Chemically stringed (Dysfunct...

By Zoesimple

475 103 13

Dysfunctional hearts series circles around four unlikely childhood best friends that made a pact to always s... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six

Chapter fourteen

17 3 0
By Zoesimple

"Ouch my head" I mumble out of a troubled sleep that was being haunted by a killer migraine that started to throb in my head sometime ago. At first, I thought that I was having a head ache in my dream so i wake up thinking that the illusion headache  would go away but now... I feel as if my head is going to burst that even opening my eyes into a bright room with sun rays peering in through the curtains, my eyes hurt.

I screw my eyes sitting up and extend my hand to the bed stand to find my glasses

"Looking for this?" Kai asks

"Oh my god!" I gasp almost jumping out of my skin at the sight of Kai who's relaxed on a study chair close  to the bed with his outstretched legs crossed on the desk in front of the chair,dangling my glasses with a bored look on his face "Jeez! Why did you scare me like that? And where did you come from?" I swear I didn't see him there before nor did I feel his presence

"I vanished" He says with sarcasm

"Please give me my glasses" I demand and he tosses it towards me "Have you been watching me sleep?" I ask as I put it on

"I have"

"Why?" I ask feeling a bit embarrassed thinking that what if I was snoring or worse, sleep talking

He says as if he read my mind "Don't worry you sleep like an angel But the problem is that I had to sleep on the floor because you slept on my bed yet you refused to use your senses to wake up quickly. You even made things worse by making me worried by refusing to wake up. Who sleeps this long who days? I had to come check if you were still alive" He explains his complaint

"Sorry I don't usually sleep for long so I don't know what happened... I start to explain then.. "You slept on the floor because of me?" grateful emotions instantly floods my chest "That is so sweet Kai... But wait" I halt as the complete message hits me properly "Am i in your room?"

"Look around you does this room look familiar to you?" He asks

I look around as he asks and i'm dumbstruck at the sight that surrounds me. Everything looks so large starting from the size of the room, then his big soft bed that's two times the size of mine, and even the closet. But the most captivating area are the walls. Three out of The four walls has had the original plain painting replaced by several drawings that has been painted with different shades and colours making the room both bright and dark. At one side, there's the large dark painting of a girls face, at the other there's a bright painting of a beach, and at the third green trees.  The last which is behind the bed remains plain blue with just a guitar hung on it "They're beautiful" I manage unbearably "I didn't expect you to have such a nice room"

"I didn't expect you to be lying on my bed so comfortably like you own it and now i'm sleep deprived because of you" He complains frowning deeply

"I'm sorry I stressed you" I manage feeling a bit guilty " If it makes you feel any better I'm leaving right away" I pull away the blanket and drop my legs standing up but i'm instantly knocked down by the painful migraine that makes me feel woozy " Gosh! I feel like my head is about to burst"

"You're having a hang over and its good for you. Maybe this will teach you a lesson not to get drunk again" He says with a smirk on

"It was just one drink" I'm sure it has weed in it that's why it affected me so badly "Do you have a medicine or something to help me with?"

He stands up mumbling something like I give him so much work, then he walks out of the room and return briefly with a medicine tablet and a glass of water "Here have this"

I gratefully swallow the medicine in a heart bit and down it with a sip of water. "Thanks" I sit still for a while and aim to stand up again "I can go now"

"Don't be an idiot, sit down let the medicine do its work and you have some explaining to do about last night"

I oblige feeling too weak to stand up anyway "What about last night?" I remember everything down to the kiss

"So tell me, why did you ask me to take you to my house instead of yours?"

"Well, I kind of lied to my parents about going to a sleep over with my friends" I sketch out not meeting his eyes because he doesn't like me lying to them


"They've been complaining about my continuous partying lately and its good I lied to them because I wouldn't have been able to go back home  the way I was. Thanks once again Kai" I add to soften him at least

"I don't care if you lied to them but what isn't cool is that you got me involved and I've told you never to get me involved in your lies " He snaps at me "What if something had happened to you? your would have blamed me because I was with you and was a part of your lie. What you did was foolish and risky so never never involve me in your lies or better still, tell your parents the truth because they're understanding"

His words pierces more guilt into my chest "I'm sorry Kai" Then I try to cheer him up "If it makes you feel any better I can assure you that my parents adore you too much to blame you. In fact they'll see you as a hero for saving me from drowning and I'm leaving soon"

"True" He agrees after a brief consideration "So I need to know something, why did you kiss me? " He asks

My heart skips. I've been hoping that he wouldn't ask me this so that we can pretend it never happened. I clear my throat looking down at the half full glass of water I placed on the bed stand "I kissed you? I don't remember that happening" I decide to give an  unconvincing lie

"Is that so?" I imagine him raising a brow "How come?"

