By 1999beauty

51.1K 1K 70

"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked, watching him carefully. "You don't." He simply said, pouring him... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Ten

1.7K 49 4
By 1999beauty

"DO YOU LIKE to keep me waiting?" He smirked before his entire facial expression changed to mortification. What had he done? It was putting a rise to his blood pressure. Going down south. He had to get her out of it. No reason to make it obvious. "Well, that dress looks uncomfortable. I think I can find something to change in for you."

She spun around with a smile as he started to get up. "Of course not, I love how it feels," she looked up at him then, the sparkle in her eyes unmistaken. It took the air from his lungs having him feel as if right there stood the precious being he had ever set eyes on. Of course that was an irrational thought which should never be entertained. She was a wild flower. There was no way she would stick with him. He was just hoping for a memory with her; one she would remember. That only had him smiling before he could stop himself. He didn't know what was wrong with. Why was he smiling so much? No doubt that was what probably scared her. He would be scared too. Something he wasn't proud of, but he really didn't have one of the best smiles. So ironic since he was here pining after a girl that had the most beautiful smile in the world. Well, he wouldn't exactly say pining would be the appropriate word. He was a man after all. Men didn't pine.

That sounded even weirder in his head.

There was a time when he would sit and wonder.

Why were there so many limitations for society when the universe itself was limitless?

Was it then a lie? Did numbers actually have a limit? They should, shouldn't they? Because there must be a set number of stars, a set number of planets...

A set of memories that haunted him.

Was it too much to ask for? That this memory last forever? Instead of all the memories, the terrible parts of his past, that swarm in the forefront of his mind, he wanted to have the light of this woman in the midst of it all. Maybe then he would not die a sad man. As a matter of fact, it would make him wish for another day to live.

To live for her.

To relive that memory.

He knew it was a done deal. This was the girl he loved. The girl who replaced the gaping hole within him with light. With life.

With a heart.

She wrapped her arms around his torso, her hands now stuffed in the sleeves of one of his cashmere sweaters.

"When did you get into my sweater?" He asked and she pouted up at him, her lashes fully extended and around her eyes a bit puffy (why didn't he notice that before), looking absolutely breathtaking. Maybe it was the red of the sweater that complimented her.

But it hung off her in the way that a too big sweater would. Totally unflattering. Yet she remained to be the object of his desire. The very purpose of his uplifted mood. He sighed.

"You looked a bit upset staring out the window without even paying me any attention," she replied with that same pout which had him smiling even more than he often did. Was he poisoned or something? This could be the side effects before his death. Right? "Did I do something wrong?"

She now furrowed her brows.

Things were still a bit jumbled in his mind when it came to her. But he wasn't going to think about it. Although he was finding that difficult. Her arms loosened and he wasn't sure if her reaction was because of his facial expression or what.

"So I think we should stick to the first agreement." She blurted out as she unwrapped her arms from around him.

He looked so lost, as lost as she felt. Why was she suddenly interested in how he felt anyway? This was supposed to be a one night stand and then she would be back to trying to leave this country. Even though this was the only place she knew. She gazed up at him, this handsome man that she craved so badly. Not even her last boyfriend in high school made her this way. Yet he did. Was this apart of womanhood? Or was it because he wasn't pimply and immature?

"I mean, we don't need to go on a trip," she continued as he cocked his head at her. He was really tall. And she wasn't short either being 5 feet 9 inches so that was saying a lot. "We could just-"

He shushed her with his index finger as he pulled her closer, pulling her hand to be wrapped around his torso again. She bit her lip, seeming to question his intent.

"Let's just eat something first," she gave him a rueful smile, acknowledging how empty her stomach was as she nodded. That was when he couldn't help but place a kiss on her lips. A quick peck that continued for 15 seconds more than it should. Making her a bit dizzy as she glazed up at him, her hands pressed against his back and feeling the flex of his back muscles as he tried to reel in his control. "Sleeping all day must take a lot of energy."

"Hey! It is still light outside, the day isn't finished," she gave him a light slap on his pecs which gave him a feeling that she let her guard down. She realized too when she stopped to look up at him. Yep, he had to have her. More than for one night too. So no to the trip, he thought. There was no way he could keep his hands off her. "I mean-"

"Let's go," he said, dragging her along with him downstairs. She was still barefooted, but it didn't phase him. They were eating in anyway. Later he would carry her out. If she was still awake. Checking his watch, it was almost two in the afternoon and he had some things to sort out by three. When did time fly so fast?

"Well, I thought we were going out," she stated, moving closer to the table filled with different foods. So it was buffet style. "Dressing up a bit fancy."

"Are you disappointed?" He asked with an all too serious tone. She threw her head back to laugh. He felt a bit confused. Was that a fake laugh? Staring at the complete transformation of her face, it could never be fake. "I don't understand."

"You really be thinking...? You are really in the mood to please today huh?" He blinked at her which had her shaking he head. "The buffet is lovely. Thank you. Although I hate that you had to get so much food at once."

Sabastian raised his eyebrows at that. Did she really suggest he was overdoing it? He scoffed, his ego a bit bruised. This was absolutely nothing. Well, it was something. It was something to her. At least for now. Soon it would be like nothing again.

"It's okay, food is the least that you need to worry about," he told her, completely light heartedly. However, he saw the subtle yet immediate change in her expression. "Not saying..."

"It is fine, let's just eat," she proceeded to move ahead of him, taking a seat at the far end of the long table. He shook his head. "What?"

Did she just snap at him? If she was anyone else, being dead would be a gift. But he kinda liked the defensive side of her. A bit of fun could be had from that.

"Just take anything you want," he stated. "If there is anything that you want that is not on this table let me know."

