rare find | p.jm ✔

By userimagines

158K 7.1K 1.1K

[ completed ] "as much as i love you, we can't be together. i'm a hybrid, why would you want to be with me?" ... More

0.1 | adoption
0.2 | toast and eggs with coffee
0.3 | work attire
0.4 | knj secretarial services
0.5 | explanation: love
0.7 | panther form
0.8 | police officer
0.9 | breakfast in bed
1.0 | back to work
1.1 | vet
1.2 | park jimin, by kim taehyung
1.3 | brunch
1.4 | min yoongi
1.5 | gala
1.6 | i love love you
1.7 | catching up
1.8 | auction
1.9 | first day
2.0 | caller id
2.1 | jimin to y/n
2.2 | back home
deeper into the book
author's note

0.6 | personal assistant

7.3K 336 128
By userimagines

friday noon: the cafe

y/n sat down next to jimin, trying to sit as close to him as possible since on her other side were two strangers.

she still didn't like being around people she didn't know, hence why she was now pressed into his side as he brought his arm around her shoulders, running his thumb over her skin gently while he talked to namjoon about their difficult client that he had to handle.

her ears were perked up, her gaze floating around the cafe while still listening to their conversation.

they were sitting on the tall stools that were placed in front of two tables, facing each other while they separated into three on each side, leaving two extra seats on either table for people to squeeze in.

she played around with her coffee cup, turning it around slowly as she waited patiently for her food.

"hey y/n," tae called, "i was just wondering, why don't you work with jimin?"

everyone's gaze turned to the dog hybrid, all with curious gazes, and having heard his name, mentioned man switched his attention as well. jimin and y/n stared at him, confused, as they asked in unison, "what?"

"you know, like jin hyung and i, as personal assistants," he gestured to himself and the oldest.

"isn't she already his p.a though?" jungkook pointed out.

"not officially," namjoon told him, all of them changing their eyes to the girl. she shrunk in her seat, forcefully nudging herself into her owner's side under all their stares. he chuckled, signaling for them to stop as she peeked at them from under his arm.

"stare at the wall or something," he mumbled, a hint of amusement on his face as he turned back to her, flashing her a warm grin, "still not liking attention kitten?" 

she gave him a slight glare, causing him to let out another soft laugh. her tail swept forward and flicked at him in annoyance, landing on her lap.

"so, what do you think?" he asked her, observing her hands as she twirled the fluffy fur at the end of her tail around her finger thoughtfully. she shrugged. he grabbed her hands, causing her to drop it and glance up at him, her ears turned out in surprise, "y/n, you know you can say no," he muttered gently.

her black ear twitched, and she opened her mouth, looking down to her shoes, "what do assistants do?"

he narrowed his eyes for a few moments, trying to determine whether she actually wanted the job or not, "they remind me when i have to do things, help with organising everything, and just take care of me in general."

she stayed quiet for a few moments before slowly nodding, "yea, okay, that sounds good."

"really?" he stared at her in surprise, "are you sure? you're gonna be stuck in the office all day, and you're gonna have to be by my side most of the time, and you hav-"

"jimin," she interrupted, "i said okay, i don't mind. plus, it's pretty fun, i like being a part of an official company." 

he smiled and ruffled her hair, "alright then, something y/n, welcome to knj secretarial services."

"you don't even know her surname?" jin stifled a laugh, looking at the two.

"i haven't told him," she shrugged, "and i appreciate him for not pushing me." at those words, jimin stuck his tongue out at the cat childishly, "my surname is min."

"min y/n, cool," namjoon nodded, "i'll add you to the list of employees then."


saturday afternoon: the mall

jimin dragged her over to multiple stores, passing her clothes to try on every few minutes, and after an hour or two, both her hands were full. one with shopping bags, and the other grasping his hand. he looked around, trying to spot stores for her to buy from, "jimin oppa, i don't need this much clothes."

he paused, glancing at her with a sheepish smile, "sorry," he mumbled, then pulling her to another shop. but this time, it was filled with care products for women, "why don't you go have a look around, grab anything you like," he passed her his credit card.

"are you gonna come in?" she asked when he didn't make an effort to move after that. his cheeks were then dusted with light red, avoiding her eyes as he scratched the back of his neck.

"i'll just wait out here," he answered.

without questioning, she walked into the store fairly quickly, as if she knew what she needed. after a few minutes, she came back out, a bag filled with products in her hand.

"got everything?" she nodded in response, "then let's drop this off in the car and go to the grocery store, we need to buy more food."

they drove back near to their apartment, stopping in front of a grocery store. as they headed in, jimin got a cart and lifted y/n up, placing her in it despite her protests. he began rolling the cart among the aisles, throwing in items every now and then.

she, accepting the fact that she wasn't gonna be able to get out of the cart anytime soon, arranged them neatly while occasionally telling him to get a certain item, "wait, can we get some milk?"

"we have some at home," he replied.

"no we don't, that's cream. cream is thicker than milk, so can we get milk?" she pestered, shaking his arm gently. he glanced down at her, raising an eyebrow.

"and who's gonna drink it?" 

"me," she pointed to herself, her ears drooping down slightly when he shook his head. she pulled the hood of the black hoodie she was wearing over her head, pouting as she crossed her arms. he grinned at the sight, deliberately walking past the dairy aisle to see what she would do. 

she lifted her eyes, glancing at the cartons before peeking to him to check if he was watching. once noting that he was observing elsewhere, she grabbed a carton of milk, placing in the cart and hiding it behind her figure while gazing at him innocently. 

he narrowed his eyes, looking at her, but the small smile on his lips betrayed the emotion he was trying to hold, and he explodes into a cute beam as he stops the cart, doubling over in laughter and resting his forehead on the top of hers, careful to not squish her ears. 

she giggled, lifting her hands that were almost fully covered by the sleeves of jimin's hoodie to try and push him off, her small hands had barely any effect on him due to the fact that she was using none of her strength, but he did notice and moved off her a little, his eyes becoming little crescents as he glided his hand over her ears gently, "you're just so cute," he mumbled fondly.

she blushed, hiding her face behind her sweater paws as she curled up into a ball.

he chuckled and continued to the counters, paying for the items.

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