Project Broken (Ryden)

By Wintergreen1312

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"I don't need to be fixed." More

Chaper 1. News
Chapter 2: Ryan?
Chapter 3: The Nerve People Have
Chapter Four: Seven Eleven
Chapter 5: Research
Chapter 6: Monday's Gift To Me
Chapter 7. A Secret
Chapter 8: Apologies and Pizza
Chapter 9: Patrick has a breakdown
Chapter 10: Feelings? No way
Chapter 12: running, my new favorite sport
Chapter 13; Sarah
Chapter 14: goodbyes and faris wheels
Chapter 15: Fireworks
Chapter 16; where do we go when we die
Chapter 17: Sorrys and Goodbyes

Chapter 11. Group meeting

548 25 9
By Wintergreen1312

   It was 4:00 on a Monday. The school was the same and Dallon, Josh Patrick and Me were all sitting in Dallons basement eating Cheetos.

"So how's everyone doing?" Patrick asked setting his phone down on the carpeted floor.

"Could be worse, " Dallon stated.

"I have a question."

"Brendon we haven't even been down here for more than three minutes and you already have a question?" Patrick asked.

"Okay so is this whole group, besides me, of course, gay or?"

"Im bi," Josh added.

"Nope im full pledged into dudes like there's not even denying that at this point. I like guys what more can I say." Dallon shrugged.

"Oh my God Brendon all of us already knew this factor so why in the world are you bringing it up now?" Patrick questioned raising an eyebrow.

The carpet felt nice on my back as I stared up the ceiling. "Okay, so I may or may not like this guy right."

I paused to see everyone eyes shift to me so fast I thought they're eyes were going to roll out of their  heads. Well, mainly just Josh and Patrick.

"It's nothing serious, he doesn't even go to our school,"  okay maybe I lied.
"And it's just a feeling I got when I was with him, it was strange. Like I felt like I did when I was with Sarah but it was just a little different."

"Being gay is contagious!" Dallon sat up looking happy he came to that conclusion.

Patrick looked skeptical. "What's this guys name?"

"Uh, "  I looked over at Dallon for help.

He stared at me with an I don't know what you want from me look.

"Um, his name is Spencer! Yeah, spencers his name."

"Right, and how did you meet this Spencer?" Patrick asked crossing his arms.

"Dallon can tell you he was with me."

Patrick's eyes turned to Dallon and he gave me the nastiest glare I've ever seen in my life. "Well, you see Brendon had to go shopping pads for his sister and he ran into Spencer at the nail section. At this point, he already knew he was gay so he walts himself over there and got his number. They haven't stopped talking since."

"Do you guys think im stupid? It's Ryan, isn't it!? Dallon you knew about it didn't you!? Dallon he doesn't know!" He cupped his mouth shut after he said that and I thought Josh was going to run up the stairs out of fear of an angry Patrick.

"I know Patrick," I said and I saw the tears start forming in his eyes. "Look im okay...were being careful but I can't lose him again. Don't make me lose him again...." I felt something roll down my cheek and eventually, all four of us were huddled in a hug crying or trying to stop others from crying.

"I loved Ryan Bren, but I can't lose you just like how you can't lose him except  im not in love with you or anything."

I laughed a little at that, "I'll be carful., I promise."

"You better." I smiled but I could tell he was still mad or upset.

He gave my shoulders a tight squeeze before saying his goodbyes and exciting himself from us.

"Well, no one died." Dallon opened another bag of Cheetos. "I do want details though, what made you realize you liked him?"

I groaned and threw a red pillow at him that was resting by my head. "No."

"Oh come on! You can't do that go me im going to die from curiosity."

"It was nice knowing you then Dal." My hand reached for Josh's as he pulled me up.

"Rude but okay."

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