19- I Dreamed A Dream

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Chapter 19

"Ready to go?" Ramin asked Sierra, who was currently sitting on the bed, staring at her phone.

"Ya, I guess." She smiled, running up to grab his hand. As they passed the living room, they saw the kids with Summer. "Be good for Summer. Call us if you need anything." She called as Ramin pushed her out the door.

It turns out that Ramin planned on just taking her to a restaurant and then they were going to walk on the beach. So after they ate their was a quick drive to the beach. Just as they arrived, the sun was just setting and the sight was beautiful.

The couple sat down on the beach and gazed into the sunset. "I love you." Ramin pulled her closer to him.

"I love you too." Sierra sighed, resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes.

"I'm sorry." He blurted out.

"For what? Ramin, you've apologized countless times, and, I've forgiven you." Sierra grabbed his hand and entwined their fingers.

"But I haven't forgiven myself." He whispered, still feeling guilty.

"Ramin, stop it. I'm not mad, I'm not angry, I love you." She put her hands on his chin and pulls his mouth to hers. They stayed like that for a while, both happy that they were no longer fighting. When they pulled apart, they both smiled at each other.

Sierra and Ramin stayed on the beach for another hour before heading back to the penthouse. Sierra was almost falling asleep on the ride home, but stayed awake. Ramin saw this, and smiled. He put his hand atop hers. "Darling, go to sleep if you want to."

"No, I'm not bailing on you after our date." Sierra was determined, and just a bit stubborn.

"You're hardly bailing. Sleep." Sierra knew that, though she was stubborn, so was he. And he wouldn't budge. So Sierra admitted defeat and closed her eyes.

She didn't quite fall asleep, but did blank out for a little, because the next thing she knew, Ramin was carrying her into the penthouse. Again, she closed her eyes and laid her head on his chest.

He carried her into their bedroom and laid her down. She kicked off her shoes and curled up under the covers, not bothering to change her clothes. After Ramin had changed his, he smiled at her.

"Sierra, I know you're still awake. You have to change. You can't sleep in that dress." She ignored him. "Fine, I guess I'll do it then." He came over to her side of the bed and ripped off her dress. His warm hands brushed over her skin and she was in his trance.

All he did was dress her in fuzzy pajama pants and a long sleeve shirt. When he was done, he got in bed next to her and she curled up beside him. "Thank you, Ramin." He just kissed her head and fell asleep with her.

The next day, Sierra went to rehearsals with Ramin like she was to do two weeks before. On the way there she started her vlog for the week. "Hello, welcome to week six of Daae Days. Today, I am going to rehearsals with Ramin so I'll show you some of that. I can't give away too much, but I might have a bit of the cast in there. And I still don't know everyone so I'll probably meet some of them today." She thought for a second. "Well, here's Ramin. He can't really look because he's driving but just say hi."

"Hi vlog people." He states flatly.

"Ramin Karimloo for you, people. So, Ramin, are you excited for rehearsal?"

"Not at all. It's just regular old rehearsals. Nothing extravagant."

"Well, maybe not now, but I'm going. And you know what they say, when I'm there, it's a party!" She started to dance around.

I Promise {Rierra}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora