The Hobbit : One Shots

By ElainaHart

27K 507 183

Recently changed this to regular one shot, so it can a modern reader or someone who was born and raised in mi... More

Thorin and The Company X Fem!Modern Reader
Imagine starting a snowball fight with the company
"Baby Mine - Dumbo"
Misty Mountains Cold
Snow Troubles
The Egg
Winter War : The Egg pt. 2
Writer's Block
An Old Friend : The Egg : Part 3
Once Upon A Dream
So, really quick
Lost, Then Found : The Unexpected Journey - Part 1
Beauty And The King - Chapter 1 : (Y/N)
Beauty And The King - Chapter 2 : How Does A Moment Last Forever
I'm taking a break
Lost, Then Found : The Unexpected Journey - Part 2
I'm sorry :(
Lost, Then Found : The Unexpected Journey - Part 3
Happy 4th of July
Bofur x Fem! Reader

As Real As You And Me

1.5K 27 5
By ElainaHart

A/N : I love the movie 'Home' and thought this song was really good, and I have tried to think of a title for this story but I couldn't think of anything but I hope you enjoy the story. I've had this idea in my head for a while but couldn't think of a way to write it without sounding cliche or anything. I also hope this story will make up for my absence, I've just had major writer's block but I didn't want to just abandon this when I've just started. Anyway enough of my rambling, enjoy. I don't own this song, I just really like it.

Warning : Cussing ( that's pretty much it )

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As we passed through the cave walls, heading closer to light, we eventually walk into an opening showing one of the most beautiful places in all of Middle Earth. I stood there next to Bilbo, taking in its beauty while Gandalf walked in from behind us. "The valley of Imladris. In common tongue, it is known by another name." "Rivendell." Bilbo said quietly. "Here lies the last homely house east of the sea." Gandalf continued. Thorin angrily walked towards Gandalf, "This was your plan all along. To seek refuge with our enemy." He stated as he glared at the old wizard. "You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you'll bring yourself." Gandalf retorted. "You think the elves will give our quest their blessing?" Thorin said in disbelief, "They will try to stop us." he continued. "Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered." said Gandalf. Thorin looked as if he was going to talk back but quickly stopped himself realizing he was right. "If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me." Gandalf told the dwarven King.

We began to make our way down the rocky path and descended the stairs and continued until we crossed a small, narrow bridge that lead passed two giant elven statues, walking onto a wide circular path. I stood next to Bilbo who was admiring everything his eyes laid on. I looked down to him with a smile and whispered, "Breath taking, isn't it?" Bilbo looked up to me, "Absolutely breath taking." he replied with a look of awe in his eyes as he continued to look around.

Some of the dwarves weren't quite sure what to do, they all looked either curious or uncomfortable, but it was plainly obvious that Thorin and Dwalin liked it here the least. I caught glimpse of them whispering to each other as they too looked around. I looked up and saw a dark brunette haired elf descend the stairs as he looked over us all, his eyes landing on me slightly longer than when he looked to everyone else, I could the curiosity in his eyes. "Mithrandir." he spoke with his right hand over his heart as he greeted Gandalf. The old wizard turned at the sound of his elven name, "Ah, Lindir." he greeted back. I could here whispering next to me, I looked down my right and saw Thorin leaning into Dwalin's ear, most likely whispering some kind of dwarven insult, from what I could guess anyway. Gandalf and Lindir began to converse in elven, I knew what they were saying to each other, since I have watched 'The Hobbit' more than a hundred times. I knelt down to be right next to Thorin's ear so I could translate for him. "Lastannem i athrannedh i Vruinen." Lindir said. "We heard you had crossed into the valley." Thorin looked at me surprised for a moment before I quickly added, "Like I said before, I know what's going to happen. And I know what is spoken between them, so unless you don't want me to translate for you." I gave him a look. He narrowed his eyes at me for a moment but looked back to the wizard and the elf. "I must speak to Lord Elrond." Gandalf told Lindir with slight urgency in his voice. "My Lord Elrond is not here." the elf responded. "Not here? ... Where is he?" Gandalf asked. Lindir was about to respond but a horn in the distance silenced him as he looked over the wizards shoulder. We turned around to the noise as well and saw a dozen or so horses coming towards us. Thorin yelled something, I think it was in dwarven, and soon all the dwarves were quickly arming themselves. "Closed ranks!" he shouted. Bilbo and I were grabbed and put in the middle of the dwarves. 'At least anything below my waist will be protected.' I said sarcastically in my head as I rolled my eyes.

