Blood Moon (Twilight Fan-Fict...

By Perry_Matlin13

123K 2.9K 224

After becoming a new type of Vampire, Rosalie abandons Emmett, and the rest of her family with an original va... More

Prologue [EDITED]
Chapter 2 Ruin the Friendship
Chapter 3 I heart ?
Chapter 4 Faith
Chapter 5 Pretending
Chapter 6 Look What you Made me Do
Chapter 7 Family
Chapter 8 Careless Whisper
Chapter 9 Broken
Chapter 10 Walking on Broken Glass
Chapter 11 Introducing me
Chapter 12 Drowning
Chapter 13 Just Tonight
Chapter 14 Too Good is True
Chapter 15 Skyscraper
Chapter 16 Anywhere, but here
Chapter 17 Today was a Fairytale
Chapter 18 Goodbye Time
Chapter 19 This is me
Chapter 20 Your love's a drug
Chapter 21 The night the lights went out in Georgia
Chapter 22 Where do broken hearts go?
Author's note
Chapter 23 I will always love you
Chapter 24 This is real life
Epilogue: Play with Fire
author's note
Shards of sunset
Full Moon (BOOK 5)

Chapter 1 Ironic [EDITED]

13.6K 240 34
By Perry_Matlin13

Chapter 1 Ironic

Lucas's POV

   "Like that'll ever happen" I snort, shaking off my sister Skylar's words. Of course things will never go any further than they are with Jake. He's straight, and although he is cute; I really don't want to be with him like that. I can't clue my sister in on the small detail that I'm not attracted to my best friend, because she'll assume that I'm depressed again. I look over at her; fighting back a smile. My fifteen year old sister has long brown hair, but she has it pulled back at the moment with a baseball cap on. Her glasses are resting at the bottom of her nose, and her silver dolphin earrings I bought her from the mall are dangling from her ears, as she sings to the radio. I love her, and I just want her to know I'm okay. That I'm happy, or at least not depressed. We pull into the parking lot to our school, as I put my car in park. I drive a blue 2005 Honda accord. It's still nice even though it's thirteen years old. I walk up the ramp, and open the door, leading into the school. It's late November, and I don't feel like freezing myself, so I choose to hang out in the warm cafeteria, or if I'm in an emo mood; I go to the classroom, and read until class starts. I have Spanish first period, which I loathe. Sometimes I wish I went to a bigger school because Spanish wouldn't be required, and also I could be virtually invisible to everyone around me. It's ironic that I sound so "Doom and gloom," but I can't change who I am. That still doesn't make me depressed.
    "Luke! Hey wait up!" Jake calls from behind me. I pause, until he's beside me, then we both begin walking down the main hall of our school. My high school has a total of 248 students, and my town has a total of 3,688 people. As we walk, I think of my mom randomly. Her town is definitely bigger. She lives in New York City. My father told us that the reason mom left was because of her career, and I get that. Sometimes it does get to me though; after all, she did leave her kids behind, just to be an actress, so there's that.
"Did you hear?" Jake asks. I look at him questioningly, so he continues. "There's a family that just moved here. The father replaced old Jim up at the hospital. Well anyway there are a shit ton of them, coming to our school.  Five of them. They have a younger sister too, but she's in sixth grade." He finishes excitedly. I smile back. Wow! Five new students. That's rare. We usually get maybe one new kid every year or so, but we get left by older kids, who finally move to bigger cities. It's cool that Old Jim was finally replaced. He died about a month ago. Nobody knows what happened. His body was found behind the apartment he lived in, there wasn't any sign of a struggle.
    I head to the line, as we enter the cafeteria and grab myself a chocolate milk, before heading to the register to pay. When I finally sit down, I unscrew the lid to my milk, and take a swig. Jake is looking at something behind me, so I turn around. Well, he's definantly new I think to myself. A boy with shaggy blonde hair is walking by the windows outside holding the hand of a tiny black haired girl, Aren't they siblings? Well they must not be related because we aren't that far south yet. I smile to myself, as I take another swig of milk. I look down at my phone, and see I have about one minute, before the bell, so I chug the remaining contents of my drink, and jump up. Jake waves goodbye to me, before I turn to throw my milk away. Two other people pass me on the way to class. The new faces are unknown to me as well. A cute boy with messy bronze hair, and green eyes is pulling a girl with brown eyes, and brown hair by the hand. They all seem slightly pale to me. I wonder what the fifth one looks like.
   When I walk by them; I hear the girl whisper,
     "Rose hasn't even called. She obviously doesn't care how Emmett is doing, I can't believe her" she hisses, as I keep walking. I turn down another hallway, and then I start thinking. The four I had seen were couples, and then the last one; Emmett or whatever his name is had just had his heart broken by a girl named Rose. I wonder if he is as attractive, as the others are. I shuffle off to Spanish, so I won't be late again. I sit in my usual seat in the very back, as my mind continues to wonder if any of them will be in my classes. When the bell finally rings, and Mrs. Jaden stands up before the class; my eyes stay planted to the book in my hands.
     "Class, I'd like to introduce Emmett Cullen, and Edward Cullen. They are new here, and I expect you to make them feel welcome" she says to us, her kindness enveloping every syllable. She sends them to the two empty seats in the room. Edward sits beside a girl I know named Emily on the opposite side of the room, and Emmett gets the seat right beside me. I drop my gaze, as he gets close, but when he looked down at his desk; I decide to take a look. My heart begins to race then. He is gorgeous! His arms are muscular, he has dark blonde hair, he has kind blue eyes that are glazed over with unshed tears, and his face is flawless. He looks like a guy, who used to have everything, but had it all snatched away in a mere second. I know this look because my brother Dylan had a girlfriend named Maya. He lost her too. They were going to get married, but in one second she was taken from him. She was killed in a car accident last year on the way to junior prom. I sit there in silence, as the class drones on, saddened by my own thoughts. I'm too afraid to speak to him. When the bell finally rings; I gather my stuff, and head right to English, never looking at Emmett. When I walk in I notice that he is also in this class, along with the two girls from this morning. When the teacher puts them in their seats for this class, I'm once again beside Emmett. His presence is distracting me, so I plug my headphones in, and blast my music a bit too loud. I see out of the corner of my eye, as he looks over at me, for the first time. His lips barely move, so I pause the song, and ask him.

