Barriss Offee

Oleh Ewokhunter77

5.1K 451 8

HIGHEST RANKINGS- #1 in #PloKoon & #1 in #BarrissOffee (6th Feb 2019) 1# in: #Barriss, #Offee, #Luminara, #Ba... Lebih Banyak

The Trial Of Barriss Offee
Master Luminara
The Dark Lord Of The Sith
The Great Escape
The Kyber Crystal
Luminara's Vision
Duel Of The Masters
Barriss's Second Escape
Palpatine's Plan
Barriss' Message

The Naboo Hideout

311 42 1
Oleh Ewokhunter77

At the Jedi temple

Luminara sat in her quarters, worrying about her betrayal, but also fearing her 'punishment' for letting Barriss escape.
The worry flowed through her, destroying her usual calm self.
"Master Unduli?" A voice came from the door.
The door slid open, and Master Kenobi entered, sitting cross legged next to the Mirialan Jedi.
"What's troubling you so much? It wasn't your fault that Barriss escaped!"
Luminara sighed. She looked across to the man, who was trying to reassure her.
"I feel worried, Kenobi. Barriss- She said she was going to be killed. I- I don't want her to die, but we could've stopped her from turning! I know the Jedi forbids attachment, but Barriss was one of my best friends! I could've helped her!" She replied, panic showing as she spoke.
Obi Wan felt lost for words for a few seconds.
"Luminara please! It wasn't your fault! We.. you, wouldn't to have known of this 'Sith Lord' to come and take her, none of us sensed it.. apart from.."
Luminara looked down.
"Me" She finished Obi wan's sentence.
Obi Wan loomed at luminara, with curiosity.
"How did you sense him? The Sith? Because none of us could..."
"I- I don't know. I always have had  a feeling when my padaw- former, Padawan was in danger."
Obi Wan looked back at the master.
"We must meditate."
"If we want to bring Barriss back, we need to figure out where she is!" Kenobi answered.
They both sat cross-legged on Unduli's floor, closing their eyes.
"I don't see anything." Obi Wan said.
"I see-

On the Shuttle

"We are approaching landing, my young apprentice." Palpatine spoke to his new apprentice.
Barriss was still admiring the crystal, given to her by Palpatine. She was caught up in a daze whilst staring at the curves and edges of the red crystal.
"Hold on, Offee, we are about to land."
"Yes, Master." She replied, putting the crystal back in the box.
The shuttle carefully landed on the outskirts of Naboo, trying not to catch much attention.
The door of the shuttle opened, and out stepped Palpatine and Barriss. They were greeted by two guards, who escorted them to a speeder that they could travel to the cliffs. Once they arrived, they started to embark up a large path which brought them to an opening near a waterfall.
"Ah. We must both use the force to open this door." Palpatine said to the young girl as he pointed to a large grey door, with carved gold patterns on the front.
Barriss nodded at her master, and at the same time they both used their powerful force connections to carefully slide open he large door. 
"Good. Now, once we go outside, we must stay there. Ok?"
"Yes, Master."
Barriss was the first to enter, followed by Palpatine. The inside was dark, but looked like a huge, empty cave. There were a few pillars, also carved with the same gold patterns.
"Now, before we begin your training, young one, you must construct your.. lightsaber." Palpatine grinned evilly whilst speaking to Barriss.
Barriss' face lit up, but...
"But, I already have a lightsaber." She pulled out the hilt of her old, blue lightsaber, left behind in the cell that she was in, by Master Unduli.
"Nonsense child! That.. Jedi.. weapon is not of any use to us! It was made with the light side of the force, which won't work for you. You need to construct yours with the.. dark side."
Barris wanted to at least hold on to something that reminded her of her good times with the Jedi Order, but hope was lost.
Palpatine led her to a small room, with some parts scattered on a table.
"You must create a lightsaber, and when I return I want it finished."
"W-where are you going?"
"I need to return to the senate. I have to leave every day, but only for a certain period of time. That's why I'm going to train you at night."
He then proceeded to walk out, leaving Barriss trapped in the small room.
"Right.. so I need this.." she muttered to herself, picking up a black tube-like, metal piece to use as a hilt. She then proceeded to add on gold and silver buttons and decorative pieces, before placing in the crystal, which she had kept safely in the box, in her small bag. She sat next to the table on her knees, with her eyes closed as she connected through to the force to create her saber. Finally, her creation was completed, and it was put down carefully onto the table.
"Did I just- make.. a lightsaber?"
She stood up, picking the hilt up before igniting the saber, the blade coming out slowly, leaving a bright red gleam that filled the whole room. She tried to practice some moves before-
A gasp of shock came from behind. Quickly, Barriss turned around, pointing her saber at the shadows.
"Who's there?! Show yourself!"
But, it was just her imagination.. or was it?

At the Jedi Temple

Luminara quickly opened her eyes after gasping of shock, breathing heavily.
"Unduli? Unduli, whats wrong?!" Obi wan quickly got up and put his arm on Luminara's shoulder.
Luminara just stared at the blank wall, her bright eyes wide open.
"Luminara..?" Obi wan waves his hand in front of her face.
Something was wrong. Luminara didn't react, or flinch for that matter. Obi wan quickly got up, and ran to the council chambers.
"Masters! Sorry to interrupt, but it's Master Unduli! Something's seriously wrong!"
Mace Windu and Yoda looked at one another before they both got up and ran with Obi Wan to Luminara's quarters. But when they arrived, Luminara was out cold.
Yoda gave a concerning look to the other masters in the room.
What had Luminara seen??

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