The elves began circling us on their horses, looking down at us. I could see some of the elves were glancing at him as they continued to circle. After a moment, they came to a halt, I turned to see Lord Elrond on his horse, smiling down to his friend. "Gandalf!" the elven Lord said happily. "Lord Elrond." Gandalf responded fondly. "Mellonnen! Mo evinedh?" Gandalf greeted with his hand over his heart. I knelt next to Thorin again, " My friend. How have you been?" I translated for him. "Farannem 'lamhoth i udul o charad. Dagannem rim na Iant Vedui." Elrond replied as he hopped off his horse and made his way to the wizard. "We've been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass." I translated. "Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near." Lord Elrond told him as he walked behind Gandalf and handed something to Lindir. "Ah, that may have been us." Gandalf said, gesturing his arm toward us. Lord Elrond looked over the dwarves as Thorin made his was to the front of his company. "Welcome, Thorin, Son of Thrain." "I do not believe we have met." Thorin said to the elven Lord. "You have your grandfathers bearing." he said as he looked up and down at Thorin. "I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain." Lord Elrond continued. "Indeed. He made no mention of you." Thorin said, clearly not trying to hide his distaste for the elf. They stared at each other for a moment when Lord Elrond glanced up and looked me in the eyes. Confused for a moment, I looked behind me to make sure he was fully looking at me. I turned back around seeing there was no one and nothing behind me he could possibly be looking at. He looked curious for a moment before asking, "And what might a human woman be doing travelling with the company of dwarves, if I may ask?" he politely asked. "You wouldn't believe if I told you. But if you insist, I'm Gandalf can tell everything I've told him. He'd probably explain better in a way you'd understand." I tried to avoid the conversation entirely. I knew I could possibly trust him enough to help me, and maybe Lady Galadriel as well, to go back to my world but I couldn't go home. 'Not yet anyway' I thought to myself. Lord Elrond nodded understandingly and looked back to Thorin. "Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin." Lord Elrond said without breaking eye contact with the leader of our company.

"What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?" Gloin angrily asked while staring down the elven Lord. I rolled my eyes and before Gandalf could say anything, I blurted over the dwarves shouting, "Oh for crying out loud! He said, 'Light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests.' He offering you food." I told the company after the quieted down. Lord Elrond, as well as the company, Bilbo and Gandalf, looked surprised for a moment, "You speak Sindarin?" Most of the elves around us looked surprised as well, with their eyes slightly widened. "No." I stated simply without breaking eye contact. The dwarves grouped together after they looked at me for a moment, taking in what I translated for them and conversing among themselves. Gloin looked back to Lord Elrond and said, "Ah, well. In that case, lead on." The company began to follow the elves up the stairs but I was stopped by an elven guard, which didn't go unnoticed by Bilbo or the company. I looked up to him with a raised brow, then looked to Lord Elrond. "I wanted to know if you would like to bathe first, my lady." he told me politely with a small smile first. 'Do I smell that bad?' I thought to myself as I looked over my body. Turning my head to Thorin, giving him a look that was silently asking for permission, he nodded, not really caring from the looks of it. I look back to Elrond, "I would like that very much, yes." I smiled back.

