Chemically stringed (Dysfunct...

By Zoesimple

475 103 13

Dysfunctional hearts series circles around four unlikely childhood best friends that made a pact to always s... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six

Chapter fifteen

22 4 0
By Zoesimple

Every time I go visiting Amber who lives at the end of the Estate, I tend to feel like I'm going back in time thinking back to the days when I once lived here with my friends. We were young and happy until things went sour for Audrey and they moved out.

After they left, it felt as if a part of our lives had been ripped from the rest of us because the Estate which I used to love didn't feel so special anymore being that Audrey's house had become our meeting point after they moved in because of her handsome elder brothers that were fun to look at. In fact, almost all the girls in the Estate were secretly attracted to them so every one tried to make friends with Audrey but luckily for us, we were the only ones that could make it to the top of her friends list so we had free tickets visiting her and seeing her brothers any time we wanted and trust me, it was like being in the honours list

In a way, it was hard on the children of the Estate because their part Hispanic princes were gone but Personally, it was harder for me because Audrey who Jades bossy tentacles couldn't reach, and our new ring leader who could easily put Jade in her place had left leaving Jade to seem as if she's in charge again when deep down she knows I'm the boss. It was hardest on Jade who claimed to have been heart broken because her beloved Dominic had left her. We continued to visit yes, but it was different from being in the Estate with them.

Soon next Jade left and that worsened the situation of things for me because even though Jade is a lot, she still means a lot to me that's why when my dad bought our new house and moved us out, I felt liberated and happy to start a new life but I felt bad for Amber who was left alone and unable to move out of her fathers mansion. I still feel bad for her because she's remained lonely and its what drove her to looking for affections from older guys

I miss the good old days a lot but I love nowadays. our separation was like a test to our friendship because when two friends who were neighbours get separated, the friendship automatically ends most at times not to mention four but our friendship only grew stronger as we pledged to stick together no matter what. What sealed the deal is the code, and the fact that we attend the same school.

I sigh as Kai's truck passes by our former houses and I hear Jade sigh too because our line of thoughts are in the same direction. This is one of the few times that Jade and I are thinking the same thing because we never do.

We soon arrive at the gate of the gigantic white Grey mansion then Jade Holla's at one of the security guards or gate keepers in uniform that are standing by, to open the gate with her head out of the car window because they don't just let any one in except for familiar faces for security reasons.

As soon as we enter into the big front yard that has a shaded hammock close to a large pool, and artificial trees planted by the corners close to the fence, the gate gets locked again.

"Why bother closing the gate when I'm about to leave" Kai complains as he pulls over

"This is the mayors house so security is necessary" Jade explains "why don't you come in with us Kurt? Amber's a sweet girl and she'll like an extra company"

"Its Kai and Nope I'll just wait in the car"

"You're waiting?" I ask in shock and confusion

He shrugs "If you won't take long"

"No we wont" Jade hurriedly says and pulls me along with her towards the mansion "Let's go before he changes his mind"

"I don't want him to wait for us especially if we might be taking long" I say in protest

"I don't think we will and he isn't waiting for us, he's waiting for you" She makes clear flatly

"Why would you think that?"

"Because he was staring at you when he was talking" She looks at me suspiciously "Did something happen between you two?"

"Nope" I quickly shake my head trying not to seem suspicious

"I know you like Owen and all that stuff but are you sure you don't perhaps have feelings for Kai as well?" She asks cautiously

The question makes my heart skip then I shake my head again "Certainly I don't" I think it for a bit and shake my head with more certainty than the first "I don't like Kai in that way"

"Whatever then" She shrugs it off and rings the door bell

Almost immediately, the door opens and Marlene appears. She's a tiny old lady with completely grey hair who she and her husband has been working for the Grey's as cook and house keeper since forever and has refused to leave despite pressures from children and even grand children. With the constant absence of Ambers parents, she and her husband has been the one who literally raised Amber with so much love and has made the house a home for her that's why Amber calls her them her grand parents.