"Look, I was tipsy and I don't really remember such happening" I move my eyes to the wall and try to change the subject "These paintings are nice.. did you paint them?"

He isn't fazed by my attempt yet he still answers "I did" then he urges impatiently "Now answer me Isabelle"

"Alright because there's no lying to you anyway with your eye reading abilities" Giving up, I turn my face meeting his eyes feeling a slight tingle in my chest as it does when we touch "I thought you were Owen and you know it too" I say earnestly but deep down i feel as I lied due to the fact that my perceptive side knew that there was something different about him that proves that he wasn't Owen from his features down to the emotions that came with the kiss.... This leads me to wonder why I felt with Kai the things I always wanted to feel with Owen? and did he feel it too? "But you kissed me back didn't you? " I accuse

He raises a brow like i'm insane before speaking "You forcefully grabbed my head and almost swallowed me and i swear i thought that I wouldn't have a head anymore before I managed to escape death by strangling or swallowing so is that what you call me kissing you? "

"Isn't that too much Kai? I'm sure that it wasn't like that because I neither have an iron grip nor a big mouth" I argue

"You think?" He hisses "That's how i remember it but If you were in the wonder land, no problem but please leave me out of your problems because I can't keep getting entangled in your mess" He warns seriously

I frown getting fed up "I already said i'm sorry and besides, you're my friend and I needed you"

"You have other friends"

"I tried reaching them before you" I explain "You were the only one available and if you hadn't come, I would have drowned"

"Count yourself lucky but If you call me next time don't expect me to be pick up"

"Stop bluffing" I scoff "what if i'm about to be melted in a volcano and you're the only one on earth who can save me? Won't you come?"

"Even if you're about to be eaten by a shark, I'll gladly stand by and watch it feast" He retorts firmly

I frown but I don't get annoyed "That would be cruel even for you Kai but I know you don't mean it because you're a good friend. You saved me from drowning and you let me sleep on your bed...That's sweet"

Ignoring my appreciation, he asks "Not to pry but I'm curious are you and Owen still together after your falling out?"

I think briefly and give a curt nod "Maybe, I think so. I'm sure that he must have been calling me..." The talk suddenly brings my phone to mind"Where's my phone Kai? did you pick it from the pool? "

"I had no idea it fell in" Which means no

feeling a tinge of heartbreak at the loss of my phone I feel like crying "I can't believe its gone"

"Its okay you'll get a new one"

"Owen must be trying to reach me by now"

"If he cared so much, he would have taken you home in the first place while you were drunk" He says in an accusing tone

"He was angry but I'm sure he got over it" I say defensively "

"If you say so" He shrugs

"He must have been calling" I mumble to myself then I ask "What time is? It feels like afternoon "

"After twelve"

"What?" I'm struck with severe shock "I've been sleeping for that long?"

"You had my comfortable bed to sleep on that's why"

My shock transforming into panic, I ignore his sarcasm and get on my feet.  The miracle medicine has subsided the migraine and my head feels lighter "My parents must have been trying to reach me and maybe they've figured out that I lied to them because they must have reached the others. Gosh i'm in deep trouble"

"Relax Isabelle they know you're fine" Kai tells me softly pulling me back to the bed "I contacted Audrey and she spoke to them"

"Really?" relief washes over me like a warm bath "What did she say to them? And wait up" My head snaps at what i just heard "wait a sec, how did you get Audrey's contact?"

"She gave it to me"

"Since when did you both become close? " I try to recall when I've seen them talking...not so many times "Audrey doesn't even just give out her contact" I know her that much"

"We fell in love didn't she tell you? and we're secretly dating" He says blandly

"Stop lying kai. Even if you like her Audrey won't like you back in a million years" I don't believe that he likes her but the thought of it makes me feel a tinge of Jealousy

"she's not a robot and she has a heart. It might be shelled but with the right key, that door can be opened I know I'm getting there" He explains then asks "Jealous much?"