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The guard that stopped me began to escort me down the halls and stopped at a door. "This will be your room while you stay." he said with no emotion in his voice. The guard opened the door and revealed the bedroom. As I looked around, I took in everything the room had to offer, it was absolutely beautiful. I took a step in and turned to the guard, "Thank you." I said with a smile, bowing my head respectfully to him. He bowed his head in return and walked away. I walked around the room a bit more trying to take in the whole room. Noticing a small wardrobe in the corner, I open it and see five different dresses, the one that caught my eye was the (F/C) dress. I took it out of the closet, holding it by the hanger and admiring it by running my hand over the fabric, tracing the design with my finger tips.

My thoughts were interrupted by a light knock on my door, I gently laid the dress on the bed and walked over to open the door only to reveal a elven woman standing there. "Oh. Hello!" I said cheerfully, she looked similar to Arwen with the same hair but I could tell it wasn't her. The look on her face seem to show some discomfort and it bothered me so trying to remember some elvish words, I wanted her to feel comfortable. "Oh, uh, I mean, Vedui'. Saesa omentien lle!" (Greetings. Pleasure to meet you!) The elven maiden looked surprised with her eyes wide. "I don't know much elven words, but you looked uncomfortable, so I thought saying something in your language would put you at some ease." I told her with a nervous look on my face. Her face softened and now she wore a small smile on her face, "That is not necessary, I apologize, I came by to bring you to your bath." "Oh! Wonderful! I didn't want to say anything in front of my company but I would like to go one day without smelling like a dwarf." I joked. She chuckled, "I agree. This way."

I followed her through the elven halls until she stopped in front a pair of doors which I assumed to be the bathroom. She helped clean me up, put a robe on and lead me back to my room. When we walked in, she saw the dress I laid out on the bed. "Is this the dress you wish to wear for dinner?" She asked curiously. "Yes, (F/C) is my favorite color, so I was hoping I could wear it but if it's not dinner appropriate, I can always wear whatever you choose." I quickly said and she chuckled at my nervousness. "This dress should be perfect for tonight." she reassured me. "I realized, I never got your name." I told her, curious as to who was helping me. "Calben." she said after a short moment, looking at me over her shoulder. Calben turned to me with the dress in hand, "And yours?" "Oh! Uh, (Y/N)." I told her with a smile. She returned the smile, "Well, Miss (Y/N), I do believe it is time we meet with the rest of your company."

We talked for a little bit longer while she helped me in my dress and also helped with my hair. I was never really a dressy person back in my world but I guess tonight I could make an exception for it. She turned me around to look in the full body mirror and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I didn't recognize myself, so much to the point I kept looking down at myself and back to the reflection in the mirror. "Wow." I quietly said to myself. "I hardly recognize myself." I told her while lightly grazing my face with my fingers. "Lle maa vanima." (You look beautiful.) Calben quietly said with her hands pressed together in front of her mouth. I turn to her, "You think?" I ask her. "Incredibly beautiful, my lady." she said happily. "Now, to get you to dinner. I presume your friends are already feasting as we speak." Calben walked to the door and opened it, gesturing me to go first. I walk out the door and to the railing while she walks out and shuts the door. She begins to walk down the halls leading to where we are going to eat. As we got closer to the dining hall, we could hear the echoes of song being carried through as we reached the stairs and by the time we get there, Bofur was standing on that round thing, center of the room, 'I forget what it's called', as he sang and the dwarves threw their food.

Calben was two steps in front of me as we descended the stairs. Seeing them being so disrespectful, I sighed and loudly cleared my throat trying to get their attention but they continued. "BOYS!" I yelled over their chaos, they stopped and looked in my direction. Every pair of eyes that met the sight of me, were glued on me. Gandalf stood up, "Ah, lady (Y/N), you've finally joined us." he said as he walked toward me. "I see I missed the fun while I was getting ready." I said with a mischievous smile on my face as I linked my arm with the old wizards'. Gandalf walked me over to my seat, I noticed it was still quiet while I sat down and looked over to everyone. "I believe you've stunned everyone with your beauty, my dear." he told me, I just don't think they're used to seeing me like this. Hell, when they found me, I was just in jeans and a sweatshirt. Even Thorin looked surprised by my appearance, I blushed fiercely as I looked down at my plate, trying to avoid everyone's gaze. I looked up again and saw (F/C/M) favorite company member, I blushed harder and turned my gaze to Fili and Kili who were wiggling their eyebrows suggestively and imitating kissing faces. The dwarves finally settled down and ate what was left on their plates while communicating among themselves. Once I was done, Gandalf, Elrond, Thorin, Balin, and Bilbo walked off, but I sat there, planning to spend some time with the dwarves while they looked over the map but Gandalf had something else in mind as he tapped my shoulder, "Are you coming, my dear?" "I wasn't planning to, no. I already know what you're going to discuss, I didn't think I needed to be there." I explained, slowly standing from my seat. "Non sense, my dear. Just come to us when you've finished eating." Gandalf said as he patted my shoulder. I sat back down and try to finish my plate quickly.

