By xoxooprincesss

74.4K 699 516

You moved out to LA from your small hometown to pursue your career in dance. You're currently a freshmen at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Finale)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Another Update!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Season Finale)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Mid-Season Finale)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Comment Time!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Reader Review!
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 16

1.6K 19 28
By xoxooprincesss

* Yea, I tried to wait a little bit longer to release season two, but I got to excited so here you. go. I thought a long chapter would be a great way to start off, and this chapter is reallllly long.Hope you enjoy!*

2 Months Later

It's been two months since my surgery.  The recovery hasn't been easy, but I'm working on it. I've been focusing on strengthening my knee and  physical therapy so I can get back to dancing as quickly as possible. I'm about to start school back in about 2 weeks. It's been a... rough summer. Zion and I haven't talked since the night in my room. I'v kept up with he rest of the guys though, and I've hung out with them a couple times. I always had the thought in the back of my head that Zion and I might get back together, but how the way this summer went I'm not so sure. I turned around to shut the car door, and made my way into the airport lobby.

"Okay, sweetie. This it is."-Mom

"I'll miss you guys. Thank you for everything."

"We'll miss you too, baby girl. Kayla, take care of her while we're gone."-Dad

"I will, Mr. Wilson."

"Call us if you need anything and I mean anything. We'll be on the first flight here."-Mom

"Mom, I'll be fine."

"I know you will. Please just be careful, and listen to Kayla.

"I know. I will."

"If I knew flying you guys out here would get her to listen to me I would have paid for your plane ticket a long time ago."

"Flight 326 to Raleigh, North Carolina is boarding now."-Announcer

"Wow, okay I guess we're boarding early. We love you so much, baby girl."-Dad

"I love you too."

I hugged my parents and saw my mom start to tear up.

"Mom, I'm going to be okay."

"Just-just call us if you need anything, or talk to Kayla. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I know."

I gave my mom one last hug and then they left. Kayla and I walked back to her car and drove back to my apartment. 

"Finally, we don't have to ride in silence. Don't get me wrong I love your parents, but your mom's judgement over my music was getting on my nerves."

"Kayla, you played My Neck My Back."

"It's a catchy song."

I rolled my eyes and she turned the radio on and turned the volume up. I instantly recognized the song. I felt my throat start to tighten as I heard his voice over the radio.  Kayla didn't recognize the voice at first so the song continued to play for awhile. 


I pulled up to the boy's house and opened the door. I heard some music coming from the back of the house near their studio. I opened the door and saw all the guys kind of huddled around.

"Hey, Nessa."-Boys


Zion got up and gave me a kiss then went to grab a water from their fridge.

"This sounds familiar. Is this an old track?"

"Kind of, actually it's the same song from when you came to see us in the studio."-Zion

"Oh, really. It sounds really good."

"Yea, after you came and kind of helped change the lyrics we kept working on it."-Edwin

"Is it finished?"

"Nah, not yet. We got a melody for the last part of the chorus, but can't think of the lyrics."-Edwin

"Can I hear?"

"Yea, sure. Brandon play it back."-Nick

The song started to play and it was the same opening from the studio except the background beat was a little different. It sounded really good, and I could tell the boys were really into it. Instead of Zion opening it was Brandon and Edwin. The chorus started to play and then the track cut off.

"Wow, that's really good. That sounds better than the last time."

"Thanks. You don't happen to be as good at songwriting as you are at singing are you?"-Brandon

"Hmm.. Play it back one more time."

Brandon started playing the track from the bridge and until it cut off at the chorus. I started humming the beginning lyrics, and I didn't realize I was singing my ideas for lyrics out loud.

"Let me step back for a moment....moment... hold me... hold me in all of my broken.."

"Hold up, sing that again."-Nick

"Hold me in all of my broken."

"I like that."-Edwin

"Yea, that's good."-Zion

"Keep going, Nessa."-Brandon

"Uhm okay, let me think... hold me in all of my broken.. mmmm...mmmm... Don't let... don't let me go cause I'm falling.... mmhmm... mhhmmmm..."

"Yo, Nessa, that's good."-Austin

We kept working until we all finished up the chorus. The boys went in and recorded it.

"Baby, I'm tryna tell you I'm sorrryyyyy."-All 

"Yo, that's gonna go crazy."-Edwin

"Thank you, Nessa."-Brandon

"You're welcome."

"It's sad you got all this potential, and we're the only ones who get to hear it. I mean you can sing AND write AND dance. You're a triple threat."-Edwin

"I appreciate it, but I'll leave the hit-making to you guys."

"I'm just saying you're doing the world a disservice."

I stayed and hung out in the studio with them until it go late.

"I'm gonna head home. It's getting late."

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow."

"I gave him and kiss and then picked up my keys to leave.

"Hey, when are ya'll gonna release it?"

"When the time's right."


The song was still playing and then the chorus came. I was listening and then the end caught my attention. The end of the chorus wasn't the same from when I was with them in the studio. I played the lyrics back and my head and it started to make sense. Kayla finally realized the song and rushed to turn the radio off.

"I'm sorry, Nessa."