"Hi Marlene" I hail in

"Welcome ladies" She ushers us in right away and closes the door

The Greys living room is like a hall with everything that spells grandeur in it beginning from the chandeliers to the furniture's. It never gets old despite how long it has been since it was built because every year, the house gets repainted while the furniture's gets changed. The house is quite I beauty I must admit but it doesn't feel like a home. I see more of Ambers father on TV than on ground while Ambers mother is ever too busy hosting fashion shows than being at home That's why the house remains a house than a home. It reminds me of Kai who's parents aren't also always at home but at least he has a sister and i'm sure that when his parents are home, they spend time with him and his sister.

"She's up in her room" Marlene informs us as if we don't already know "Do you need directions?"

"No Marlene but thanks" Well, it took me a while to figure out where Ambers room was on my own because I was always getting lost  that's why Marlene keeps asking even till now that I've finally known the way through

"You need anything?" Marlene asks after us

"Not really" The meat loaf is still very much in my stomach

"Anything delicious" Jade says

"Coming right up"

We get into a long hallway that has so many doors left and right, and easily locate Ambers room which is the middle door on the left.

Out of courtesy, I knock on the door but Jade doesn't wait for an answer before pushing the door open of the most colourful and untidied room ever. Everything about the bright big room is coloured pink while the room is in a mess with clothes scattered everywhere, the wardrobe doors left open, snack crumbs everywhere on the rugged floor, and yet Amber is lying comfortably on the unmade big bed surrounded by pink and white teddy bears she uses as pillows, watching TV, and eating pie. This doesn't come as a surprise because Amber has always been so untidied that even if the employed cleaners are to clean every minute, Amber would still find away to rough it up in a second. She's good at it. I used to help her arrange things in the past but I've long given up on her

"You came" Amber turns off the TV with a remote at the sight of us and hops out of the bed running with her flip flop slippers to jump on me with a hug "I heard what happened to you and I was so worried. I'm so glad you're okay"

"So am I" I say as I pull away from her then I give her a scrutinizing look. She looks pale but apart from that, she remains bright and cheerful. Unlike Jade, she doesn't bother to play dress up when she's home so she's wearing no make up making so she looks her real age with the young and innocent face, her hair is style free, and she's wearing an oversized robe "Heard you were sick"

"Is hope that this isn't a false alarm because you look okay to me" Jade leaves us to sit on a soft cushion chair that's free of untidiness

"Can't you see she's pale clueless?" I point out

Amber touches her face like she can feel the paleness "I wasn't fine but I feel better now please ask me why?"

"Why?" Jade asks in a bored tone

"My cousin Lucas is home"

"For real?" Jade asks with sharp interest "Where's he? do tell" She urges

"Didn't you see him outside before you came in?" Amber asks and We both shake our head in unison "Well, he was swimming a while ago I don't know where he is now"

A knock came right then and Jade and I freeze while Amber goes to open the door expecting to see the infamous Lucas but its just Marlene who walks holding a tray of snacks and juice for Jade

"Bring it over here" Jade instructs commandingly

"Don't worry give it here" I take the tray from her instead and hand it over to Jade "Thanks Marlene"

"Anything else? Isabelle?" She asks me

"I'm okay"

"Are you done with the pie Amber dear?" She nods at Ambers plate of pie on the bed

"You don't have to worry I was going to take the plate downstairs on my own" Amber explains

"No problem just give it here" She takes the plate and about leaving the room, she asks again looking at Jade "Anything else sweet heart?"