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I walked down the halls after I finished my plate, heading towards the library where Gandalf said to meet everyone else. I wasn't sure exactly where the room was but I heard voices echoing through the hall, it sounded like Lord Elrond and Thorin. "Your pride will be your downfall." I heard Gandalf say, I assumed to Thorin while I continued walking to an approaching archway. I stood in the archway with one hand on the wall as I peeked my head in. "You stand here in the presence of one of the few in Middle Earth who can read that map." Gandalf continued. I walked in a bit more, slowly making my way to stand next to Bilbo. He looked up to me, I smiled to him, he returned the smile, then we looked back up to Gandalf. "Show it to Lord Elrond." He aggressively told Thorin. Thorin looked a bit hesitant before finally reaching into his pocket inside his shirt. "Thorin, no." Balin tried to stop Thorin but he held a hand up and took a step towards the elven Lord, handing him the folded map. Elrond opened it and examined it for a second before saying, "Erebor?" He looked up to Thorin's eyes. "What is your interest in this map?" Elrond pressed. Thorin was about to speak but Gandalf cut him off, "It's mainly academic. As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text." Elrond looked to the wizard, not convinced by his words. I saw Gandalf give Thorin a look while Lord Elrond walked away a bit, Thorin gave Gandalf a thankful look. "You still read ancient dwarvish, do you not?" The old wizard asked as Lord Elrond lifted the map to get a better look at it. He said something I couldn't hear but Gandalf did, "Moon Runes? Of course." Gandalf said quietly. "An easy thing to miss." he looked to Bilbo and I. "Well, in this case, that is true." Lord Elrond looked at the map more as he continued, "Moon runes can only be read by the light of the moon ... of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written." Elrond turned to us again, placing the map by his waist while still holding it in his hands. Thorin looked to the elven lord with slight hope in his eyes, "Can you read them?" he asked.

Lord Elrond nodded and began to lead us to his moon rune reading stone. Bilbo and I hung back from the group as he lead us. I leaned down to talk into his ear so only he could hear, "Stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon a keyhole." The halfling looked up to me with a confused expression on his face, "What does that mean? Is that the map says?" I simply put an index finger to my lips telling him to stay quiet, "You'll see soon enough." Elrond finally brought us to an open area, on the side of a cliff, with waterfalls surrounding us. He walked over to a table that looked as if it was made from crystals, "These runes were written on a Midsummer's Eve... " Elrond laid the map on the table, " the light of a crescent moon nearly 200 years ago. It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell. Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield." he said looking to Thorin for a moment then to the moon being hidden by the clouds. "The same moon shines upon us tonight." he added. We all look to the crescent moon as it shines through the clouds. As the moon beams lit up the crystallized table, the map began to glow a hidden text on the map in which everyone began to try and read the glowing message. "Stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks ... and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day ... will shine upon a keyhole." Lord Elrond read aloud to us and Bilbo looked up to me surprised, no doubt remembering I told told him the same exact thing not even 15 minutes ago. Seeing as Bilbo didn't say what he was supposed to immediately after, Thorin broke the silence, "This is ill news. Summer is passing. Durin's Day will soon be upon us." he said directing his attention to Balin. "We still have time." Balin reassured. "Time? Time for what?" Bilbo asked curiously. "To find the entrance, we have to be standing in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. Then, and only then, can the door be opened." Balin continued. "So this is your purpose, to enter the mountain?" Lord Elrond finally speaks up. Thorin looked annoyed that the elf even asked, "What of it?" "There are those who would not deem it wise." the elven lord said while handing the map back to Thorin as he snatched it away. "What do you mean?" Gandalf asked Elrond. "You are not the only Guardian to stand watch over Middle Earth." Lord Elrond said as he walked away, his hands behind his back. On my way back to my room, Dwalin stopped me as I put my hands on the door handle, "Tomorrow morning, after we eat, you have sword training with me." From the look on his face, he clearly didn't want to argue so I simply nodded, "Okay. Goodnight, Master Dwalin." I said with a smile. He grumbled something under his breath as he walked away, back to the company, I assume.

