Chapter 14 Too Good is True

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Chapter 14 Too Good is True

Lucas's POV

I stir feebly in the bed, before I realize who's holding me. My eyes blast open, and I"m staring at Emmett's neck. He literally held me through the night. I cannot believe that I have someone like him to be mine. He may be a vampire, but that doesn't bother me at all. I lay there just soaking up the moment, before we have to get up, and go back to reality. I wish that I could lie here forever, but I know the time will come, when I must say goodbye to perfection.

The saying "Too good to be true" runs through my mind, before I morph the phrase to better suit my liking, and situation. When something feels too good to be true it usually is, but I know that doesn't apply in this situation. In this case it is true. Too good is true. I feel Emmett begin to stir, and i groan. I don't want this night to end. I feel him move his head, so he's looking down at me. He then begins to whisper, and I know he must think I'm still sleeping, so I close my eyes hurriedly.

"You'll never know how much you really mean to me, and I'll never be able to express myself in any form of words. It would take me all of eternity to find enough words to tell you what you mean to me" he whispers into my hair. I feel his cool breath against my skin, and I want to pull him to me and kiss him right there, but I refrain. I am supposed to be asleep at the moment. He doesn't know that I heard him being the most adorable sweet guy that I"ve ever met.

"Good morning" he breathes, when I reopen my eyes, and officially wake up for the day. I smile at him sleepily, and slide out of his strong arms reluctantly. He sits up, and I see that he's only wearing jersey shorts, and a gray tanktop. I can see the contours of his muscles, and I smile longingly. He laughs, before asking me, "See anything you like?" I blush, and look away, from him. He chuckles, before taking my hand into his, and pulling me from the bed,

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously, but he doesn't answer, so I let him continue towing me across the house, and down a flight of stairs. I wonder where we're going. I'm so excited to be with him that I'd probably be fine with doing anything. I wonder when we'll have our first kiss, and when I'll finally get the courage to tell him that I love him. We turn around a corner, and I find myself inside of a very modern kitchen. All the appliances are up to date, and very nice.

"I'm going to make you some breakfast cutie" he says, in his most enthrallingly smooth voice, and then he lifts me off my feet, and spins me around. I have this feeling that he's going to kiss me, so I brace myself. When the moment passes, and he sets me on my feet, I feel the dragging disappointment. Does he not want to kiss me? What did I do wrong? I think to myself that I must be overreacting, and that maybe he doesn't kiss this soon into a relationship, and I have nothing to worry about.

"Really? You're going to cook for me?" I ask, and he nods proudly.

"They say I should be a world renowned cook" he says humorously, and I laugh

"Who says?" I ask, and he laughs again, with a look of mock hurt on his face. I know he is a good cook, even though I haven't tasted his food, but I want to give him a hard time.

"The voices in my head" he says, in a thick voice. He's trying to make himself sound crazy.

"Of course they do, but I say that you're a good person, if not a good cook" I tell him, and I know I"m aiming to the mushy side of a conversation, but I had to get that compliment in there somewhere, so I kind of just shoved it in where it could fit.

"Well aren't you just the sweetest thing" he sys, and I can tell he appreciated the compliment. Rosalie must not have treated him very well, but I will never take advantage of what I've been so graciously given, and I'll never need anything more.

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