Koev Halev (Newt x Reader)

By xxkasai

272K 8.7K 7.4K

[COMPLETED] While Thomas and Teresa were made to share one another's thoughts, Y/N and Newt were made to shar... More

A New Connection
The Worst Of It
I Feel It Too
When I'm Better
Way Station
Common Courtesy
They Know
I Prefer Those Odds
Dragging Behind
Blind Faith
It Was WICKED, Not You
Plan B
Fleeing The Scene
It's Not Technically A Plan
Where's Bertha?
An Alliance
Old Faces, New Names
Does It Scare You?
Burning Out
Willing To Lie
Rehomed (FINAL!)

One Of Us Isn't So Lucky

8.8K 299 247
By xxkasai


"I still don't understand why they chose us for this stupid bloody experiment." Newt grumbled, the covers of his bed thrown over his head. He was tired of always being in pain and being stowed away in his room like a neglected animal. In the very least, he could talk with Y/N through the small communication device in his hand, but he hardly got to see her anymore.

"I don't either," Y/N sighed. She too was growing tired of the constant ache in her body and mind, being forced to wait for the next surge of pain sent through her body. "I'm glad it was you, though."

Newt could feel his face heat up, forcing him to push the blankets back to get some air. "Glad it was you, as well." He admitted.

"Hold on—" Y/N's device cut out, and from across the hall, Newt could vaguely hear her jump from her bed and race to the door. In no way did he know what she was doing, but then again, he never did. She always seemed to be onto something new every day and one step ahead of him in every situation. After a couple of minutes, his device lit up once again meaning Y/N had turned hers on.

"Dr. Paige was in the hall, talking with some guards—" She rushed. "I think they're coming to take us out."

"Us?" Newt scoffed. "The last time they had us together was two weeks ago. Why now?"

"Like hell I know!" Y/N snapped. "Just stay quiet, yeah?"

"Good that." He quickly shut off his device and remain laying down, trying to slow his racing heart. The mere thought of seeing Y/N always made him tremble due to both excitement and terror. It wasn't until recently that he realized why.

One late night, a few months ago, he came to the realization he had feelings for Y/N. Not just the kind a person has when they have a strong friendship, or because they were forced to always feel what the other was. It was that he found himself missing her presence, her smile and her touch. Those weren't the sort of things he missed about Minho and Alby when he didn't get to see them for weeks at a time.

Suddenly, a knock came at his door. Frantically, he attempted to shake out and reshuffle the messy mop of hair on his head and straighten his clothes. He realized he had no shoes and only a pair of large, warm socks, but knew he had no time to dig out a pair. So, he simply opened the door, not caring. After all, no one really needed shoes in this concrete jail.

"Newt," Dr. Paige spoke up, a weak smile on her face as she peered at his feet. "Would you mind coming with us?"

Newt eyed the doctor warily for a moment, but the moment he saw Y/N poke her head out from behind Dr. Paige, struggling against the guard holding her, he nodded in agreement. He was so happy to finally see her. So happy. He wondered if part of why he felt so excited was because she was as well.

No words were exchanged between anyone as they walked for what seemed like forever through those dull, harshly illuminated halls. All Newt could see was Y/N's hair and feet, the rest of her covered by the guard pushing her forwards. Her feet dragged along tiredly and head constantly shifted as she looked around at her surroundings. Even though things never changed in this place, Newt always noticed how she chose to look for differences in the facility. To this date, she'd yet to find an unfamiliarity.

Finally, the guards led Y/N and Newt into a room where Dr. Paige sat in front of them. She shuffled through some papers and then closed a file, which on the front, read 'confidential'. Tossing it aside, the doctor sighed and then shifted her gaze between the two kids.

"How are you two fairing so far?" She asked. "It's been three months since we enabled your ability to share pain."

Both kids looked to one another with rather unimpressed glances, then back to Ava. "Well, I could care less about feeling miserable all the bloody time. What I don't like is not being able to see my friends as much I used to be able to."

Dr. Paige nodded and then motioned for Y/N to speak her thoughts. "I agree with Newt. If we share the pain, why aren't we allowed to at least see each other more?"

"That's why we gave you two the communication devices." Ava smiled softly. "You are easiest to monitor when you are not dealing with stimulus other than the pain in your bodies. If you were to experience pain when around friends, it would alter the results and slow our research."

"What's a while longer for your research gonna matter when we go insane from isolation!?" Newt cried. "Plus, we'd get hurt more often if we're allowed to see our friends, playing games and stuff. Isn't that what you want?"

Ava lowered her gaze and sighed. "Not exactly, Newt." She looked to him sympathetically. "We have made great advancements because of you two and need to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of our research on the killzone."

Neither of the kids spoke. All they wanted was a simple answer as to why they were being locked away like prisoners.

"I hope you can understand that you two are—"

"Can you at least tell us what we're doing? So we know everything we have to go through is at least worth it?" Y/N asked.

Ava nodded softly. "You see, we believe that if an immune individual and non-immune both have the same implants you two have in your minds, and are connected, there may be a way to reverse the effects of the flare. Or, at least, stop the invasion of it."

Newt furrowed his brows. "One of us is...?"

"Not immune?" Dr. Paige questioned. "Yes, I am afraid so. But, as you will have noticed...because you are connected, the Flare has not settled in you. Newt, as long as you and Y/N are connected, you two are immune."

Newt looked to Y/N with glassy eyes. He could care less that he wasn't immune. It was that she was the one keeping him alive. He felt forever indebted and wasn't sure there was a repay her. That, and it opened up a whole new world of danger. What if they got separated? What if one of them got really sick or hurt? If one died, would the other? There were so many questions spinning in his mind he felt nauseous. Y/N now did too.

"So...if you switch off this whole thing...I could get the flare? Become one of those cranks?" Newt's voice broke as he spat out the words.

"Yes," Ava reached out to comfort Newt by grabbing his hand. "But, as of right now, the switch we made was permanent. No one other than myself, under the worst of circumstances, can turn it off. Believe me when I say I would never do such a thing unless your lives were in danger." She promised.

"So, we're stuck like this forever?" Y/N mumbled.

"Try not to think of it as being stuck, Y/N." Ava encouraged. "More like having the job of saving lives across the world, once and for all."

"How will you know it's worked?" Newt asked. "How long?"

Dr. Paige pondered for a moment. "We aren't sure just yet. However, we believe that if the non-immune subject can go two years without being infected while connected, then they are safe from the flare."

"So...only 21 months until we know. Huh." She groaned.

"Don't worry," Dr. Paige laughed. "I think it's time you two got back into normal routines alongside your friends now that you are relatively used to sharing your pain. However, that time will pass quickly. A lot can change in two years, and we have big plans for you all in the near future."

Y/N cocked her brow and glanced at Newt who looked just as curious, confused and slightly worried. "Good or bad plans?" She asked.

"Everything we do here comes with positive and negative aspects," Ava admitted. "It will all depend on how our subjects take to our test once construction is complete."

"Construction?" Newt whispered. "The hell are you guys cooking up?"

"Only time will tell." Dr. Paige stood, flattening out her skirt. "Now, you two best be off to greet your friends for dinner!"

"It's dinner?" Y/N's stomach grumbled. "I have no sense of time anymore."

"Neither do I." Newt agreed. "I thought it was the middle of the night."

Y/N laughed and was dragged off by her guard, Newt following right behind as they head for the cafeteria. 

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