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The next morning, I woke up with the sun in my eyes causing me to turn over. Seeing as how I wasn't going to fall back to sleep, I lazily sat up and sat on the edge of the bed. I had my backpack as close to me as possible since I got here, I reached over and brought it to my lap. I opened the zipper and pulled out my phone, just staring at it in my hands. It died the week after I arrived here and I haven't been able to use it since. 'The only thing to remind me of home and it doesn't even work' I thought sadly. I let out a heavy sigh as I flopped back on the bed. I think I laid there for about 20 minutes before my self loathing was interrupted by someone knocking, I stood and walked over to open the door, I looked around to see no one until I looked down and saw Bilbo standing there. "Good morning, Miss (Y/N)." he said with a bright smile on his face. I smirked as an idea came to mind, 'I won't do it to Bilbo though.' "Good morning, Master Baggins." I replied back with an equal smile. "Can I help you?" "I was wondering if I could walk with you to breakfast." he asked. "Sure, let me get changed real quick and then I'll join you. I'll only be a minute or two." I shut the door and threw on the clothes I showed here in, 'These are definitely gonna make me stand out' I thought while I looked at myself in the full body mirror, I simply shrugged, not really caring. I opened the door again then closed it after walking out, "Come on." I said as we began to walk a slow pace to the dining hall.

I looked down to Bilbo and he seemed nervous, like he wanted to ask something by was a bit hesitant to. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked to the hobbit, "What's bothering you?" I asked quietly not wanting to startle him. "Do you know if we survive this quest?" I was surprised by his question, but I guess I understood it since I have predicted what was going to happen after they found me. "Bilbo." I said, kneeling down so I'm eye level with him, "You and everyone in the company is going to be okay by the time we reach the mountain and you will return home. I understand your worry, but I promise to tell you of any upcoming dangers that may be life threatening." I gave him a reassuring smile. Bilbo looked me in the eyes as he slowly returned the smile. We walked down the stairs to see everyone beginning to eat. "Good Morning, Miss (Y/N) and Master Bilbo." Gandalf greeted us as he walked towards his seat. I smiled as I immediately turned to him, "What do you mean?" I asked him with, what I assumed, the same curious face he made to Bilbo when he met him in the Shire. Gandalf looked at me with a raised eyebrow as the company fell silent to my question. I smirked and continued, "Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not?" I could hear Bilbo chuckling beside me as Gandalf gave me a small smile and a knowing look. "Or you perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning." I could see some of the dwarves trying to stifle their laughing as they ate and Lord Elrond, and surprisingly Thorin looked mildly amused. "Or are you simply stating this a morning to be good on?" I finished with a victorious grin on my face. After a moment of silence, Bilbo and I broke it with our laughing. The dwarves joined in as well almost immediately after and some of the elven maids and servants that were present.