"Jealous never" I say defiantly and with emphasis trying hard not to seem jealous "Now can you get serious? I've been waiting for you"

"Fine I got it from Isadora. After you dozed off by the pool, I didn't know where to take you at first so I called Isadora because I suspected something fishy going on and she told me about how you lied" He explains

"You already knew about it yet you still asked me?" I shake my head

"Hearing from the horses mouth is best." He goes on "I asked for the contact of any of your friends and she gave me all of theirs so I chose to call Audrey who informed the others. They took it from there and now your parents still believe that you're with your friends" He concludes

"You saved me from my parents wrath" I feel overwhelmed with gratitude "Thanks Kai you're a good friend indeed"

"Don't get used to it though, this is the first and the last and don't thank me alone. Thank your friends and your sister. You're surrounded by good people"

"I intend to do that" I brace myself for the reprimanding I'm sure to receive  "I should go now"

"Patience, your friends are coming to get you" He winces as he informs. He doesn't seem to like the idea

"Why? "

"How should I know? You tell me they're your friends"

"Can you lend me your phone so I can call them?" I demand thoughtfully

"Nope" He shakes his head in refusal "my phone isn't a public phone and don't forget to change from that on your way out"

"From what?" I follow his eyes looking down at myself and i'm stunned  to see that i'm in a night dress "How did I put this on? did you change my dress? "


"You saw me naked? Oh my god!" My face starts burning red like a hot plate  in embarrassment

"Don't be shy I closed my eyes so I didn't see much" He says with a smirk

"Stop lying Kai "A female voice puts in loudly from outside the room and then a girl who looks like Kai with a long brown hair walks. She's as tall as me but dressed fashionably like Jade "Don't worry Isabelle I changed the dress"

I sigh with relief but it still feels weird "You're Keoni right?" I ask knowingly then finding her looking sort of familiar, I turn to the part of wall that has a girls face on it and I get my answer

"Who else but me? And FYI I'm way older just in case he lied to you that he's older" She explains and walks up to me grabbing and shaking me hand "Nice meeting you"

"Nice meeting you too" I let her take control of the handshake until she's satisfied

Kai frowns at us in our union" You're just a year older so don't act all grown up and why are you still at home? don't you have lectures or something?" he asks his sister

"Its Saturday and I don't have lectures but I have a something that's why I'm heading out soon I just needed to see our visitor first and She's so pretty" She nods as if she just approved of me

I smile but I can't help feeling that she just wants to be nice. "You school here in New York?"

"Sure. NYU"

"Nice. That's my future college" I inform excitedly

"So I hear"

I don't waste time fishing before for details "How is it? I would like to know because I haven't been there yet but I plan to soon"

"Come see for yourself. Let's go some time" She suggests

"Sure" I nod liking the idea. At least I'll kill too birds with one stone and that is, bonding with her mainly because she's Kai's sister even if she seems easy going and doesn't pose a problem, and also because She'll be my senior in college and I may need her guidance "Thanks for your help and the night dress"

"Any time and please come more often because Kai never brings visitors"

"Really?" The thought of being in Kai's world suddenly seems appealing and now I'm wondering why I just had a change of heart when initially I didn't want to know anything about him "I'll come if Kai let's me" I say looking at him hopefully

"I never stopped you from coming over you just never said you wanted to come" He flatly states with a shrug "and since you have my sisters company, I'm out of here" With that, he whisks out of the room

"Why is he like that?" I just had to ask

She smiles as if my question carries an inside Joke "I wouldn't know you tell me. How is he like? "

Jeez! I note down more resemblance. They seem to like throwing peoples questions back at them " Complex, Nice and arrogant, snubby and attentive. Is he always like that?"

"Maybe. I wouldn't know these days" She shrugs

Again I notice another one. They also have a thing for the word 'maybe'. "Your painting is beautiful" I delve into another matter of curiosity

"Sure" She sits next to me legs crossed "Its strange that he hasn't added you yet in his wall of Fame"

"Me?" My eyes widen then I scoff  "Why would I be there?"

