I Promise {Rierra}

By hyperfxating

62.4K 1.2K 721

Sierra and Ramin didn't know it, but their paths would cross soon. Leading them to the most amazing love stor... More

Prolouge/Chapter 1
2- The Call
3- Rehearsals/ Jade
4- A Plan
5- Pain
6- I think I love you
7- The Escape/ The Kids
8- Tam
9- The Pills
10- The 'break up'
11~ Showtime!
12~ After the show
13- Home, at last
14- Phantom
15~ Vlogging
16- 'it'
17- the fight
18- As Time Goes On
19- I Dreamed A Dream
20- Great Britain
22- Sickness
23- Stress
25- Honeymoon (shortish)
26- Oh my god.
Part two- chapter 26
27- Pregnant
28- Telling
29- Tam, he's back.
30- Vlogger 24601
31- I Love You
32- Ethan
33- I Promise
Authors note

21- Old Memories and New Ones

1.4K 39 32
By hyperfxating

Chapter 21

"He's here, the phantom of the opera..." Sierra sang, following Ramin around the stage.

"Ok, now Sierra, step here, face Ramin." Sierra did what she was told. The music started up again and they finished the song.

Once they were finished, they did the song two more times. Since they had perfected the movements and music, Andrew let them go a little bit early.

"Let's go get some lunch." Ramin suggested, grabbing Sierras hand.

After a quick stop at Wendy's, the two headed back to their hotel room. Since it was Andrew who booked the hotel, they stayed in a huge and grand hotel.

They rode the elevator up and when they were in their hotel room, Sierra flopped on the bed.

She was exhausted and ready to sleep. Next thing she knew, Ramin was next to her and pulling her into his arms.

Well, whatever they did at rehearsal that made them so tired, and the major jet lag, caused them to sleep through dinner and through the night. They both woke up some time around 6am.

"Did we really sleep all that time?" Ramin looked far more awake then Sierra, but she pretended not to notice.

"I guess." He groaned, sitting up and stretching out his arms.

As the day went on, Sierra found herself getting more excited to perform. She jumped into her and Ramin's dressing room to get ready. They were the first performers to go, so they didn't even get to see the beginning of the show. Sierra was far from disappointed about that.

Sierra and Ramin sat next to each other and as they were getting ready, did some warmups together. After they were warmed up and done getting ready, they ran to the stage. The curtain was closed, so that they would practice at the commercial break.

They saw Andrew and ran to him. "There you are! Go run through the sing!" He rushed them on.

Sierra and Ramin practically ran through the movements, as they didn't have much time at all. Just as they got finished, their was two minutes left of the commercial break, and they realized they didn't have mics.

"Oh my god. Ramin, we don't have mics!" She slapped his arm.

They ran around frantically to try to get their mics, and wound up getting them just in time to go on.

"And here they are, performing Phantom of the Opera, is Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo!"

"In sleep he sang to me

In dreams he came

That voice which calls to me and speaks my name

And do I dream again for now I find

The Phantom of the Opera is there

Inside my mind

Sing once again with me

Our strange duet

My power over you grows stronger yet

And though you turn from me to glance behind

The Phantom of the Opera is there

Inside your mind.

Those who have seen your face

Draw back in fear

I am the mask you wear

It's me they hear...

Your/My spirit and my/your voice in one combined

The Phantom of the Opera is there/here

Inside my/your mind

He's there, the phantom of the opera!

Beware, the phantom of the opera!

He's there, the phantom of the opera!

Beware the phantom of the opera!

In all your fantasies, you always knew

that man and mystery

Were both in you

And in this labyrinth

where night is blind

the Phantom of the Opera is there/here,

inside my/your mind

He's there, the phantom of the opera

Sing, my Angel of Music

Sing, my Angel

Sing for me

Sing, my Angel!

Sing for me!"

They ended with a bang, and Sierra was so excited. People were clapping, and on their feet, and Sierra just wanted to jump in Ramin's arms.