The elves played the music again as we ate. Bilbo went to sit at the same table as Gandalf while I went over to sit with Thorin, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Bombur, Bofur, Ori, Dori, and Nori. I looked around and couldn't find any of the other dwarves. They looked at me with amused faces as we ate. "That was rather clever, lass." Bofur praised me. "Thank you." I said looking to him with a slight blush. "I've got to remember that one. Might use it on Uncle." Kili said quietly to his brother, chuckling at the idea but I think Thorin heard since he glared at his nephews immediately after. Dwalin just shook his head as his shoulders mildly shook from his laughter, "Hopefully you're as talented with a sword as you are with your wit." Dwalin told me as he took the last bite of his meal. "Are you sure we should train today?" I asked staring at my bowl. "Are you trying to get out of training, lass?" the old warrior asked me sternly, clearly not liking me asking me that kind of question. "No, I'm just wondering if you wanted to take your afternoon nap before we train." I looked up to him with a smile. "Wouldn't want you to fall asleep mid training or break a hip." I said stifling my laugh through my nose. Dwalin glared at me but I found my joke too funny to be intimidated by his stare. Thorin huffed a quick laugh. 'Probably not laughing at my joke but because he knows Dwalin could kick my ass if he wanted to.', I thought.

Dwalin leaned back a bit to straighten his back, his eyes not leaving mine. "You know, lass. I was going to take it easy on you today since you are new to this but I've changed my mind. I'm not going to hold back, so prepare yourself, lass." he told me standing up from his seat. I stood as well, towering over him, "Challenge accepted, old man." He growled lowly but I think he could tell I was only teasing him. Before I walked off with Dwalin, Bofur grabbed my arm, "Be careful, lass. He may be old but he is strong and ruthless in training. Teasing him will make your training worse." I smiled at the concerned dwarf, "I know. I don't wanting him treating me differently just because I'm human or a woman. Plus, no enemy will hold back or go easy on me, so why would I want him to?" I motioned my head towards Dwalin as he waited for me by the foot of the stairs. The dwarves at the table looked surprised by my comment but Bofur seemed to understand since he nodded to me. "Good luck then, lass." he said. I walked off with Dwalin to where he planned to train me.

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The area chose to train in was a pretty open spot and the sun was out and no clouds to be seen. Dwalin and I were currently fighting shirtless and pants. Well, he was shirtless, I had a sports bra at least or else I'd be wearing a tunic or tank top, sweating far worse than I am now. I panted heavily halfway through our training, holding myself up on my knees with my hands. I could literally see the sweat dripping off me as I took a quick break. My arms were beyond sore but every time I tried to surrender, he'd simply force me to stand again and tossed me my sword, "Your enemy won't let you take breaks. You need to learn to fight through the pain until one of you are dead. Don't give up just because your body wants to." " my...body refuses...TO WORK!" I yelled to him while I swung the sword at him as hard as my body would let me. "Fight through the pain!" He demanded. I eventually gave up, nothing wanted to work anymore, my body felt like jell-o as I laid on the ground, panting as if I ran around Middle Earth non-stop. Dwalin walked over to me and helped me sit up, handing me a cup of water. I could hear laughing from the side of me, 'When did they get here?' I thought as I stared at the company, they all had an amused look on their faces. I glared at them but couldn't form words, so I just drank the water. Dwalin stood there chuckling while he looked down to me. I glared up to him, "Are all dwarves assholes or is it just you?" I growled through my teeth. He laughed at that and walked away. "Why don't you give the lass a break, Dwalin?" Bofur offered. Dwalin looked over to him and glared, "She's clearly worn from your training lesson. You can't make her go non stop, brother." Balin added. The old warrior rolled his eyes before looking down to me, "Fine." he grumbled and went to talk with his brother and best friend.

Bilbo walked down the stairs and handed me a small towel to dry myself off. When I looked up to him, I could see a sympathetic smile on his face. He sat down next to me, "Are you alright?" "I'll live." I told him before I took another drink. "I'm just not used to...this." I gestured my hand toward everything. "I wish I was back home, I didn't have to deal with all this shit." I stared down into my cup, "But what can I do? I can't leave, I don't even know if I can, so I might as well suck it up and deal with what get's thrown at me, right?" I downed the rest of my cup and stood up to stretch, preparing for whatever Dwalin had planned for me next. Dwalin walked back over to me, "You ready, lass? I'm going to give you a real lesson this time. Before was punishment." he handed me my sword again.

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We kept training until some of the elven servants came to tell us dinner is almost ready. I sheathed my sword and walked behind the rest of the company with my head down. And as we walked through the halls, I over heard some of the dwarves up front talking about how they couldn't wait to see Erebor. Balin was telling them about the great halls and the treasure room, the more they talked of their home, the more it made me miss my home. Tears were threatening to spill and Bilbo noticed, I started to slow down so the company wouldn't notice me slip away and Bilbo matched my pace. When they turned the corner, I stopped completely and so did the hobbit next to me. He looked to me and placed a hand on my forearm, "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" The only answer I gave him was me falling to my knees and bursting into tears. Bilbo almost immediately knelt along side me and held me in a sideways like hug, trying to comfort me the best he knew how. "I just want to go home." was all I whispered. He ran his hand through on top of my hair in a comforting way. We sat there for a good while before I finally wiped my tears and tried to clean my tear stained face with my sleeve. Bilbo helped me stand and led me towards the dining area. Right before we turned the corner, I took a deep breath and put on a smile, hoping they wouldn't notice my red eyes. When I walked into view with Bilbo right behind me, Bofur immediately noticed me, "Where'd you go, lass?" I looked up to him, "Bilbo and I were looking at some of the paintings on the walls." Bilbo hesitantly nodded, trying to agree with me, I could see Gandalf narrowing his eyes in disbelief as he could probably tell we were lying but didn't say anything. "Oh." said Bofur, "Well, we were asking you questions but when we turned around, you weren't behind us anymore." "Oh. I'm sorry. What were your questions?" I asked politely.

The part of the company I sat with asked all kinds of questions about my world. Questions about type of music, dancing, culture, courting, and all kinds of other things. Eventually we finished eating but everyone was to engrossed in their conversations to move somewhere else and I moved to sit at the same table as Gandalf, Lord Elrond, and Bilbo. The old wizard looked over to me, "Why don't you play us a song, my dear?" I nearly spit my drink from the sudden question. "What?" I asked after swallowing my drink. "Sing us a song. One from your world." he continued. I nervously looked around to see if anyone had heard him but thankfully only our table heard his question. "Uh, no. I can't sing." I told Gandalf. "Nonsense, yesterday as I walked through the halls, I heard singing coming from the bathing room (I have no idea what Middle Earth bathrooms are called) and asked who was singing such a lovely song. One of the elven told me it was you, Miss (Y/N)." 'Calben, that traitor.' I thought. 'I was singing one of my favorite songs from my favorite movie back in my world just to help pass some time, I didn't think anyone other than her heard me'. Gandalf tore me from my thoughts, "I was wondering if you could sing the same song again." Before I had a chance to reject his idea again, Bofur seemed to hear his statement because I saw his head pop up over the dwarves out of the corner of my eye. He stood and made his way to our table, "What about a song?" he asked with a grin on his face,  most likely thinking ... well, who knew what the hell that dwarf was thinking. "Ah, Master Bofur. I was just asking Miss (Y/N) here," he gestured his hand in my direction, "if she would sing a song for us." he told Bofur with a smile. The funny hatted dwarf turned to me wide eyed, "You can sing, lass?" Bofur practically shouted from his surprise. The rest of the company turned in our direction, no doubt from Bofur making a commotion.

I placed my head in my hands, too embarrassed to even look at anyone right now. "Who's going to sing?" I could hear Kili ask. "No one!" I shout was muffled but I knew they could hear me. I looked up to, placing my hands on the table, "No one is singing." I said loudly. "Why not? I sang yesterday, I'm sure voice is far lovelier than mine." he said giving me a cheesy grin. I looked around to see if I could make a quick get away but there were too many dwarves blocking my path. "Sing! Sing! Sing!" I could hear Fili and Kili chant and soon most the dwarves were chanting 'Sing!' as I sat contemplating on where I could hide all their bodies. I started to get a headache from their loudness, so I threw my arms up, "Fine!" I yelled. It was silent again, "I'll sing this one time, but I'm not singing again for you lot after." They made a path for me as I stood up and made my way to the elves that were still had their instruments in hand. I walked over to the one that had a guitar like instrument and silently asked permission to play it. He gently handed to me and I bowed my head to him respectfully, quietly adding a 'Thank you' as I walked over to where everyone could see me. I looked up to see all eyes on me, which wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't so quiet that you could hear a pin drop in the next room. Looking down back at the 'guitar', I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and began to strum the strings. (I know the song is played on a piano but please just pretend)

