Chapter 7 Family

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Chapter 7 Family

Lucas's POV

I open my eyes, and realize for the first time in a while I have a smile on my face. Last night I didn't cry myself to sleep, and I wake up with a smile on my face. Yep, I got it bad. I'm so in love with Emmett, and i know that I might actually have a chance now. Yesterday I realized that he really cares about me. I pull myself out of bed, and turn on the stereo. I haven't listened to this stereo since I was like twelve. The music booms through my room, and I dance along to the upbeat song playing in my ears. I pick up a bottle of water, and pretend that it's a microphone. I turn the radio off after a few songs, and head to the shower. I rinse my body beneath the steaming stream of water. When i've finally scrubbed myself clean, and thrown my clothes on for the day; I head to the kitchen for breakfast. I haven't sat with my family, for breakfast in six months. They all look up, when I sit down. Chloe smirks to herself, and Dylan winks at me. Skylar doesn't even look at me. That's when my dad came in. He sits down cautiously, before relaxing into our once normal pattern. He looks around at all of us, before clearing his throat. Oh no. When he clears his throat at a meal it usually means he's going to tell us something that we're not going to like.

"I have something to tell you guys, but I don't think all of you will be too happy. I got a call last night, from New York. Your mother is coming home. We are going to try to rebuild our marriage. We've been talking for a few months, and I think we need this." he finishes his small monologue, before putting his hands in his lap, and waiting for our feedback.

"You're going to let th-that bitch back into our lives?" Skylar blurts, and he looks taken aback.

"Skylar Beth!" he says warningly, causing Chloe to snort angrily.

"Dad, this woman is not our mother. She left when Skylar was an infant. Skylar has every right to say whatever she wants about her. Who abandons their children, for acting?" she demands, and Dylan shifts uncomfortably. He has vague memories of her because he was almost four, when she left. I wonder how he feels.

"I think that she was wrong to leave her family, for a career, but maybe this could be a good thing. Maybe she wants to make up for it. You guys need to let her try to make amends, for the past." Dylan says, and my father smiles. Everyone knew that Dylan would probably be on my father's side. They are the closest out of all of his children. everyone looks at me, and I know it's my turn to state my opinion. Do I want my mother back in my life? It would be nice to get to know her. She's been in New York for fourteen years. She might have a tolerance for who I am. I have always been angry on the subject of my mother, but I've always dreamed of building some sort of relationship with her.

"I want her to come back" I say simply, smiling. I go back to eating my cereal. everyone is frozen. I freeze, the spoon midway to my mouth, and eye everyone at the table. They're all trying to read my thoughts. I snort at their questioning looks.

"What?" I demand, fighting a smile. Chloe rolls her eyes, and says sarcastically.

"Oh, we're just trying to figure out why you're a boy". I laugh brightly because even her snide remarks can't bring me down from this elation.

"I think what your sister was trying to say is that you seem to be in a... uh good mood" my dad says, shooting Chloe a glare, and smiling at me. Of course he doesn't want Chloe ruining this good mood of mine. I feel like I'm a completely changed person. I can't stop smiling, and Emmett never leaves my mind. I get up from the table, and pull my backpack onto my shoulder.

"How could you be okay with this?" Skylar demands, when we are safely away from the house. I look over at her, from the driver's seat, and say simply.

"Family matters. Sky if we didn't allow her back into our lives, then we would be just as bad as her. Plus I kinda want to get to know our mom. She's lived in New York City for the last fourteen years, it could be interesting. She sold her house to come back home." We continue our drive to the school in silence. I can tell that she's upset. I don't want her to get me down with her attitude.

When we arrive at the school, she hops out of my car, and rushes away from me. Great! I feel my elation slowly deflating, and I decide to do a detox. I'm going to skip again. I turn back to my car, and jump in surprise. Emmett is there, leaning against my blue honda.

"What are you doing here?" I laugh, strolling over to stand beside him. he chuckles, before answering me.

"I was thinking that maybe we could ditch again. I had a lot of fun yesterday, and I like spending time with you" he says, making something twist in my stomach. I feel the heat rush to my face, and I duck my head. He puts his thumb under my chin, and tilts my head upward. I'm staring into his eyes, and everything is out of focus around him. The only thing I can see clearly are those blue eyes, and his dimples. I nod my head, and then I decide to ask,

"Whose car?" he smiles mischieviously, and holds up his hand. A pair of keys are dangling from his closed fist. "So, to the Volvo?" I ask; making my way over to where the silver car sits a couple rows away, from my car. He calls after me, before I can even reach Edward's car.

"No, we're taking my car today" I turn around, and observe his features, for a moment. He has a prominant jaw, but it isn't big. His blonde hair is cropped short, and small droplets of gel in his hair shine in the morning sun. His lips are a pale pink color, and are slightly parted. I take a few steps closer to him, and then i fill in the rest of the space between us.

"You have your own car? What kind?' I ask him, and he nudges me with his elbow.

"Yes. I have two. My jeep, and then my baby. I just got it last year, and it is absolutely beautiful." We walk across the parking lot, until we come to the corner lot. When I lay eyes on his car; my jaw drops. There, in the last parking spot in the school sits a black convertibal.

"Hell yea!" I say excitedly. "This is awesome", Emmett moves over to the driver's seat, and unlocks the car, for me. We hope into the car, and he backs out of the school.

The trees ,elt away, and are replaced by buildings, as we speed through my small town.

"Where do you wanna go?' he asks, and I just laugh.

"I picked yesterday, so it's your turn silly" i say, making him smile.

"Okay, suit yourself. Let's go to breakfast first. My treat" he offered, and I nestled into the seat, preparing myself for a comfortable ride. "We're gonna go to a place a couple hours away, if that's okay" he said, and I turned to look at him.

"Where-?" I begin, but he answers, before I can finish.

"Well you told me that you had never been out of this county, so we're going to a cafe in a place I once passed through, but it's a couple counties over.

"You... planned this for me?" I smile. Nobody has ever done something, so nice for me.

"Yea; I just wanted to do something nice, for you. I hope you're not mad" he says guiltily, but I could never be mad at him.

"No. Not at all. This is super sweet, and I'm really excited" I say enthusiastically. He looks really pleased, which makes me smile even more. i think this is going to be a really good day.

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