    "Did you say something?" I say it in a light voice filled with my own anxiety. He chuckles a little.

    "I like that song" he repeats kindly.
    "Who doesn't?" I laugh flirtily, as he shows his true smile. I notice that he has dimples, and I almost die trying not to blush.
    "My brother Edward has a more classic taste in music, so I doubt he would like it." he jokes, as the awkwardness fades away. He asks me about my siblings, as the class talks around us. He asks if I'm dating any girls, I avoid answering that one, asking him (on accident) if he's seeing anyone.I feel bad immediately.
   "Well I was...but she ran off with uh... a much older guy. Let's just say that. I'm the type of guy, who wants a lasting relationship. and I will never give my heart to another woman, as long as I am on this earth" I feel so bad for bringing it up, but he doesn't know that I knew. When the bell rings we're still talking, so we walk to our next class together, not realizing we're going to the same place. I laugh humorously, as we pause outside of third period.

    "Do we have like every class together?" I joke, so he pulls his schedule out, and I peer down, I gasp. We literally have identical schedules.
    "Looks like we're meant to be" he says quietly, but I laugh it off uncomfortably. He seems to notice because he stops. "I wasn't trying to insult... Wait, you're not... if you're a homophobe. Are you?" he asks...
    I look into the blue eyes, and without even thinking about it, I tell him the truth.
    "No, I'm definitely not homophobic" I say simply. He's probably going to be suspicious, but he doesn't say anything so I guess I'm lucky. I hurry to my seat, and lay my head down sullenly, pissed at myself, for giving so much away to a complete stranger. I'll have to watch myself around this Emmett Cullen.

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