A Kiss Under The Stars...

By PerfectlyOdd_

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A Kiss Under The Stars "I never wanted to fall in love, i never needed someone by my side. I really didn't wa... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven

Chapter Fifty

1.9K 78 17
By PerfectlyOdd_

⚠️ I GOTTA WARN YOU!! Mental health and Self harm is part of this chapter. I know about it and deal with it so please dont think im romanticising it!⚠️

               Two and a half weeks later

Nathans pov

I wheeze as i continue to jog around school with Ally, Connor, Livi and Megan. We all soon reach the canteen and all come to a quick stop.

We all place our heads on the wall and slowly peak over to see where he is. Megan taps me and points and soon we spot him. Nobody has talked to Owen since that day because he wont leave his room.

This morning he avoided everyone like we was poison and now we have finally found him. Today is our first day of summer school, and honestly i didn't expect him to go, but i guess he needed time away from home.

"Nathan you, Connor and ally go first, we will join in about 5 minutes so we dont overwhelm him." we nod and casually stroll over. Both Connor and ally sitting at his sides so he cant move and me sitting in front of him.

He hasn't noticed our presence and if he has he isn't moving.

I hear a sniffle and he moves his sleeve. The next sight breaks my heart. His sleeve is soaking wet showing he's been crying. I grab his hand as i feel my body shake a bit.

After a moment he clings to my hand and its cold. Very cold. Like he has no body heat left.

Me and Connor swap seats and i pull my small brother into a hug. Just like that day he clings to me and cried.

I know what your thinking 'Owen its been two and a half weeks since Hunter left get over it' but lets be real. Owen is fragile. He would cry if you glared at him and no this is not me calling him weak or a cry baby, I'm saying this boy has been hurt so many times this year he's sensitive.

How would you feel if within two years your dad passes away, you fall from a tree, you get abused by your step dad, your boyfriend gets shot, you get bullied, some freakshow of a boy harrases you, your boyfriend tells you he doesn't love you and leaves with no explanation AND within all of that your mentality is everywhere, you hate yourself and struggle with severe mental health issues.

So no i don't blame the kid, actually i look up to him for not breaking down earlier!

"Hey Owen? Where is Hunter, i wanted to see if he got any science notes i could borrow." i glare a Rebecca, one of Jennas friends.

"Fuck off." The she smirks at Connor. I hear a small sigh and Owen gets up. I go to follow him but Ally shakes her head and follows him.

Rebecca watches him and groans. "The dumbass cant even handle a break up. He's been gone for a while now! He needs to up" this pisses me off.

"HEY" with that the whole canteen goes silent. I stand on a chair and chuckle. God this is cool. Not the situation just how fucking tall and badass i am.


Mumbles fill the room. 'Wheres hunter?', 'whats up with Owen?', 'is hunter available now?', 'awe poor Owen' this pisses everyone on my table off.

I go to say something else but livi pulls me down and hugs me. I grip onto her and feel my whole body shake. "I don't want him to hurt anymore... i'm so worried. What if he doesn't make it through this." He pats my pack as i sit down. Now its just us, Connor and Megan.

"Fuck, i've always been able to help him, to distract him and keep him sane but this? Nobody deserves to lose their soulmate, forget meet them and have them break up with you in such a cruel way." She continues to rub my back.

"What the fuck are we going to do?"


Allys pov

I see the bathroom door slam shut and lock making me frown. Shit. I look around and smile when i see the hall monitors.

"CARLSON, MAXIE HAVE YOU GOT THE BOYS BATHROOM KEY?" The laugh at me. "Ally, babe, sweetheart. What do you want it for?" I smile at maxie. "Owen locked himself in there and i NEED to get in" they both nod seeing its important and hand me the key.

"MY GOD YOUR BOTH LIFE SAVERS" i high five them both and unlock the door. Before i open it i signal to not let anyone in. They nod and i enter, locking it behind me.

Shit. Boys fucking stink. I pull out my body spray and soon the room is smelling better.

