Chapter 2 Ruin the Friendship

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Chapter 2 Ruin the Friendship

Lucas's POV

   The teacher began lecturing about some kind of science, but I am already spacing out. Emmett is, so perfect, and he is nice as well. I feel so comfortable around him, and we've only really known each other for on class period. I felt the need to be one hundred percent honest with this stranger, and it could virtually mean i could ruin the "friendship" if he finds out that I'm attracted to him. It wouldn't be a surprise, for him to be homophobic, but he didn't seem like it earlier, when he was joking before class.

    I look up to survey the layout of this class. I'm in an advanced science class, even though I'm not that great, so that must be why Emmett's older brother Jasper is in this class with us. Emmett's seat is two rows away from me, so atleast I have this period as a kind of breather between the other classes where I'll have to potentially sit by him, and talk. I turn in the direction of Jake. It's nice to set eyes on someone that was in my life, before Emmett. I feel attached to Emmett, but it's like I can't place my finger on it.

     The period passed by much to quickly for my liking, and before I knew it; Emmett, and I were walking to fourth period.

     "So, how does lunch work at this school? Can we leave campus?" Emmett asked randomly, as we made our way down the back ramp, leading to the history wing.

    "Yea, but most of us just use the hour to hang out. The student approved eating areas in town are kind of pricy, and not many people feel that it's worth the extra money" I say, and he smiles at me. "What?" I ask, confused at what he's smiling about.

    "oh nothing; you just remind me of my sister in-law Bella" he said. My eyes snap up, and I look into those deep blue eyes

     "Bella, and Edward are married? They're only sixteen" I say, shocked. He makes a face, but ignores my question altogether. I decide not to ask again because I don't want to come off as nosey.

    "Would you like to go to lunch with my siblings, and me?" he asks, and I smile in spite of myself.

   It may be totally unhealthy, but it might be fun to pretend that he just asked me on a date. I've been doing this a lot lately. I get invited somewhere by a cute guy "as friends", but I pretend that we're on a date, and hey it makes me feel good inside, and its not like it hurts the guy.

     "Sure. What restraunt do you wanna meet at?" I ask, but he laughs. I question him silently, but otherwise wait for him to talk.

    "You can ride with me; that is if you want to" he offered, and this time though I tried to force it back down the heat rose. I felt my cheeks flush, and then I was blushing.

     "Are you blushing?" he asked. Oh crap he's going to find out, and then he'll never talk to me again.

    "I'm so sorry, but I gotta go" I say, before turning away and running back down the ramp. The tears were stinging at the corners of my eyes, so I rushed to the bathroom, and bolted the stall door behind me, and slid to the floor. I was so embarrassed. I had blushed right in front of him, and now he knew. He knew that I was a stupid flaming freak with the hots for him. I mentally note that I'm not going to lunch anymore. After fifth period; I'll come back here and hide out in this stall, and then I'll wait out the rest of the day, and beg my dad to tranfer me to the other high school. I know he'll do it, if I ask enough times. I just can't face Emmett, not now, and not ever.

Emmett's POV

    I watch as his retreating figure reaches the door heading into the hall. I know he's upset about something, but what did I do? Jeez I must really be off my game. He's my only distraction from the pain of losing Rosalie. My family is great, but everytime I look at one of them; I see all the memories with Rose. I don't want to go the rest of my existance alone. I saw Edward alone, for decades, before Bella came along, and I could never do that. Now that I was a new kind of vampire; I know that I could safely "be with" any girl I want, but none of them will be Rosalie, and I know I'll never be happy with another woman besides her. I have already vowed never to love a woman again as long as I shall live.

     I've never given it a thought, but now it's been in my mind constantly. I could love a guy. I know I could, but that's only if I can find a compatible mate, and he was willing to be with a guy too. The whole tortured gay vampire thing was kind of sexy I do have to admit.

     I need to find someone interested in men in this little Georgian town, but first I have to speak to the only one I can tell my problems to. I have to get Edward's advice.

    "Yea; What is it you need Em?" he asked, but I don't want to say this in front of Bella.

     "Sorry, Bells, but I need to speak with my brother alone please" I say sweetly, but I still receive a glare. I look around for Lucas, but he isn't here. We're sitting in American history, and he never showed. I can't help feeling that I did something wrong. I hope he comes to lunch with me. I think he's a really awesome guy, apart from his possible homophobia.

    "Yea Em, what?" Edward asked, after Bella excused herself to the bathroom.

    "I'm never going to love another woman besides Rose. I just can't do it" I begin, and of course he intercedes, as I knew he would. He is my brother, and best friend after all.

    "You couldn't say this in front of Bella?" he asked, and then I remember that he can't read my mind anymore. He can still read human minds, but not vampires

    "I can't love a woman, but I don't want to be alone forever, so I think I could love a guy, but not if it's going to make you, or anyone unhappy" I say, and see the green eyes doing the math of this specific equation.

    "Emmett; I think that is an excellent idea. You're hurt, and honestly you would probably have trust issues with any girl you were with. A guy would be like a new start. I know for a fact that our family will be happy as long as you are." he said, and I smiled. Now my road has changed, and I feel happy for the first time since Rose left. I have purpose, and hope.

    "Okay, so how about we go get a bite to eat?" I ask as the bell rings. "I just have to make a stop first" I finish, as I walk away from my brother in search of my new friend. I have to see if he's okay.

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