
By infintywarmakesmesad

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Book one of five. *Takes place in Thor, Avengers, and contains Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D references!If you haven'... More

Chapter 1 (prelude+character intro)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Book Two

Chapter 28

435 10 7
By infintywarmakesmesad


I swear this girl can hide in plain sight. It's been seven minutes and I've searched in every spot that someone could possibly hide in. I've practically torn her room apart in desperate hope of finding the girl. The damage wont matter anyways, considering she is leaving tonight.

My last resort in finding her is searching my room one last time.

Not under the bed.

Not in the bathroom, or in the cabinet under the sink.

Not in my closet.

Not in my dresser.

She is literally no where in this house.

I toss myself on my bed and sigh. I begin to think I should just give up, but for my own sake I want to find her. I roll onto my side and think. She has shown to be very flexiable so maybe she was able to cram herself in a small space, but I've checked everything that can possibly contain her.

I try to move into a comfortable position to think, but my bed seems to be lumpy. It's probably the duvet being a jerk. Sometimes it's nice and fluffy, other times it's like it's bunched up. I get up to examine the duvet and realize that it's the duvet, it's what's under.

It's definitely not Erika (I hope)

I pull the covers up to reveal some of my clothes. Not just random clothes, the ones I keep in my drawer.

Am I retarded?

The one place I didn't think about looking.

Well why wouldn't I? it's filled with clothes! She wouldn't be able to fit in there.

That's why she took the clothes out dimwit.

I walk to my dresser and open the drawer at the very bottom. It took a bit of force to open it, but sure enough, I see a smirking Erika curled up.
"Took you long enough, Steve." She teased. I helped her out and she stretched. I could hear her bones crack.
"I didn't think you'd be able to fit in there. So I didn't look!" I explained.

Honestly, who would've thought a 6'0 girl could fit in a 3x4 drawer.
"What can I say? I guess I'm magic."
"Erika, you're many things, but magic isn't one of them."
I noticed she had a bit of hair in her face, so I'm going to attempt to pull a Bucky.
I use my pointer finger to push the strain of hair behind her ear and look at her.

Slowly, I watch as she leans in and kisses me.
I love the feeling of her lips on mine.
I haven't had a kiss since Peggy...but she doesn't need to know that. I'd prefer her to like me for me, instead of being "America's Golden Boy."

The kiss continued and got more and more heated. My hands moved from my sides to her waist, and her arms were wrapped around my neck. It's just us.

No one else is here.

No one else can see us.

I have absolutely nothing to worry about.

I can feel Erika's lips open, so I follow. I assume she is more experienced than me, so I follow her lead in hopes that I am doing everything right.
I can feel her tongue slip in for a quick second. Again I try to copy her moves, so I do the same. Her hands run through my hair, which feels really good surprisingly.
Kissing is different than remember it to be. My first kiss with that blonde agent was okay. It was short, but there was no connection. My kiss with Peggy is unforgettable. I would do anything to go back to that moment again, just to relive it. My kiss with Erika is sweet. I've spent a month of my life with her, and I'd love to get to know her more, she is special. I've never seen a girl like her before...and she's a really good kisser.

"Ow!" Erika exclaims as she pulls back. I jump in surprise. Her sudden reaction startled me.
"What? What happened?" I quickly asked. She touches her tongue with her fingers and looks at me.
"You bit my tongue again." I mentally groan. I really need to step up my game.
"I'm sorry." I apologize. Not only did I hurt her, I ruined the moment.

"Don't worry about it."
I let go of Erika's waist and she sits down on my bed. I sit next to her.
"Want to talk a bit?" I ask.
If I've said it once I've said it a dozen times, I love talking to Erika. She is so fascinating.
"As long as we can lay down." She bargains. I raise an eyebrow at her, but lay down anyways.
"What do you want to talk about?" Erika asks me. She lies down next to me, so we are facing each other. I hum as I think of a question.
"Do you believe in Christianity?" I ask. God is a huge part in my life. If Erika believes the same religion as I do, I'd probably fall in love. (Not really. Just a phrase.)

Erika thinks for a moment before answering which confuses me. She spent most of her time here learning about herself and the world, I'm surprised she doesn't know off the top of her head what she believes in.
"No, I believe in Norse." She answers.
"Excuse me for asking, but what is that?" I've never heard of Norse in my life.
"Polytheistic. It's mythology, only it's not a myth." Erika winks at me, but I don't buy it.
"If it's mythology it's fake. There's only one god, doll." Erika let's out a hardy laugh. I've never EVER heard someone laugh that loud.
"If you think there is only one god, you're more of a fool than I thought you for. There are more gods and goddesses than you can imagine. God of wisdom and war, goddess of love and marriage, god of thunder, god of mischief, goddess of chaos...and that's all one family. I could go all day."

We both believe in different religions, I can respect that. But I don't like it.
"I'll believe it when I see it." I scoff.
"So you've seen your god?" Erika asks me. I roll my eyes at her.
"Moving on."

I don't say anything else. Something loud is going on outside. I look out the window, but I don't see anything.
"What the bloody hell is that?" Erika asks.
I stiffen up at her use of language, but let it go. Whatever happened outside is bound to be trouble. No one is able to come through the barrier protecting this place.

Just as I get up to investigate further I hear a knock on the front door. Erika jumps off the bed and goes running towards the security panel.
"Erika wait-"
Before I can even finish she unlocks the door, and a man in a suit, tie, and sunglasses comes walking in.
"Phil! How I've missed you, my dearest friend!"
Erika practically forces him into her arms and kisses his forehead. The man looks up at Erika with a big smile.
"I've missed you too Eerika. Man you're starting to grow on me. I told Audrey about you. She said she'd love to meet you, in fact there's a concert next week if you'd like to tag along."
Why do I feel jealousy? I don't know. But I do.
She gets to go have fun with this guy, and I'm stuck here. Alone.
I may not ever get to see Erika again.
"My sincerest apologies, friend, but I must return to as-"
Erika stops in mid sentence to look at me.
" see my older brother again. But worry not, I will have plenty of time to spend with you, Tony, and Pepper!"
The man gives her a smile and a nod.
Tony? Please tell me pepper is a girl and not a man. I REALLY do not want her around any other guy except—what the heck am I talking about?
"I know I told you I'd be here later, but your friends at stark industries really want—oh my god I didn't see you there." The man turned to me. His eyes are wide and he stiffens up. A fan? I think so.
"Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. It's an honour to meet you Captain Rogers." I turn to Erika. I surely hope she wasn't listening.
I do not want her to know I am Captain America...yet.
"Nice to meet you, agent. If you don't mind, I'd like a moment alone with Erika before you leave."
I don't think Agent Coulson heard me. He is just standing there staring at me, like I'm an alien. It takes him a moment before snapping back into reality.
"Oh...of course. I'll be waiting in the jet for you, Eerika. Take your time."  Agent Coulson glances one more time at me before leaving the house.

It's just me and Erika.

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