Jade waves her off without looking at her then She nods and walks away shutting the door softly

"You really need to start being considerate of the old lady Jade, she can't keep climbing up the stairs to provide your needs so start going to the kitchen to get what you want on your own" I advice Jade taking a sit on the bed

"Isabelle's right. You have to start being nicer to my granny" Amber joins in

"Isn't it her duty to serve? let her do her job after all she isn't complaining and its not like I live here to make her do her work" Jade says unremorsefully

"If you were in Ambers shoes....only God knows" I shake my head in horror thinking of what Jade would have become. I'm sure she'll be working on top of peoples heads

"I was born royal duh, people are meant to serve me" She says with pride "They can take me away from royalty but they can't take the royalty away from me"

"This part of the world doesn't have royalty in it so you better learn to start living in our world" I advice

"Haven't I? At least I can clean and I wont make the cleaners sweat to death like Amber does" She says justifiably looking around at the room with her nose all screwed up

"I was going to clean up I swear"

"When? next year? or after you grow old and die? you always say you're going to but you never actually do anything" I point out

"Fine i'm doing it right now" She starts picking up her clothes from the floor then she tosses the pile into her wardrobe like garbage into the garbage can, and forcefully shut the door wiping her hands "Done. Anything else?"

"Everything else" I say as a matter of fact

"I'm tired" She dives on her bed and lays there lazily. "I'll do the rest later"

No one bothers to push her into doing anything else because it's clearly a waste of time

"Well, since Amber feels great and all we should get going because Kai has waited enough" I inform as the thought of Kai crosses my mind

"Kai is here?" Amber asks eagerly but no one answers

"What's the hurry? let him wait a little longer besides, I want to see Ambers cousin" Jade says dismissively

"Why are you so into seeing that guy? He's into Audrey remember" I remind her with emphasis

"So what? he hasn't seen us in person. He may change his mind when he sees all this gorgeousness" She says confidently

"Dream on" I don't think that any one I know can beat Audrey in a beauty contest if she puts her mind to it and not even Jade with all her style and make up being that while Jade is Aphrodite, Audrey is Calypso. Amber can be chipped in as Barbie and As for me, I'm not even a part of the picture "look Jade I don't have time for this" I start getting impatient "we can't keep Kai waiting like this"

"Okay forget the part where I want him to see my gorgeousness but we can't just leave without giving our friends cousin a warm welcome at least out of courtesy"

"I still smell ulterior motive in all this revolutionary Mantra" I remark knowingly

"But she's right. Lucas would also like to see you guys most especially Audrey" Amber puts in "and i'm sure he went swimming after all you didn't look at the pool on your way here did you?"

"Good point" Jade drops the barely touched tray on the floor and gets to her feet towards the window "Let me check through the window"

"I should also check if Kai has left us" knowing that Kai can be capable of such if his head starts to twitch being the enigma that he is, I stand up to join her by the window and Amber follows without a reason

"Who is that?" Jade asks with her eyes widening as I get to the window

"Who's who?" I ask with interest but i don't follow the direction she's looking at through the open window binds being that my major concern is Kai, i look for Kai's car first and I see it easily which is a relief but the strange thing is that Kai's not in it "I can't see Kai in his car anymore"

"That's because he's busy talking to that hot von shallow over there" Jade informs

This time I follow her eyes and I see Kai who's busy talking to a guy wearing nothing but shorts with a towel around his neck. He's quite taller than Kai and fit like some one who frequently visits the gym, with a wet and shiny messy black hair. I can't see his face properly but I know that with all that package, he has to be good looking. "Do you have to ask? that's got to be Ambers cousin. Right Amber? "

"Sure. I told you he was swimming"

"Let's go down to... " I start to say but Jades super speeding out of the room makes me quit talking and just tag along with Amber. Not half as enthusiastic and as foolishly boy crazy as Jade, I don't lose my dignity by rushing along with her like a dog after a bone all the way out of the house

"Hello Lucas I'm Jade" I hear Jade saying flirtatiously upon my arrival

I was right about his package deal. Up close, he's very good looking with deep grey eyes like every other Grey I know including Amber. Its like Their last name is an inspiration from the colour of their eyes. He's not the pretty boy like kai, nor does he seem like a prince charming that was carved out of a fairy tale like Owen.  He doesn't also seem to have the smooth calm and magnetic suave like Dominic either so in description, his good looks can be termed as strikingly catchy and sort of rugged with the tiny earrings he has on his ear lobes and the star tattoos across his chest. In conclusion, he's like a bad boy who you wouldn't want to date because you're scared that he'll break your heart yet you can't help but be attracted to and I agree that he's exactly Jades type but....

