23- Stress

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Chapter 23

*one month later, two months to wedding*

"In sleep he sang to me

In dreams he came

That voice which calls to me

And speaks me name..." Sierra sang almost awkwardly walking around the stage.

"Stop, Sierra, what are you doing?" Cameron groans, seeing as this was the third time he stopped Sierra in the beginning of the song.

Sierra wasn't used to the Radio City Music Hall stage and couldn't help but feel awkward walking around it with Norm.

"I'm sorry, Cameron. Can I just have a break?" He sighs, nodding her head. Sierra immediately jets out the door and stood outside the theater.

Sierra took many deep breaths and tried not to let any tears fall, but she would be lying if she said that none were shed. Sierra wasn't sure why she was having so much trouble rehearsing.

Maybe it's stress. Just stress from everything right now. The wedding in a few months, the kids, both Ramin and I having shows, and now the Tony's.

Sierra wiped away her tears quickly, seeing as the Les Miz cast was approaching the theater. She ran back on stage, feeling a lot better then before.

Sierra felt a bit proud when the Les Miz cast came in, among them was Ramin, and she kept singing without a hitch. But then, when she finished, that's when things went wrong.

"Ok, one more time for practice." Sierra sighed, running her hand through her hair and getting ready to sing again.

As soon as she sang again, the others went silent, and she felt self-conscious. Sierra followed Norm around the stage, and at one point, felt a familiar feeling.

She put her right foot in front of her left, but couldn't get her other foot back up, so she felt herself falling again. But this time, no one caught her. So Sierra put her hand down on the floor first, then her body hit the floor. But as she fell, she managed to yell out, "Holy shit!" before she completely fell.

The entire room was silent for a few seconds, and Sierra didn't move, but then everyone burst out laughing. Sierra joined in laughing as Norm assisted her to her feet.

"Ramin, teach your fiancé how to walk! This is the second damn time it's happened!" Cameron called into the audience, laughing. "Alright, you guys can go. Sierra, have fun planning your wedding." She rolled her eyes at him, waved to Norm, and made her way out of the theater.

She tried to avoid Ramin as much as she could while she left, but to no avail. He strayed from the group and got to her. "Sie, Sierra, what's wrong?" She knew he had seen her outside, but didn't want to acknowledge it.

"I'm just not having a good day today. I missed up a few times and I was a bit upset. But I'm fine. And I really need to go." She gave him a kiss before running out of the theater.

Sierra got home and felt like she needed some ground. She dropped her bag and ran upstairs to her closet. She opened it and pulled out her wedding dress.

Sierra quickly put it on, faces the mirror, and sighed. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at herself. I'm getting married in two months.

Sierra stayed in that spot for a really long time, just crying. "Sierra! Sie, where are you?" She heard Ramin yelling.

She jumped, running and locking the door. She rushed to get out of her dress and into street clothes. She made sure she wiped her tears before going to find Ramin.

Sierra slowly walked downstairs to see Ramin sitting on the counter in the kitchen. "Hi Ramin," Sierra whispered, putting her hair behind her ear.

"Jesus, Sierra, you scared me!" He ran up and hugged her tight, spinning her around a bit.

"Sorry, I just wanted to be alone for a little. I haven't had the best day." Sierra started to get choked up after that, and felt more tears falling.

Ramin felt the tears falling onto his shoulder, because he pulled back to look at her. When they made eye contact, she looked away and wiped away her tears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cry to you like this."

Sierra found herself sobbing now, so she ran away and into her room. She slammed the door shut and ran behind the bed. She sat down and cried.

Sierra heard the door open and Ramin came in. "No!" She held up her hands to him. "Don't come near me, Ramin. I'm being so ridiculous!" She shouted at him, trying to back away from him on the floor.

"Sierra, stop. You're being irrational." Ramin insisted, so he sat next to her and pulled her into his chest. She immediately curled up against him and sobbed.

"I-I'm sorry, Ramin. I want the Tony performance to go well a-and I wasn't doing good at rehearsals. And I'm so stressed. Between the kids being- themselves, and we both have shows, and shows the self are stressful. And now the wedding-"

"Is this about the wedding? Are you having second thoughts-" Sierra could tell that he was getting nervous, and a bit frantic.

"No, of course not! It's just that, planning it is so stressful. I'm just really tired." Sierra sighed, and feeling Ramin's hand run through her hair made her feel better.

"How about this. The Tonys are next week, so I want you to work really hard. And after the Tonys, you relax with me. We can both leave our hoes for the week and just relax at home. We can let the kids hang with your parents so they can't bother us. We can both have a breather. Would you like that?" He wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"Ya, thanks." She smiled, laying her hand atop his. "I need this."

"Anything for you." He replied softly, kissing her forehead. Then suddenly, he lifts her off the floor and lays her on the bed, tucking her under the covers. "Sleep, darling. You'll feel better after you rest."

Heyyyyyyyy. So, the next chapter will be before, during, and a tiny bit after the wedding. I'm so sorry that I'm skipping Rierra's week off without kids. But I've been watching a whole bunch of shit about weddings and I really want to write it!


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