灰色オオカミ「Grey Wolf」

By namjin_namjoonjin

22.7K 1.2K 122

Park Jimin is a foreign student at Bismuth Royal Academy, a luxurious boarding school in the Southern Europea... More

Author's Note
Phase 1
Phase 1.1
Phase 1.2
Phase 1.3
Phase 1.4
Phase 1.5
Phase 1.6
Phase 1.7
Phase 1.8
Phase 1.9
Phase 1.10
1K reads
Phase 1.11
Phase 1.12
Phase 1.13
Phase 1.14
Phase 1.15
Phase 2
Phase 2.1
Phase 2.2
Phase 2.3
Phase 2.4
Phase 2.5
Phase 2.6
Phase 2.7
Phase 2.8
Phase 3
Phase 3.1
Phase 3.2
Phase 3.3
Phase 3.4
Phase 3.5
Phase 3.6
Phase 4.1
Phase 4.2
Phase 4.3
Phase 5
Phase 5.1
Phase 6
Phase 6.1
Phase 7
Phase 7.1
Phase 7.2
Phase 7.3
Phase 7.4
Phase 7.5
Phase 8
Phase 8.1
Phase 8.2
Phase 8.3
Phase 8.4
Phase 8.5
Phase 9
Phase 9.1
Phase 9.2
Phase 9.3
Phase 9.4
Phase 9.5
Phase 10
Phase 10.1
Phase 10.2
Phase 10.3
Phase 10.4
Phase 10.5 : THE FINAL

Phase 4

202 13 0
By namjin_namjoonjin

⚠️Frequent change of POVs ahead⚠️

Jimin's POV

"It happened in Heraklion, the capital city of the Kingdom of Crete. 'What lovely clothes...' A girl looked at the dress on a mannequin. Just then the mannequin turned her head to the girl and the eyes glowed red, hypnotizing the girl. 'Then come over to the changing room.' And when the girl walked into the department store... the girl tried on the dress and looked in the mirror and then a woman from the mirror's reflection tried to eat the girl... AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I was listening to the story Taehyung was telling and found myself screaming along to him. "I got you! I got you! Jimin, you're such a coward!" "Well, that's because you suddenly screamed in my ear. Sheesh..." I said and took out a letter, more like a shopping list. "Is that a shopping list?" Taehyung asked. "Yeah, my cousin sister back home asked me to get lots of stuff. Let's see... Three white cotton blouses, one with a tartan checkerboard pattern, shoes, socks, a glass pen, a blue rose... What exactly is a blue rose?" "You don't know, Jimin?" "Nope." "A blue rose is..."

Taehyung said as he opened a book to show me the picture of the blue rose. "...this! A blue diamond, the national treasure of the Crete royal family. But it was stolen during the war, and now nobody knows its whereabouts. What your sister wants is a replica of this. It's a glass paperweight sold at Talos, an old department store." He continued. "I see." "Aww, you're so lucky you get to go shopping in Heraklion. Since you're going, I'll lend you this book of ghost stories." He gave me a stack of books... sigh... why is everyone so obsessed with ghost stories? "T-Thanks." "By the way, what did your sister send you?" I remembered the present I was supposed to give. "That's right. I need to head over to Yoongi's place. Taehyung, thanks for telling me about all that stuff. See you later!" I said as I walked away." "Who's Yoongi?" I heard Taehyung asking me but i didnt reply him back any made my way to the library.

"I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored! I'm bored! I'm bored! I'm so horribly bored." Was what Yoongi has been telling me for the past 15 minutes since I had been in the library. "S-Say, Yoongi, can I tell you something? I'm going to Heraklion tomorrow-" "Jimin!" Yoongi cut me off "By tomorrow, get yourself incorrigibly wrapped up in another life-threatening case." "Why?! No, thank you! It'll be all right." "I'll solve it for you right away if you catch me in a good mood. Just to fend off boredom." "Oh, that reminds me. Here, a present. To fend off your boredom." I handed him the present after unwrapping it. "A present? Something barely comprehensible as usual, I'm sure- "

Yoongi stopped what he was saying and looked carefully at what I was holding. "What is that?!" He asked me in a very amused voice. "It's a hanbok from my country. She sent it after I told my big sister about you in a letter. I thought maybe you could use it as sleepwear. Want it?" "Yes!" "I'm glad you seem to like it. So, Yoongi, you fasten the ribbons like this-" "I don't need you to spoon-feed me the details! There's nothing my wellspring of wisdom can't do." He said looking very proud. Ugh... his pride. "Yoongi, seriously..." "I'm in the middle of reading a book. If you don't have any cases for me, why don't you just put that down over there and go away? Good-for-nothing!" "Unbelievable... Well, I do have a lot of preparations to make for tomorrow... Okay, I'll put this down here. Sorry I disturbed you." I put the hanbok next to him and walked back to the dorms.

