rare find | p.jm ✔

By userimagines

158K 7.1K 1.1K

[ completed ] "as much as i love you, we can't be together. i'm a hybrid, why would you want to be with me?" ... More

0.1 | adoption
0.2 | toast and eggs with coffee
0.3 | work attire
0.4 | knj secretarial services
0.5 | explanation: love
0.6 | personal assistant
0.7 | panther form
0.8 | police officer
1.0 | back to work
1.1 | vet
1.2 | park jimin, by kim taehyung
1.3 | brunch
1.4 | min yoongi
1.5 | gala
1.6 | i love love you
1.7 | catching up
1.8 | auction
1.9 | first day
2.0 | caller id
2.1 | jimin to y/n
2.2 | back home
deeper into the book
author's note

0.9 | breakfast in bed

6.6K 293 32
By userimagines

sunday morning: jimin's house

his tongue poked out from the corner of his mouth as he carefully slid the pancake onto the plate, garnishing it with berries. he grabbed a bottle of maple syrup and placed it on the tray, getting a cup of milk for y/n and coffee for himself. he arranged everything neatly, glancing up when he heard the door open.

he frowned, rushing towards her as she began walking over and picking her up easily.

"and what do you think you're doing out from bed?" he asked, carrying her back into his room.

she whined, "i don't like staying in bed."

"come on kitten, let me take care of you, you always do the same for me," he pointed out.

she huffed, leaning back against the headboard of the bed. she shuffled around the bed, trying to get comfortable, "how do you sleep with so many pillows?"

"i don't, half of them are from your room, i didn't know where to put them," he answered, tucking her in and turning the tv on for her, "stay here, i'll bring breakfast in."

he went back out to the kitchen, cautiously picking up the tray and taking it to his room. he placed it on the bedside table, crawling in next to her before resting the tray across their laps. he settled in comfortably, discreetly watching as y/n took a bite.

her ears twitched, and her tail flicked under the sheets with satisfaction. he grinned, eating his own. 

they ate quickly, content with the meal as jimin set the tray in the kitchen, plopping back on the bed. they mimicked the same position they were in almost every spare time they had, with her laying in between his legs, her head on his chest, and her tail around his leg.

he played with her hair again, smiling when he heard her purrs ring out into the room.

"your purrs..." he trailed, "they really are beautiful."

she lifted her head up, her cheeks pink as she asked him, "what did you put in those pancakes to make you this high?"

he laughed, pulling her up on top of him and sliding his arms around her waist, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. he scratched her ears gently, his attention on the sounds erupting from her throat. 

"wow, are we interrupting something?"

they both shot up at the voice, y/n's hand shooting to her shoulder at the sudden moment, she let out a soft yelp, which then caused jimin to shout, "damn it seokjin!" he yelled, glaring at him as he pulled her into a protective hug. 

"hey! use honorifics dumbass," he shouted, his ears flattening against his head. he padded towards them and gestured for her, "i came to check on her shoulder."

"how did you even get into my apartment?"

"namjoon knows your pin," he said nonchalantly, moving towards y/n and gesturing to her shirt. she understood straight away and pulled it off, causing both jimin and namjoon to turn red. the younger turned around, shuffling away from her and glancing at his boss.

"turn around! what the fuck do you think you're doing?" he yelled.

flustered, he obliged, turning away from her and heading to the living room. then he jumped when the front door bursts open and two men barged in, both skipping to their friend's room. "wait.." namjoon held his hands out, trying to stop the two. but he barely interrupted their momentum as they walked straight through the entrance.

their eyes widened and they immediately slipped while trying to retreat, taehyung falling on jungkook. 

jimin narrowed his eyes and pushed them out to the living room, closing the door behind him, "how did you guys get in?"

"namjoon hyung gave us your pin."

he slowly turned to his boss, anger flaring in his eyes. the older smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head, taking small steps back, "it was because just in case you guys needed our help but you can't get the door, it was for your safety," he protested.

"are you serious?" he exploded into a rage, shouting at him about privacy and actual safety, "what if someone heard you guys? now about twenty people know my pin, don't they? damn it, i have to change it now."

meanwhile, jin was chatting to y/n, all while applying a sort of liquid to her injury.

"so," he started, a cheeky smile spreading across his lips, "you like our little jiminie?"


"i saw your tail, wrapped around his leg like that. don't tell me you don't like him because i know the signs when i see one."

she sighed, "i don't know, it's confusing. he's nice, actually he's great. i feel like he understands me, and that he genuinely wants me to be here for companionship, not any other reason. but nothing will ever work, i am a hybrid, and he's a human."

"so? what'a the problem with that?" he asked, rummaging through his bag for a fresh roll of bandages.

"you think he will want hybrids as children? you think he even wants me to stick around for that long? do you think he even likes me?"

"first of all, trust me, jimin won't care if you're a hybrid or not. and secondly, do you not see how much he cares about you? he yelled at me when i accidentally caused you to hurt your shoulder, and he didn't call me hyung, how disrespectful," he made a disgusted face, "point is, he likes you too, i am one hundred percent sure."

she didn't reply, instead just nodding as he finished off, cutting and sticking the bandage in place before, opening the door to let them in. he was greeted by namjoon getting glared at by jimin, who was leaning against the wall with jungkook in between the two.

"what happened now?" 

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