Waiting for the Player *SEQUE...

By awakeninq

59.9K 2K 1.6K

Scarlett Dove; broken; used; tired; upset Sirius Black oblivious; player; jerk; rude Sirius Black hasn't spok... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17


1.9K 49 154
By awakeninq

me: i'M gOinG tO wRiTe cHriStmAs sPeCiALs aNd tHeY aRe gOiNg tO bE gReAt aNd oN tiMe!!

my self esteem: shut up

aight so this is a very late christmas special but i hope you guys enjoy anyway

NONE of what happens in this is like, going to affect what happens next

so they're happy here but like, this is just kind of like... you know... not really IN the plot

u get it



It was a beautiful, snowy day when Sirius Black woke up. Christmas morning. He smiled, looking over at his sleeping friends and let out a sigh of relief. James, Peter, Remus, and Scarlett. Their first true Christmas as a family.

Usually, Sirius and James went to James' house for Christmas, but this year decided to spend it with Scarlett, who had been planning on staying at Hogwarts.

"Wake up, James!" Sirius yelled loudly, getting up and jumping on his bed.

"Go back to bed, Sirius," James groaned, pulling his blanket over his head and burying his face in the pillow.

"You're so boring," Sirius whined.

"Shut up, Sirius," Remus said, sighing.

"You guys are so mean. This is Christmas! You shouldn't still be asleep," Sirius pouted.

"Don't we have to wait for Scarlett, anyway? Won't the staircase turn into a slide if you try go up there?

"I can climb up the slide!"

"Yeah, okay. Sirius, just a few more hours. It's like," Remus looked at the clock, "5 in the morning. Please."

"No. We wanted to spend Christmas together, and spend Christmas together we shall."

Sirius continued to jump on all of their beds until they simultaneously let out a groan and began to throw their covers off them, climbing out of bed.

Remus rubbed his eyes tiredly and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth while James and Peter waited, glaring at a gleeful Sirius.

Soon, all the boys had brushed their teeth and crept downstairs quietly, careful not to wake anyone. However, Sirius, who was in front, saw something that made him stick his arm out and stop the other three.

"What?" James hissed.

"Shut up!" Sirius snapped back quietly, gesturing down with his head.

There sat Scarlett, tears in her eyes as she looked at the Gryffindor Christmas tree. The bright lights wrapped around it lit up her eyes in a hauntingly beautiful way. Sirius looked at her with a small smile on his face.

Then, she began to speak, looking at the fireplace now instead.

"I remember the hardest years of my life," she said quietly, "where I dated guys just to distract myself, where I told myself 'now this is the one' every time. Where I used the fact that I was pretty to manipulate and demean all the guys around me by letting them think they had a chance and then dropping them moments later. But I think I've really found the one, Mom," she whispered, the corners of her lips upturning in a sad smile.

Immediately, James, Remus, and Peter turned to look at Sirius, who was nearly in tears. Slowly, carefully, he wiped them away and shook his head, putting on a smile and bounding down the stairs.

"We're awake!" he said in a sing-song voice.

The other three shared a look before plastering on the same big grin and following him down.

"Oh! Hey," Scarlett said, jumping to quickly wipe away her tears before turning around and beaming.

"Are you guys ready to... decorate?"

They turned to look at the undecorated Christmas tree, the only 'decorations' were the lights already built into the tree. There weren't any presents underneath, simply because the five had decided to just give each other the presents they got for everybody. Most of their Gryffindor peers had chosen to go home for Christmas, but few remained that wouldn't be up for another couple of hours at least. 

(idk if this is how this works but it's how we r gonna do it)

The five had been supplied with a box filled to the brim with various ornaments after voicing their request to decorate their own tree. There was no way they were all going to fit on the tree, but they were definitely going to try.

The boys gestured for Scarlett to go ahead, standing back and waiting for her to put the first ornament up.


"Yeah, you. Go ahead!"

Scarlett grinned brighter than Sirius had ever seen her do before. He couldn't help but smile with her, the large smile bringing him more joy than anything else.

She reached in and pulled out a simple red bauble and walked over to the tree, placing it down on a branch carefully. Soon after, all five were positively beaming as they put ornaments on the big tree.

"I need a ladder," Scarlett whined, unable to reach near the top of the tree.

Sirius came over and up under her, picking her up on his shoulders as she shrieked happily.

