks. He grabbed a bag of chips, pulling back.

Keith and Lance both laid on the bed, still sitting up so that they didn't get face mask all over everyone and everything.

Lance tucked Keith into his side, inaudibly sighing.

He wanted for Keith to say it back so badly, so so bad. For then, though... he was going to just sit back and watch Netflix with his boyfriend.

" Funny, isn't it?" Keith asked Lance. " We have a whole island to explore... yet... here we are." He chuckled. It didn't matter where they were on the globe. Lance would never give up his time with Keith. Especially after their face masks were off, when he could make good on their deal.

" You're more interesting to me~" Lance told his boyfriend affectionately.

They'd get more into exploring on the following day. The couple wanted to focus on settling in for the time being, and the process of it was more than enough to make Keith content. Lance was such an amazing boyfriend. He didn't have the word to describe what they had, though it was on the tip of his tongue.

There had to have been a word for what he felt, right? Keith shrugged it off, putting it out of mind.


Across the hall, Shiro, Adam, and Matt were getting settled into their room. Though they technically weren't supposed to sleep more than two people in a bed, Shiro didn't care. They had a king sized one, and he wasn't about to let management dictate who he slept beside.

" Shiro, are we going to put this bed to good use or...?" Adam asked him, and Matt, who was already sitting atop the bed, seemed to panic.

" If you think I'm letting either of you in here right now, you're nuts." Matt warned. " I'm still really sore."

Shiro snickered to himself.

" You were the one who let us both go in at the same time... do you really get to complain about it?" He questioned, and Matt was beet red while staring at his lap.

Adam jumped atop the bed, laying beside Matt and leering at him. He only wrapped an arm around the shorter man's shoulder while Matt looked at him from the corner of his eye.

Shiro looked over at Adam, seeing the smirk he gave him. He would've had to be blind to not see the lust in it.

" Maybe I could still get you off..." Adam whispered in Matt's ear, causing the ginger haired male to get very flustered. Adam smacked his lips, and both Shiro and Matt noticed that he was acting sort of slutty.

Did either of them have a problem with it?

Hell no.

(( Do I smell smut next chapter? Hmm...))

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