"Well, he paints what he deems the most important like me over there, then that's the beach in Hawaii, those trees are in palm woods" She explains "I'm sure the last part is for you"

"Why me?" I remain puzzled

"Because he likes you"


I roll my eyes "As a friend I guess and I've troubled him a lot so I see no reason why he'll paint me there"

"You're a smart girl you'll figure things out soon" She cups my chin and gets to her feet"Come on, I'm sure you must be bored of this room let's take you around to see the house and to find Kai"

"Okay" I swiftly agree also getting to my feet then I follow her out of the room into a long hallway with several doors left and right, then into a small and simple yet fancy looking living room that has the entire walls made of glass that you can see the outside.

"Wow!" I can't help but exclaim "This is beautiful" I've always pictured Kai to live in simple house like mine because he seems average class that's why the unexpected grandeur comes as a shock. The funny and ironic part is that, Owen is the one I expected to live in such a house. Oh well.... 

"Its Okay I've seen better" She shrugs humbly "the best part is, outsiders cant see us from the inside because the glass is tinted"


"Come on "She urges leading me towards a neat white tiled kitchen where I see Kai leaning by a white cabinet in front of a micro wave" Tour is over I have to drop you off with my brother so I can go pick up something and bounce"

"Thanks" I call after her as she walks away and then I face Kai who's staring at me intently "What?" I'm forced to ask

"Nothing. Hungry?"

"A little but I can manage"

"You haven't eating all morning so you have to eat something because I can't afford you dying in my house. Go sit over there" He directs me to a small but fancy dinning table in the kitchen that has stools as chairs

I oblige without an argument "Speaking of house, you have a lovely home" I hold back the temptation to add that I didn't think that he could be rich

"I know its lovely because I live in it there's no need telling me the obvious"

"Argh" I grit my teeth in swift annoyance "Seriously Kai, would it kill you to accept a compliment and say thanks?"

"Alright thanks. Happy?" He says as if he's being forced

"Good" I nod in satisfaction "Your sister's really cool too and where are your parents anyway?" I've been curious to see them

"My dad is out on a business trip while my mom is an air hostess. They're hardly ever around so my sister and I are almost always home alone" He explains as he brings out a bowl of  meat loaf from the micro wave and transfers it into a plate.

"So much freedom" I sigh wishfully resting my face on my palm with my elbows resting on the table "Since your sister found a reason to study in the city you can also find a reason too don't you think?"

"We're too different people" He simply says setting the plate of meat loaf and an empty glass in front of me, then he takes out a jug of juice from the fridge to pour into the glass before sitting down next to me

"Thanks" I pick up a spoon and start spooning food in my mouth. After a while, I bring up thoughtfully "You know I was wondering how you got to me so fast last night. You were pretty fast on your arrival"

"super speed" He says

"You were at the party weren't you?" I demand suspiciously

He frowns "No i wasn't"

"Then tell me the truth or I'll just assume that you were at the party" I bargain knowing that he wouldn't like it

"The answer is right beside you"

I take my eyes off him looking side by side foolishly "How do you mean?

"I'll give you a hint, Tell me where i live?"

"That's not a hint that's a question but I'm sure you live in New York City if not you wouldn't be attending our school"

"where in New York City?"

"Here, a place, I don't know Quit with the riddles and speak in English" I complain

He shakes his head at me as if disappointed "you really need to learn other things than calculus and chemical combo"

"whatever" I drink the last of my juice and stand up to the kitchen sink to wash the glass and the plate Some how, I managed to finish the meat loaf...Thank goodness! After that, I wipe my hands contemplating Kai's riddle, then my eyes unconsciously trail towards the open kitchen backyard that somehow I failed to look at earlier. Amazed to see a beautiful flower garden planted outside, I walk outside like an entranced soul into the garden and start twirling around" This is beautiful"

"Sure" Kai says joining me in the garden with hands in the pockets of his jeans

I stop twirling to look at him "who planted them?"

"My mom. Its what she does when she's home" A brief pause then he asks "what your favourite flower?" He asks

Usually i would say Rose or Daisy or lily but these days..."Lavender"

He gives me a satisfied smile "why? "

"Because its unique according to my secret admirer" I admit

"Still on the secret admirer mystery?"

"Nah. Owen already confessed to me that he's my secret admirer"

His hazel eyes widen in shock then his head creases into a frown "He said that?"