"Sirius, what are you doing?"

"You said you needed a ladder!"

"You're not a ladder, stupid!"

"Just be steady, oh my Merlin!"

Scarlett giggled while Remus handed her an ornament to put up near the top.

Sirius could see out of the corner of his eye Peter and James whispering to each other and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"DECK the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la," James screeched loudly, completely and totally off-pitch.

Peter followed suit until the two were screaming the lyrics to Christmas carols, swaying back and forth together. Remus joined in, grabbing James' hands and the two began to do what seemed to be ballroom dancing, but... not good.

"You guys need to stop. Honestly," Scarlett groaned, shaking her head.

Sirius began to laugh, but the shaking of his shoulders unsteadied her. She let out a screech and grabbed onto his hair, pulling it in her attempt to hold it tight enough not to fall. Sirius winced.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

"My fault," he said, snorting.

His grip tightened on her legs to help keep her still as she reached over and gently placed the ornament on a branch.

"Good job, Scarlett!" Sirius praised, setting her down carefully.

Scarlett beamed. James looked at her and smiled. Although there was no light shining quite yet, the gleam in her eyes was the most visible he'd ever seen it. It was almost like he could physically see the stars in her eyes when she looked as Sirius.

He chuckled to himself. Good for his mate.

"Do you guys want me to get some hot chocolate from the Kitchens?"

"That sounds amazing, Rem. Thank you!" Scarlett exclaimed.

Remus nodded and left the Common Room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Over the course of the next hour or two, the five continued to put their ornaments on the tree, laughing and causing fights among each other. Ornaments were thrown, tinsel tossed, hot chocolate spilled, but the smiles never fell. Not once.

As the next few hours passed as well, more and more students who either chose or were unable to go home for the break came bounding down the stairs gleefully, joining in on the antics and helping to decorate the Common Room. It felt nice to do things the muggle way, carefully wrapping the stairs in ribbon and even putting tinsel not only on the tree but on random shelves and the fireplace.

After their work was finished, James led the students in a loud, extremely off-key personal rendition of the popular Jingle Bells. Scarlett laughed and joined in delightedly, barely being able to follow along from laughing so hard.

"Oh, Scarlett, we got you presents." James said, gesturing to the three other boys.

Scarlett frowned suddenly.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't get anything... I thought you guys said we weren't doing presents this year."

"Well, we are for you."

Scarlett chuckled and went to sit while the four got the presents. As they came back out, Scarlett could clearly tell just based on the wrapping who did what. Remus' was immaculate, perfectly squared off, no crinkles or rough areas. James and Peter's were done alright, but Sirius' was the cutest. Instead of a square, it was more of a round, ball-like shape with multiple tears and indents covered with mounds of tape. It was obvious that he had tried and that made her smile brighter than anything.

Remus went first, handing her the parcel and nodding in inclination. Slowly, she tore open the paper, feeling the twang in her heart from ruining the perfectly done wrapping.

Inside was a small book that could probably fit in her pocket. Scarlett looked at Remus curiously.

"You said once a while ago that you liked to write, so I figured you could write down your thoughts wherever now."

"Oh, wow... I didn't think anyone remembered that. That's really sweet, Rem. Thank you," she said, standing up and giving him a hug.

James, of course, bought her a box of chocolate frogs. Peter bought her a new pen, most likely to go with Remus' notebook. Sirius  blushed.

"I— I actually want to, uh, give you mine alone. Would you join me?"

Sirius stood up first, holding his hand out for her to grab. She clasped in hers, pulling herself up with his support and following him, looking back at the other three with a confused look on her face. They shrugged and soon disappeared from her sight.

He lead her out to the Great Lake which was frozen over with ice.

"We'll have to go ice-skating later," he said quietly as the two took a seat, still holding hands.

Scarlett laughed lowly.

"Yeah, I don't think I'd want to risk falling into that."


He took a breath and then handed her his gift. It was fairly small underneath the actual wrapping.

She stared at him as she began to unwrap it, but all he was focused on was her hands, carefully and slowly peeling back each layer of the tape and paper. Once she had gotten it all off, all that was left was a ring box in her hand. Immediately, worst case scenario thoughts filled her head. There was no way he was proposing! They're way too young to get married. She hasn't even finished school yet—

"I know what it looks like," Sirius said hurriedly, red returning to his face and spreading to his neck and ears, "but it's not what you think. Just open it."

