4- A Plan

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Chapter 4

"In sleep he sang to me

In dreams he came

That voice which calls to me

And speaks my name..."

Sierra sang, holding Ramin's hand as he led her through the set.

"Sing once again with me

Our strange duet

My power over you grows stronger yet..." Sierra was in such a trance as Ramin sang. She always loved his voice.

He continued to sing as they rushed down the stairs to get to the boat. Her trance continued as they walked down the stairs, but was soon broken as she felt herself falling. She waited for the impact but didn't feel it, as Ramin had caught her. They glanced at each other, than burst out with laughter.

"What's going on back there?!" Cameron yelled, hearing their laughter.

They came out from backstage, still laughing. "Sierra doesn't know how to walk Cam." Ramin finally choked out.

"Sierra," Cameron starts, taking both her hands. "Do we need to teach you to walk down stairs?" The remark only made them laugh harder. "Alright, go take a ten minute break. Let's run Notes/ Prima Donna!" He calls as everyone runs around, getting ready to perform.

Sierra and Ramin sit down, finally calming down. Ramin checks his phone, frowning. "I'm gonna go call the boys."

Ramin stomps back in, ten minutes later. His eyes looked slightly red, signaling he had been crying. His fists were clenched, signaling he was mad.

"Ramin, what's wrong? Are the boys okay?"

"The boys are terrified of Mandy. She's just a useless, old drunk." Sierra couldn't help but feel sympathy towards Ramin. Seeing his kids in pain and despair, knowing you can only do so much to make sure they're safe and sound.

Sierra pulls him to the side, making sure that nobody heard their conversation. "Ramin, call the police. This is not okay."

"And what can they do?"

"They will get them away from that house. You can be with your kids again." Sierra tried hard to make sure he finally takes matters into his own hands. To not sit here and watch his kids in pain.

"I don't know Sie. I'm too busy to deal with the police."

"But promise me that you'll think about it." Sierra held Ramin's hand for a moment.

"I promise."

She knew it wasn't genuine. He would never call the police. Sierra knew that.

She would just take matters into her own hands.

As Ramin walked back on stage, Sierra hatched a perfect plan that would get his kids back. But she needed someone else.

Ramin would surely shoot down her offer. Hadley. Perfect. Sierra decided she would talk to Hadley after rehearsal.

As Sierra got on stage, the pain in her side increased. She clutched her side, hissing in pain. "Hey Sie, you okay?" Ramin saw her pained face.

"My hip hurts a bit still."

"Maybe you should go to the doctor." Sierra immediately shook her head.

"No. No doctors. I have a show to worry about."

She trudged over to Cameron, listening to the plans for the rest of rehearsal. "Everyone can go except Hadley and Sierra. We're gonna do All I Ask Of You."

Sierra and Hadley were both fast learners so they managed to do Why Have You Brought Us Here and then All I Ask Of You and the reprise in an hour.

"You two are awesome. Be prepared to perform in front of everyone tomorrow. And to kiss."

They nodded, both fine with the command. They both packed up their belongings and Sierra made a bee line for Hadley.

"Hadley!" She hollered, catching up to him. "Will you help me with something important?"

"No I will not give you a foot massage." He says blankly. "No I'm kidding. What do you need?"

Sierra goes on to explain the whole plan to him. "And you don't have to do much. Just drive the car, I'll do the dirty work."

"I don't know Sierra. This is dangerous."

"Yes it is, the most jail time you can get is five years for criminal assistance. I'm going away for life. But that's only if we get caught though."

Hadley was still iffy on the proposal. "And when will we do this?"

"Next week."

He sighs, but says, "Fine."

Sierra lets out a squeal, hugging him and kissing his cheek. "Thank you!" Hadley wrapped his arms around her waist, rather tightly, and she winced. "Ow, that hurt."

"I'm sorry Sierra. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"No, it's okay. You didn't know. My hip has been hurting for a little while now." She gingerly lifted her shirt, showing a bump on the right side of her stomach.

"Either you're pregnant or you have a hernia. Sierra, go to the doctor."

"It's neither, and I'm not going to the doctor. I have a show to worry about."

I Promise {Rierra}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora