The Secret's Demise (sequel t...

By bvb_ismy_saviour

6K 176 42

Andy and Hope didn't have the smoothest beginning, but things had gotten worked out and put in place. Will An... More

Escape Plan
Lost and Alone
News, Hate, and Moving On
Schools and Surprises
Visitors and Unexpected Tragedy
The New Addition
The Tattoo Tour
Flashbacks and Problems
Writing, Recovering, and Australian Parents
Life Is A Bitch
The Instruments of the Troubled
Remember When
Concerts and New Friends
A Night to Remember
The Picnic
CC's Shocking News and Ashley's Little Secret
Complicated Love, Engagement Rings, and Drunk Troubles
Footprints in the Sand
Now Entering The City of Chicago
Free Now
A Legal Age
The Search Begins
A New Beginning
Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones
Who The Hell Would Say That To A Girl?
The Church of the Wild Ones
Girl Problems and A Knife
Where Will We Go From Here

Andy In Wonderland

127 7 3
By bvb_ismy_saviour

**** WARNING: This chapter will possibly brake your soul into pieces and crush your heart into a million fragments. I cried while writing it, and now you've been warned. ****

~Andy's POV~

After Hope's party, things are back to normal. Austin Carlile stopped by her tattoo shop and she was overly excited about that. The band and I continued recording the tracks for our new record. That Saturday, we had our make-up interview, and that went quite well. Now it's Sunday, and Hope and I have something to discuss.

"What's on your mind? You seem lost in thought." We were laying in bed still.

"Well, we are living together now, and we haven't really talked about where we want to go or what we should look for and when we should look for something." I didn't really know how to start, so I just blurted everything out at once.

"Oh, yeah. We should start looking, shouldn't we?" She faces me, a smile on her face.

"Yeah. What are you thinking we should look for?" We both start thinking about what we want and where we want it to be located.

"It needs to be big enough for us, the dog, and the cat, but also small enough so we don't have an excessive amount of space. We both have jobs, so somewhere not too far from my shop, and not too far from the studio. We need something not too used, a nice environment." Hope is then interrupted by my phone ringing loudly throughout the room.

I pick up.


"Hey Andy."

"Hey Jinxx. What's up?"

"We need to go to the studio today and record quite a bit. It is closing for renovations starting tomorrow for two weeks. John is trying to find somewhere else we can do the vocals and stuff, but he isn't having much luck."

"Oh, that's not good."

"So, how fast you can you meet us?"

"I just have to get dressed, then its a 15 minute drive with good traffic."

"Just get here ASAP so we can get a lot done today."

"Okay, see you soon."

I hang up and hop out of bed.

"Who was it?" Hope gets up and follows me into the walk-in closet.

"It was Jinxx. I have to go to the studio today. Tomorrow starts a two week renovation, so we need to go in today and get a lot of recording done." She looks slightly disappointed, but then happy.

"Maybe we can look at a few places while you have a break from going to the studio. I'm guessing it's the only time we have bbecause I take it the record is almost done, and then you'll be going on tours to promote it." I see her point.

"Yeah, I think that'll work. I have to go, I'll text you in a little bit to see how long I'll be gone. Bye." I give her a kiss before grabbing my keys and phone and heading out.

~Hope's POV~

Two hours after Andy left to go to the studio, I get a text from Jinxx.

J- Did Andy leave yet? I called two hours ago asking if he'd hurry to get to the studio.

H- He left not even 10 minutes after you called.

J- Hope, call him. Something isn't right.

I don't even answer his text. I dial Andy's number. No answer.

I then call the hospital.


"Hi. I am calling to check if there is an Andrew Biersack who is checked in to the hospital."

"I will check, just a moment." I wait a few seconds, then she speaks again. "Why, yes, there is an Andrew Biersack. He was checked in an hour ago."

"Could you please tell me why he is there?"

"Mr. Biersack was hit by a car. He was at a fast food place and got hit by a car while getting out of his car." Oh my god.

"Is he okay?" I am failing at holding in my tears.

"There is no input for his current condition. May I ask who is calling?"

"I'm his girlfriend. One of his best friends called and asked me if he had left to meet them somewhere. The friend had called Andy two hours ago and apparently Andy never showed up. No one knew anything about where he was and no one could get a hold of him."

"I'm so sorry. Usually we call someone, but his phone was dead when the ambulence arrived."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm on my way to the hospital. Bye." I hang up and grab my keys.

"Jinxx." I call him, crying.

"Hope! Did you find out where he is? Why are you crying?"

"I called the hospital. He's there. They said he was at a fast food place and he got hit by a car. He was checked in an hour ago. I'm on my way over. Meet me there, please."

"Of course. We'll all come."

"Okay. Jinxx..."


"I'm scared."

"Oh, Hope. Don't worry. Andy is strong. He'll pull through, no matter how serious it is or isn't." He then hangs up when I say I am at the hospital.

I run in and the front desk lady comes out from behind the desk and hugs me.

"Have you heard anything?" I am chocked up by sobs, but I need to know.

"He is in surgery. He had quite an impact to the head. He should be just fine, but there is no way of knowing yet. I'm so sorry sweety." I stain her shirt with salty tears. "Do you have anyone else you can call to come and wait with you or do you want me to stay with you until we find anything out?"

"My friends are on their way, but could you wait with me until they get here?" She nods and leads me to the waiting area. I lean over and continue crying into her shoulder.

Ten minutes later, the doors bust open and the four guys rush in.

"Are you Hope's friends?" They nod.

I stand up and walk over to them. I collapse into Ashley's arms, sobbing. He lifts me up and carries me to the couch. I lay down, my head in his lap.

~Andy's POV~

I pull into McDonalds to grab a quick bite to eat. As I'm getting out of my car, I hear honking, squealing, shouting, but it's all too late. The out of control car comes crashing into me and everything goes silent.

I wake up, but I'm not awake. There is another person here.

"Hello. I'm Alice. You seem very familiar." There was a young girl here.

"Where am I?" I rub my head where I smashed it on the ground.

"Well, you aren't dead. You aren't alive either. This is the inbetween. I'm in a coma. Have been for a year. You were hit by a car. You are in surgery right now. They don't know what will happen to you. The accident should have killed you instantly with the impact, but you didn't die. I'm in a coma because I wanted to die. I tried killing myself, but it failed. Sort of. So, what's your name?" She sure talked a lot.

"I'm Andy. Andy Biersack. How old are you?" She is in shock when I say my name.

"Oh my god! I love your music. Wait, are you out of the mental hospital?" Alice is a fan. That's why she recognised me.

"Yeah, I got out a month or two ago. BVB is now working on the 3rd record. And, you never answered my question." She laughs.

"I'm 14. Well, kind of. My birthday is tomorrow. Before you poof either back into the hospital room or poof away to the after life, can you answer a question for me?" I nod.

"Ask away." Her wording about me poofing scared me. Could I really just poof into nonexistence that easily?

"What is your new album about? Is it about a concept? What's the title?" She's lucky.

"Well, beofre I answer, you are quite lucky. We actually just titled it on Friday. So, yes, it's a concept but it is hard to explain. The title is Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones." Her expression turns super happy.

"Wow! That's so cool! You know, I hate how you got hurt and are here, but it's also pretty awesome to have you here and have company. Not many people show up here. I call it wonderland. Everyone thinks you just fall asleep for a while, but really, you show up here in this unknown place. It leaves them all wondering where you are, and you being able to do wonderful things. You could climb up the walls, hang upside down from the ceiling, run as fast as you want through the halls. There are no rules, no limits here." Alice seems like a very nice girl.

"So you are Alice in Wonderland? Very cool." I start to feel like something is pulling me backwards. "I am being pulled away. What room are you in?"

"I'm in room 1115. Good luck. Get better soon, Andy. Nice meeting you." I remember the room number so I can visit her, leave her flowers, something nice.

I blink open my eyes to see doctors leaning over something. They aren't doing anything.

I walk closer and start asking what's wrong. When I look at what they are doing, I am shocked.

My unmoving body is on the opperation table. They have finished the surgery, but I'm not awake. I see my chest rise and fall, so I know I'm alive, but why can I see everything? How can I see everything?

I notice one of the doctors bend down and whisper something to me. "It's all up to you, rock star. Your friends are here, waiting. It's your choice though. You can either fight through this, or go peacefully. Someone must really have plans for you if that car hitting you and landing on you didn't kill you immediately. But it's all up to you from here."

I watch as the doctors wheel the bed through the halls and to a room. I get distracted by the loud sobs coming from the waiting area.

I look around. All of the guys, Hope, Blaze, Danny, Matt, John, they are all there. If only they could hear me, see me. I go and look at each one of them. When I get to Hope, I bend down and kiss her on the cheek. I know she can't feel it, but I want her to.

The doctor who whispered to me walked into the waiting room. I listened to her words.

"Who all is here for Andrew Biersack?" They all stand up. "Which one of you is Hope?" Hope steps forward.

"I'm Hope." The doctor smiles at her.

"Please, come with me." Hope follows the doctor. I follow them.

"Hope, we did surgery to fix him up, we did all we could. He is still alive and breathing, but he hasn't woken up. He lost a lot of blood from the accident. It is a true miracle he survived the car impact and the surgery. It's up to him now though. You can see him, just know that he might not have long." The doctor opens the door to my room and I follow Hope in.

She sits down in a chair at the side of the bed and grabs my hand.

"Andy, I'm so sorry. I know it's not my fault, but you have so many people who look up to you and now you have had it all taken away. I know I can't change what happened, so I'm just going to say, it's okay. You've had a tough life. You are the kind of person who says that you are happy even when you are crying for a not good reason. You are the strongest person I know. To go through everything you've been through takes a strong, courageous, brave person. I know you may not want to hear this, but it's okay if you want to let go. You have gone through so many things and everyone knows. I'll be taken care of, you'll be free, we all love you. I think the guys agree with me when I say that you don't have to hold on. You can let go, you can be free. You've lived an amazing life, you have saved and helped countless people. Andy, you are a fighter. You must be so tired of fighting by now, and that's okay. It's all okay. We understand if you do let go. We all love you. I love you. I love you so much. It's okay, Andy. It's okay." Her tears dripped down onto my hand. I wanted to hold her hand back, but I couldn't.

I suddenly felt something pulling me back. I follow the direction of the pull and it leads me out of the room, through the halls, and out onto a balcony.

The sight it beautiful. The sun was setting, the birds were chirping. It is the perfect night.

A light. A white light. I am tempted to walk to it. I want to know where it will take me. I am at peace. I am tired of fighting, but I don't feel like I've given up. I just feel good.

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