Scarlett opened the box tentatively, gasping once she saw what was in it.

It was a beautiful diamond ring with an infinity sign wrapped around what was quite a large diamond. Smaller diamonds decreased in size as they wrapped around the band of the ring, and it was even engraved.

"Only you," she read out, mumbling and tilting her head.

She turned to look at Sirius, who was staring at her with the utmost love in his eyes, so powerful even she felt it deep in her soul. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Scarlett, I know things have been... rough... between us. And I know that we're still young, so of course, I'm not proposing. This is, uh, a promise ring. I promise with everything I have, Scarlett, that one day I will marry you. One day, there'll be little us' running around the house shrieking with laughter. I would follow you to the moon and back, Scarlett, just to be with you. There is no mountain I wouldn't climb, no problem I wouldn't solve, nothing that could keep me away from you. I'm not the best at expressing myself when it comes to things like this, but I just wanted you to have something so that you always know that I love you. This ring holds the tales of our past, the love we have presently, and the promises of our future. I hope you wear it proudly, Lottie, because all I want to be is someone perfect for you. I'll stay out of trouble for you, love. There is nothing more I want then a future with you. Nothing more tempting, nothing more perfect, nothing more beautiful. There is nothing in this world that could keep me from you. Our love will last forever, pretty girl."

Tears ran down Scarlett's cheeks as he spoke deeply and slowly, making sure that she heard, understood, and took in every word. She felt the weight of his words in her chest and knew, for sure, that he was telling the absolute truth and meant it with every bone in his body.

She let out a sob and let him pull her into his embrace, holding her close, resting his head on top of yours as he stared out at the scenery, watching the snow fall on them and the snowflakes drop in her hair.

"Are you okay, love?"

She leaned back and sniffled, wiping her tears away with her hands.

"I'm sorry, it's just, no one's ever said anything like that to me..."

She slid the ring onto her right ring finger gently, admiring it and biting her lip.

"I want to marry you one day, Sirius. That is one thing I know for sure and will never change, no matter what."

Sirius chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him. She rested her head in the crook of his neck and they watched the lake together, admiring the snowy trees and sweet, gentle kisses from the snowflakes... and each other.

"We should get back. The rest are probably wondering where we are," Scarlett mumbled against his lips.

He groaned.

"Come on, I have to live with them."

"Come on, Sirius," she insisted, laughing and pulling him up with her.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, letting her drag him to his feet.

"Alright, alright. Fine, let's go. We're coming back later, though. Ice skating is a must. We still have christmas cookies to make, though. Oh, and I have another present in the dorm for you."

"You guys spoiled me today. I feel so bad."

"Don't worry about it, babe. We didn't expect you to get anything for us. In fact, we told you not to. Can't have expected anything else."

"I'll get you guys something soon, I promise."

Sirius snorted, walking hand-in-hand with her back to the Common Room, thumb reaching across her hand to stroke the ring absentmindedly.

"Where were you two?" Remus asked immediately.

"I'm sorry! I got side-tracked, Rem. We just had a long talk and I gave her my present."

James instantly spotted the ring and let out an overdramatic gasp.

"Did you propose?!"

"What? No, you buffoon! It's called a promise ring," Sirius said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Leave him alone, James," Remus scolded.

"Are you guys still up to make Christmas cookies?" Scarlett asked.

James scoffed.

"I don't know anymore, now that my best friend has ditched me."

"Shut up, James."

He huffed and crossed his arms, lip sticking out in a pout, ignoring Sirius' harsh words.

"Well, I'm going to get Scarlett the other present really quick. Keep her company. I'll be right back."

"What a jerk," James said unhappily.

"Don't say that, James."

"Didn't even get me, his best friend, a present. How dare he? I feel like everything I've ever known is a lie. How am I supposed to believe Sirius loves me for who I am when he can't even be bothered to buy me a gift?" he spoke quickly, wiping away nonexistent tears and looking sadly at Scarlett.

"I'll make sure to buy you guys something when I have the chance. I'm really sorry I didn't today. If I had known you guys were going to get me something anyway, I one-hundred percent would've gotten you guys something too."

James waved it off.

