Chapter 3 I heart ?

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Chapter 3 I heart ?

Lucas's POV

I lock the stall door behind me, as I slide to the floor. The tears cascade down my face, and off of my chin. I try to stifle tthe sobs, but I can't seem to quiet myself. How was I supposed to go the rest of my life in secret with the fear of people finding out about who I am? I will never be able to be truly happy. I don't know if I'll ever find someone, annd if I do; I won't be able to bring him home to my family. I wipe the pool of tears from my face, and stand up to look in the mirror. My face is pale, and ghostly looking. I see the tear tracks flowing down from my green eyes. The bathroom door punds open, and against the adjacent wall; making me jump in alarm. I gasp, and jump back away from the door. I press myself against the back wall of the stall, and listen to whoever had just walked in on me crying my eyes out. I gather myself mentally, before readying myself to speak.

"Wh- who are you?" I call shakily from where I stand, and that's when I realize who it is.

"Lucas, uh I was just coming to see if you were okay, but I'm sorry for intruding. I'm not really good at this whole friendship thing, so I want to apologize for anything I might have said." Emmett said through the thin stall door, and I found myself blushing again. How did this one strange new guy make me, so out of control?

"Emmett, you didn't do anything wrong; I just really had to pee" I lied, laughing it off, but I was sure he could hear my deception clearly. He didn't push the subject, and I finally unbolted the stall door. He turned away, and we walked from the bathroom together. Somewhere in the corner of my mind; I imagined what it would be like to hold his hand, bbut I supressed the feelings until they died in the far stretches of empty consciousness. We walked to a shiny silver volvo, and slid in the backseat. Edward and Bella were already in the front seat, so we headed off to the restraunt closest to the school. It was an Olive Garden restraunt, so I knew I'd be deeply wounding my bank account. I wish they could've gone somewhere cheaper, but who am I to complain? We walk in and the smell of italian fills my nostrils. Emmett sat with me, and Bella and Edward sat across from the two of us.

The feeling of strangeness filled my soul, as I sat with these strangers, eating lunch in silence. Edward was making Bella smile, and laugh by planting small kisses on her neck, and Emmett was looking off into nothingness. I look up as the waitress brings our plates, and I smile, before beginning my meal. I looked up to see Bella pushing her food to the sides of her plate, and Edward hadn't even touched the food. Emmett was slowly plowing his way through his plate of pasta.

"So, uh Luke Have you lived here forever?" Bella asked curiously, making me jump back to reality.

"Uh yea I was born and raised here, and I've never even left the county. I know I was super sheltered. I'm lame" I say haalf jokingly, but none of them seem to agree, which makes me feel super loved. I feel like this could be a good thing. Being friends with the Cullens is just what I need.

When our lunch is finally gone, and we leave the restraunt, I'm full and definantly not in the mood for school. I just want to go home, and relax.

* * *

I walk out of my last class, and wave at Emmett from across the hall. He smiles before going into an empty classroom. I think about how strange that looks, so I decide to follow him. Before I walk into the classroom, I remember the closet that's conjoines between two classrooms. I run around the corner, and push the door open to the other class. I close the door quietly, before making my way over to the closet. I push myself through the tight space. I hear voices muffled through the layer of clothes hanging in the dark cavity, so I push past another layer of dusty moth-eaten coats.

"-go back; he doesn't like it here" Alice said sadly. She didn't seem like someone who could even be sad.

"I'm staying here. It's the best thing I have going right now." Emmett said, and Alice laughed jokingly.

"Em, the only thing you've got going here is a friendship, and the realization that you would like to try to fall in love with a guy" she stated gently. I froze. Emmett was trying to fall in love with a guy, but that couldn't be true, could it?

"I like it here too, and so does Nessie" said the deep voice of a guy that I didn't know.

"Of course you would like it Jake" Bella said. Edward chuckled softly. What were they all trying to decide? Whether to stay or not? I couldn't help but hope that they'd stay.

"The vulturi is coming to Forks, and they're going to wonder what happened to our supposedly strongly bonded coven" Alice said knowingly. "Klaus, and Rose could return at any time, and even if Rose doesn't want you anymore; you know how dangerous jealousy can make her"

I decided it was time to leave, but while I was pushing my way back through the coats I heard another sentence

"We need to hunt. I can't survive off human food forever. I need to feed tonight." Emmett said brightly. I pressed my hand over my lips to prevent the gasp, and I made it just in time. I have to get out of here.

"If anyone wants to not eat vegetarian tonight leave Lucas alone. I like him" Emmett warned. I pushed myself away from the group of, of whatever the hell they were, and back to the land of reality. What are they? I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I wasn't paaying attention, and tripped over a net holding the vollyballs, and basketballs. The balls fled from the bag like flames leaving an open fire. I froze because I knew that the Cullens had heard me. What if they eat me?

That's when Emmett opened the door to the classroom, and his eyes fell on me.

"Lucas, what were you doing in there?" he asked. I looked at him, and grimaced in fright.

"I didn't mean to. I swear I didn't hear-" I began, but he cut me off.

"What did you hear?" he asked with stress thick in his tone.

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