"Don't be sorry. How were you suppose to know that it would be playing."

I felt my eyes start to water, but I blinked them away.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"


"Nessa, don't shut down. You should really open up and express how you're feeling."

"Oh god, not this again."

We pulled up to my apartment and Kayla parked the car. I got out of the car and walked inside of my apartment.

"Nessa, don't walk away. Let's just talk about this."

"Kayla, stop."

"Nessa, I understand your frustration, but I feel like you would be able to feel better by talking-"

"Oh my god! Kayla, this isn't Dr. Phil! Give it a rest!"

"Nessa, I know that you are agitated and this is draining for you, but after what happened-"

"Kayla, stop! Literally you and my parents have been doing this all summer! I'm fine!"


"Stop trying to fix me!-"


"I don't need to sit around and sing Kumbaya and share how every little thing affects me-"

"Nessa, you're not fine!"

I head her voice start to break and tears start to form in her eyes.

"God, Nessa. I had to find you hyperventilating and having a panic attack on the bathroom floor after your surgery and you won't even acknowledge what happened ever since! You keep ignoring it like everything's fucking peachy! I don't have experience with this stuff and I'm suppose to take care of you! What if that happens again, and-and I can't calm you down. I'm suppose to look after you and make sure if you're okay, but I can't do that if you won't talk to me!"

I paused for a second and took a deep breath.

"I know. I'm sorry. I know taking care of me has been hard on you. I just- it's been a rough summer. "

"I just hate seeing you like this. Like that."

"I know, but just know that I'm good now. I know that I ignored what happened, and just kind of brushed it aside. But that's in the past and that's how I want to keep it. It won't happen again. I promise."

"If you're fine than you can tell  me what happened in the car."

"Hearing the song on the radio just took me by surprise. I mean he didn't even tell me they were going to release it."

"I know."

I felt tears roll down my face and let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"It's kind of funny, actually. He did say they would release it "when the time is right." I just didn't expect him to change the lyrics. They're just-they're hard to listen to."

"Maybe you should talk to him.."

"And say what? Oh, Zion I heard yall's song on the radio the other day. Is there a particular reason why you changed the lyrics let alone to make them about us and didn't even tell me you were releasing it?"

"Well, don' you have a right to get an answer? I mean you helped with the song."

"I changed like three words, and gave a couple lyrics ideas. They already had the concept of the song when they made it in the studio. I just didn't' think it would be Let alone be about us. I guess the timing was just.. "right."

"Well, you don't have to talk about just the song. You can talk about-"

"Nope. I already know what you're going to say."


"Kayla, we're done. I've moved on and so has he. I mean obviously he made it in a song.."

"Some stupid lyrics don't mean anything. He's not even seeing anyone."

"And how would you know that?"

"I might have stalked some fan accounts..."


"What? They always know anything before anyone else."

"We broke up for a reason. I couldn't give him what he deserved in the place the I was in. It's wasn't fair to him for him to give his all to me and me not give my all to him. He deserved better."

"Key word was. Past tense. You said it yourself that you're perfectly fine now."

"That doesn't apply here."

"Yes it does. Come on just talk to him. That's all I'm asking."

"I'll think about it."

"Thank you."

We spent the rest of the night watching old 90s romantic comedies and crashed on the couch. 


I woke up and got into the shower. I got ready for my physical therapy appointment. I put  on some shorts and a T-Shirt, and headed into the kitchen and grabbed a bagel and a water. I looked over and saw Kayla still sprawled out on the couch with a gummy bear stuck to her cheek.






"Mhmhm hmmhmh."


"I'm up I'm up!"

"Good. I'm about to go to physical therapy. You need to get ready for your first day of woorrrrk."

"God, don't remind me. I've gone almost 21 years relying on my parents for financial stability and now they just want to stop."


"Yea yea. Wait, I can drive you to physical therapy."

"Let me tell you what it's like to be a working citizen, Kayla. Being late on your FIRST day at your job will get you NO job, but I appreciate it."

"Whatever. I'm going to go take a shower. Please be careful."

"I will. Hopefully, I'll be back in time so I can see my cute little worker in her uniform."

"Oh, shut up."

I started laughing and she threw a pillow at me. I opened the door and started to shut it but paused before it was closed and peaked my head through.

"Maybe I can even take pictures."


I busted out laughing and she threw another pillow, but I shut the door before it hit me. I got in my car and drove to my apartment. I pulled in and checked in.

"Hey, Nessa."-Myles


"You ready to get started?"

"Yea, who wouldn't wouldn't be ready to go through an hour and a half of painful rigorous exercise?"

"Haha, someone's in a good mood today."

"I guess you could say that."

"Well, since you're so happy how about you start with weighted lunges and then we'll go to leg presses."


I had been going to physical therapy for almost a month and half so the exercises weren't as hard as they used to be. Having a cool helper made it more bearable. My instructor was Myles. He was a pretty muscular dude with brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was really helpful when I wasn't in a good place after my surgery. I didn't want to do anything and I didn't see the need to try and get better. All I could think about was Zion, and he really helped me through that. We became really close friends, and he became somewhere I could really talk to anything about. I finished up my exercises and was extremely tired, but it felt good.