"Sure I know you hotness. Your picture says a lot but in full flesh, you're more than a lot" Lucas says giving her the top to bottom scrutinizing look then he turns to me. Before I can speak, he hushes me with his index finger in between his lips "Don't say the name i'm sure I can figure it out" He thinks for a moment and finally smiles showing dimples just like Ambers "you must be Isabelle although I prefer to call you, smartness"

I return his smile "You got it right"

"Good" He winks at me then moves his his eyes to another direction then starts looking around as if in search for something or some one then he let's out his disappointment "Some ones missing. Where's Feistiness" He means Audrey

"She had stuffs to do that's why she couldn't make it" Jade explains and goes on ranting "You know I call her moody though, I call Isabelle four eyes, and I call your cousin sunshine"

"He calls me doll face" Amber pipes in cheerfully

"It seems we're good at naming people" He remarks

"Not just that. We both have tattoos" She adds turns and lowers her short for a bit, to show him her butterfly tattoo "You see, its like we're meant for each other"

"Jade?" I call warningly

"About that... I kind of like your friend who I'm yet to see so... " He sketches out to her politely

"Its okay Von shallow, even though its true that we have something's in common, I was still only flirting with you to test your loyalty to my friend" She says unmoved by his rejection

"Well, since i passed the test, can we find a common ground and be pals" He gives her his fist to bump on

She does smilingly"I wouldn't have us any other way"

"Wow Jade I didn't know that you could be so noble and selfless letting him go like that after all your yearning" I whisper to her ear with full sarcasm. I've never been more happier that she didn't get her way this time because she always does except for a few lost cases, and I i'm honestly surprised that she accepted rejection easily without going berserk. What I find interesting though, is that Lucas is keen on his interest in a girl that he's only seen in a picture. I didn't know that such likeness still existed.

"Some battles are long lost before they even begin" She whispers back "I didn't even intend to go after him in the first place forget all my eagerness and like I told him, I just wanted to flirt a little" she admits "Besides, I stick to the original code number five" Which states that there must be no conflict over a guy "Then I have two douche bags to deal with and Dominic to woo" The douche bags happens to be Adam and his friend

"You seem to have a lot on your plate" I remark with sarcasm then i add just to provoke her "Why add Dominic to the list when he'll never look in your direction? "
She gives me a cross glare and continues talking " The most important reason is that we must strongly agree that Audrey really needs a boyfriend. she's been single enough and since Martin isn't making progress, Lucas can also try" She then sighs wistfully "Too bad he's my type and he could have gotten me that car... "

I pat her shoulder in fake consolation "Take heart Jade but i'm with you on the operation get Audrey a boyfriend" I concur then I think of Martins request and add "Maybe we should help the guys in this"

She smiles "We're finally on the same page. I'll take Lucas, you take Martin. May the best player win"

I frown "Its not a game you airhead"

"What are you two Whispering?" Kai interrupts us

"I was about to ask the same thing" Lucas concurs

"Girls stuff" Jade says and I nod

"I'm a girl and i'm supposed to be in that girl talk" Amber complains looking as if she's been kept in the dark

"We'll tell you later Amber" Jade says but I know that she won't tell  and neither will I because Amber can't keep secrets for long.

"Alright then "Amber agrees easily and suddenly exclaims moving to Kai's side "I just remembered that I forgot to introduce some one  else. Lucas this is Kai, he's one of my best friends and He goes to our school"

I'm tempted to say "When did you too become best friends when you've never even spoken to each other" But I hold it in

"We know each other" Kai informs

"You do? "Everyone except Lucas asks with widened eyes

"He used to date my sister"


My eyes widen even more with the addition of my mouth falling open then I look from one to another for sign of remorse or hatred but they seem okay to me and in fact friendly in a healthy way. I really didn't see this coming and i want to ask so many questions but I hold myself strong hoping that either of the two guys would explain it to us

Well kai doesn't " If you're still on Whispering and chit chat please wrap it up because I'm leaving now"

"You guys go I want to hang out with Owen a bit little longer" Jade dismisses us then she takes off her clothes and heels leaving just her panties and bra and dives into the pool. It sort of reminds me of my first night with Owen in the pool. We were still relationship goals back then but these days.... I really don't know

Caught in a dilemma between staying to get to know Lucas better, and leaving with Kai, I choose to leave with Kai after all I haven't been home all day.