" There could be a freak accident
There could be a fatal disease
I know we hate to think about it
But it's as real as you and me
It's as real as you and me

We could all fall down
Before our Saviour could return
I know we hate to think about it
But it's as real as you and me "

I sang with my eyes closed, too afraid to look up since it was still quiet. I strummed the strings as delicately as possible.

" If I should goHold my handIf I should leaveDarling comfort me, please

The earth could quake to ruinWe could drift off in our sleepI know we hate to think about itBut it's as real as you and meIt's as real as you and me "

Gaining a bit of courage, I looked up to see everyone watching me intently with a look of awe in their eyes. Lord Elrond and the other elves almost seemed to be entranced with my song. Bilbo listened as if it was the most beautiful thing he's heard. Thorin had his eyes closed and arms folded with a small content smile on his face, clearly relaxed by my song. I smiled lightly and continued to play. 

 "The ocean crush the shore
And take us down forevermore
I know we hate to think about it
But it's as real as you and me

If I should go
Hold my hand
If I should leave
Darling comfort me, please

I know we hate to think about it
But it's as real as you and me
It's as real as you and me "

After I was done, there was a brief silence before the dwarves cheered and applauded me. So did the elves, along with Gandalf and Bilbo. I stood and made a quick bow before walking over back to the elf and handing him back the instrument. Still embarrassed from being the center of attention for a few moments, I told everyone 'Good Night' before walking briskly back to my room. "Miss (Y/N)!" I heard my name called right before I could get in my room. Turning to see who called my name, I was surprised to see Thorin walking to me. "Tomorrow, we leave. Pack what you can carry and be ready to move." I stood there for a moment, shocked. "You want me to come with you still?" "Why would you ask that?" his eyebrows furrowing. "I thought you were going to leave me here and just continue your journey without me." I told him, I thought he was just going to leave anyway and I'd have to catch with them when I left with Gandalf, since they do leave without him. "I'm sure some of them would be disappointed if you weren't there, they seem to have taken a quick liking to you. And your sword has improved enough to at least not get you killed by an orc immediately." I gave him a look that said 'Gee, thanks.' Swallowing the comment, I looked Thorin in the eyes, "Well, if that's the case, then I'll get packed before bed and meet you in the morning." He simply nodded and walked away. I walked into my room and shut the door with my back to it, 'I'm sure he would've told me that regardless of the song but still.' I smiled to myself taking the complement he gave before he left. I packed my backpack with what I came with, while doing so, I also tried to think of plans for what was to come. The goblin caves, Beorns' house, Mirkwood, Laketown, Smaug and then the battle after. 'One thing at a time.' I thought to myself. After I was done putting my stuff in my bag, I tripled checked to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. Once I made sure I had everything, I fell right in my bed, falling asleep as my head hit the pillow. Tomorrow was definitely going to be interesting.

I didn't abandon this story, I'm so sorry for being gone. I tried to make this story as long as I could so that way I could hopefully make up for it. I've had a lot of writer's block lately and I've been trying to think of how to finish up Part 3 of The Egg and also two requested stories but after I finish those I'm thinking about starting a new story. An OC modern reader and their best friend in Supernatural or Once Upon A Time or something, so that way I'm not stuck with the same story. But hopefully you enjoyed the story and will be patient for the other stories, I'm almost done with The Egg : Part 3 I just can't think of a ending for it right now. Anyway hope you enjoyed, again I apologize for my absence.

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