"Proud of you. You did really well today. Can't believe you're the same girl who walked in here a month and a half ago."

"Tell me about it. Glad I'm not that same girl though."

"Yea, me either. I like seeing you like this. Happy."

"It's because of you. You really helped me get through everything."

"As much as I would love to take credit, that was all you. You made a decision within yourself  that you didn't want to have that mindset anymore and you got it done."

"Thanks, Myles."

"No problem. I'll see you next week."

I picked up my keys and headed for the door.

"Actually, Nessa wait up."


"You wanna.. grab a bite sometime? It doesn't have to be anywhere fancy.."

"Uhm...I don't know, Myles. It's still kind of recent... you know everything that happened with Z and me."

"Yea... yea of course, I understand. I'll just see next week then."


I headed for my car and drove to my apartment. Kayla has already left so I decided to take a nap. I napped for like a good 6 1/2 hours. A girl was beat.  I woke up and got in the shower and turned on my playlist. I was finishing up my shower and heard On My Way come on. 

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Every time we do this, it's the same thing. I know when we fight we'll be fine by the morning. You storm out the house, say you're done here. I just let you leave let you go on some dumb shit"

"The irony."

I got out, turned off the music, and sat the edge of my bed. I looked over at my desk and  I felt all the same emotions from that night come flooding back in. I still could hear the hurt in his voice when I thought about it. I missed him every single day, but I had to let him go no matter how much I wanted to be with him. I felt tears coming down my face and quickly wiped them away. I heard my phone buzz and looked down. I didn't even look at the notification. All I saw was his face. It was the picture we took the day he came back from tour. I realized I never changed my lock screen. I kept trying to blink back the tears. I looked back at my desk and thought about what Kayla said. I thought about him, and how I just wanted to hold him again. I sat there just remembering everything we did with each other. Even the times when I just sat there and listened to him talk. It was the little things I missed the most. I missed seeing how happy he got when he found new music he liked or just being able to listen to him talk about things he cared about. I tried to hold back the tears but they came rushing in as fast as the memories did. I wiped my face and took deep breath. I got up off my bed and got ready, and did my hair.


I grabbed my keys and drove. I parked and went up to the the door. Before I knocked the door opened. A girl with long brown hair and green eyes was standing in front of me... with Zion behind her with his shirt off. I looked at him and felt the tears burn in my eyes. My throat was on fire and all I wanted to do was break down and cry.

"Nessa, what are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna head out, Z."-Girl

"Z?" I let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"I'll you later, Z"


 She gave him a quick kiss and I turned to the side and the girl walked passed and got into her car. I felt my face turn hot. Every tear stung as it rolled down my face. I couldn't describe how painful it was. It felt like my heart was completely shattered. 

"Z, huh? I guess every girl calls you that then."

"Nessa, don't start. What are you even doing here?"

He walked inside and I followed him and shut the door.

"I came to talk to you. I didn't know you had company."

"The "company" has a name, and after two months now you want to talk?"

"I heard the song, Zion."

He just sat there and didn't say anything.

"You couldn't even say anything to me?"-Me

"You act like I don't sing with four other dudes on the song, Nessa. It's not just my song."

"Don't do that. You know exactly what I mean."

"Is this what you came all the way out here to talk about? You just wanted to bitch at me about a damn song?"

"Are you being serious right now? You're really trying to flip this around on me?"

"I'm  so sorry I forgot that you just got an automatic pass now that you want to own up to your shit and try and talk! It's been two months, Nessa!  You act like I'm suppose to just give you all of my attention because you just show up at my door! I'm not obligated to tell you what I'm going to do with my life. There are four other guys who would be happy enough to go talk to you about the same song that they worked on too."

"Zion, I'm not stupid! You and I both know what and who those lyrics are talking about! Baby I'm trying to prove it, Can't say these words if it's useless, I know you're searching for something new, But baby I'm still in love with you. Really!"

"The last part of those lyrics would have to be true for it to be about you,  Nessa."

I just looked at him.

"Why are you even here?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. You already gave me an answer."

"Okay, then get out."

I paused and looked at him.

"Hurt's doesn't it?"-Z

All I could see was anger and hurt over his face. I saw him start to form tears in his eyes, but blinked them away. I knew there wasn't any way of reasoning with him like that. He hated me, and I couldn't blame him. I opened the door and turned to leave.

"Not even gonna stay and try to fight?"-Z

"What the hell do you want me to do! You made your feelings very clear so I'm not going to stay here and be your punching bag because you're angry at me for what happened. I tried, Zion."

"No, Nessa. You never did."

I paused and felt the tears roll down my face.

"Remember you're the one who told me to leave. I told you I wasn't coming back."

I paused. 

"Yea. You did, Zion. But I never said I wasn't going to."

I turned around and walked out the door. I got in my car and felt the tears roll down my face. I kept crying until I wiped my face and grabbed my phone. I dialed the number and waited while it rang, then I finally heard a voice pick up. 

"Hey, Myles. I was wondering if you still wanted to grab that bite to eat?"

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