"Listen, we told you we don't do gifts. None of us expected anything from you, Scarlett. We really didn't want, or need, presents this year." He paused, like he was debating on saying something or not, and then continued, "and plus, my mom will totally be sending us cool presents." he finished smugly.

Scarlett smacked his arm and laughed, shaking her head as Sirius came running down the stairs in possibly the worst Christmas sweater she had ever seen, shoving a package in her hands.

"Open it, open it, open it!" he said excitedly.

Scarlett tore it open quickly to ease his excitement and groaned.

"Matching sweaters!" he said happily, "Now go change, go change!"

Sighing, she complied and went up to the dorm to change into the awful sweater. Looking at herself in the mirror, she rolled her eyes. Only Sirius could give her such a deep, personal gift... and then follow it up with a Christmas sweater. Although, she couldn't help but smile at the gesture. It was something she'd always wanted to do— match Christmas sweaters with her partner.

Scarlett came back down the stairs, forcing down a grin when Sirius instantaneously ran up to her and peppered her face with kisses, admiring the sweater.

"You're— so— cute! We're definitely getting new ones every year. Every. Year. No escaping it."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Alright, you two, shut it. We have cookies to make," James remarked.

"Fine, fine. Let's go to the kitchen. I'm sure they'll let us make some."

The five walked down to the kitchens together, entering politely and smiling at all of the house elves before getting started.

They took out the ingredients they'd need and set them all down before James spoke again.

"Do any of you actually know how to make cookies?"

The other four groaned.

"You're telling me, all this complaining you've been doing about wanting to hurry up and make cookies, and you don't even know how to make them?" Sirius asked, eerily calm.

James looked everywhere but Sirius' eyes, whistling casually.

In a flash, Sirius lunged at James, only barely held back by Remus, who appeared completely unaffected by the events ensuing.

"I can make cookies, you idiots."

The two looked at Remus and then at each other. Nodding his head in defeat, Remus let Sirius go who only glared at James again.

"Come on Sirius," he said nervously, "you know you love me."

Sirius grabbed an egg from the carton and slammed it on James' hand, sparing no strength as it splattered, coating his head in yolk. His mouth dropped open once he truly felt the cold hit his head and drip down into his eyes.

"Sirius, you prat!" he yelled, taking a handful of flour and tossing it at him.

Sirius gasped and picked up the whole bag of flour, throwing it at James with lightning speed and accuracy. It hit his face, causing an explosion of flour that instantly left the kitchen in a huge mess.

Scarlett just sighed and went to get another bag, shaking her head. Her and Remus began to work on the cookies, preheating the oven and getting the bowls and measuring cups. Eventually, James and Sirius did join them and helped out wherever they could with their little experience in baking.

Scarlett carefully mixed the dough, Sirius smiling down at her. She looked so focused, like if anything went wrong, she would genuinely be devastated.

"These cookies have to taste perfect," she murmured absentmindedly, humming to herself and continuing to mix.

He chuckled and shook his head before walking away to talk to James quietly. Remus supervised her cautiously, wincing whenever something got stuck on the side or fell out.

"It's done!" she exclaimed, beaming happily.

"Actually—" Remus went to speak.

"It's done." Sirius said firmly, shooting a glare at Remus who quickly closed his mouth. "Alright, love, time to put them on the cookie sheet and then in the oven."

The five of them worked together, rolling little pieces of dough into balls meticulously and flattening them slightly on the sheet. Remus made sure that they were spaced out evenly once they had filled up one cookie sheet and placed the first one in the oven. They just barely filled the next one before they ran out of dough, and Scarlett put that one in the oven.

"Now we just have to wait."

"Do you want to make icing?" Remus asked.

"Really, Rem? Do you think we could?"

He shrugged.

"I don't think it's that hard, but there's always the pre-made icing."

She thought about it before shaking her head no.

"No, we'll use the pre-made. It's that authentic Christmas cookie experience, y'know?"

"Yeah, I get it."

He went to get the icing out and set it on the counter. They chatted amongst themselves while waiting for the cookies to be done.

Sirius crossed his arms and shifted his weight, glancing at the oven every few seconds, tapping his foot. Scarlett saw him pull out his wand and mutter something. Almost immediately after, the oven dinged to let them know the cookies were done.

She looked at him weirdly before going to grab them. Upon inspection, the cookies did look okay. Sirius winked at her and joined her, bringing the icing and sprinkles as well.