They got off stage, and Sierra did just that. Ramin spun her around in the air in a huge hug. "That was amazing!" He shouted, but not too loud. "Come on, let's go change and get in our seats."

*the day after the show*

Ramin woke up in the best mood possible. He looked down at Sierra, who was already looking up at him. He leaned down and connected their lips together. Sierra giggled against his lips and pulled away.

"Good morning, dear." Ramin smiled, kissing her again. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her onto his lap. Ramin smiled against her lips as she leaned forward and pressed their chests together. Once they pulled away, they were breathless. "That was a nice little good morning."

Sierra smiled again, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Good morning." She whispered, her lips brushing his.

She then got up and got ready to go take a shower. "Are you just gonna sit there and drool, or take a shower with me?" She put her hands on her hips.

Ramin shot up and followed her into the shower. They took a long shower and when they were done, Sierra wasn't sure what to wear. "Ramin, what should I wear for the day?"

Yes. "How about you put on some sweats for now, and then later, you look nice for me because I'm taking you out." Sierra smiled, nodding. So for now, she just put on sweatpants and a big sweatshirt.

Sierra and Ramin curled up on the bed and watched tv until 5, when Ramin declared it was time to get ready for dinner.

Sierra bounced around the room and grabbed all the things she needed to get ready. So after a half hour, she was dressed, made up, and ready to go.

Ramin took her out to a nice dinner at a place with a French name that she couldn't pronounce. The food was wonderful and Sierra was so full she thought she was going to explore.

But, their night wasn't over.

Ramin got them both in the car and instead of driving to the hotel, he went the opposite way. "Where are you going?" Sierra questioned.

"We're gonna go reminisce in old memories." Ramin smirked, and Sierra knew he had something in store for her. He drove her all the way to the Adelphi theater. "Aww, Ramin." She gushed as she got out of the car, kissing his cheek.

"Close your eyes." He commanded, and Sierra flinched. "Nothing will happen. Just close your eyes, and trust me."

Sierra did trust him, so she shut her eyes. She felt his hands being placed on her shoulders and she walked forward with him.

He led her into the theater and sat her down in the middle of the audience. She heard him run away and she found herself getting nervous.

"Open your eyes, dear." She opened her eyes to see that Ramin was standing at the bottom of the aisle. "This is where I first saw you. I thought you were the most beautiful person in the whole world."

He ran onto the stage and stood to stage right. "This is where we had our first kiss. Ok, we were engrossed in our characters, but I felt the first spark that still carries on today."

Sierra found herself tearing up as she thought about all those wonderful times, when things were way easier then they were now.

Then suddenly, the lights went out and all Sierra could see was darkness. It was only dark for a second, for when the lights came on, Ramin was standing in the middle of the stage with a guitar. He then proceeded to play Sierra an acoustic version of 'Coming Home' from his album.

"Far as we could be.

I always see your face.

I always hear your name.

All my thoughts reach for you a million miles away.

As time and distance pull us be sure of this.

I can feel the wind change,

I can tell something's not right.

Our love the one thing that keeps us,

we'll be alright.

In some other world you think you've lost me,

you need to know

I'm coming home. I'm coming home.

Lost, if you feel lost

you know where to find me.

Here, I'll be here listening for your voice.

Though time and distance pull us be sure of this.

Oh, I can feel the wind change,

I can tell something's not right.

Our love the one thing that keeps us,

we'll be alright.

In some other world you think you've lost me,

you need to know

I'm coming home. I'm coming home.

And I feel you, in every part of me.

And I see you, you're every where I can be.

I can feel the wind change,

I can tell something's not right.

Our love the one thing that keeps us,

we will be alright.

In some other world you think you've lost me,

you need to know

I'm coming home. I'm coming home."

Ramin had been approaching her throughout the song and as he finished, he held out his hand for her. Sierra was pretty much sobbing now, but she took his hand as he led her to the middle of the stage.

