A tale of fated love- BOTW

By GroovyS

106K 2.8K 674

-SECOND BOOK OUT!- Frozen for 100 years, Crown Princess ___ of Hyrule was expected to have perished along wit... More

Chapter one: 100 years ago
Chapter two:Present day
Chapter 3: a new found friendship.
Chapter 4: A long day for both of us
Chapter 5: Links unwanted return
Chapter 6: jealousy
Chapter 7: Winning you over.
Chapter 8: preperation
Chapter 9: preperation
Chapter 10: Valentines Fare (part one)
Chapter 10: Valentines fare part 2
Chapter 11: wedding day surprises
Chapter 12:Pregnancy cravings
Chapter 13: Announcing the pregnancy.
Chapter 14: truma and healing
Truma and healing pt2
Chapter 15: the due date
Chapter 16: The Baby's home!
Chapter 18: The wedding.
Chapter 18: The wedding pt2
Chapter 19: Remember when...?
Remember when pt2!
Chapter 20: Mum...Dad...how did you meet?
Chapter 21:That special day
Chapter 22: Birthday wishes
Chapter 23:Giving birth
Chapter 24: The news
Chapter 25: The jump in years.
Chapter 26: snooping
Chapter 27: Familiar faces.
Chapter 28: The Swimming prep.
Chapter 29: The Swimming Competition.
Chapter 30: A familiar face
Chapter 31: Home
Chapter 32: Mother
Chapter 33: the start of a new bond
Chapter 34: Cousin Link
Chapter 35: Feud's
Chapter 36: Explaining Child Ganon
Chapter 37: Feelings
Chapter 38: Embarrassment
Chapter 39: A mothers excitment
Chapter 40
Please read! ❤️

Chapter 17: Wedding planner

2.1K 54 1
By GroovyS

"Queen ___!" Were the words most heard for the next 5 months leading up to Zelda and Links wedding, as the Queen, the maid of honor AND Zelda's sister, you had TONS of planning to do.
Everyone was looking to you for catering and music and where it should be set.

Poor Zelda and Link couldn't plan their own wedding, so at night you went to their newly made bedroom and then asked then exactly what they wanted before answering any questions maids or butlers had.

So far the wedding would be held at the Temple of time, it's a good memory for Link and not many people can reach it so it will be private.
170 Guards will be on patrol and 30 Generals will be posted every 10 Meters.
A red carpet was installed (temporarily),
And banners were hung already from the ceiling, with the royal crest of course printed on them.
The after party would be held inside Hyrule Castle with the finest chefs and musicians doing their work.

600 guests were invited and the public are not included, its not that much since your wedding had over 1000 guests from all over the kingdom attending.

"___, me and Link would like Kieran, you and Sidon to be next to us on the dinner table for the meal."
Zelda said, to be fair you already thought that's what was going to happen anyway. But apparently not!
"Of course, who is making the speech?" You asked pleased, you would like it to be you but then again if Sidon did it, it would be one less job to do.

"We'll leave it up to you two." Link said in a stiffening voice.
You forget that Link used to love you, it hadn't crossed your mind that he was now marrying your sister. Was that weird? Even if it was, you wouldn't dare say anything. Zelda has loved Link for years now and it's her time to have her moment.

"Alright then." You said, taking folders full of wedding plans off the bed and then standing up.
"I'll talk it over with Sidon tonight, goodnight you two." As you were about to leave for the door you heard some sort of 'commotion' coming from behind the double doors.

"What now.." you groaned, leaving before Link or Zelda had the chance to say goodbye back.

By now, your son Keiran had learned how to..sort of crawl. He was just over five months and now made transportation by shifting his little butt over the floor. It did mess up rugs, but that's why the castle has maids and butlers.

"Your highness..." Jane, one of your personal maids or Ladies in waiting was supposed to be looking after Keiran but it seems he had scooted his butt too far and pulled a rug in the hall right outside Zelda And Links room.
Knocking over a 1,000,000 Rupee vase that was given as a peace offering from the Zoras!!

Trying to keep your cool in front of butlers and maids and your very guilty looking child you simply ignored everything and everyone and picked up Keiran, taking him with you back to your room.

"___!" As soon as you opened the door you heard and saw Sidon jumping from his sitting position.
Placing Keiran on the floor to play and putting folders on the gold and white table beside the door, you run into his big arms... crying.

"Woah! ___, love what is the matter!" Sitting you on his lap on your shared bed you just sobbed into his large scaled chest.

"Sidon, wedding planning, looking after Keiran and trying to do daily 'queen' things is so...HARD!" More tears fell from your face, making the red silk blankets a dark maroon from the dampness.

"Shhh ___. I'm here now, I won't leave you." He soothed, rubbing your back softly.
You sniffle every 6 seconds, Sidon made a count for it as he rocked you in his arms silently, comforting you.

You had fallen asleep in Sidon's arms. He had rocked you asleep so he put you to bed and pulled some blankets over you. He would have joined you there and then but you still have a 5 month old child that needs putting to bed.

Kissing your forehead lightly, Sidon leaves the bedroom with Keiran, letting you get rest.
He missed you a lot, always having meetings was very irritating for Sidon when all he wanted was his family.
So, he played with Keiran for a while and went and got a maid to look after the baby for the night while the two of you bonded that night.

Thanks for reading! This one is a bit shorter than most but it's all I could think of! Oh well enjoy!! ❤️

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