"Okay," she managed to crow out, her mind a bit overwhelmed by how hungry she was. Taking up a plate, she then realized there was no chairs around the table. She looked up at him. He gestured to the balcony.

"We'll be sitting out at the balcony, if you don't mind."

She was a bit taken back by just filling up her plate to sit on the balcony with him. Liz tried not to be too greedy, but she was hungry. Filling up her plate, she was barely able to hold it up using one hand. That was when he came in, taking the plate with her and holding it for her as she stacked up.

All different types of pancakes, waffles, french toast, fruits -she basically took up the three bowls of different fruit salad after looking at him for approval of course- and fried chicken along with scrambled eggs and boiled eggs. One of the boiled eggs she swallowed. She looked up at him then, expecting to get some kind of comment from him that would be pulled off as a joke. But he smiled. He genuinely looked happy to see her eating as much. She couldn't believe her luck. Or was this just pity?

Gush, she felt a bit of an idiot. A whole lot of hurt which was understandable since it was to her pride. It made her miss the days of just living with her aunt. Yeah, they didn't have the extravagance but they were always well. Her family was never poor, but who were they? The questions she wanted to know by leaving this country. Yet here was all she knew. And now her ego was beyond bruised.

With all his research of her background, he must knew how little or barely she had been eating for quite a period of time. Stopping herself, she looked up at him. He raised his eyebrows, then gestured to the food in front of her. She shrugged.

"Aren't you going to eat as well?" He looked out at the view of the horizon, a subtle white line where light blue met only a shade darker blue as sky and sea tried to join and become one. It was beautiful.

"I will have a plate brought to me," he stated, his hand at the small of her back as he moved them to the balcony. There laid a simple arrangement of two chairs side by side with a glass rectangular table. Not much fancy about the canopy either, but the richness of the blue. It was the bare minimum, but despite its impersonal touch, it was seen where the comfortable chair facing the sunset surrounded by flowers and plants was used often. The only reason she even paid attention to it was because her thought process imagined him doing such a thing when she woke up to find him. Weird, she was thinking as if it was long term. She wanted to laugh. If his words were anything to believe, she would soon be here without him. Just existing. Nothing new. "Have a seat."

He placed her plate on the table. A knife and fork was already placed there, somethings he didn't see until then. Putting down the bowls of fruits, one of freshly picked strawberries, another of blueberries and another of kiwi and cherries, Liz promptly sat down. After which, Sabastian sat down beside her. His knee brushed hers and for some reason, she was choking on a strawberry seed. And everyone knew those things were extremely small. He stared at her as he stopped a servant from running towards her. Placing his hand on her back, she swore she was going to die.

Elizabeth was not understanding of this close proximity. Her body did react, but her anxiety was something else differently. Why was she acting like some kind of Mary the Virgin. Hadn't she planned to fvck this guy last night and never see him again??

She was better than this. "Thanks," she muttered as he started to rub soothing circles on her back. Damn, she probably just needed to fvck him. Who cares that she lived in a shelter? She could worry about that later. Right now she was a woman with needs. Needs that could be met. She cleared her throat. That would be met. "So..."

A servant, she figured by the black pants and white crisp top, brought what she figured to be a cup of black coffee to him. Placing it on the table, the servant looked to the Elizabeth.

"And what would you like to drink Miss Golding?"

Hold up, they knew her name. The only one she knew was Hull. James Hull. She knew he was back at the other house, so how did they know her name? Or rather her. She waited patiently for her answer.

"A glass of orange juice is fine," nodding, she left. She turned to Sabastian. "Mr. Vasquez-"

"Sabastian is fine." Okay, she could see the tension as his chiselled jaw flexed before he took a sip of his coffee. "Don't you think it is a bit off using formalities given our relationship, Beth?"

Liz would have the perfect comeback if he wasn't so quick to use the nickname. His nickname for her. For some reason it was so common, she figured, but yet she loved it. It was his way of calling her "honey" or "sweetheart" and that maybe an assumption, but it had the same effect on her heart. Crap, did it affect her brain too?

Taking in a deep breath, she managed to speak. "You don't have a problem if I call you Rico instead? You know, Spanish for 'rich'?" Well that was lame, she immediately thought. He did chuckle though, stealing her breath as he stared at her with those rich hazel eyes. Yes, he was surely rich.

"Never got that one before, but do as you will," she was about to cut in when he gestured to her food. "Eat up."

The servant then brought the orange juice, quickly shuffling out, her footsteps barely audible. "Thank you..." she turned to the glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, gulping it down. Sabastian had already seen her behavior with food. No need to pretend. He knew as much as she that their worlds were completely different. "So you do know I was joking, right?"

He put down his coffee then and his body was turned to her, pulling her chair closer. She stopped breathing completely as she was now only a few inches from those hypnotizing hazel eyes. Her heart was in her lungs as she felt that her heart was not able to be contained in her chest any longer. She was already wheezing. Did he notice? Was he grossed out?

"Say my name," he whispered and Liz was a bit taken away. Was it her or did his voice just get deeper? And with the scent of coffee beans, absolutely mouthwatering, he was more than she wanted. Crap, she wanted to fvcking jump him.

"Sabastian," she managed to say but before he could even think of leaning back, she did something her half wired, half energised brain couldn't register.





And she didn't regret it. Like, who said she had to be just his sex toy. He could be hers too. Now, that thought was dangerous.

A/N: Took so much determination and drive to write this chapter. My days are so busy and easily gone. The next thing I know, it's 1:00 am, and I have barely written 200 words. For that, I can't help it. But I woke up this morning with a drive that this weekend would not pass and you guys didn't get an update. So here it is and so sorry for the later than expected update. Thanks so much for your support and I hope to never disappoint.

All rights reserved

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