"Alright. It's time for the best part. Decorating."

Scarlett grabbed a bag of white icing, using that as the base and squeezing it out all over the cookie, evening it with a knife. Sirius watched with fascination and did the same, grinning to himself.

It fell silent as they began to decorate, only focusing on making each and every cookie immaculate. Scarlett decided to do a christmas tree, Remus did a snowman, James wanted to do Santa (even though he definitely did not have the art skills), Peter decided to just do an ornament, and Sirius said his was a surprise, stalking off to do it somewhere else on his own. She had watched him go, slightly bewildered, but shrugged it off and concentrated on her own.

"Are you almost done, Lot?" James asked quietly, craning to see over her shoulder.

She slapped him away gently.

"You can't see! I'm not done yet."

James groaned.

"What about you, Sirius? Are you almost done?"

"No," he muttered, picking up a black bag of icing.

"Alright then. Re—"


James whined, staring at his already-finished cookie. It looked like a big, red blob with a face that looked as though Santa had walked through a fire and barely made it out alive. It wasn't even recognizable at that point, but James still admired it greatly, staring proudly at it.

"I'm done!" Peter said, looking at his cookie.

James stalked over to look at it before snorting.

"Pete, it's just a red circle."

"It's an ornament."

"Alright, bud, whatever you say."

James and Peter sat and talked while waiting for the other three to finish their cookies. Scarlett finished next, her tree turning out... better than James' cookie, at least. While it wasn't a piece of art, it was definitely recognizable as a tree. Remus then finished, his snowman being very neat and tidy, though not necessarily realistic. However, that's not what they were looking for anyway. It was outlined beautifully against the white icing, and Scarlett was almost sure it'd be the best cookie.

Sirius had been decorating for almost forty-five minutes after Remus had finished until he finally sighed and picked it up carefully in two hands.

"Oh, Merlin, finally," James moaned out as Sirius walked over.

He paid no attention, completely concentrated on the cookie in his hands. It wasn't possible to see it yet, but as soon as it came in vision, the other four gasped.

It was an immaculate, as photorealistic as you can get with icing, portrait of Scarlett. It was beautiful and done so well she almost couldn't believe it was a cookie. It was like looking at a picture of herself.

"Sirius... you never told me you liked art."

He blushed.

"I— I wouldn't say I, uh, I like art... it was just always something I did to pass the time, um, to pass the time back home. You know, whenever I was, whenever I was upset I would draw. It felt nice to create something out of thin air, I guess."

"It's amazing. You're amazing."

Scarlett stood up and gave him a peck on the lips, still in disbelief.

"I never knew you were this great at art, either, mate." James spoke, tilting his head, "why didn't you ever tell me?"

"It never came up, I guess. I don't really talk about it. It never seemed important," he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Sirius," James said, "anything you're interested in is important to us."

Sirius smiled.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind, then."

"Well, after we eat these cookies, I think there's only one more thing to do. Ice-skating!"

"But Sirius' cookie is so perfect. I feel bad that he's gonna eat it..."

He shrugged.

"Don't worry. I have other drawings."

With that, he popped the whole cookie in his mouth and chewed quickly, clearing overestimating the size of his mouth and nearly choking. Scarlett snorted and did the same just so he wouldn't be alone in his endeavors.

Once they finished their cookies, they left the rest for the house elves and headed back to the dorms to get changed into clothes that were a little more suitable for ice-skating.

Scarlett just put on a coat and an extra pair of socks, as well as a pair of boots before going back down where the boys were already waiting.

"How did you gets get here so fast? I literally put on, like, 3 things."

"Remus did some transfiguration to make skating shoes," Sirius responded, ignoring the question blatantly and holding up five pairs of skates by their laces in his hands.

"Uh... okay..." she said slowly, grabbing a pair.

Skates clutched in her hand, Scarlett followed the four boys outside where, thankfully, the lake was still frozen over. Some other students who had also stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas were already there, skating and laughing gleefully. Some held hands, going in circles around the perimeter.

"Are you ready?"

"No. I don't know how to ice-skate." Scarlett said.

"What? You're just now saying this?" James asked incredulously.

"I didn't think it was a big deal. I'll be fine."

Remus looked at her worriedly.

"Sirius can probably teach you. Sometimes he and James head out here after hours during the break and just skate. They're probably a lot better than I am," he said with a shrug, sitting down in the snow to plop on his skates.