"Did I just speak Chinese?" He doesn't say anything else but continues to frown and I don't seek for a reason why because he usually likes to frown. I return my eyes to the  flowers then something else grabs my attention. A big house that resembles Martins "Why am I seeing Martins house close to yours?" My head snaps as it all falls in place "You live next door to Martin?"

"Took you long enough" He says drily. The frown has become a scowl on his face

"You live next door yet you never attend his parties?" I just had to ask

"Its not a must is it?" He hisses and heads back into the kitchen

I follow him back beginning to wonder what has crawled up his sleeve that's making him grumpy. I'm about to ask when the door bell rings

"Your friends are here" He informs forwarding towards the front door

Again, I tag along then I see Audrey and Jade standing in front of the door. Audrey looking like an Assassin on a mission, is on all black jean, high boots, and a hoodie jacket shirt, with her long black hair in a high pony tail, while Jade looks flashy in a mini flared dress ending on her lap and red heels that marches her lipstick and hair that is completely red for once but trimmed shorter than it all ready is.

"I cant believe that he lives here and next to Martin" Jade is saying as if trying not to be impressed "Are you sure this is the place Audrey? maybe he lives in a dumpster some where down town and this is the wrong house"

"You directed me here so you shouldn't be asking me that" Audrey retorts looking as if she's been forced to tag along

"This is where he described duh and my GPS did the directing so lets check it out but why isn't that tapeworm  opening?" Just as she finishes her complaint Kai opens the door. "Took you long enough" She lashes at him and pushes him out of the way as she walks in towards me

"Hey Kai... Nice house" Audrey hails Kai coolly and follows suit after Jade before Kai shuts the door and moves to sit on the couch. I register her brief talk with him in my head and analyse. She doesn't seem too friendly with him but.....

"You bitch. Where the hell is your phone? didn't you know I tried to reach you after your call? Why did you lie to your parents? I thought I told you not to drink? Is it true you almost drowned? what happened between you and Owen that you ended up here? and why are you wearing this night dress? It looks so yesterday " Jade starts demanding unending for answers as she reaches where I'm standing

"How can I answer all at once?" I complain

"I don't know how but I'm in a really bad mood and I need answers"

"Okay" Deciding to go one after the other, I begin "First of all, I lost my phone in the pool yesterday" I feel a tinge of heartbreak again at my loss "I lied to my parents because they don't like me attending too many parties, and I just had one drink which I didn't think that it would be that harmful"

"Now you've seen the result so stay away from it from now on" She says snaps on a warning note

I swallow hard and continue "Its true I almost drowned but Kai saved me" I look over at Kai in acknowledgement  as I say this while Jade shrugs like its nothing

"As for Owen, we had a falling out that's why he couldn't take me home. Its the reason I called you first before Kai to take me home"

"I hate to say but its quite uncool that Owen left you like that" Audrey quietly points out but I know that she loves to say it

"We had an argument that's why" I stress out defensively

"You weren't yourself so he should have overlooked his anger and care about your safety first" She insists

"She's right" Jade concurs "What Owen did was pretty irresponsible of him and I'm so pissed at him for almost letting you drown"

"He didn't push me into the pool I fell in" I remain defensive even though I know they're right

"No but he pushed you out of the party drunk so he pretty much almost let you drown" Jade retorts

Left with no more defensive come back, I move on to the next question "As for the night dress, Keoni gave it to me because my dress was wet"

"Who's Keoni?" Jade asks looking baffled

"Who called my name?" keoni asks as she emerges from the hall way "You must be Isabelle's friends. I'm Kai's elder sister"

Jade gives her a scrutinizing look and nods in appraisal "I like your Versace Jacket"

"I like your Dolce heels" Keoni replies

"I like your Chanel bag" Jade says again

"I like your style" Keoni smiles

" I like your style too" Jade returns her smile "I'm Jade by the way and this is Audrey"

"Nice meeting you both" Keoni extends her smile to Audrey who doesn't smile back but simply nods " I would love to stay and chat but I've got to bounce so toodle loo people" with that, she leaves the house

Jade sighs "I like people that speaks my language and I take it back, that night dress is so this season"

"Cool" I say with disinterest "Now please tell me what you guys told my parents?"