As I head to the truck, Amber comes to jump on me again. "I'm going to miss you"

I fight the urge to roll my eyes "we'll see on Monday psycho"

After she let's go of me, she goes after Kai jumping on him as well like they've been best friends "Thanks for coming to check up on me"

Kai raises a brow looking down at her like she's nuts for thinking that way  but he stays silent until she let's go of him and he gets into his truck

"See you some other time Isabelle" Lucas blows me a kiss. To Kai, he says "say hi to Keoni for me will you? "

"I'll do my best" Kai says easily as he starts the truck and in no time, we zoom out through the gate of The Grey mansion.

As soon as we leave the estate, i put the questions of my heart into words "So, I didn't know that your sister and Lucas Grey were an item and you ought to have known that he's related to Amber"

"The last name never crossed my mind so I didn't know that they were related it still wouldn't have mattered. My sister and Ambers cousin dating doesn't make us pen pals" He explains

"How about the relationship? How and where did they date?"

"We all went to the same school when we lived in San Fransisco before California. That's where they met and dated for a few months By then, i was in middle school and they were both in high school but Lucas was a class ahead of my sister"

"How old is he?"

"He should be twenty by now because he's two years older"

"So what happened between them?"

"I don't know" He shrugs"my sister doesn't go around dumping her emotional issues on the floor and she doesn't wear her heart out on her sleeve either but i'm sure they ended it amicably and remained friends until we moved"

"Jeez! I was hoping for the epic like he broke her heart or something because he looks like a heart breaker" I say feeling a bit disappointed

"There was no such thing and looks can be a bit deceiving. He's a bit rebellious but he's almost as nice as his cousin"

I stay quiet for a bit looking out the window but not really looking at anything in particular before asking again "Do you think that he's perfect for Audrey?"

"How would I know about that? Isn't it your field to know about the chemistry of the heart and how like poles attract and unlike poles repel in physics?"

"But you know about art and stuff right? So you should know too" I argue

"Well I don't speak the theory of love oh love but I know that there's nothing like perfect fit or perfect march, and the like poles and unlike poles nonsense they use in physics can't be explained in the matters of the heart because hearts are not magnets they're just hearts" He explains thoughtfully

I don't argue with him this time because I think he's right. I just move on to another subject "So you have a new rival in the Audrey list. On one side is relentless Martin, on the other side is rebellious Lucas so where do you stand?"

He gives me a quick incredulous glance, before returning his eyes to the will "I stand next to you"

"What?" My mouth falls open then I close it wondering why I still get shocked when he says such things "Are you Joking again? "


"Come on Kai"

"Look you ought to know that I don't have feelings for Audrey and I was only joking about what I said earlier"

"You sure do Joke a lot" I frown but deep down i'm dying of relief

"I'm serious almost all the time its just you who takes everything as a joke" He points out

"How do you mean?" I kind of know what he means but I choose to stay to in the dark

"You know what I mean silly but if you don't, figure it out I have no time for explaining" He pokes the side of my head and before I can react, he slows down the truck and pulls over in front of the city mall

"Why are we stopping here?"

"I need to go get something. Wait here" He gets out of truck and walks into the mall

After a few minutes, he returns holding a iPhone pack "Why are you getting a new phone?"