He left her for a second to put his guitar in the wings, but then came back and grabbed her hands. He then looked down, put his hands on her shoulders, and walked her back a step. "This, is where I first realized I loved you. It was when we kissed during your last show for Love Never Dies.

"I never wanted to let you go, and I didn't want you to leave. Over the past month or two, I realized, I don't want to let you go, ever again. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, because I love you with all my heart.

"I couldn't bare to be away from you those two weeks that you had left after I screamed at you. Every night, I rolled over and tried to find you, but you were never there.

"I've never stopped loving you ever since that night, and I hope you loved me too. So, Sierra, I've said what I need to say."

Sierras hand flew to her mouth as Ramin fell to one knee. "Sierra, will you marry me?"

Sierra was way beyond sobbing now and all she could choke out was, "Yes. Of course!"

Sierra almost didn't realize that he was hiding a huge diamond ring in his hand as he proposed. He slipped the ring, if you could call it that it was so big, and stood up.

Sierra didn't give him any time to breathe before she kissed him. Ramin smiled against her lips and pulled her closer to him. They stayed like that for a few minutes before they pulled apart.

Ramin started to wipe away her tears, but it was just replaced with new ones. "How did you manage all of this?" She gestured to the entire theater.

"You can get a few things when you know the oh so mighty Andrew Lloyd Webber." Sierra laughed a little bit, nodding her head.

Then she remembered she had a ring. She threw her hand in front of her face and stared at the huge ring on her hand. "Oh my god. It's beautiful! When did you get this?"

"I got it in America. That's why it took me so long to get through security at the airport. I'm just glad you went before me and then left to get lunch for us. You almost saw." Ramin chuckled.

"Oh my god, Ramin. I love you so much." Sierra pulled him into a kiss again and they stayed there for a really long time.

Ramin went to push her strap down, but she stopped him. "We can't do this here, Ramin."

"Right, let's get back to the hotel." Ramin took her hand an led her down from the stage and into his car.

He drove her back, and the whole time she stared down at her ring. She couldn't get over the beautiful diamond that lay on it. Their was a huge diamond at the top, and littler diamonds, three on each side of the diamond. The smaller diamonds lie on the simple silver band.

"I'm guessing you like it?" Ramin guessed, grabbing her hand.

"Are you kidding? That's an understatement. I'm in love with it. And you, of course." She giggled.

"I'm glad you love it. It kinda took me five hours to pick it out. I couldn't decide. And I started getting nervous and doubting what you would say, so I had to call Summer, and Andrew Kober, and I actually wound up calling Cameron. I don't know if you saw, but I was so nervous I though I was gonna throw up."

"You have no reason to be nervous. I would have said yes if you proposed in a cardboard box."

Ramin just chuckled, but didn't reply. Probably just nervous that if he said anything else he would actually throw up.

When they entered the hotel room, Ramin's hand reached the hem of Sierras dress. He slowly pulled it up as their lips connected.

They went from there and they didn't fall asleep until midnight, which sucks because they had to be up at 6 to catch a plane back to New York. "Sierra, darling, wake up. We have to go home soon." He cooed, brushing hair from her face.

"No, I don't want to get up. You're so warm." She snuggled closer to him and smiled a bit.

"I don't want to get up either, but I do want to get home to see the kids and get to dress rehearsals." Sierra sighed, knowing he was right.

"Will you carry me?" Sierra questioned, looking up at him.

"Maybe." Ramin smirked, getting both of them up. Sierra was exhausted as she dragged herself around the room and changed. Her and Ramin got in the car and drove to the airport, ready to go home to their kids.

Oh. My. God. I swear. I though I made him propose in the most adorable way!!!! AHHHH! I'm so conceded. 😊

Anyway, I did the ice bucket challenge with my cheer team today and it sucked, but it's for charity so it's okay.


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