"Simple. That you're with us and that you won't be returning until later because we have a study section since its Saturday and Amber isn't well so you would like to stay with her for a bit as well" Jade informs

"You got us all worried and made us lie to your parents Isabelle" Audrey says in a reprimanding tone"Try not to do that again"

I swallow hard in guilt "I'm sorry guys and thanks for everything you're the best"

Audrey shrugs and says "No biggie you'll do same for us"

"sure" Jade nods in concur "Just try not to almost drown again that's all i'm asking"

I smile at them gratefully. With everything settled, I decide to ask "Didn't my parents ask to talk to me though?"

"Of course they did. All that was said, was said by you as in me faking your voice because Audrey who's voice is close to yours, wouldn't do It" She give Audrey an accusing glare as she speaks " I did all the work and It was pretty hard. One more thing, you also told them that your phone got faulty so they can contact you through us and it so falls in place that you really don't have a phone anymore" She says with pride

"Aren't you a whim Jade? Audrey's voice is deep and not girly girl" Which contrasts Amber's that's soft and light "so you and I sound more alike" I explain smartly

"Hey be nice to me because I just saved your butt which isn't for free by the way. You owe me something but I don't know what it is yet" Jade lays out

I roll my eyes "As if I expected less. So is Amber really sick"


"I'm instantly concerned "Whats wrong with her?"

"That's what we're going to find out " Jade says

"You mean that we're going to her house?" I get the message

"You think I told your parents about you staying back to take care of her for nothing? She's sick and the list we can do is check up on her" She explains reasonably

"I have work so I can't be there" Audrey announces regretfully "But send her my regards

"I don't think I can make it either because I  have to go back home and i need a bath" I put in ex plainly

"Have your bath here and put on your dress. We need to go check up on our friend so home can wait for another hour at least" Jade suggests 

"Here?" I look at Kai questioningly

"No problem" He agrees easily

After accepting a new tooth brush and towel from Kai, I scrub hell out of  my teeth and body in Kai's squeaky clean bathroom, then I return to my former skimpy dress that looks like it has been washed and dried by who knows? and gladiator sandals, and find my way back to the living room where I see Kai and Audrey talking in whispers on the fancy mink couch which sort of makes me feel annoyed and slightly jealous, while Jade sits afar off busily taking selfies with her phone

"I'm back" I make my presence known

Audrey and Jade gets to their feet right away then Jade says with sarcasm "Whoosh i thought you moved to the bathroom with your luggage"

"Haha Very funny" I retort

"Come on let's go" She urges. Getting to the door, she looks down at Kai with a smile that spells ulterior motive "So Kent Would you mind giving us a ride to our friends place?"

"The name is Kai and yes I do mind" He says as I expect because Kai isn't the type that can be manipulated by Jade

"Oh come on kai" She calls "Our friend doesn't live that far from here so you don't expect me to walk down there with these shoes, and entering a cab is waste of cash"

"He never asked you to wear heels" Audrey Puts in

"Well I'm wearing them and I need his help so help me please" she pleads forcefully

"Fine" He agrees easily which sort of surprises me "I'm heading out anyway"

"Thank you" She smiles sweetly and walks out of the house after Audrey

As I head out, I slow my pace with Kai so I can speak to him "why did you agree to help her when she's mean to you?"

"I'm helping because you're going besides, I can't be mean to her because she's mean to me. One can't quench fire with fire" He explains with a smile and diverts his movement to the garage

I'm puzzled by his words yet I smile after him with my eyes for a bit then I turn to wave at Audrey who mounts on her motor cycle, puts on her helmet and zooms off. After she leaves, I move my gaze to the glass house for an outside view and in truth, the glass walls are tinted from the outside. kai's car soon zooms out of the garage to stop in front of us and Its an old green truck which I've seen him drive before on several occasions

"I can't believe this. You leave in such a nice house yet you drive an old truck?" Jade doesn't hide her disdain as he beckons us in

Unfazed by the fit she just threw, he asks "Its still a car isn't it? now get in before I change my mind"
I gracefully walk to the front door to open it then Jade nudges me aside "I call short gun" and takes the front seat slamming the door on my face

Feeling annoyed and robbed off my right to sit next to Kai, I take the back seat fuming all the way to the grey Mansion

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