"Sirius, are you going to teach me how to skate?"

"Of course!" he exclaimed, placing a hand over his heart, "I'm offended you even had to ask. It wouldn't be Christmas without you skating right beside me, Lottie."

"Merlin! Are you mad? All I'm trying to do is spend my Christmas in peace and not think about couples," James huffed.

The two ignored him as Scarlett sat dow, Sirius immediately leaning down to slide on her skates. He sat next to her and put his on too. He stood carefully, reaching out to grab her hand and helped her up.

"I don't like this," she said as soon as they stood up, wobbling.

"We're not that far from the lake. It'll feel better when we actually get on the ice, a lot easier to move. I promise, you'll love ice-skating."

"I love you," she said all of a sudden.

Sirius looked at her in shock, nearly dropping her back on the ground.

Although the word 'love' had been mentioned before, they had never said it to each other like that, just a raw 'I love you.' There were always the silent ones between them, like if Scarlett was up late studying and Sirius would sneak down to the kitchens to get her snacks so she wouldn't be hungry, or when he stayed up late with her to talk about whatever she wanted to talk about and cuddle in front of the fire. He wasn't expecting it, though, for her to just say it like that. He always thought it would be some big moment where they finally declared their love for each other, but now that it was here and it so simple and so kind and so Scarlett, he found himself smiling and was unable to imagine it any other way.

"I love you too. Now come on, we have some skating to do."

Scarlett giggled as he dragged her along behind him all the way to the lake.

"Okay. So, hold on to my arm tight until you can find your balance. Got it?"

"Are you sure this isn't just an excuse for me to touch you?" she asked jokingly.

"Ah, you caught me. The gig is up, I guess."

She laughed and hit him on the arm playfully.

"You're so lame."

"You started it!" he said indignantly.

She ignored him. He chuckled, stepping onto the ice. Straightaway, Scarlett was stumbling around on the skates, nearly falling at one point even with her grip on Sirius' arm.

"Just relax, okay, love? I promise, it's easy once you stop overthinking it. Just glide."

She took a breath and steadied herself, letting Sirius lead her around the rink slowly, carefully. After a few laps, they switched to hands and put a decent amount of distance between them so she was practically on her own.

Within a few hours, Scarlett was able to skate on her own and raced after Sirius. He was a decent amount ahead of her, zooming past the rest of the people on the rink, a laughing Scarlett following behind almost just as fast.

"You're a natural!" he yelled back, turning around only briefly.

"Thanks. I've been skating for years," she yelled back.

Sirius fell over once he heard her response, tumbling down onto the ice and laying there, face-up  in a snow angel position for a few seconds until Scarlett caught up.

"Merlin! Are you okay, Sirius?"

"You've been what?" he asked.

She turned red and scratched the back of her head.

"Uh, yeah... I was in lessons when I was young and just kept taking them in an indoor rink during the breaks and practicing whenever I could."

"Why did you act like you couldn't, then?" he smirked.

"I wanted you to be the one to teach me," she spoke simply, standing up and pulling him off the ice, "Don't lay there for too long, you'll get hypothermia."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed her hands in his, looking straight into her eyes.


Remus, James, and Peter came rushing by, running straight into their arms and tumbling down into a rough pile. Scarlett and Sirius were barely able to keep their balance and spun off, wobbling and almost falling until they were able to steady themselves and skate back to the other three. They were groaning, still in their little pile.

"That was the worst idea you've ever had, James," Remus moaned, getting up and rubbing his back.

Sirius looked at Scarlett and grabbed her hand in his again, smiling at her.

"To this Christmas, and the decades of them to come," he muttered to her.

The two smiled down at the boys still on the ground, their silhouettes highlighted by the gentle oranges and pinks of the setting sun, casting their shadows on the ice and causing a few people to stop and stare at the simple beauty of the moment, their hands linked, love coursing through their veins and into their hearts, their minds, all the way from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet, only for each other.

In that moment, everyone there believed in soulmates.

In that moment, all was well.


this was like 5.3k words i rly tried to make it long for you guys to make up for it being so late ): i hope you enjoyed!!!! if there's anything you'd like to see for the next chapter make sure to tell me... always grateful for ur input!

hope you enjoyed ur christmases (even though I'm so late) but its the thought that counts ):


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