"Its for you and there's a sim card in it" He hands it over to me and start driving again

Unable to believe my eyes, I stay stunned for moments with too overwhelmed with so many emotions flooding my chest, before I manage to speak again "Why did you get me a phone? you didn't have to"

"You don't want it? I can take it back"

I tighten me grip on the pack before he can take it away "Its a gift Kai, I don't return gifts"

"Then shut up and accept it without questions" He hushes me up

"I accept it but I do have questions" I insist

"I got it because I left your phone in the pool. The least I could do was replace it"

I'm overwhelmed with emotions again almost to the point of tears but I don't cry because i'm not that soft "You know you were not entitled to doing that but thanks Kai for the consideration" He doesn't reply. One thing I've noticed about him is that he doesn't like compliments and thank you

I stay quiet from then on admiring my new phone until the truck arrives in front of my house. I come out of the truck and lean by the window to say "Thanks for everything"

"Enough with the thanking already" He complains frowning

"I'm grateful to you that's why so accept that you did a good deed and I'll stop"

"I accept now stop "

"Thanks for accepting" He groans as expected but I don't give him a chance to complain as I quickly ask" Do you want to come in?"

"Not today but see you on Monday" With that, he zooms off

The moment I enter the house, Isadora yells "Dad she's back" She's sitting by the window and apparently, she's been peeping through it

My dad reacts right away from his study "Get in here Isabelle"


I give Isadora a hard glare then I drag my feet nervously to my dads study feeling scared that my parents must have found a loophole to my story or better still, they've found out the truth. As I enter, I don't meet the eyes of my dad who's sitting on a chair behind a desk that has in lap top on it in the dark tight room, I focus on my trophies instead that are occupying the shelf behind the desk from floor to roof

"Honey how was your sleep over and Ambers health?" My dad asks with an Ignorance which is fool proof of his unawareness so i calms my nerves

"Both fine. She just has the flu and she's doing better" I add constructively

"You took a lot of time you know that? Your mom has been waiting for you so you can go for grocery shopping now she's gone on her own" He cautions softly

"Sorry dad but I couldn't just leave like that"

"Its fine" He's about to let me go but then he sees the phone pack i'm holding "You got a new phone? I was going to get you a new one"

"I got a new one on my way back" I don't mention Kai for reasons best known to me "Can I go now dad?"


I sigh in relief on my way out and head for my room where Isadora is already waiting for me, holding of my new dresses

"Since you refused to come back, I've picked the two of my choice" She informs

Feeling to tired to give my usual quote about how its wrong for her to barge into my room in my absence to take my clothes, I just say "But we discussed only one dress"

"Your secret doubled so I have to take two for all that work"

"Fine take and get lost I need peace and quite" I dismiss her in annoyance

She doesn't leave "Kai told me that you got drunk and almost drowned.. You know that was stupid right?"

"I've heard enough of all that talk already and I don't want to go on another trip to guilt anymore got it?" I fall back on my bed weakly

"Did that jerk Owen get you the new phone as compensation?" She asks still unwilling to leave

I just find it hard to lie to my sister "No Kai did and for the record, Owen is not a jerk" I say defensively but deep down I also agree that he's a jerk

"Yes I made a mistake by simply calling him a jerk. He's not only a jerk but a Zero while Kai remains a hero" That said, she finally leaves my room happily singing to herself that she got a new dress

I spend the rest of my weekend doing home work and calling my friends so they can have my new number but not Owen though because I'm really mad at him. I sort of expected him to visit if by any chance he tried my number and it didn't go through but he didn't so I declare myself a single girl again

On Monday morning I start to prepare early to wait for my friends as usual when Amber calls in sick again that she can't make it to school today. My dad uses the opportunity to try to cajole me into going with him and my sister but I don't yield because I strictly stick to the code unless they buy me a freaking car. As I step out of the house in my school uniform, I hit the street to board a cab busily thinking about Amber and her everyday sickness these days that has no name whatsoever, when a familiar jeep stops right in front of me. Its Owens. Then he rolls down his window to talk to me looking all handsome with his extra gelled hair sleeping to the back while his blue eyes are soft and apologetic

"You need a ride babe?"

AN: Sorry guys for taking time to release chapters but I'm in the university and juggling through school work and writing isn't that easy but I'll do my best to keep up so don't stop reading, voting, and commenting. Also, follow Zoesimple on wattpad

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