I knock on the only closed door and lean on the wall. "Owen, i know you dont use the school toilets so come out. Please. Its just me." silence.

Soon the door slowly opens and the small boy clings his arms around me.

Owen is fairly small. Like he isnt small enough so you would think he was a 6 year old, But hes small, probably around 5,1 wheres the rest of our school is 5,4 and above.

We soon sit on the floor and i grab his hand. I pull down his hood and play with his hair knowing this comforts him. I turn his head with my finger so he's looking at me. This causes him to whimper slightly.

His face shows that he's been crying for the whole week as his skin looks sore from wiping it so often.

He slowly hands me a letter and i frown. Oh shit its hunters letter.

I slowly open it and read. Emotions flicking through my mind and my heart snaps.

Dear Owen

I'm sorry i had to do this. I know we had our Phoenix scars but i just didn't feel that connection. I got tired of you. Iv known I'm straight for quite a while now and it's actually makes me sick thinking of what we did together. I mean can you blame me. A fat, ugly nobody like yourself. A handsome guy like me? It wasn't meant to be.

I also couldn't stay with someone that ruined my relationship with my dad, my own dad. Hes my family and you broke us apart. It was hard to love you but i just couldn't keep up the act. Im sorry if this upset you but I'm sure your dad wouldn't want you being gay either. My father showed me the right way. I never really loved you, i tried but I couldn't. You just need to get out of that phase too.

- hunter

Wow. He's really gone...

Its more brutal than I thought.

"He didn't even say goodbye?" He shakes his head.

This doesn't add up. He goes on a date and gives him an expensive bracelet and then the next day leaves? I mean sure that could be fake, weird, but fake. But everyone knows the way hunter looked at Owen was true. He showed pure love. There was no lie in that.

He stands up and wipes cold water on his face. "Im sorry for over reacting"

I swiftly stand up and pull him into a hug. "Owen shut the fuck up. It isn't true and you're not over reacting. You're so brave and-" as i start to rub his back i realise i can feel more of his bones than usual.

Is he eating?

"Owen take your shirt and jumper off for a sec" he shakes his head.

"I promise i wont be mad, i just want to know how bad it all is" he nods and slowly removes his upper clothing.

As soon as his shirt goes I let out a gasp. He lets out a small laugh while looking up. "That bad huh?" I examine how his once healthy body is now pale and skinny. Very skinny. He was always a skinny pale boy but now its getting seriously bad.

I wince as i see what else he's trying to hide.

"When?" He looks at me in confusion then realises what I'm talking about. "Last Tuesday. A week after. Im sorry Ally i tried i really tried" i nod and wipe his tears.

"Shhh its ok. I need to clean those up but Owen please don't do it again." He nods slowly and and i go rummaging through my bag he stares at himself in the mirror.

"Wow i look like a ghost" this makes him giggle a bit. "Owennnnnn you shouldn't laugh at the fact you're practically killing yourself" he looks down and nods.

"Im sorry now stick our your arm" he slowly does so and i wince as i see old and new scars across his small arm.

Some cuts deeper than others and others looking almost infected.

I slowly start to wipe his arm with my first aid wipes. "This will sting. Now, I'm going to have to do some things and these are only because i love you and i don't want you getting seriously hurt or even..."

I look away trying to avoid thinking worse.

I let out a small cough and continue to talk. "Im going to tell Nathan about this. Im also going to come stay at your house, if your mom doesn't mind that is. Every morning, noon and night we're going to eat together to try and get some colour back into your body. You're also going to start taking you depression tablets again, ok? We don't gotta tell your mom about it unless you want to but, i cant sit here and watch my best friend die" he nods.

As i finish his arm i gently take the other. I feel my lip tremble as there is one across his phoenix scar. I pull him back into a tight hug where he just clings to me.

"I swear i'll do whatever it takes to help you Owen, i love you so fucking much." He doesn't answer, just continues to tremble.

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Lmao this is so bad bUt whAtever

Word count: 1770

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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