Yoongi's POV

I waited till I heard the library doors close. "This is so pretty!" I held up the fabric in my hands. I loooovvvveee pretty thingsss... "Hanbok! Hanbok! Jimin gave me a Hanbok! Hanbok!" I sang while walking back home. As soon as I got back to my room, I took off my clothes and went to the shower, when I came out, I tried on the hanbok Jimin gave. I was going to pick up on of the pieces when I looked at my hands... the bruises were still there but I don't care. "That good-for-nothing said to use it as sleepwear. Is this a belt? There's no buckle. Is this a ribbon? Why is it so long?" I tried to put it on and looked into the mirror. I looked like a present wrapped by a toddler.

(A/N thats the Hanbok Jimin gave. Yoongi had trouble with the ribbon in the front.)

Jimin's POV

After putting my stuff in my luggage, I read the books Taehyung gave me. "'The Vagrant Who Worshiped Demons'... He would sacrifice kidnapped children by... huh? Hanging them with the linings of their own clothes? That's ridiculous." I said to myself and closed the book. I was late already and I needed to get up early.

*The next day*

I was walking towards the school gates when I saw Hoseok-ssaem running to me. "Good morning!" I greeted him "Jimin, nice timing! Actually, I..." he tripped and fell down. "Are you okay?" "My glasses, my glasses..." He tried to feel where his glasses were. I picked them up and handed it to him. "Here they are. Are you hurt?" "Thank you. You're such a gentleman, Jimin... Ah! I almost forgot what I came here for! Listen, and don't panic! You see, Yoongi is..." Huh?? I listened to Hoseok-ssaem and heard that Yoongi had caught a cold last night. Sigh... I wanted to visit him but it was really late for me, I needed to catch the train, so I wrote him a letter and asked Hoseok-ssaem to hand it to him.

Yoongi's POV

ACHOOOO "Here. This is from Jimin." Hoseok handed me a letter. My head felt like a ton of bricks was on it. "Yoongi, I hear you caught a cold. You're so silly! So, about tying that ribbon..." that idiot drew how to tie the damn ribbon. "This too. He insisted, to "fend off boredom". He went all the way back to the dorm to get it for you." Hoseok continued. I used the letter to wipe my nose and threw it away.

Jimin's POV

Huh. So this is Yoongi's... I stood in front of a house in a maze in the school compound and saw Hoseok ssaem coming outside. "How is he?" "All he does is sneeze. And his face was really red..." Hoseok ssaem answered and handed me a letter. I opened it and read the content. "Idiot?!" was written on the paper. "Oh my!" Hoseok ssaem said and giggled. "W-What the hell?! You're the one who's an idiot! A boy as mean as you won't be getting any presents from me! Goodbye!" I said and walked away.

Third Person POV

Yoongi heard everything Jimin shouted but he had no energy to argue back. "Presents...?" he said sadly. Just then, Hoseok came into his room to check on him. "Hey, Hoseok... About Jimin..." "Oh, he said he's going on a trip to Heraklion. It seems he has some shopping to do." Yoongi sat up on his bed and started to mumble "A trip? I see, stupid Jimin. You left for a trip? All by yourself... ACHOOOOO"

Jimin, on the other hand, was already on the train to Heraklion. "Excuse me. This seat isn't taken, I take it?" someone asked Jimin but the train slowed down suddenly so the person's unusual hair got into Jimin's "What the...?!" "I-Inspector?" "You... What a coincidence. Actually, I've been summoned by the police headquarters in Heraklion." Namjoon explained. "Oh." "It seems that several works of art stolen during the Great War are appearing on the black market recently. And so, a VIP at headquarters has called for the assistance..." Namjoon went on but Jimin's mind was occupied with something else.

Jimin's POV

I wonder if Yoongi is staying warm and resting in bed..."called for someone possessing superior intellect, namely, me." Tiny little Yoongi. He's arrogant, cheeky, and demonic... But, oddly enough, I can't get him out of my mind... That's right. In the village... Your hearts will never be apart. Yoongi saved me. With all his might... "And it's not just illicit trade. Lately, there has also been a string of disappearances in the capital. The missing are young women and children, who, for example, go out shopping one day and-" "Why? Why are you the one who's here with me, Inspector?" I asked Namjoon. "That's my line!" He said and turned to another side. After the long train ride, we reached to Heraklion. "Well, boy, be careful not to get swallowed up by the darkness of the city." Namjoon warned me before going. "Thanks."

"Crete, Crete, Italian, Crete... Swiss... Chinese?" I heard a kid say as I passed him on the street to the way to Talos. The department store was huge. So this is Talos... I gulped and went inside. "Um, the blue rose..." I looked around to find the Blue rose. "Sir... Excuse me, but which country are you from?" I turned to my right and saw an employee asking me. "Um, it's in the East..." I replied to him. "If you're looking for the blue rose, it's on the top floor. Shall I take you there?" "N-No. I'll be fine on my own." I went to the top floor using the lift. It was too quiet when I got there. This is where he said they'd be... I knocked on a random door but no one answered so I went in. "Excuse me..." i looked around and saw it... the blue rose was in a box on a table. "There it is!" I took it and held it in my hand and looked it closely. "Who's there?!" I heard someone say and I let go of the rose in surprise.

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